

例句 WORKwork that somebody does1 work that someone does as part of their job2 work that a student does3 work that you have to do in your home4 a piece of work done by an artist, musician etc5 the effort involved in working6 unpleasant or boring workto work/do work7 to do a job that you get paid for8 to do work that is not part of your job9 to be at the place where you worksomething you have to do10 a piece of work that you have to do11 an important piece of work12 to give someone work to doRELATED WORDSsee alsoJOBEARNWORK FOR SBWORK HARDBUSINESSCOMPANY1 work that someone does as part of their job 某人工作的一部分 work /wɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] the things that you have to do in your job, which need time and effort 工作,差事 What kind of work are you looking for? 你在找什么样的工作? He liked the work, and he was good at it too. 他喜欢这工作,并且做得也很好。do some/more etc work Scott's doing some work for me at the moment, as it happens. 斯科特这会儿正好在为我做点事。 I didn't get much work done today. 我今天没做多少工作。 Being in the police isn't all action. Administration is a large part of the work we do. 警察的工作并不全是执行任务,我们还要处理大量的行政事务。personnel/secretarial/bar etc work Have you ever done bar work before? 你以前有没有做过律师工作? He's doing construction work these days. 如今他在干建筑工作。 It's clerical work mainly -- pretty boring. 主要是文书工作—很无聊。voluntary/charity work work that you do not get paid for 志愿/慈善工作 She does two afternoons voluntary work at the playgroup. 她在幼儿游戏班做两个下午的义工。 Are you still involved in charity work? 你还在做慈善工作吗?extra/more/additional work The last thing I want is extra work. 我最不愿加班。 business /ˈbɪznɪs, ˈbɪznəs/ [uncountable noun] work that you do in your job, especially work that involves buying and selling, travelling to different places, or discussing things such as contracts with people 买卖,商务,生意 I was in London last month because I had some business there. 上个月我在伦敦,因为在那里我有些生意。 Gerald left, saying he had some important business to attend to. 杰拉尔德走了,他说有些重要的生意要处理。 Some insurance companies offer lower rates for drivers who do not use their cars for business. 对于不作商务用途的汽车,有些保险公司给车主提供较低的保费。 ‘Is this trip for business or pleasure?’ ‘Business, I'm afraid.’ “这次出门是出差还是游玩?”“恐怕是出差。”do business The paper claims to provide proof that some drug lords are doing business from their jail cells. 这份报纸称他们可以提供一些大毒枭在监狱牢房里遥控生意的证据。business trip/meeting/traveller etc ‘Where's Michael?’ ‘He's at a business meeting.’ “迈克尔在哪里?”“他在开工作会议。” This is strictly a business trip. 这确确实实是出差。 Our main market is the business traveler looking for cheap overnight accommodation. 我们的主要市场是寻求廉价食宿的商务旅客。on business for business, not pleasure 出差 I have to go to Tokyo next month on business. 下个月我要去东京出差。 duties /ˈdjuːtizǁˈduː-/ [plural noun] the various things that you have to do as part of your job - used especially in contracts or other official documents 职责〔尤用于合同或其他正式书面文件〕 somebody's duties In addition to secretarial and general office work, your duties will include providing the directors with refreshments. 除了秘书工作和一般的办公室工作外,你的职责还将包括向董事们提供点心。 As soon as she returned home from her honeymoon, she resumed her medical duties at the clinic. 她度完蜜月一回家就又回到诊所继续医疗工作了。go about/perform/fulfil duties A teacher can be dismissed for not performing his or her contractual duties. 教师未履行合同规定的职责可被解雇。 She is a member of staff, and like all of us, she has duties to fulfil. 她也是一名员工,和我们一样,她也要履行职责。 I admired him, especially because of the way he went about his duties efficiently. 我佩服他,尤其是因为他工作效率高。suspend somebody/relieve somebody from duties to stop them doing their job for a period of time 让某人暂时停职 Three instructors have been suspended from duties while sexual harassment charges are investigated. 性骚扰指控调查期间,三名讲师被暂时停职。 Nine officers were relieved of their duties after McDuffie's death. 九名官员因为麦克达菲之死被暂时停职。2 work that a student does 学生的课业 homework /ˈhəʊmwɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] the work that a student has to do at home as part of their studies 家庭作业,功课 My brother always used to help me with my homework. 我哥哥过去常常帮助我做作业。