

例句 BEND1 to bend something2 to bend your body or part of your body3 when something bends4 easy to bend5 not easy to bend6 when something is not straight7 when a road, path, river etc bends8 the place where something bendsRELATED WORDSsee alsoFOLDSTRAIGHT1 to bend something 把某物弄弯 bend /bend/ [transitive verb] to make something have a curved shape, or to fold something at an angle, by pushing or pressing it 〔通过推或压〕使弯曲 Someone had bent the aerial. 有人把天线弄弯了。 He bent the wire into an ‘S’ shape. 他把铁丝弯成S形。bend something back/down etc We had to bend the branches back so we could get through the bushes and back onto the path. 我们得把树枝向后弯曲,这样才能穿过灌木丛,走回到小路上去。 twist /twɪst/ [transitive verb] to bend and turn something several times, such as a piece of wire, cloth, or rope, especially in order to tie it to something or make something with it 扭;拧;使扭转;使弯曲〔尤为把电线、布料或绳等系到某物上〕 Laura twisted the handkerchief in her hands nervously. 劳拉紧张地双手扭着手绢。 We twisted a wire coathanger and used it to open the car door. 我们把一个金属丝衣架扭了扭,用它来开车门。twist something into/around/through etc Her long blonde hair was twisted into a knot on the back of her head. 她把长金发在后脑勺盘成了一个结髻。 coil/coil up /kɔɪl, ˌkɔɪl ˈʌp/ [] to wind or twist into a round shape, or to wind or twist something in this way 盘,〔使〕卷曲 The snake had coiled itself in a corner of the cage. 这条蛇盘在笼子里的一角。coil up something/coil something up They coiled up the rope and put it away. 他们把绳子卷好后放在一边。2 to bend your body or part of your body 将身体或其中的某部分弯曲 bend /bend/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to move your body forwards or move it downwards, so that you can lift something, touch something etc 俯身;弯腰 He bent and kissed the child on the head. 他弯腰吻了吻孩子的头。 The doctor says no bending or lifting for at least six weeks. 医生说至少六个星期之内不能弯腰或抬起物件。bend across/towards She bent towards me and whispered in my ear. 她向我俯过身来,在我耳边低语。bend your arm/knee/finger etc ‘Bend your knees!’ shouted the ski instructor. “曲膝!”滑雪教练大声叫道。 bend over /ˌbend ˈəʊvəʳ/ [verb phrase] to bend your body from the waist, usually in order to pick something up 弯腰〔通常为了捡起某物〕 Lenny bent over to pick up the coins. 伦尼弯下腰去捡硬币。bend over something My earliest memories are of my mother bending over my cot to kiss me goodnight. 我最早的记忆便是母亲在我的小床旁弯着腰吻我,并与我道晚安。 bend down /ˌbend ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to bend your body low enough to pick something up, touch the floor etc 俯身,弯身 Sheila bent down to pick up the cat. 希拉俯下身去抱那只猫。 He was bending down tying his shoelaces. 他俯下身去系鞋带。 bow /baʊ/ [intransitive verb] to bend your head and upper body slightly, as a formal greeting or as a sign of respect or obedience 鞠躬 Archer bowed and left the stage. 阿彻鞠躬后离开了舞台。 All the men turned and bowed as the Emperor passed. 皇帝经过时,所有人都转过身来鞠躬。 crouch /kraʊtʃ/ [intransitive verb] to bend your legs under you, in a sitting position, and lean forwards, especially in order to hide from someone 蹲下;蹲伏〔尤指为躲藏〕 I crouched behind a bush as the soldiers marched by. 那队士兵走过时,我蹲伏在一片灌木丛后面。 There were six people in the clearing, crouching around the campfire. 林间空地上有六个人,都蹲在篝火旁。crouch down The plumber crouched down and looked under the sink. 水管工蹲下来在洗涤槽下看。 