

单词 WAR
例句 WAR1 fighting between countries or armies2 to fight in a war or be in a war3 to start a war4 during a war5 the place where a war is fought6 the people you are fighting against in a war7 someone who is keen to start a warRELATED WORDSoppositePEACEsee alsoFIGHTARMYKILLATTACKDEFENDREBELLION/REVOLUTIONENEMYWEAPONEXPLODE1 fighting between countries or armies 国家或军队之间的战争 war /wɔːʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun] a long period of fighting, when the armies, ships, and planes of two or more countries fight against each other 〔两国或多国之间的〕战争 the Vietnam War 越南战争 When the war ended in 1945, Europe was in chaos. 1945年战争结束时,欧洲一片混乱。win/lose a war Who won the Franco-Prussian War? 谁赢了普法战争?civil war war between groups of people from the same country 内战 More Americans died in the Civil War than in World War II. 内战中死亡的美国人比第二次世界大战还多。war against/with Iran's seven-year war with Iraq 伊朗与伊拉克的七年战争war breaks out war begins 战争爆发 In 1874, war broke out in Europe again. 1874年,欧洲再次爆发战争。the outbreak of war the time when a war begins 战争的爆发 In the months leading up to the outbreak of war, both countries were involved in a massive arms build-up. 战争爆发前的几个月里,两个国家都在大规模地扩张军备。war hero a war hero and former fighter pilot 战争英雄、前战斗机飞行员war veteran a former soldier who fought in a war 经历过战争的老兵 War veterans claim that they were exposed to chemical weapons while fighting in the Gulf. 参加过海湾战争的老兵称,他们在战争中曾接触化学武器。 conflict /ˈkɒnflɪktǁˈkɑːn-/ [countable/uncountable noun] a situation in which two countries or groups are fighting against each other - used especially in news reports 〔两个国家或两批人之间的〕冲突〔尤用于新闻报道〕 the conflict in the Middle East 中东的冲突 Can this peace settlement bring an end to years of conflict? 这个和平协议可以结束多年的冲突吗? The conflict began early in December 1994. 冲突早于1994年12月开始。 rebellion /rɪˈbeljən/ [countable noun] an organized attempt to change or destroy the government by fighting against it 叛乱 The rebellion spread quickly through the Western Provinces. 叛乱很快在西部省份蔓延开来。rebellion against an armed rebellion against the government 反政府武装叛乱crush/put down a rebellion use force to stop it 镇压叛乱 The army was brought in to crush the rebellion. 军队被派来平息叛乱。 fighting /ˈfaɪtɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] when soldiers fight against each other during a war or battle 战斗 The UN had failed to stop the fighting in Rwanda. 联合国未能制止发生在卢旺达的战斗。heavy/fierce fighting a lot of fighting when many people are hurt 激烈的战斗 The streets of the capital are now quiet again, after three weeks of heavy fighting. 三周激战过后,首都的街道现已恢复平静。renewed fighting fighting that starts again after it had stopped 重新开战 Some 15,000 people have fled the city, following renewed fighting. 战斗再次开始后,大约15,000人已逃离该市。 warfare /ˈwɔːʳfeəʳ/ [uncountable noun] the activity of fighting in a war - use this especially to talk about the methods of fighting that are used in war 战争〔尤用于谈论战术〕 the history of modern warfare 现代战争史nuclear/chemical warfare fighting with nuclear bombs or poison gas 核战/化学战 a secret underground chemical warfare plant 一座秘密的地下化学兵工厂 Many people believe that what happened in 1940 was a British chemical warfare experiment that went wrong. 许多人认为,1940年发生的事是英国化学战试验出错所致。guerrilla warfare when small unofficial military groups fight against the government 游击战 The rebels aimed to overthrow the government through protracted guerrilla warfare. 叛乱分子的目标是通过持久的游击战来推翻政府。 hostilities /hɒˈstɪlɪtiz, hɒˈstɪlətizǁhɑː-/ [plural noun] written when two armies or opposing groups are fighting 【书面】战争,战斗 Land mines maim and kill innocent people, long after hostilities have ceased. 战争结束很久以后还有地雷把无辜民众炸伤或炸死。 Mexican forces were ordered to avoid all hostilities with the American troops. 墨西哥军队奉命要完全避免与美军交战。end hostilities The two sides reach an agreement to end hostilities. 双方达成协议结束战争。the start/outbreak of hostilities The Japanese navy scored a success only two days after the start of hostilities, by sinking two British battleships. 战争开始才两天,日本海军就击沉两艘英国战舰,打了个胜仗。 battle /ˈbætl/ [countable noun] a fight in one area between two armies, or two groups of ships or planes 〔两军之间在某一地区的〕战役,战斗 a naval battle in the North Sea 北海海战battle of the Battle of the Somme 索姆河战役win/lose a battle The French lost the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. 1415年,法国在阿让库尔战役中失利。die/be wounded/be killed in battle King Olaf died in battle, in 1030. 1030年,国王奥拉夫在战役中阵亡。