do (your) homework I'm sorry Gail, but Amber has to stay home and do her homework. 对不起,盖尔,安伯得待在家里做作业。 Oh, I've got so much homework to do! 噢,我有那么多作业要做! Did you get your homework done Jason? 贾森,你的作业都做完了吗?have homework I don't have any homework tonight. 今天晚上我没有家庭作业。 Have you got a lot of homework then? 那么你有很多作业要做吗?for homework For homework, I'd like you to finish exercises 2 and 3 on page 24. 至于家庭作业,我想要你们做完第24页上的练习2和练习3。English/geography etc homework Dave, have you done your French homework? 戴夫,你做完法语作业了吗? classwork /ˈklɑːswɜːʳkǁˈklæs-/ [uncountable noun] the work that a student does when they are at school, rather than work they do at home 课堂作业 Mrs Hoffmann, I'm calling about Mike's classwork. There are some problems. 霍夫曼太太,我打电话来想谈谈迈克的课堂作业,有点问题。 The units are ideal for classwork, but can also be used by students at home. 这些单元是理想的课堂作业,但学生也可以在家里做。 schoolwork /ˈskuːlwɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] all the work that a student has to do for their studies 功课,课业,学业 Johnny's had a lot of problems at home recently and it's starting to affect his schoolwork. 约翰尼最近家里出了很多事,开始影响他的学业了。 The program combines schoolwork with job experience. 这个计划将课业和工作实践结合在一起。 Tim, a third-grader, had difficulty with his schoolwork, and also found it hard to make friends. 蒂姆是一名三年级学生,学习上有困难,而且交朋友也有问题。 coursework /ˈkɔːʳswɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] British the work that a student has to do for the course that they are studying, especially when this is compared with work done in examinations 【英】课程作业〔尤用于跟考试相比〕 Half of the marks are for the exam, the rest are for coursework. 一半分数是考试,其余的是课程作业。 None of the coursework seemed to have much relevance to being a nurse in a busy hospital. 课程作业好像跟在一家忙碌的医院里做护士没有很大关系。 I'm just so behind on the coursework. 我还有很多课程作业没做。 studies /ˈstʌdiz/ [plural noun] formal the work that a student does at a school or university 【正式】学业,学习 somebody's studies After the war, he resumed his studies at the University of Turin. 战争结束后,他恢复了在都灵大学的学业。 Her parents insisted that she give up the vacation job, as they felt it was interfering with her studies. 她父母坚持要她放弃假期的工作,因为他们觉得这妨碍了她的学业。finish/complete your studies After completing her studies at the University, she worked as a nurse for six years. 完成大学学业后,她做了六年的护士。3 work that you have to do in your home 家里必须要做的事 housework /ˈhaʊswɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] work that needs to be done in your home, for example, cleaning, washing clothes, or keeping rooms tidy 家务〔劳动〕 None of her kids ever help with the housework. 她的小孩从来没有一个帮忙做家务。 I've got to catch up on the housework this weekend. 这个周末我得赶紧做家务。do housework Well, I did all my housework this morning, though you wouldn't think it to look at the place now. 嗯,今天早上我把家务都做过了,不过你现在去看的话你不会这样认为。 work /wɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] the things that you have to do in your home, for yourself or your family 家庭劳动 The garden needs a bit more work, but it's almost finished. 花园里还有点活要干,但是也差不多干完了。 Use the best tools and materials you can afford to give a professional finish to your DIY work. 自己动手做东西,要尽量用最好的工具和材料,让成品显得有专业水平。do some/any more/a bit of etc work ‘Where's Dave?’ ‘He's outside, doing some work on the car, I think.’ “戴夫在哪里?”“我想是在外面弄车子吧。”work on I'm not doing any more work on the house this year, I can't be bothered. 今年我不再弄房子了,我不想麻烦。4 a piece of work done by an artist, musician etc 艺术家、音乐家等的作品 work /wɜːʳk/ [countable noun usually plural] something such as a painting, film, book, or long piece of music produced by an artist, writer etc 〔艺术〕作品;著作 The painting is one of Picasso's earlier works. 这幅画是毕加索的早期作品之一。 A major new work by one of Poland's leading film directors will be shown next Saturday. 由波兰一名大导演拍摄的一部新的大片将在下星期六上映。work of art a painting or sculpture, especially a famous, important, or very valuable one 艺术精品〔尤指著名、重要或非常贵重的绘画或雕塑〕 The highest price paid for a work of art was the £30.2 million for Van Gogh's ‘Irises’. 出价最高的艺术精品是梵高的《鸢尾花》,达3,020英镑。