

例句 VOICE1 the sounds someone makes when they speak2 a rough voice3 a high voice4 a low voiceRELATED WORDSsee alsoSOUNDSPEAKTALKSHOUTSCREAMHIGHLOW (2)1 the sounds someone makes when they speak 说话的声音 voice /vɔɪs/ [countable noun] She has a very high, squeaky voice. 她的嗓音又高又尖。 I could hear Dan's angry voice shouting ‘stupid idiot’. 我听见丹生气的声音在大叫“蠢材”。 There was a note of irritation in her voice. 她的声音里有股怒气。 She was startled to hear voices coming from upstairs. 她听见楼上传来说话声,吓了一跳。in a loud/high/deep etc voice ‘Sorry I'm late’, she said, in a low voice. “对不起,我迟到了。”她低声说道。 tone /təʊn/ [countable/uncountable noun] the way someone speaks, especially when this shows the way they feel 语气,口气〔尤流露出某人的感受〕 He kept his tone formal. 他用正式的语气说话。tone of I often detect a tone of regret in her voice. 我常常觉察到她的声音里有遗憾的语气。in an friendly/angry/embarrassed etc tone ‘This is Julia’, Jo said, in a friendly tone. “这位是朱莉娅。”乔语气友好地说道。 She was speaking in a rather irritated tone. 她说话的语气有点不耐烦。in hushed tones quietly 压低声音地 Mary ushered her into the church, speaking in hushed tones. 玛丽领她进了教堂,压低了声音说话。tone of voice She was almost hypnotised by his mellow tone of voice. 她几乎被他柔和悦耳的语调所陶醉。2 a rough voice 粗声粗气的说话声 rough /rʌf/ [adjective] not sounding soft or gentle, especially because the person speaking is angry or rude 粗声粗气的〔尤因某人说话时生气或粗鲁〕 ‘What are you doing in here?’ shouted the farmer in a rough voice. “你在这里干什么?”农夫粗声粗气地嚷道。rough with Fran was shaking her urgently, his voice rough with concern. 弗兰急切地摇晃她,担心得声音都沙哑了。 roughly [adverb] ‘Well, what are you waiting for? Get a move on!’ said the guard roughly. “好了,还等什么?快走!”卫兵粗声粗气地说道。 throaty /ˈθrəʊti/ [adjective] deep and rough, as if the sounds are produced deep down in your throat 声音低沉的,嘶哑的 Julie had a throaty voice that made her sound older than she was. 朱莉说话声音低沉,听上去比实际年龄大。 She always spoke with a throaty German accent. 她说话总带有沙哑的德国口音。 husky /ˈhʌski/ [adjective] slightly rough, as though you have a sore throat, but also attractive and deep 深沉沙哑的〔但吸引人的〕 Stephen put his arms around her and his voice became a soft, husky whisper. 斯蒂芬抱住她,说话声变成了温柔低沉的耳语。 Caron Wheeler's rich, husky vocal is perfect for the song's mellow soulfulness. 卡伦·惠勒深厚沙哑的嗓音最适合表现这首歌的款款深情。 huskily [adverb] Mel cleared his throat and chuckled huskily. 梅尔清了清嗓子,低声轻笑起来。 gruff /grʌf/ [adjective] deep and rough, especially when the speaker is feeling annoyed or being rude and does not want to talk much 粗哑的;低沉而生硬的〔尤因不耐烦或粗鲁〕 ‘If this happens again,’ said Dad, in a gruff voice, ‘I shall be extremely angry!’ “要是再发生这种事,”爸爸粗暴地说道,“我会非常生气的!” He was an irritable old man, who seldom spoke except to say a gruff hello. 他是个爱发脾气的老人,除了生硬地打声招呼外很少说话。 gruffly [adverb] The doorman asked me gruffly for my identity card. 门卫语气生硬地问我要身份证。 