lead/send somebody into battle Lyndon Johnson first sent U.S. combat troops into battle in March 1965. 1965年3月,林登·约翰逊首次派遣美国作战部队参战。 skirmish /ˈskɜːʳmɪʃ/ [countable noun] a short, unplanned, and usually not very important fight between two small groups of soldiers 小规模战斗;小冲突 Last night skirmishes were reported along the border. 据报道,昨晚边境地区发生了小规模战斗。 Government soldiers ran into a group of rebels, and a skirmish followed. 政府军遭遇一群叛乱分子,发生了小冲突。2 to fight in a war or be in a war 参战或处于战争状态 fight /faɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to take part in a war or battle 作战,战斗,打仗 His grandfather fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War. 他祖父在西班牙内战中加入共和派军队作战。 The Boers were fighting the British at this time. 此时,布尔人正与英国人开战。fight for Most of these young soldiers don't even know what they're fighting for. 这些年轻士兵大部分甚至不知道为了什么打仗。fight in My grandfather fought in World War II. 我祖父参加过第二次世界大战。fight a war/battle They were fighting a war of independence against a powerful enemy. 他们在与强大的敌人打一场独立战争。 clash /klæʃ/ [intransitive verb] if two armies or groups clash, they suddenly start fighting each other, especially for a short time - used especially in news reports: 冲突〔尤指短时间,尤用于新闻报道〕 Iranian and Iraqi troops clashed on the border. 伊朗和伊拉克军队在边境爆发冲突。clash with US planes clashed with enemy fighter aircraft again today. 美国飞机今天又与敌方战斗机发生了冲突。 clash [countable noun] border clashes between India and Pakistan 印度和巴基斯坦之间的边境冲突 be at war /biː ət ˈwɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] if two countries are at war with each other, they are fighting a war against each other 〔两国之间〕处于交战状态 Europe had been at war for nearly two years. 欧洲已经打了将近两年的仗。 He could not remember a time when his country had not been at war. 他记不得什么时候自己的国家不在打仗。be at war with In 1792 England was at war with America. 1792年,英国与美国交战。 wage war /ˌweɪdʒ ˈwɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to start and continue a war, especially for a long period 发动战争〔尤指长时间的〕 In his speech he promised full support to wars of independence waged by colonial peoples. 在演说中,他承诺全力支持殖民地人民发动的独立战争。wage war on/against Many Americans now question whether the US should have waged war on Vietnam. 如今许多美国人都质疑美国是否应该对越南发动战争。 make war /ˌmeɪk ˈwɔːr/ [verb phrase] to fight a war, especially by suddenly attacking a country that does not threaten your country 〔尤指〕突然向〔没有威胁的国家〕开战 He believes that men make war because they are by nature aggressive. 他相信人类发动战争是因为他们天生好斗。make war on Throughout the nineteenth century the colonial powers made war on poorer countries in order to gain territory. 整个19世纪,殖民地列强为了扩展版图向贫穷国家发动战争。 warring /ˈwɔːrɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] warring factions/nations/tribes/groups etc nations etc that are fighting against each other 交战的派系/国家/部落/团体等 Fighting between the various warring factions was destroying the country. 各敌对派系之间的战斗正在毁灭这个国家。 All attempts to reconcile the two warring groups have failed. 所有想调解这两个交战团体的努力都失败了。3 to start a war 开始一场战争 declare war /dɪˌkleəʳ ˈwɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] if a country declares war on another country, it makes an official public statement that it is going to fight a war against that country 〔一国〕向〔另一国〕宣战 He was visiting his parents in Torino when war was declared. 宣布开战时,他正在都灵看望父母。 Within hours of the incident, both countries had declared war. 这事件发生几小时后,两个国家宣战。declare war on In April the Americans declared war on Germany and entered the war. 4月,美国对德国宣战,加入了战争。 go to war /ˌgəʊ tə ˈwɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] if someone goes to war they leave home to fight in a war. If a country or group goes to war it begins to fight another country, group etc 〔人〕参战;与〔他国〕开战 The women stayed at home and farmed the land, while the men went to war. 男人到前线打仗,妇女在家种地。 The two countries went to war over a small, but important, area of land. 这两个国家为了一块面积虽小但很重要的土地开战。4 during a war 战争时 wartime /ˈwɔːʳtaɪm/ [adjective only before noun] during or relating to the time when there is a war 战争时期的 He died on a wartime bombing mission. 他死于战时的一次轰炸行动。 My grandmother's wartime experiences were still fresh in her memory. 我祖母对于战时的经历仍记忆犹新。 She grew up in Africa, far away from the hardships of wartime Europe. 她在非洲长大,没有经历过战时欧洲的艰苦情况。 wartime President, Franklin D. Roosevelt 战时总统富兰克林·D.罗斯福 wartime /ˈwɔːʳtaɪm/ [uncountable noun] the time when there is a war 战争时期 I longed for a bar of chocolate, but this was wartime, and such luxuries were not available. 