complete works of somebody all the things that someone has produced 某人的全部作品 the complete works of William Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集 piece /piːs/ [countable noun] something that has been produced by an artist, musician, or writer, for example a painting or drawing or a short piece of music or writing 〔艺术家、音乐家或作家的〕作品 The concert began with three short pieces by the Brazilian composer Villa-Lobos. 这场音乐会以巴西作曲家维拉-罗勃斯的三支短曲开始。 The collection includes pieces in both oils and watercolours, with a range of still life paintings. 藏品中有油画和水彩画,是静物系列。piece of music/writing/work etc Another typical piece of Owen's work is the poem, ‘The Sentry’. 欧文的另一代表作是诗歌《哨兵》。 a truly impressive piece of Greek sculpture 一座让人印象深刻的希腊雕塑5 the effort involved in working 工作中需作出的努力 work /wɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] David tries to avoid work at all times. 戴维总是试图躲避工作。 It seems to be an awful lot of work to keep this place looking tidy. 保持这个地方整洁似乎非常费劲。hard work Finally, I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work this year. 最后,我想感谢全体职员这一年来的努力工作。 My daughter gained her grades through sheer hard work and determination. 我女儿取得成绩全凭她的努力和决心。put work into something His last few speeches had been awful, and he knew he had to put more work into them. 他最近的几次演讲很糟糕,他知道得多花点工夫了。 Phil has had the car for two years and has put hours of work into it. 菲尔的车买了两年,他在上面已经花了很多工夫。a considerable/huge/immense etc amount of work A considerable amount of work was necessary to establish even this basic framework. 即使是搭建这个基本的框架也需要花相当多的工夫。 The students have put a huge amount of work into the scheme. 学生在这个计划中投入了不少心思。good/sterling work used to say that the effort someone has made is good 干得好 Well done Peter -- keep up the good work. 干得不错,彼得—继续好好干。 I hope you'll join me in paying tribute to the sterling work done by the committee this year. 我希望大家和我一起向委员会今年所取得的优异成绩致敬。 effort /ˈefəʳt/ [uncountable noun] the physical or mental energy that is needed to do something 力气;精力 It seemed like a lot of effort for a very small gain. 好像是事倍功半。 His last piece does require some effort from the listener, but it's well worth it. 他最后一首乐曲需要听众用心听,但这很值得。with effort He mounted the slope with effort, breathing hard. 他费力地爬上山坡,气喘吁吁。a waste of effort I could have told you it would be a waste of effort. 我本可以告诉你这是白费力气。put effort in/into something After all the effort I put in, they had better be satisfied! 我那么卖力,他们也该满意了! Vicki has hardly put in any effort, yet she's expecting the same rewards as everyone else. 薇姬几乎没出什么力,但是她还期望得到和别人一样的奖赏。take/require effort This exercise isn't difficult - it shouldn't require much effort. 这练习不难—不用费很大工夫。 The former method takes a bit more effort, but the results are more reliable. 前一种方法要费点工夫,但是结果较可靠。be (well) worth the effort use this when the energy you use is worth using, because the result is good 值得花力气 Children are hard work, of course, but worth the effort. 带孩子当然吃力,但是值得。 The climb is arduous, but well worth the effort, as the views from the top are spectacular. 爬山艰苦,但是值得,因为山顶的景色很壮观。time and effort I've spent a lot of time and effort getting this far. I'm not giving up now. 我花费了许多时间和心血做到这一步,我现在不会放弃的。 labour British /labor American /ˈleɪbəʳ/ [uncountable noun] hard physical work, such as digging, lifting, or cleaning 体力劳动 Many women do all the work in the home, and their labour is unpaid. 许多妇女料理所有家务,而她们的劳动是没有报酬的。 Marx defined the working class as people who sell their labour to employers. 马克思把工人阶级定义为把劳动出卖给雇主的人。manual/physical labour You don't look as if you could do physical labor. 你看上去不像会干体力活。farm/agricultural labour rising opportunities in agricultural labor in the North 北方越来越多的干农活的机会 commitment /kəˈmɪtmənt/ [uncountable noun] the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, activity, or piece of work, because they really care about it and believe in it 辛劳;忠诚;奉献 Thanks to your energy and commitment, the fundraiser was a great success. 感谢你们所付出的精力和奉献精神,这次募捐活动取得了极大成功。commitment to Your commitment to the project is very much appreciated by management. 管理层很感激你们对这个项目的投入。total/absolute/full commitment He is adamant that he wants total commitment and effort in the build-up to the match. 