CURE1 to cure someone2 something that cures someone3 when a disease cannot be curedRELATED WORDSto give someone medical treatment 为某人治疗MEDICAL TREATMENTto get better after an illness 病后恢复健康RECOVERsee alsoDRUGHOSPITALILLNESS/DISEASEILL/SICKDOCTOR1 to cure someone 治愈某人cure /kjʊəʳ/ [transitive verb]to make someone who has an illness completely well again or to stop a disease making someone ill 治愈,治好 It is possible that in the near future we will be able to cure AIDS. 在不久的将来我们有可能能够治愈艾滋病。cure somebody Many cancer victims can be cured if the disease is detected early enough. 如果癌症被及早诊断出来,许多患者都是可以治好的。cure somebody of something Eventually we found a doctor who was able to cure her of her depression. 我们终于找到了一个能治愈她抑郁症的医生。curable [adjective]able to be cured: 可以治愈的 Breast cancer is curable when caught in the early stages. 早期发现的话乳腺癌可以治愈。make somebody (feel) better /ˌmeɪk somebody fiːl ˈbetəʳ/ [verb phrase]to make someone who is ill well again, especially when they have an illness that is not very serious 使某人病情好转〔尤指轻微的病〕 Take this -- it'll make you feel a lot better. 吃了这药—你会感觉好多了的。 I've had all kinds of medicines from the chemist, but nothing seems to make me any better. 药剂师给我配了各种各样的药,我都吃了,可病情似乎一点也没有好转。make a headache/cold/pain etc better She refuses to take anything to make her headache better. 她拒绝服用任何药物来减轻她的头痛。heal /hiːl/ [transitive verb]to cure someone of a physical or mental illness, especially using methods that do not involve the usual drugs or forms of medical treatment 治愈〔尤指不使用一般的药或疗法〕 This cream is good for healing minor cuts and bruises. 这种药膏用来治轻微的刀伤和瘀肿效果很好。 Madame Bernice claimed to be able to heal people simply by laying her hands on their bodies. 伯尼斯夫人称,只要将自己的双手放到病人身上就能治好他们的病。2 something that cures someone 治愈某人的东西cure /kjʊəʳ/ [countable noun] I can give you some tablets that will ease the symptoms, but they're not a cure. 我可以给你一些减轻症状的药片,但不能治本。cure for What's the best cure for a hangover? 用什么办法来解宿醉最好? As yet there's no known cure for the disease. 目前还未找到治疗这种疾病的方法。remedy /ˈremɪdi, ˈremədi/ [countable noun]a way to treat a health problem, especially a small problem such as a cold, using plants or other natural methods 〔尤指小病的〕治疗法;药方herbal remedies I tried some herbal remedies such as drinking camomile tea, but none of them worked. 我试了一些草药方子如甘菊茶等,可都没效果。remedy for Salt water is a good home remedy for a sore throat. 喝盐水是治喉咙疼痛有效的家庭疗法。antidote /ˈæntɪdəʊt/ [countable noun]a medicine that will stop the effects of a poison or dangerous drug 解毒药,解毒剂 Unless an antidote is given immediately the patient could die. 除非马上服用解毒药,否则病人会死的。antidote to There is no known antidote to a bite from this snake. 被这种蛇咬中毒没有已知的解药。3 when a disease cannot be cured 疾病无法治愈incurable /ɪnˈkjʊərəbəl/ [adjective] My doctor told me that the cancer was incurable. 医生告诉我这种癌症是不治之症。 Patients with incurable illnesses are brought to the hospice, where they are given the best possible care. 绝症病人被送往安养院,在那里接受尽可能好的照顾。chronic /ˈkrɒnɪkǁˈkrɑː-/ [adjective usually before noun]achronic illness continues for a very long time or is permanent 〔疾病〕慢性的,长期的 He suffers from chronic asthma. 他患有慢性哮喘。terminal /ˈtɜːʳmɪnəl, ˈtɜːʳmənəl/ [adjective]aterminal illness is one that cannot be cured, and the person who has it will die from it 不治之症的 Two years ago, his mother developed terminal cancer. 两年前,他的母亲患上了晚期癌症。 St Helen's Hospice cares for people with terminal illnesses. 圣海伦安养院照料绝症病人。the terminal stagesthe last stages of a disease that is killing them 〔病症的〕晚期 Many of the patients are in the terminal stages of the disease. 许多病人都处于该病的晚期。terminally [adverb] Her father is terminally ill. 她父亲患了不治之症。