

例句 COMPLAIN1 to say that you are annoyed or not satisfied about something2 to complain a lot in an annoying way3 someone who is always complaining4 a complaintRELATED WORDSsee alsoPROTESTCRITICIZESATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED1 to say that you are annoyed or not satisfied about something 诉说自己对某事生气或不满 complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in passive] to say that you are annoyed and not satisfied about something or someone 抱怨;发牢骚;诉苦 We had to remove the advertisement because so many people complained. 因为有许多人不满,所以我们不得不撤下该广告。 Residents are complaining because traffic in the area has increased. 因为该地区交通流量增加,所以居民在抱怨。complain about Their neighbours complained about their constant loud music. 左邻右舍不满他们连续不断以很大音量播放音乐。complain that Jenny's always complaining that her boss gives her too much work. 珍妮老是抱怨老板分派给她的工作太多。complain to If the hotel isn't satisfactory, you should complain to the Tourist Office. 如果酒店令人不满,可以向旅游局投诉。constantly complain He constantly complains about how he's treated at work. 他时常抱怨工作待遇。complain bitterly complain very strongly 强烈地抱怨 Workers who had lost their jobs complained bitterly about the way they had been treated. 失去工作的工人忿忿不平地抱怨他们所受到的待遇。 make a complaint /ˌmeɪk ə kəmˈpleɪnt/ [verb phrase] to formally complain about something to someone in authority 〔向当局〕控告,提出申诉 Write to this address if you wish to make a complaint. 如需投诉,请将信件寄往此地址。make a complaint to Parents made a complaint to the principal about bullying in the school. 家长向校长投诉学校里恃强凌弱的现象。 lodge a complaint British /file a complaint American /ˌlɒdʒ ə kəmˈpleɪntǁˌlɑːdʒ-, ˌfaɪl ə kəmˈpleɪnt/ [verb phrase] to make an official complaint, usually in writing, to someone in authority 〔常以书面形式向当局〕投诉 She went to the city council and lodged a complaint. 她前往市政委员会投诉。lodge a complaint with The company said it plans to file a complaint with the International Trade Commission. 该公司称,它计划向国际贸易委员会投诉。lodge a complaint against Conyers said she had been blocked from promotion after filing a complaint against a male co-worker. 科尼尔斯称,她投诉过一位男同事后晋升就受到了阻挠。 protest /prəˈtest/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in passive] to complain about something, especially publicly or officially, because you are annoyed or think it is unfair 〔尤指公开地或正式地〕抗议 He was carried away in a police van, protesting loudly. 他大声抗议着被警车带走了。protest about Passengers protested angrily about increased rail fares. 乘客们气愤地抗议火车票价上涨。protest to The journalists have protested to government officials about the way they were treated. 新闻记者向政府官员抗议他们受到的对待。protest (that) Dan protested it wasn't him who had caused the problems. 丹抗议说,不是他惹出麻烦的。protest your innocence say that you are innocent 申明自己清白 Mills, who has been in prison since 1987, has always protested his innocence. 米尔斯自1987年起就已入狱,但一直申明自己无罪。 object /əbˈdʒekt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to say that you do not agree with something or you do not approve of it, because it annoys you or offends you 反对,〔对…〕表示异议 ‘My name's not Sonny,’ the child objected. “我的名字不是桑尼。”小孩子反对道。object to Does anyone object to these proposals? 有人反对这些提议吗?object if Will she object if I use her laptop? 我用她的笔记本电脑她会反对吗? take it up with/take the matter up with /ˌteɪk ɪt ˈʌp wɪð, ˌteɪk ðə ˌmætər ˈʌp wɪð/ [verb phrase] to speak or write to someone in authority complaining about something 〔以口头或书面方式〕向…告状,向…提出问题〔要求处理〕 I told her she should take it up with her local council. 我告诉她,她应当告到地方政务委员会去。 Alton said he was prepared to take the matter up with the Ministry of Health if necessary. 奥尔顿说,如果有必要,他准备告到卫生部去。 