他坚决要求全身心投入到比赛的准备阶段中。 Lawrence promised full commitment in his drive to make Santa Barbara College the most successful school in the region. 劳伦斯承诺会尽全力让圣巴巴拉学院成为本地区最成功的大学。6 unpleasant or boring work 令人不快的或乏味的工作 grind /graɪnd/ [singular noun] things that you have to do every day, especially as part of your job, which are boring and make you feel tired 〔尤指每天工作的一部分〕单调乏味的事,累人的事 grind of Work feels like such a grind lately. 近来工作让人感觉如此乏味。 The relentless grind of hard labour and ill-health had taken its toll on Booth. 没完没了的苦活重活加上身体不好已对布思造成极大损害。the daily grind The daily grind of meetings and tutorials went on. 每天都是单调乏味的会议和辅导课。hard grind British The Prime Minister is pictured taking a break from the hard grind of political life. 有人拍到了首相放下繁重的政务在休假的照片。 be a slog /biː ə ˈslɒgǁ-ˈslɑːg/ [verb phrase] British use this to say that work is difficult, boring, and tiring 【英】是苦差事 The journey across the valley to the farm is going to be a slog. 穿过山谷到农场的这一段路会走得很辛苦。hard/long slog It's a hard slog isn't it? I wish we'd got further yesterday. 很辛苦是不是?要是昨天多做点就好了。 Cutting all the wood before nightfall was a long, hard slog. 要把所有木头都在黄昏前劈好,那真是件漫长的苦差事。 donkey work British /grunt work American /ˈdɒŋki wɜːʳkǁˈdɑːŋki-, ˈgrʌnt wɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] informal work that is boring or takes a lot of time and effort, but that has to be done as part of a job or larger piece of work 【非正式】〔职务或某项较大工作中〕单调乏味的苦差事 I was doing grunt work for the secretary in the department, twenty hours a week. 我每周20小时为部门秘书做单调乏味的苦差事。 The real donkey work was actually done by those guys. 真正的苦差事实际上是由那些家伙干的。 drudgery /ˈdrʌdʒəri/ [uncountable noun] work that is hard and unpleasant because it is very boring, takes a long time to do, and often involves a lot of physical effort 苦活;贱役;辛苦乏味的工作 Technological advances have taken much of the drudgery out of the assembly line and car plant. 技术进步为装配线和汽车制造厂省去了许多辛苦乏味的工作。 What seemed a promising job turned into months of boredom and drudgery. 看似有前途的职位结果变成了数月无聊乏味的工作。the drudgery of something The data management system has eliminated much of the drudgery of filing. 数据管理系统省却了文件归档工作中许多繁重乏味的工作。 Calculators were introduced to relieve students of the drudgery of pencil-and-paper number-crunching. 计算器的使用把学生从枯燥乏味的笔头计算工作中解放了出来。 toil /tɔɪl/ [uncountable noun] formal difficult and boring work that takes a long time 【正式】长时间的苦工〔苦活〕 Here began their arduous toil to force a living from the land. 他们在这里开始了艰苦劳作,努力在这块土地上谋生。 man's desire for freedom from physical toil 男性摆脱体力劳动的愿望7 to do a job that you get paid for 做有报酬的工作 work /wɜːʳk/ [intransitive verb] I haven't worked since I had my first child seven years ago. 七年前我生第一个孩子后就没工作过。 His illness eventually prevented him from working. 他的病最后使他无法工作。 Four teachers agreed to work without pay until things were settled. 四名教师同意在事情解决前无偿工作。work for For nineteen years, my father worked for the General Electric Corporation. 我父亲在通用电气公司干了19年。 The company Jack worked for gave him fully paid leave during his wife's illness. 妻子生病期间,杰克所在的公司给了他带薪假。work in/on/at I'd never worked in a lab before I came here. 来这里之前,我从未在实验室工作过。 Five mornings a week, she worked on campus. 她一周有五个上午在校园里干活。 Over the years, I'd gotten used to all the perks of working at a posh downtown Miami law firm. 这些年来,我已经习惯了在迈阿密市中心一家高级律师事务所工作的种种好处。work as a consultant/secretary/builder etc He's changed his job and is now working as a consultant for a German firm. 他换了工作,现在给一家德国公司当顾问。 Her father was an artist who sometimes worked as a salesman and labourer. 她爸爸是个画画的,有时也当推销员和工人。work somewhere Sorry, Bethany doesn't work here any more. 对不起,贝萨尼不在这里上班了。 Where do you work? 你在哪里上班?work long hours/Sundays/nights/full-time etc He only works three days a week now. 他现在每周只工作三天。 There's always someone in -- I'm working nights so I'm here in the days. 家里一直有人的一我晚上上班,所以白天在家。 I was working full-time, so I didn't see much of my girlfriend. 我全职上班,因此不常见到女朋友。 Are you prepared to work longer hours occasionally, to get the work done? 你愿意偶尔加班把工作做完吗?work hard My staff work hard, and they trust me. That's important. 