stoop /stuːp/ [intransitive verb] to bend down low, especially to pick something up and then stand up again 俯身;弯腰〔尤指为了捡起某物,然后又直起腰〕 There were two letters by the door. He stooped and picked them up. 门口有两封信,他弯腰把它们捡起来。 She stooped and hugged the little dog. 她俯下身去抱了抱小狗。 curl up /ˌkɜːʳl ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to lie down and bend your legs, arms, back, and neck into a circular position, so that you feel warm and comfortable 〔为了感觉温暖舒适而蜷卧,蜷曲 She curled up in her bed that night, thinking of Michel. 那晚上她蜷着身子躺在床上,心里想着米歇尔。 The two cats curled up together in the armchair. 那两只猫在扶手椅上蜷缩在一起。 I was so tired all I wanted to do was curl up and watch TV. 我累极了,只想蜷着身子看电视。 double up/over /ˌdʌbəl ˈʌp, ˈəʊvəʳ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to suddenly bend your body at the waist, especially because you are laughing or in pain 〔笑得或疼得〕弯下腰,俯下身 We doubled over, laughing so hard it hurt. 我们弯下腰,笑得肚子疼。be doubled up/over with He was doubled up with cramps from the greasy stew. 他吃了油腻的炖菜后肚子疼得直不起身。3 when something bends 某物变弯曲 bend /bend/ [intransitive verb] The branches of the tree bent over into the water. 树枝向下弯曲伸进了水中。 I tried opening it with the knife but the blade bent. 我试图用小刀把它打开,但刀刃被扭卷了。 curl /kɜːʳl/ [intransitive verb] if a leaf or piece of cloth curls, it gradually bends, starting at its edges, especially as a result of heat or dryness 〔纸页或布〕卷曲〔尤因受热或干燥〕 I threw the letter into the fire. It curled, darkened, and then burst into flames. 我把信扔进火中,信纸卷了起来,慢慢变黑,然后烧了起来。curl inward The document was yellow and its edges had curled inward. 文件已泛黄了,页边向内卷起。 buckle /ˈbʌkəl/ [intransitive verb] if something strong and hard buckles, it bends in the middle, usually because of very strong pressure or great heat 〔坚硬之物因压力或高温而〕弯曲;扭曲;变形 The aluminium chair buckled under Charles's weight. 那张铝制椅子在查尔斯的体重压力下变了形。 Windows shattered with the heat from the blaze and metal doors buckled like cardboard. 大火散发的高温使窗玻璃粉碎,金属门也如同硬纸板一样变了形。 warp /wɔːʳp/ [intransitive verb] if something made of wood warps, it bends and twists slightly as a result of too much heat, dryness, age etc, so that it is no longer flat or straight 〔木制品因高温、干燥、老化等原因〕变弯曲;变翘曲;变形 The wooden fence had warped in the hot sun. 木篱笆在阳光的曝晒下变了形。 To prevent the violin body from warping, there is a strong wooden brace along its whole length. 为防止小提琴琴身变形,琴身上有一根坚硬的木质支架。4 easy to bend 易弯曲的 flexible /ˈfleksɪbəl, ˈfleksəbəl/ [adjective] something that is flexible is able to bend easily or can be bent easily, especially because it has been made like this to do a particular job 柔韧的;易弯曲的 The better tennis racquets are made out of tough but extremely flexible graphite. 质量较好的网球拍是用坚硬而极富弹性的碳素制造的。 Designers have come up with a technique for making skis more flexible. 设计人员发明了一种使滑雪板更富柔韧性的技术。 pliable /ˈplaɪəbəl/ [adjective] able to bend without breaking or cracking 柔韧的,柔软的 High quality leather is firm yet pliable. 优质皮革的特点是韧中带柔。5 not easy to bend 不易弯曲的 stiff /stɪf/ [adjective] a substance such as cloth or paper that is stiff is hard and is difficult to bend 〔布、纸等物质〕硬的;不易弯曲的 The leaves of the plant are very stiff. 这种植物的叶子很坚韧。 a stiff piece of cardboard 一块硬纸板frozen stiff In the extreme cold my wet shoes became frozen stiff. 