BRIGHT1 bright light2 extremely bright3 when a place has plenty of light4 not brightRELATED WORDSoppositeDARKbright colour 鲜艳的色彩COLOURsee alsoSHINE/SHINYLIGHT1 bright light 明亮的光线bright /braɪt/ [adjective]a bright light shines strongly 光亮的,明亮的 From the top of the hill they could see the bright lights of the city below them. 从山顶上他们可以看到下面五光十色的城市。 After so long indoors the bright sunshine hurt Jack's eyes. 杰克躲在室内这么长时间才出来,强烈的阳光刺疼了他的眼睛。 There was a flash of bright light beyond the forest and the thunder exploded again. 树林那边一道明亮的闪电划过后,又响起一阵雷声。brightly [adverb] The fire was burning brightly now. 火现在燃烧得很旺。brightness [uncountable noun] She closed her eyes against the brightness of the sun. 面对太阳的光芒,她闭起双目。strong /strɒŋǁstrɔːŋ/ [adjective]astrong light is very bright and helps you to see things clearly 〔灯、光线〕明亮的 The light from the flashlight wasn't strong enough to read by. 用手电筒的光来读书不够亮。 The colors had faded after years of being exposed to strong sunlight. 被强烈的阳光照射多年后,色彩已褪了。strongly [adverb] Daylight shone strongly through the cracks in the blinds. 猛烈的阳光从百叶窗的缝中照了进来。good /gʊd/ [adjective]good light in a place where you are working is strong enough for you to see what you are doing 〔工作场所的光线〕充足的 The windows in the roof gave us a good light to work by. 屋顶上的窗户使我们工作时光线充足。 The light isn't good here. Go stand by the window. 这儿光线不足,站到窗边去。harsh /hɑːʳʃ/ [adjective]harsh light is very bright and unpleasant 〔光线〕刺目的 In the harsh light of the street lamps Michelle looked tired and old. 在刺目的街灯下,米歇尔看上去又疲倦又苍老。 The lighting in these offices is so harsh, it gives me a headache. 这些办公室里的灯光太刺眼,让我觉得头疼。2 extremely bright 极其明亮的brilliant /ˈbrɪljənt/ [adjective]extremely bright and strong, but also attractive and pleasant 光辉夺目的,灿烂的,明亮的 All of a sudden the stage was flooded with brilliant light. 突然间,舞台被照得雪亮。 A shaft of brilliant sunlight shone through the dusty attic window. 一束灿烂的阳光穿过了满是灰尘的阁楼窗户。 Suddenly, I looked up and saw a point of light that was more brilliant than any star I had ever seen. 猛然间我往上看去,看到一点亮光。那亮光比我以前看到过的星星都更明亮。brilliance [uncountable noun] The brilliance of the sun on the lake was quite breathtaking. 灿烂的阳光照在湖面上,这一美景令人惊叹。blinding /ˈblaɪndɪŋ/ [adjective]a blinding light is so bright that you cannot see for a short time after you have looked into it 眩目的;刺眼的 There was a blinding flash and then a loud bang. 一道眩目的光划过,随后是一声巨响。 The sun on the snow is blinding. 阳光照在雪上非常刺眼。 The blinding glare of our headlights frightened the deer. 我们车前灯的眩目亮光使那头鹿受到惊吓。dazzling /ˈdæʒlɪŋ/ [adjective]adazzling light is so bright that it hurts your eyes and makes it difficult for you to see 刺眼的;耀眼的 We walked out of the cinema into dazzling sunshine. 我们出了影院走到耀眼的阳光下。 The sun was so dazzling that it was impossible to even look at its reflection in the water. 阳光耀眼得甚至无法睁开眼看它在水面上的反光。dazzlingly [adverb] The room was so dazzlingly bright that we had to look away. 房间亮得刺眼,我们只得移开目光。blazing /ˈbleɪzɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun]extremely bright - use this about the sun, or about lights that you can see from a long way away 眩目的;耀眼的〔用于指太阳,或从远处看到的亮光〕 The blazing lights of the casino shone out across the bay. 赌场明亮的灯光在海湾对面闪耀。 At twilight, the blazing orange sunset turned into a muted pink. 黄昏时,落日那耀眼的金黄色光芒变成了柔和的粉红色。3 when a place has plenty of light 某处光线充足bright /braɪt/ [adjective]abright place is full of light, especially in a way that seems pleasant and attractive 明亮的,光亮的 The big windows in this room make it nice and bright. 大玻璃窗使这个房间既舒适又明亮。 Claire had a lovely bright bedroom which was decorated in yellow and white. 