我的员工工作努力,而且他们信任我,那很重要。 be /biː/ [verb] if someone is a teacher, farmer, doctor etc, that is their job 是〔教师、农民、医生等〕 ‘What do you do?’ ‘I'm a journalist.’ “你干什么工作?”“我是个记者。” She was a teacher for over twenty years. 她当了二十多年教师。 Before becoming a writer, Schwarz had been a cook, a cab driver and a door-to-door salesman. 在成为作家前,施瓦茨曾当过厨师、出租车司机和挨户兜售的推销员。 go into /ˈgəʊ ɪntuː/ [transitive verb] go into teaching/nursing/politics/journalism etc to start working as a teacher, nurse etc, because you have decided that this is the job you would like to do 从事教学/护理/政治/新闻等 Janet says she'd like to go into teaching after she finishes college. 珍妮特说她大学毕业后想教书。 Mills was wealthy even before he went into politics. 米尔斯早在从政前就很有钱了。 Snyder went into business for herself as an independent consultant. 斯奈德从商当独立顾问。 practise British /practice American /ˈpræktɪs, ˈpræktəs/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to work in a professional job as a doctor, lawyer, dentist etc 〔医生、律师、牙医等专业人员〕执业 Although he is a qualified dentist, he ceased to practice several years ago. 虽然他是位合格的牙医,但他几年前就不干这一行了。 Kingsley has been practising from the London Hydrotherapy Centre since 1960. 自1960年起,金斯利就在伦敦水疗中心执业。practise medicine/law etc I graduated from Manchester Law school and practised law with the firm of Arthur & Madden of Birmingham. 我毕业于曼彻斯特法学院,曾在伯明翰的阿瑟和梅登律师行执业。practise as A small proportion of those who complete their training do not practise as doctors. 有一小部分人完成培训后没有当医生。 practising [adjective only before noun] Jenny is a practising psychotherapist. 珍妮是执业心理治疗师。8 to do work that is not part of your job 做非职务的事 work /wɜːʳk/ [intransitive verb] to do an activity that needs effort and takes time 做事,劳动 I've been working all day in the garden. 我在花园里干了一天活。 We had to work non-stop to get the boat ready for the race. 为了在比赛前把船造好,我们必须不停地干。work on I have to work on the Jeep over the weekend. 周末我得修理吉普车。 do /duː/ [transitive verb] do the housework/gardening/cleaning etc to do work that must be done regularly in your home 做家务/园艺/清洗工作〔家里必须定期做的事〕 I'm always the one who does the cooking and cleaning and stuff around here. 这里做饭、打扫诸如此类的事情总是我来做。 It's about time the laundry was done. 该洗衣服了吧。 Hey, the washing-up's been done. That must have been Cynthia. 嗨,碗碟都洗好了,肯定是辛西娅洗的。9 to be at the place where you work 在工作场所 be at work /biː ət ˈwɜːʳk/ [verb phrase] to be doing your job at the place where you work, especially at a factory, office etc owned by your employer 在工作,在上班〔尤指在工厂、办公室里等〕 I'm afraid Fran's not here at the moment -- he's at work. 恐怕弗兰现在不在这儿——他在上班。 What time do you have to be at work? 你几点上班? I'll tell you, I wish I had these DAT machines at work. 我告诉你,我希望我的办公室里有这些数码录音机。 be on duty /biː ɒn ˈdjuːtiǁ-ˈduːti/ [verb phrase] to be at work in a job where there must always be someone working, for example if you are a nurse or a police officer 值班;值勤 You can't drink while you're on duty. 值班的时候不能喝酒。on duty 24 hours/from 6.00 p.m./on Mondays etc I'm on duty from 8 a.m. on Monday till 12 midday on Thursday. 我从周一上午9点一直值班到周四中午12点。 We're on duty tonight at half past ten. 我们今晚10点半值班。 on business /ɒn ˈbɪzns/ [adverb] if someone goes somewhere on business, they go somewhere as part of their job, especially to another city or country 出差 She drives to Tijuana several times a month on business. 她一个月有好几次要开车去蒂华纳出差。 The family was living in the Palace Hotel in Japan because my father was there on business. 全家人都住在日本的皇宫酒店,因为我爸爸在那里出差。 Do you travel abroad on business more than three times a year? 你每年去国外出差超过三次吗?be away on business With her husband frequently away on business, Berenice turns to a close friend for help and support. 丈夫经常出差,使贝蕾妮丝转而向好朋友求助。 be on call /biː ɒn ˈkɔːl/ [verb phrase] if someone such as a doctor, lawyer, or engineer is on call, they can be telephoned and will work if they are needed 随叫随到,随时待命 Doctor Lalor won't be at the surgery this afternoon, but she's on call until midnight. 今天下午莱勒医生不在诊所,但午夜之前她随叫随到。 If the machine breaks down at any time, there's always a technician on call. 如果机器突然坏了的话,总有位技术员随叫随到。 