hoarse /hɔːʳs/ [adjective] rough and not very clear, especially because your throat is sore as a result of illness or too much shouting, singing etc 嘶哑的,沙哑的〔尤因生病或大叫大嚷、唱歌等太多以致喉咙疼痛〕 You sound very hoarse. Do you have a cold? 你的嗓音很嘶哑,感冒了吗? His voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. 他的声音一下子变成了沙哑的低语。shout yourself hoarse British shout so much that you become hoarse 【英】喊到嗓子沙哑 He had shouted himself hoarse in his frenzied efforts to attract attention. 他发疯似地高声大叫想吸引别人注意,嗓子都喊哑了。 hoarsely [adverb] ‘Sorry, I'm losing my voice,’ Sam whispered hoarsely. “对不起,我失声了。”萨姆哑着嗓子低声说道。 hoarseness [uncountable noun] The hoarseness in Brenda's voice made it very difficult to hear her over the phone. 布伦达嗓子哑了,所以电话里很难听清她说话。3 a high voice 高音 high /haɪ/ [adjective] I recognized Juliet's high, excited voice on the phone immediately. 我马上就听出了电话里朱莉叶尖尖的、兴奋的嗓音。 high-pitched /ˌhaɪ ˈpɪtʃt◂/ [adjective] high and often unpleasant or annoying to listen to 尖厉的 Her voice was clear but rather high-pitched. 她的声音清晰,但相当尖厉。 The commentary was punctuated by high-pitched giggles. 实况报道不时被尖厉的笑声打断。 piercing /ˈpɪəʳsɪŋ/ [adjective] very high and loud, and unpleasant or painful to listen to 刺耳的,尖厉的 Her voice was nasal and piercing. 她的声音带有鼻音,而且刺耳。 He raised his hands and let out a piercing shriek. 他举起双手,发出一声刺耳的尖叫。 There came a piercing cry from the back of the cinema. 电影院后排传来刺耳的尖叫声。 shrill /ʃrɪl/ [adjective] very high and loud and unpleasant to listen to 刺耳的,尖声的 As Sophie became angry her voice got shriller. 索菲生气时,声音便尖厉起来。 Sylvie burst out in a shrill laugh before leaving the room. 西尔维尖声大笑起来,然后离开了房间。 squeaky /ˈskwiːki/ [adjective] a squeaky voice keeps changing between being too high and being normal, especially because there is something wrong with your throat 短促尖声的〔尤因喉咙不适〕 He's had a throat infection for over a week and his voice has gone squeaky. 他喉咙感染有一周了,嗓音变得很尖细。 a band with a squeaky vocal style 歌声风格尖厉的乐队4 a low voice 低音 low /ləʊ/ [adjective] Martin's voice was low, with a note of sadness in it. 马丁说话声音低低的,带有一丝悲伤。 Gripping his stomach, he let out a low moan. 他紧捂着胃部,发出低沉的呻吟。 deep /diːp/ [adjective] if a man's voice is deep, it is very low, especially in an attractive way. If a woman's voice is deep, it is very low, like a man's voice 低沉的 He has a deep, reassuring voice, 他说话声音低沉,让人宽慰。 I tried to make my voice sound deeper when I answered the phone. 我接电话的时候尽量让自己的嗓音低沉些。 rich /rɪtʃ/ [adjective] a rich voice is low, strong, and pleasant to listen to 低沉浑厚的 The lead actor's rich voice claimed the attention of the audience. 主角浑厚的嗓音吸引了观众的注意。 He sang in a deep, rich baritone. 他用低沉浑厚的男中音演唱。 resonant /ˈrezənənt/ [adjective] a resonant voice is deep, loud, and clear 响亮的 Billy's voice had a deep, resonant tone that was a pleasure to hear. 比利的嗓音深沉响亮,十分悦耳。 ‘Listen,’ Toranaga interrupted in his resonant, commanding voice. “听着。”寅寿以响亮威严的声音打断讲话。




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