在严寒中我湿了的鞋子冻得硬邦邦的。 rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd, ˈrɪdʒəd/ [adjective] an object or structure that is rigid is strong and will not bend or change its shape 〔物体或结构〕坚硬的;不变形的 The framework of the aircraft must be rigid yet light. 飞机的骨架必须既坚固又轻盈。 About a dozen large rigid plates make up the Earth's crust. 大约有十二块巨大坚硬的板块构成了地壳。6 when something is not straight 某物不直的 bent /bent/ [adjective] something that is bent has lost its original shape and is not flat or straight 弯曲的;被弄弯的 The nail was bent. 钉子弯了。 How did this spoon get bent? 这汤匙是怎么弄弯的? The hinge was bent and the lid wouldn't shut properly. 铰链弯了,盖子盖不上。 Stand with your legs slightly bent. 站立时双腿稍稍弯曲。 twisted /ˈtwɪstɪd, ˈtwɪstəd/ [adjective] something that is twisted has been bent in many directions so that it has lost its original shape and may be impossible to recognize 扭曲的 Pieces of twisted metal and rusted pipe lay scattered around the yard. 院子里到处散放着扭曲的金属碎片和生锈的管子。 Investigators sifted through the twisted wreckage of the plane. 调查人员在扭曲的飞机残骸中仔细地检查。 warped /wɔːʳpt/ [adjective] a wooden object that is warped has bent and twisted because of heat or dryness, so that it is no longer flat or straight 〔木制品〕弯曲的;变形的 The window frames on the front of the house were badly warped. 房子正面的窗框已严重变形。 An old man was sweeping the warped boards of the front porch. 一位老人正在打扫前廊上弯曲的地板。 curved /kɜːʳvd/ [adjective] something that is curved has a long, smooth bend in it, usually because it has been made that way 弯曲的;弧形的 The knife had a heavy curved blade. 这把刀很重且有弧形刀刃。 The temple's roof is curved, in the Thai style. 寺庙有个弧形屋顶,这是泰国建筑的风格。 An airplane wing is curved on top and flat on the bottom. 飞机的机翼上部呈曲线形,底部是平的。 crooked /ˈkrʊkɪd, ˈkrʊkəd/ [adjective] something such as a line, row, pipe, or tree that is crooked is not straight but bends sharply in one or more places 〔线条、行列、管子或树等〕弯曲的 Smoke rose out of the crooked chimney. 烟从弯曲的烟囱里向上升。 They moved down the narrow crooked streets of the old town. 他们沿着古镇上弯弯曲曲的狭窄街道前行。 wavy /ˈweɪvi/ [adjective] a line or edge that is wavy has smooth bends in it in a regular pattern 波浪形的 A series of wavy lines appeared on the video monitor. 录像监控器上出现了一系列波浪形的线条。 The flag's stripes are wavy and alternate in color. 那面旗帜上的条纹呈波浪形并有几种颜色相间。 wiggly /ˈwɪgəli/ [adjective] a wiggly line is one that has a lot of small curves in it 起伏的;波浪形的 She wrote with large wiggly letters. 她写的字很大,而且弯弯扭扭的。7 when a road, path, river etc bends 道路、小径、河流等弯曲 bend /bend/ [intransitive verb] The road bends right then left, before passing a petrol station. 这条马路先向右转再向左转弯,然后经过一座加油站。 At the top of the hill, the path bends sharply left and enters a small woodland. 这条小径在山顶向左急转,然后进入一片小林地。 curve /kɜːʳv/ [intransitive verb] if a road, track, coast etc curves, it has a long smooth bend in it 〔马路、轨道、海岸等〕弯曲;成曲线 curve away/round/towards etc The dusty white road curved away towards the mountains. 那条满是尘土的灰白色道路蜿蜒着通向群山。 a sandy beach curving gently around the bay 沿着海湾成曲线缓缓伸延的沙滩 wind /waɪnd/ [intransitive verb] if a road, track, or river winds, it has many smooth bends and is usually very long 〔道路、轨道、河流等〕蜿蜒;曲折前进 wind through/along/around etc The trail winds through the hills and then down towards Ironhorse Falls. 