Construction managers must be on call to deal with emergencies. 施工经理必须随叫随到处理紧急情况。be on call 24 hours a day/3 days a week etc Resident managers live in hotels and are on call 24 hours a day. 驻店经理住在酒店里,一天24小时随时待命。10 a piece of work that you have to do 必须干的一件工作 job /dʒɒbǁdʒɑːb/ [countable noun] a specific piece of work that you have to do, often one that you are not paid for 〔必须做而通常没有报酬的〕工作,杂务 Repairing the roof -- that's going to be the biggest job. 修理屋顶—那可是最费工夫的事。 Cleaning the car's one of my least favorite jobs. 洗车是我最不喜欢干的活之一。do a job Well, I must go now. I've lots of jobs to do around the house. 好啦,我得走了,家里有很多事要做。do a good/nice/beautiful etc job do a job well 干得好 I always take my car to York Street garage. They're expensive, but they do a good job. 我总是把车送到约克街汽车修理厂,他们收费虽然高,但是活干得漂亮。 Irene did a nice job on those clothes didn't she? 那些衣服艾琳做得很漂亮,不是吗?get on with a job continue doing a job 继续工作 He didn't complain or criticize, he just got on with the job. 他没有发牢骚也没有指责,只是继续工作。odd jobs jobs of different kinds that are not regular 零工 He does odd jobs for people in his spare time. 他闲下来时为人打打零工。the job in/at hand the job you have to do at the moment 手头上的工作 Let's just concentrate on the job in hand, shall we? 我们就专注手头上的工作,好吗? She was upset, and found it difficult to keep her mind on the job at hand. 她心神不定,难以专注手上的工作。 task /tɑːskǁtæsk/ [countable noun] formal a piece of work that you have to do - use this especially about a difficult or unpleasant job, or about a specific part of your work 【正式】任务;工作〔尤指困难的或讨厌的工作,或工作的某一特定部分〕 One of the first tasks Eva set herself was learning the local language. 伊娃为自己定的头几个任务之一是学会当地语言。impossible/difficult/arduous etc task The UN Peacekeeping Force faces an almost impossible task. 联合国维和部队面临一个几乎不可能完成的任务。 We knew what had to be done, but it wasn't an easy task. 我们知道得做什么,但这个任务不简单。task of Recovery crews continued the grim task of retrieving bodies from the wreckage. 救援队继续执行从残骸里打捞尸体的令人沮丧的任务。face/begin/continue a task By 2001, we had begun the task of collecting the materials and information needed for the study. 2001年的时候,我们已开始着手这个工作,搜集研究所需的素材和资料。 This is one of the most difficult and complex tasks we face. 这是我们面临的最困难、最复杂的任务之一。perform a task/carry out a task Most of the workers did not have the skills required to perform the most basic tasks. 大多数工人都不具备完成最基本任务所需的技能。 The massacre was never fully investigated because the police were incapable of carrying out the task. 对这场大屠杀从没有展开过全面的调查,原因是警方没有能力执行这个任务。thankless task one that no one wants to do because they will get no satisfaction from it 吃力不讨好的差使 Who on earth would volunteer for such a thankless task? 谁还会主动去做这样吃力不讨好的差使? something to do/some work to do /ˌsʌmθɪŋ tə ˈduː, səm ˈwɜːʳk tə duː/ [verb phrase] a job that you have to do, either for your work or for yourself, especially things that you have to leave your office or house to do 要做的事〔尤指需要离开办公室或家去做的事〕 I'll pick the laundry up on Saturday -- I have some shopping to do anyway. 我周六去拿洗好的衣服——反正还要去买些东西。 I've got some work to do this evening. 今天晚上我有些事情要做。 piece of work /ˌpiːs əv ˈwɜːʳk/ [noun phrase] something that you have to do, especially something that involves writing or drawing and a lot of thinking 〔尤指需要写、画或思考的〕作业,作品 do/hand in/submit a piece of work Do you actually fail the year if you don't hand in a piece of work? 要是不把作业交上去,今年真的会不及格吗? I've got a merit for every piece of work I've done. 我的每一件作品都有可称道之处。good/excellent etc piece of work I think this is a very fine piece of work and it deserves a first class mark. 我认为这件作品很好,应该得高分。 Look at that piece of work and ask yourself the question -- ‘Is this the best I can do?’ 看看那件作品,然后问自己—“我就只能做到这么好吗?” assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/ [countable noun] a piece of work that someone gives you to do, as part of your job or as part of your studies 〔分派的〕任务,作业 Bart's first assignment for the newspaper was to report on the French elections. 巴特在报社的第一个任务是报道法国大选。 This is a really tough assignment, and I believe you're the only person who can handle it. 这是个很棘手的任务,我相信你是唯一一个能应付的人。finish/complete an assignment She stayed late to complete a class assignment. 