

例句 DECAY1 to decay2 something that has decayed3 to make something decay4 the process of decayingRELATED WORDSfood that is not fresh 不新鲜的食物 FRESH/NOT FRESH1 to decay 腐烂;变坏 decay /dɪˈkeɪ/ [intransitive verb] if something decays, it is gradually destroyed by chemical changes - use this about dead plants or flesh, fruit or wood, or teeth 腐烂,腐朽〔用于指死了的植物或肉、水果、木头或牙齿〕 Freezing conditions will stop most things from decaying. 在冷冻情况下,大多数东西都不会腐烂。 Some of the apples lying on the ground had already begun to decay. 地上的苹果有些已经开始腐烂了。 In a warm climate where flesh decays rapidly, there is more risk of infection from dead animals. 在气候温暖的地方肉腐烂得快,人们更有可能被动物尸体感染。 If you eat too many sweets, it'll make your teeth decay. 如果你吃过多的糖,会蛀坏你的牙齿的。 decaying [adjective only before noun] the decaying remains of a dead sheep 死羊的腐尸 The stream was blocked by decaying vegetation. 小溪被腐烂的植物堵塞了。 rot /rɒtǁrɑːt/ [intransitive verb] to decay - use this especially about wood, vegetables, plants etc 〔尤指木头、蔬菜、植物等〕腐烂,腐坏 If water gets inside the woodwork, it causes it to rot. 水进了木器里就会使其腐烂。leave something to rot In some countries food is left to rot, while in others people are dying from hunger. 在有些国家人们任由食物腐坏,而在另一些国家人们却死于饥饿。rot away rot until it becomes extremely weak or gradually disappears 彻底腐烂 The roof had fallen in and the floor had completely rotted away. 屋顶已坍塌,地板已完全腐烂了。 rotting [adjective] If you lift up a rotting log you will find all sorts of insects underneath. 要是你抬起一根腐烂的木头,就会发现底下有各种昆虫。 decompose /ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊz/ [intransitive verb] to decay and gradually break up - use this about dead plants or flesh 腐烂,变腐败;分解〔用于指死了的植物或肉〕 As household refuse decomposes, it produces an explosive gas, methane. 家庭垃圾腐烂后会释出一种爆炸性气体—甲烷。 A dead fish in the aquarium will decompose rapidly, fouling the water badly. 死鱼在鱼缸内会很快腐烂,严重污染水质。 decomposing [adjective only before noun] The men's decomposing bodies were found in a shallow grave in Epping forest. 在埃平森林的浅墓地里发现这些腐烂的男尸。 go mouldy British /go moldy American /gəʊ ˈməʊldi/ [verb phrase] if food goes mouldy, a soft green or black substance starts to grow on the surface, and it is not good to eat any more 〔食物〕发霉 Throw that bread away. It's gone mouldy. 把那块面包扔了,已经发霉了。 If you don't keep cheese in the fridge, it goes mouldy very quickly. 假如你没把干酪放入冰箱,它很快就会发霉。 rust /rʌst/ [intransitive verb] if something made of iron rusts, it decays by becoming brown and rough, losing its strength, especially because it has not been protected from the damaging effects of water 生锈〔尤因受水的破坏〕 Several of the pipes have rusted and will need to be replaced. 有几根管子已生锈,要换掉了。rust away rust until something begins to break into pieces 锈坏 Parts of the floor of the car had simply rusted away. 汽车底盘的一部分已经锈光了。 rusting [adjective only before noun] The barn was full of rusting old farm machinery. 谷仓里全是些锈迹斑斑的旧农耕机械。 corrode /kəˈrəʊd/ [intransitive verb] if metal corrodes, it decays by becoming weak and changing its colour, especially because it has not been protected from the damaging effects of chemicals 〔被〕腐蚀〔尤因受化学物的侵蚀影响〕 By the time they found the wreckage of the plane, it had already started to corrode. 他们找到飞机的残骸时,它已开始生锈了。 corroding [adjective only before noun] Corroding radiators are a problem because they may start to leak. 散热器生锈很麻烦,因为它可能会漏水。2 something that has decayed 腐烂的东西 rotten /ˈrɒtnǁˈrɑːtn/ [adjective] something that is rotten has decayed badly and often smells unpleasant - use this especially about wood, fruit, vegetables, plants etc 腐烂的〔尤指木头、水果、蔬菜、植物等〕 There was a disgusting smell in the house - a bit like rotten eggs. 屋子里有股难闻的气味,有点像臭鸡蛋。 