air your grievances /ˌeəʳ jɔːʳ ˈgriːvənsz/ [verb phrase] to talk about the things you are unhappy or annoyed about, especially in public to people in authority so that they can do something about them 诉苦,诉说不满 The meeting gave employees an opportunity to air their grievances. 这次会议给了雇员一次诉说不满的机会。 The uprising at Southport prison ended after inmates were allowed to air their grievances to the media. 犯人被允许向媒体诉说不满之后,绍斯波特监狱的暴动平息了下去。2 to complain a lot in an annoying way 令人厌烦地抱怨个不停 moan /məʊn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] especially British, informal to keep complaining in an annoying way - use this about someone who complains all the time, even about things that are not important 【尤英,非正式】悲叹,抱怨〔用于某人老是抱怨,即使是小事也一样〕 I'm fed up with hearing you moaning the whole time! 听你一天到晚发牢骚我都受够了!moan about Why do people always moan about the weather? 人们为什么老是抱怨天气? grumble /ˈgrʌmbəl/ [intransitive verb] to keep complaining in a bad-tempered way, especially when you think you have been treated unfairly 埋怨;发牢骚 The old man turned away, grumbling as he went. 老汉转过身,边走边发牢骚。grumble about She was grumbling about having to work so late. 她在埋怨说要加班到很晚。 The people standing beside me were grumbling about not being able to find a place to park. 站在我旁边的那几个人在抱怨说找不到地方停车。 make a fuss especially British also kick up a fuss British /ˌmeɪk ə ˈfʌs, ˌkɪk ʌp ə ˈfʌs/ [verb phrase] to complain angrily and noisily about something, so that everyone hears you or notices you 大吵大闹 I don't understand why you're making such a fuss. It's not that important. 我不明白你为什么大吵大闹,这事没那么重要。make a fuss about The couple sitting next to us made a big fuss about their bill. 坐在我们旁边的那对夫妇为账单的事大吵大闹。 go on about /gəʊ ˈɒn əbaʊt/ [verb phrase] British informal to keep complaining about something or someone's behaviour in an annoying way 【英,非正式】不断地抱怨 Our neighbours are always going on about the noise we make. 邻居们总是抱怨我们太吵。go on and on about for a long time 长时间抱怨 Look, I'm sorry I kept you waiting, but there's no need to go on and on about it. 哎,让你久等我很抱歉,但你没有必要一直抱怨个不停。 nag /næg/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to keep complaining to someone, especially in order to make them do something that they do not want to do 唠叨;跟…纠缠不休 I wish you'd stop nagging me. 我希望你别再对我唠叨了。nag about My mom's always nagging me about my room. 我妈老是对我唠叨,说我房间乱。nag at Jane's boss nags at her all the time. 简的老板整天对着她唠唠叨叨。 nagging [uncountable noun] constant/incessant etc nagging I don't know how you put up with Claire's constant nagging. 我不知道你如何受得了克莱尔整天唠叨。 whinge /wɪndʒ/ [intransitive verb] British informal to keep complaining in an annoying way - use this when someone is complaining about something that is not important or is something they could change if they really wanted to 【英,非正式】〔尤指对小事或可改变的事〕不停地发牢骚,嘀咕 whinge about He's always whinging about being underpaid. 他老是抱怨自己薪酬过低。 Nick was a pain in the neck. He did nothing but whinge the whole trip. 尼克是个非常讨厌的家伙。一路上他除了不停地发牢骚就没干别的。 whine /waɪn/ [intransitive verb] to keep complaining about something unimportant, especially in a sad, annoying voice 〔对琐碎小事〕不停地嘀咕;嘟哝 ‘What did you do that for?’ he whined. “你那样做是为了什么?”他嘟哝道。 For heaven's sake stop whining. Nobody has touched your precious records. 看在上帝的份上,不要再嘀咕了。没有人碰过你的宝贝唱片。whine about He's always whining about how much everything costs. 他老是嘀咕着所有东西都那么贵。3 someone who is always complaining 老是发牢骚的人 grouch /graʊtʃ/ [countable noun] someone who is always complaining 好抱怨的人 Her dad's a terrible grouch. 她爸爸是个大牢骚包。 You're such a grouch in the morning. 早上你真是大发牢骚。 