她留到很晚以完成课堂作业。history/homework/school/military etc assignment Robin spent many lunch hours poring over her math assignments. 罗宾用了很多午餐时间仔细阅读她的数学作业。 I eventually got a teaching assignment at Xibei. 我最终在西北谋到一个教职。one-year/two week etc assignment ‘I figure this will either make or break us,’ Cheyne said of the 1-year assignment to get the camp up and running. “我想我们成败在此一举。”切恩谈到为期一年的任务是使阵营准备就绪时如此说道。 chore /tʃɔːʳ/ [countable noun] an unpleasant or boring job, especially one that you have to do regularly in your home 令人厌烦的工作;无聊的工作〔尤指家务〕 Washing the kitchen floor was a daily chore, and it was the one I hated most. 清洗厨房地面是每天要做的家务,我最讨厌这个了。 When we opened the store, our ambition was to make shopping less of a chore, more of a pleasure. 我们开商店时的目标是使购物少点麻烦,多点乐趣。 When I got old enough I started to have chores around the house. 当我长大了,就开始做家务。do the/your chores do all the cleaning etc that needs doing in a home 做家务 Michael, come on. Do your chores, bud. 迈克尔,来吧,做家务了,老兄。household chores chores in the home, such as cleaning or cooking 家务杂活 Husbands should be prepared to do their share of the household chores. 丈夫应该分担家务。 errand /ˈerənd/ [countable noun] a small job that you need to do or that someone has asked you to do, such as buying something, posting something, taking somebody to a place etc 差事;差使 do/run an errand (for somebody) Before you disappear, I want you to do an errand for me. 在你消失之前,我要你给我办件事。 Peter cleaned equipment, ran errands, answered the phone -- it was all routine. 彼得清洗设备、跑腿、接电话—都是些日常杂活。 I used to pick up her dry cleaning and run errands for her. 我以前常给她取干洗的衣服,跑跑腿。 duty /ˈdjuːtiǁˈduːti/ [countable noun usually plural] something that you have a responsibility to do, especially as a regular part of your job 职责,任务 For the most part, there was not much to do, other than cleanup duty around the prison camp. 除了战俘营里的打扫任务外,大部分时间没什么太多的事可做。 Part of a park ranger's official duties is to ensure public safety. 园林管理员的职责之一是确保公众安全。 clerical and secretarial duties 文书和秘书的职责have a duty to do something formal Teachers have a duty to ensure that students are not injured whilst they are in their care. 教师有责任确保照管的学生不受伤害。perform a duty And now I have a very pleasant duty to perform. I am going to present the prizes to the winning competitors. 现在我要履行一项非常愉快的职责,给获奖选手颁奖。tour of duty a period of time that a soldier or other member of the armed forces spends in a particular place 〔士兵或其他军队人员派驻某地的〕任期 He recently completed a tour of duty in Seoul as assistant to the US ambassador there. 他在首尔给美国驻韩大使当助理的任期最近结束了。11 an important piece of work 重要工作 project /ˈprɒdʒektǁˈprɑː-/ [countable noun] an important piece of work that an organization, group, or person plans carefully in order to achieve a particular aim over a long period of time 计划;规划;项目 The federal government will help fund this immense project, which includes the building of 150 day-care centers. 联邦政府将资助这个庞大的计划,这个计划包括建造150个日托中心。 The government scrapped the project after ruling that the costs were too high. 政府裁定费用太高,故此放弃了这个计划。 I've been working on the Inner City Development Project for the last five years. 过去五年我一直在忙于旧城区改造计划。educational/construction/research etc project a joint US--British research project 美英联合研究计划 These are encouraging signs that the ballpark project is moving from blueprint to reality. 棒球场计划正从蓝图变为现实,这些都是令人鼓舞的迹象。 mission /ˈmɪʃən/ [countable noun] an important job that someone is sent to do in another place, especially for a military or political purpose 〔尤指军事或政治的〕重要任务;使命 He was immediately sent to Paris. His mission was to negotiate a ceasefire. 他立即被派往巴黎,任务是商议停火协议。 He volunteered to embark on a dangerous secret mission into occupied France. 他自告奋勇,参加一个危险的秘密任务,潜入被占领的法国。 a rescue mission to salvage a satellite 抢修卫星的救援任务combat/military mission I flew on over 280 combat missions in two wars, so I'm used to danger. 两次战争中我参加过二百八十多次飞行战斗任务,因此我对危险已习惯了。 undertaking /ˌʌndəˈteɪkɪŋǁˈʌndərteɪ-/ [countable noun usually singular] a big or important job, which you decide or agree to do, and which you will be responsible for 〔重大的〕任务;事业 huge/major/big etc undertaking In the late 1980s, the US embarked on a major undertaking: the human genome project. 