I wouldn't climb that tree if I were you - some of the branches look rotten. 要是我就不会去爬那棵树,有些树枝看起来已经腐朽了。 a pile of rotten apples 一大堆烂苹果 decayed /dɪˈkeɪd/ [adjective usually before noun] decayed objects and materials are ones that are gradually being destroyed by natural chemical changes 腐烂的,腐败的 Bees will often build their nests in decayed wood. 蜜蜂经常在腐朽的木头里筑巢。 Sixty years ago, the average 4 year old had 7 decayed or missing teeth. 60年前,四岁大的儿童平均每人有七颗蛀蚀或落掉的牙齿。 Even the stonework on the old house was decayed and crumbling. 甚至这幢老房子的石造部分也已破败崩落了。 decomposed /ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊzd◂/ [adjective usually before noun] decomposed flesh or plants are dead and are gradually being broken up and destroyed by natural chemical changes 〔肉或植物〕腐烂的,分解的 decomposed body/remains The girl's decomposed body had been in the water for a long time. 女孩腐烂的尸体在水中已很长时间了。badly/partially/half decomposed Coal is the partially decomposed remains of forests that covered the earth millions of years ago. 煤是由几百万年前覆盖地球表面的森林半腐烂形成的。 Both men's bodies were badly decomposed. 那两名男子的尸体都已严重腐烂了。 mouldy British /moldy American /ˈməʊldi/ [adjective] something that is mouldy has a soft green or black substance growing on its surface 发霉的 All there was in the fridge was a piece of mouldy cheese and some tomatoes. 冰箱里所有的东西就是一块发霉的乳酪和几个番茄。 The cupboards were damp and full of moldy old clothes. 衣柜很潮湿,全是些发霉的旧衣服。go mouldy This pizza's so old it's gone mouldy! 这块比萨饼放得太久,都发霉了! rusty /ˈrʌsti/ [adjective] rusty metal has become rough and brown because it is decaying, especially because it has not been protected from the damaging effects of water and air 生锈的〔尤因受水和空气的破坏〕 A rusty old car had been abandoned at the side of the road. 路边有一辆被丢弃的生锈的旧车。 I opened the rusty iron gate and walked up the path. 我打开了生锈的旧铁门,沿着小道走过去。 The bicycle looked a bit rusty, but it worked. 这辆自行车看起来有点生锈,但能骑。 rust [uncountable noun] You must remove all traces of rust before repainting the windows. 重新油漆窗户之前先得把所有锈迹都擦掉。 corroded /kəˈrəʊdɪd, kəˈrəʊdəd/ [adjective] metal that is corroded has become weak and has changed colour, especially because it has not been protected from the damaging effects of chemicals, water, and air 腐蚀的〔尤因受化学物、水和空气的有害影响〕 You should never use leaking or corroded batteries. 切不可使用漏液或已腐坏的电池。 Badly corroded metal gutters and downpipes should be replaced by the plastic type. 锈损严重的金属排水沟和下水管应该换成塑料的。3 to make something decay 使某物腐烂 rot /rɒtǁrɑːt/ [transitive verb] Bedtime drinks aimed at helping children to sleep may be rotting their teeth. 为帮助儿童入睡而给他们喝的睡前饮料可能会蛀蚀牙齿。rot something away If you leave any water in the bottom of the boat, it'll slowly rot it away. 如果在船舱底留了水,慢慢地船就会烂掉的。 corrode /kəˈrəʊd/ [transitive verb] if a chemical or chemical process corrodes a metal, it makes it decay 〔化学品或化学作用〕使〔金属〕腐蚀 Acid can corrode most metals. 酸会腐蚀大多数金属。 Over the years, rain, wind, and sun had corroded the statue, turning the bronze a bright green. 这些年来,雨水、风吹和日晒已经侵蚀了这尊塑像,把青铜变成了草绿色。 corrosive /kəˈrəʊsɪv/ [adjective] That chemical is highly corrosive, so be careful. 那种化学品腐蚀性很强,所以要小心。4 the process of decaying 腐烂的过程 decay /dɪˈkeɪ/ [uncountable noun] Tiny organisms that live in the soil assist the process of decay. 生活在土壤中的微生物加快了腐化过程。tooth decay Brushing your teeth regularly helps to fight against tooth decay. 按时刷牙有助防止蛀牙。 corrosion /kəˈrəʊʒən/ [uncountable noun] when a chemical or a chemical process makes a metal decay 腐蚀,侵蚀〔化学物或化学过程使金属受到损坏〕 The crash happened as a result of corrosion to the airplane's fuselage. 这架飞机失事是因为机身受到了腐蚀。




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