misery/misery guts /ˈmɪzəri, ˈmɪzəri ˌgʌts/ [singular noun] British informal someone who is always complaining, is never happy, and does not like other people to enjoy themselves 【英,非正式】经常发牢骚〔不喜欢别人快活〕的人 Emma is a real misery guts. 埃玛是个不折不扣的牢骚大王。 Stop being such a misery. It's not the end of the world. 别发牢骚了,又不是世界末日。 whinger /ˈwɪndʒəʳ/ [countable noun] British informal someone who keeps complaining in an annoying way - use this when someone is complaining about something that is not important or is something they could change if they wanted to 【英,非正式】嘀嘀咕咕发牢骚的人〔抱怨小事或可以去改变的事〕 This place is full of whingers. It's just pathetic. 这地方全是嘀嘀咕咕发牢骚的人。真是差劲。 4 a complaint 怨言 complaint /kəmˈpleɪnt/ [countable/uncountable noun] something that you say or write when you are complaining, especially to someone in an official position 投诉 If you have any complaints, please contact our customer relations department. 如有投诉,请联络客户关系部。 Our main complaint is the poor standard of service. 我们主要的不满是服务水准差。 If you have a complaint, you should write to the manager. 如有投诉,请写信给经理。make a complaint Some employees are worried about what will happen to them if they make a complaint. 一些雇员担心,如果他们投诉的话,会有什么样的后果。complaint about Keating was dismissed after complaints about the quality of his work. 工作质量遭人投诉后,基廷被开除了。formal complaint Mr Kelly has made a formal complaint against the police. 凯利先生正式投诉警方。letters of complaint The commission has so far received nearly 10,000 letters of complaint. 委员会至今已收到近一万封投诉函。 protest /ˈprəʊtest/ [countable/uncountable noun] when someone complains publicly about something that they think is wrong or unfair and should not be allowed to happen 抗议,反对 Despite their protests, the students’ fees were increased. 尽管学生反对,学费还是涨了。in protest as a way of making a protest 以示抗议 When two members of the team were dismissed, the rest of them walked out in protest. 该组两名成员被开除后,余下的人罢工以示抗议。protest against The ambassador lodged a formal protest against the proposals. 大使正式抗议这些议案。ignore somebody's protests Ignoring my protests, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. 他不顾我反对,脱下夹克裹在我肩上。 outcry /ˈaʊtkraɪ/ [countable noun usually singular] an angry protest by a lot of people about something that they think is very wrong or unfair 群众的抗议 Despite an outcry, the university refused to change its admission policies. 尽管许多人抗议,这所大学还是拒绝更改招生政策。public outcry The shooting of an unarmed teenager by police caused a public outcry. 警方射杀一个手无寸铁的青少年引起了公众的抗议。outcry about/over There was a widespread outcry over the increase in fuel tax. 很多人抗议燃油税上涨。outcry against The public outcry against the executions made little difference. 公众反对死刑的呼声没有什么用。 grievance /ˈgriːvəns/ [countable noun] something that you feel unhappy about because you think that you have been treated unfairly - use this especially about an official complaint you make about the place where you work 〔尤对工作地方的〕不满 file a grievance officially complain 正式投诉 She filed a grievance last year after her supervisor refused to promote her. 去年,主管拒绝给她升职,她便为此正式投诉。grievance against Anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company can take it to the arbitration committee. 任何人只要有充分的理由投诉该公司,均可交仲裁委员会处理。air a grievance discuss a grievance publicly 公开讨论不满 The meetings give employees the opportunity to express their views or air grievances. 这些会议给雇员机会发表个人观点或公开讨论各种不满。 gripe /graɪp/ [countable noun] informal something unimportant that you keep complaining about or feel unhappy about 【非正式】不满的事〔尤指小事〕 Students’ main gripe is the poor quality of the dorm food. 学生的主要不满是宿舍的饭菜质量差。 I left the house because I wasn't in the mood to listen to Maude's gripes. 我从屋里走出来,因为我没有心情去听莫德的牢骚。




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