20世纪80年代末,美国开始了一个重大项目:人类基因组计划。 Everybody needs to realise that this is a huge undertaking. 每个人都要明白,这是一个巨大的任务。 Covering an Olympics is an extraordinary undertaking for any television company. 报道奥运会对任何一家电视公司来说都是非同寻常的任务。12 to give someone work to do 给某人工作做 give /gɪv/ [transitive verb] if you give someone a job, some work etc, you offer them the job, work etc, or ask them to do it for you 给;提供;叫〔某人〕做〔某事〕 give somebody something I asked Joel's teacher if we should give him some Level 4 work. 我问乔尔的老师,我们是否该给他做些四级的作业。 We were given some grammar assignments for homework. 我们给布置了一些语法练习作为家庭作业。give something to somebody Angie did a really good interview, but they gave the job to someone with more experience. 安吉面试表现很好,但是他们却把职位给了更有经验的人。give somebody something to do/give something to somebody to do What can I give Helen to do? She's finished the filing. 我给海伦做什么呢?她刚完成归档。 OK, you open the parcels. That'll give you something to do. 好的,你来打开包裹,那会给你一些事情做做。 ‘Have you peeled the carrots?’ ‘No, I gave them to Dad to do.’ “你削好胡萝卜了吗?”“没有,我交给爸爸做了。” assign /əˈsaɪn/ [transitive verb usually in passive] formal to give a particular job to a particular person 【正式】指派,分派〔工作〕 be assigned something You have been assigned the task of keeping the records up to date. 指派给你的任务是不断更新记录。 After her promotion took effect, she was assigned a research job. 她的晋升令生效后,她获派一项研究工作。be assigned to somebody The job of producing a development program was assigned to the junior minister. 制定发展计划的工作指派给了副部长。 He was asked to assign two of his employees to the inventory control department. 他被要求派两名手下去库存管理部。 set /set/ [transitive verb] especially British if a teacher or employer sets you a piece of work, they give it to you to do, and you must finish it by a particular time or date 【尤英】〔教师〕布置〔作业〕;〔雇主〕指派〔工作〕 set homework/a task/work etc Mr Harris always sets a lot of homework. 哈里斯先生总是布置很多家庭作业。 Is that all -- or has she set some other task for you as well? 就这么多吗—还是她给你布置了其他任务? Anneka was set the huge task by Christian Aid on behalf of a family who fled from war-torn Mozambique. 基督教援助委员会指派给安妮卡一个巨大任务,为从饱受战争蹂躏的莫桑比克逃出的一个家庭提供帮助。set somebody something She set us some work to do in groups. 她指派给我们一些小组任务。 At the end of the session, they were set a homework task. 这堂课结束时,他们被布置了一项家庭作业。 commission /kəˈmɪʃən/ [transitive verb] to appoint someone to do a piece of work for you, for example to write a report or to produce some artistic or scientific work 委托;委派 The Philadelphia Medical Society commissioned a report on alcoholism. 费城医学会托人撰写有关酒精中毒的报告。be commissioned for/by/from etc His ‘Landscapes’ Symphony was commissioned for the inaugural concert of the Shepherd School. 他的《风光》交响曲是受托为谢泼德学院的成立音乐会而写的。 Seventy-five percent of Americans think that women are more sensual than men, according to a survey commissioned by Revlon. 据露华浓公司委托进行的一项调查显示,75%的美国人认为女性比男性更喜欢感官享受。 The Left-Hand Piano Concerto was the first of several works commissioned from distinguished composers. 《左撇子钢琴协奏曲》是著名作曲家受托谱写的数部作品中的第一部。commission somebody to do something In 1506, Bramante was commissioned by Pope Julius II to rebuild St Peter's church. 1506年,教皇尤利乌斯二世委托布拉曼特重建圣彼得大教堂。 The gallery is housed in the new wing, which he commissioned Adams to build 18 years ago. 美术馆设在新翼,那是他18年前委派亚当斯建造的。 saddle somebody with also lumber somebody with British informal /ˈsædl somebody wɪð, ˈlʌmbəʳ somebody wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give someone an unpleasant or difficult job to do 使某人负担〔讨厌或困难的工作〕 be/get saddled with something Campaign adviser Ken Polaski has been saddled with the job of explaining the recent presidential gaffes. 竞选顾问肯·波兰斯基有件苦差事,要为总统最近的失言作出解释。 ‘I'm sorry you've been lumbered with running me back home,’ said Ashley stiffly. “对不起,开车送我回家让你受累了。”阿什利生硬地说。saddle something with something The Hong Kong Rugby Union has saddled Simpkin with the post of national coach to the ailing team. 香港橄榄球联合会把这支积弱球队的主教练职位推给了辛普金。




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