克莱尔有一间舒适明亮的卧室,室内粉刷成黄、白两种颜色。 We emerged from a dark corridor into a bright, airy courtyard. 我们从昏暗的走廊走到明亮而通风的院子里。brightness [uncountable noun] The colored lights in the distance grew in brightness as I got closer. 当我走近时,远处的彩色灯光变得更亮了。light /laɪt/ [adjective]alight building or room has plenty oflight in it, especially because it has big windows 〔建筑物或房间〕光线充足的〔尤因有大窗户〕 The kitchen is light and airy, with a fantastic view. 厨房明亮通风,望出去景致迷人。 The hallway led to a light and spacious studio. 这条走廊通往一间明亮宽敞的工作室。well-lit /ˌwel ˈlɪt◂/ [adjective phrase]a place that iswell-lit is bright because there electric lights, so it is easy for you to see what you are doing 光线充足的;灯火通明的 I always try to park in a well-lit area at night. 晚上我总是尽量把车停在灯光明亮的地方。 To avoid eye problems, make sure that your desk is well-lit. 要避免眼睛出现毛病,就要确保书桌上有充足的光线。4 not bright 不明亮的pale /peɪl/ [adjective]light that ispale is not bright and has very little colour in it 〔光线〕暗淡的,微弱的 I couldn't get to sleep until I saw the first pale light of dawn. 我一直等看到第一线暗淡的晨光才睡着的。 The sunlight through the thick clouds was pale and cool that morning. 那天早晨,阳光穿过厚厚的云层,显得既暗淡又清凉。 The banks of the river are bathed in pale moonlight. 河岸沐浴在淡淡的月光之中。dim /dɪm/ [adjective]adim light or lamp is not bright and makes it difficult for you to see - use this about lights inside rooms or buildings, not the light outside 〔室内的光线或灯〕昏暗的,微弱的 It was impossible to read by the dim light of the fire. 靠昏暗的火光是无法阅读的。 There was nothing in the room but a table, a chair, and a dim lamp. 房间内除了一张桌子、一把椅子和一盏昏暗的灯以外,什么都没有。 Dying embers gave out a dim glow in the hearth. 壁炉中即将烧尽的余火微微发着光。dimly [adverb] a dimly-lit corridor 一条灯光暗淡的走廊dim [intransitive/transitive verb]if the lights dim or if you dim the lights, they become less bright 〔灯光〕变暗;使…暗淡 The lights dimmed, and the audience went quiet as the curtain rose. 灯光暗了下来,幕升起时观众都安静了。 She dimmed the lights to create a more romantic atmosphere. 她把灯光调暗以营造出更浪漫的氛围。weak /wiːk/ [adjective]weak light is not bright, especially when you need it to be brighter, or when it was brighter before 微弱的;暗的 In the weak light inside the bus Tom couldn't see to read. 公共汽车内灯光很暗,使汤姆无法看书。 the weak glow of the dashboard lights 仪表盘指示灯所发出的微光weakly [adverb] A candle flickered weakly at the end of the table. 一支蜡烛在桌子的一端微微闪烁着。poor/bad /pʊəʳ, bæd/ [adjective]poor or bad light is not bright enough, so that it is difficult for you to work or see what you are doing 〔光线〕不佳的 Reading in poor light is very bad for the eyes. 在光线不佳的地方看书对眼睛伤害极大。 It was difficult to find our way down the mountain in the mist and bad light. 由于薄雾笼罩、光线很差,我们难以找到下山的路。soft /sɒftǁsɔːft/ [adjective only before noun]soft light is not bright, in a way that is pleasant and relaxing 〔光线〕柔和的 In the soft evening light Sonya looked ten years younger. 在柔和的夜光下,索尼娅看上去仿佛年轻了十岁。 The restaurant has a romantic atmosphere with soft lights and background music. 那家餐馆内光线柔和,放着悠扬的背景音乐,有一种浪漫的情调。softly [adverb] Coloured lanterns shone softly in the trees and bushes. 彩色灯笼在树丛灌木间发出柔和的光。softness [uncountable noun] The softness of candlelight added atmosphere to the evening. 柔和的烛光为那个晚上增添了气氛。low /ləʊ/ [adjective]low lighting is fairly dark, so that a place seems pleasant and relaxing - use this about the light in rooms or buildings, not the light outside 〔室内光线〕幽暗的,暗淡的 For our anniversary, let's go to a restaurant with low lights and soft music. 为庆祝我们的周年纪念日,我们去一家有幽暗灯光和轻柔音乐的餐厅吧。 It was a while before Samuel's eyes got used to the low lighting of the intensive care unit. 萨缪尔的双眼过了好一会才适应重症监护病房内幽暗的灯光。