那条小道弯弯曲曲地穿过山区,然后向下延伸到铁马瀑布。 Route 101 winds along the coastline for several hundred miles. 101号公路沿着海岸线蜿蜒数百英里。wind its way We decided to take the Blueridge Parkway, which winds its way through the Smoky Mountains. 我们决定走蓝岭公园路,这条公路蜿蜒穿过大烟山。 twist /twɪst/ [intransitive verb] if a track, road, or stream twists it has many sharp bends and changes direction many times 〔轨道、道路、小河〕曲折前进;蜿蜒 twist around/along/through etc The path twisted back and forth up the side of the mountain. 这条小道沿山蜿蜒而上。twist and turn The streets are narrow and twist and turn and it is not advisable to take a car up them. 那些街道又窄又多弯,最好还是不要开车去。 zigzag /ˈzɪgzæg/ [intransitive verb] if a road, track, or path zigzags it has many sharp bends going in opposite directions 〔道路〕曲折的;进行之字形行进 The path zigzagged from side to side through the steep gully. 这条小道弯弯曲曲的穿过险峻的小峡谷。 ski routes zigzagging down the mountainside 顺着山坡曲折而下的滑雪道 winding /ˈwaɪndɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] a winding road, river etc is long and has a lot of bends in it 〔道路、河流等〕蜿蜒曲折的 The car climbed the winding road up into the hills. 汽车顺着蜿蜒的道路开进山区。 a quiet little town on the banks of a peaceful, winding river 坐落在一条平静而蜿蜒的河岸上的宁静小镇 tortuous /ˈtɔːʳtʃuəs/ [adjective usually before noun] a tortuous path, stream, road etc has a lot of bends in so that it is very difficult to travel along 〔小道、小河、道路等〕弯弯曲曲的;曲折的 Most of the villages are accessible only by boat or along tortuous jungle trails. 这些村庄大部分只能乘小船或沿着曲折的丛林小道才能到达。 a twisting, tortuous track through the Snake Mountains 穿越蛇山的一条弯弯曲曲的小道8 the place where something bends 转弯处、曲折处 bend /bend/ [countable noun] the place where something bends, especially a road or river 〔尤指道路或河流的〕弯曲处 The plane flew low, following the bends of the river. 飞机沿着河的弯道低飞。 You go around a bend and the farm is on the right. 拐弯之后农庄就在右边。sharp bend a sudden extreme bend 急弯 He rounded a sharp bend, and suddenly the deep blue Mediterranean lay before him. 他拐了个急弯,忽然间那深蓝色的地中海就在眼前。hairpin bend an extremely sharp bend 字形急弯 The bus creaked slowly round the hairpin bend. 公共汽车嘎吱吱地慢慢转过U字形急弯处。 curve /kɜːʳv/ [countable noun] a long smooth bend in a surface, line, or object 〔表面、线条或物体的〕弯曲处 From the balcony, you could see the long curve of the shoreline. 从阳台你会看见长而弯曲的海岸线。 Morgan was killed when he lost control of his car in a curve. 摩根的车子拐弯时失控,因而丧命。 twist /twɪst/ [countable noun] a sudden sharp bend in something 急弯 The path has a lot of twists and turns. 这条小路有许多迂回曲折处。 kink /kɪŋk/ [countable noun] a small sharp bend in something, especially something that is straight for the rest of its length 〔尤指直线物件上的〕扭结;弯 If there's a kink in the hose, you won't get any water. 如果水龙带上有个结,你就放不出水了。 There was a kink in the path just before the bridge. 快要过桥的那段路上有一个转弯处。 joint /dʒɔɪnt/ [countable noun] the place where two parts of someone's body or two parts of a machine are joined, so that they can bend at this place 〔身体的〕关节;〔机器的〕接合处 I've had a lot of pain in my joints recently, especially in my wrists and shoulders. 最近我的关节痛得厉害,尤其是手腕和肩部。 The balljoint connects the driveshaft to the gearbox. 球状接头把主动轴和变速箱连接在一起。




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