我很想吃块巧克力,但这是战争时期,没有这样的奢侈品。in wartime the importance of secrecy in wartime 战时保密的重要性 in the war /ɪn ðə ˈwɔːʳ/ [adverb] during the particular war that you are talking about 在〔所谈论的〕某次战争时 What did your father do in the war? 在战争中你父亲做什么? Three of his brothers were killed in the First World War. 他有三个兄弟死于第一次世界大战。 in action /ɪn ˈækʃən/ [adverb] be killed/wounded in action to be killed or injured while fighting in a battle during a war - used especially in official military statements 阵亡/在战斗中负伤〔尤用于官方的军事声明中〕 a memorial to the thousands of soldiers killed in action 为成千上万阵亡士兵竖立的纪念碑5 the place where a war is fought 战争发生的地方 battlefield /ˈbætlfiːld/ [countable noun] the place where two armies fight a battle 战场,战地 Thousands died on the battlefields of northern France. 成千上万的人在法国北部的战场上死去。 the front line/the front /ðə ˌfrʌnt ˈlaɪn, ðə ˈfrʌnt/ [noun phrase] the place where an army is closest to the enemy and where the fighting takes place 前线 We were now just a few kilometres behind the front line. 我们现在距离前线仅几公里。the Western/Eastern/Russian etc front Her grandfather had four years on the Western Front. 她爷爷在西部前线待过四年。 war zone /ˈwɔːʳ zəʊn/ [countable noun] an area which is very dangerous because a war is being fought there 交战地带,战区 the latest news from the war zone 来自战区的最新消息 Aid workers returning from the war zone reported seeing groups of rebels waving white flags. 从战区回来的救援人员说,看见一群群叛乱分子挥舞着白旗。 the field (of battle) /ðə ˌfiːld (əv ˈbætl)/ [singular noun] the time or the place where there is fighting - use this especially to talk about fighting in general 战场,战地〔尤用于谈论广义的战斗〕 on the field of battle It is better to negotiate than to settle political disputes on the field of battle. 谈判总比在战场上解决政治争议好。in the field The new weapon has not yet been tried out in the field. 新武器还未在战场上试用过。 He was awarded a medal for distinguished service in the field. 他因在战场上的突出贡献而获得了一枚奖章。 theatre British /theater American /ˈθɪətəʳ/ [singular noun] a large area in which a war is being fought, especially when the war is taking place in several different areas or countries 战区,战场〔尤指战争在多个地区或国家进行〕 Pacific/European/Middle East etc theatre It was in the Pacific theater of the war that the US won its first major victories. 美国初次赢得重大胜利是在太平洋战区。 Many of NATO's nuclear weapons in the European theatre are obsolete. 北约在欧洲战场的许多核武器都淘汰了。 war-torn /ˈwɔːʳ tɔːʳn/ [adjective only before noun] relating to an area where a lot of damage has been caused by war and fighting 饱受战争蹂躏的 In 1941, Margaret E. Ray escaped war-torn France and landed in New York. 1941年,玛格丽特·E.蕾逃离了饱受战争蹂躏的法国,来到纽约。 The plan offered long-term aid to war-torn Europe. 该计划向饱受战争蹂躏的欧洲提供长期援助。6 the people you are fighting against in a war 战争中的敌人 enemy /ˈenəmi/ [countable noun] someone that you are fighting against in a war 敌人 Even though these soldiers were our enemies, I felt desperately sorry for them. 这些士兵虽然是我们的敌人,我还是为他们感到难过。the enemy the army or country that your army or country is fighting against in a war 敌国;敌军 They accused him of giving secret information to the enemy. 他们指控他将秘密情报给了敌国。7 someone who is keen to start a war 喜欢发动战争的人 warmonger /ˈwɔːʳˌmʌŋgəʳǁ-ˌmɑːŋ-, -ˌmʌŋ-/ [countable noun] someone, especially a politician or a military leader, who is too keen to start wars or to settle arguments by starting a war 战争贩子〔尤指好战的政客或军队领袖〕 Some saw him as a great statesman, but others saw him as a ruthless warmonger. 有些人认为他是个伟大的政治家,有些人则认为他是个残酷无情的战争贩子。 militarist /ˈmɪlɪtərɪst, ˈmɪlɪtərəst/ [countable noun] someone, especially a politician or a military leader, who is too keen to increase the size and power of their country's armed forces so that it can attack other countries 军国主义者;穷兵黩武者〔尤指政客或军队领袖〕 The militarists wanted Japan to invade China. 军国主义者希望日本入侵中国。 hawk /hɔːk/ [countable noun] a person, especially a politician, who supports the use of military force and strong action in order to settle arguments with other countries 主战分子,鹰派人物〔尤指政客〕 The hawks in the government would never permit any talks with the enemy. 政府里的主战派人物绝不会允许同敌人进行任何会谈。 We don't yet know whether the new President is a hawk or a dove someone who prefers peaceful methods. 我们还不知道新总统是鹰派还是鸽派。 hawkish [adjective] supporting the use of military force, even when other people think this is unnecessary 鹰派的,主战的 the hawkish element in the opposition party 反对党里的主战派




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