

单词 UP
例句 UP1 moving up to a higher place2 looking, facing, or pointing upwards3 to move upwards through the air4 when something moves upwards into the air5 to move up a slope or upstairs6 when a road or path goes upwards7 when the level of water goes up8 when the sun or moon comes up into the sky9 to move a part of your body upwards10 to move up in a listRELATED WORDSoppositeDOWNwhen numbers, prices etc go up 数字、价格等上升 INCREASEsee alsoPOSITION/RANKSUCCEED/SUCCESSFULCLIMBVERTICALHIGH1 moving up to a higher place 移动到更高的地方 up /ʌp/ [preposition/adverb] The car went slowly up the hill. 汽车慢慢地开上山。 Lee gets out of breath just going up the stairs. 李上楼梯就会气喘吁吁。 There's a great view from the top - you should go up and have a look. 顶上风景绝佳—你该上去看看。up to/into/onto/over/at etc The fire sent clouds of smoke up into the sky. 大火冒出滚滚浓烟冲向天空。 Don't let the cat jump up onto the table. 不要让猫跳到桌上去。 We made our way up to the top of the mountain. 我们一路走上山顶。straight up Serena was so scared she jumped straight up in the air. 塞蕾娜害怕得直跳了起来。up and down Pain was running up and down both his legs. 痛楚传遍他的双腿。 upwards also upward American /ˈʌpwəʳd(z)/ [adverb] towards a higher position, especially towards the sky 向上〔尤指朝天〕 Alan grabbed hold of the ledge and began to climb upward. 艾伦抓住岩架开始往上爬。 A few snowflakes fell toward the ground, then blew upward with the next gust of wind. 几片雪花飘落在地上,接着一阵风又将它们吹了起来。 The lighter material floats upwards, carrying heat to the surface of the liquid. 较轻的材料向上浮,将热量带到液体表面。 upward [adjective only before noun] She massaged my back with a light upward movement. 她轻轻地向上推,给我的背部做按摩。 uphill /ˌʌpˈhɪl◂/ [adverb] towards a higher position by means of a road or path that goes up a hill 往山上,往上坡 I don't like cycling uphill. 我不喜欢骑车走上坡路。 The children were running uphill towards the house. 孩子们朝山上那房子跑去。 Our guide led us uphill along a steep trail. 导游领我们沿着一条陡峭的小路上山。 upstairs /ˌʌpˈsteəʳz◂/ [adverb] towards a higher floor in a building by means of stairs 往楼上 Lucy came rushing upstairs after her sister. 露茜跟着她姐姐直奔楼上来。 Don't go upstairs - Mom's still getting dressed. 别上楼—妈妈还在穿衣服。 Flora watched Mrs Brown staggering upstairs with a heavy tray. 弗洛拉看着布朗夫人拿着一只沉甸甸的托盘蹒跚地走上楼。 higher and higher /ˌhaɪər ənd ˈhaɪəʳ/ [adverb] if something moves higher and higher, it continues to move towards a higher position in the sky 〔在空中〕越来越高 The moon rose higher and higher. 月亮升得越来越高。 The kite went higher and higher into the sky. 风筝在空中越升越高。 I watched as the birds flew higher and higher, grew smaller, and then disappeared. 我看着鸟儿越飞越高,变得越来越小,接着便消失了。2 looking, facing, or pointing upwards 往上看,面朝上,或指向上面 upwards also upward American /ˈʌpwəʳd(z)/ [adverb] He held the palms of his hands upward as if he were asking forgiveness. 他掌心朝上,似乎在请求原谅。 A copy of the book lay on the table, its cover facing upwards. 桌上摆着一本书,封面朝上。 All eyes were turned upward toward the man standing on the ledge. 所有的目光都朝上转向站在窗台上的那名男子。 upward [adjective] Hector gave her an upward glance and then continued reading the paper. 赫克托抬头看了她一眼,然后继续看报纸。 up /ʌp/ [adverb] use this to say where someone or something is looking, facing, or pointing 朝上,往上 Caroline looked up and laughed. 卡罗琳抬起头来笑了。up at/into/from etc The boy turned and stared up at her. 那男孩转过身来,仰着头盯着她看。 The receptionist hardly looked up from her book when I came in the office. 我进办公室的时候,接待员在看书,头都没抬一下。 We stood there for a moment, gazing up into the snow-covered branches of the tree. 我们在那儿站了一会,抬头凝望,那树上白雪满枝。straight up He was pointing his rifle straight up in the air. 他举着枪,枪口直朝天空。 face-up /ˌfeɪs ˈʌp/ [adverb] if someone or something is lying face-up, they are lying with their face pointing upwards 面朝上地 Police found the body lying face-up in the hall. 警察发现尸体面朝上地倒在大厅里。 He put all his cards face-up on the table. 他把自己所有的纸牌面朝上地放在桌上。3 to move upwards through the air 在空中上升 go up /ˌgəʊ ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] Mervyn had never invited her to go up in his little plane. 默文从没邀请过她乘坐自己的小飞机。 If you want to make the kite go up, pull the string hard, then release it slowly. 放风筝要用力拉线,然后慢慢松手。 rise /raɪz/ [intransitive verb] to move straight up into the air 上升 Hot air rises. 热空气上升。rise in/into A stream of water rose into the air, arched smoothly, and fell back into the pool. 一股水流射向空中,形成一道平滑的弧线,然后落回池子里。rise up Clouds of smoke rose up into the air. 团团烟雾升到了空中。 ascend /əˈsend/ [intransitive verb] formal to move up through the air 【正式】上升,升高 A huge flock of red-wing blackbirds ascended from their nests along the side of the road. 一大群红翅黑鹂从路旁的巢里飞起来。 He leaned out of an upstairs window and felt a current of warm air ascending from the street. 他从楼上的窗户探身出去,感到一股暖空气从街上升上来。 climb /klaɪm/ [intransitive verb] if a bird or a plane climbs, it gradually goes higher up into the sky 〔鸟或飞机〕徐徐上升,爬高 As the plane began to climb, Karen started to feel ill. 飞机开始爬高,卡伦开始觉得不舒服了。 The geese climbed high above us and set off on their long journey south. 一群大雁在我们头上高飞,开始了它们漫长的南徙之旅。 gain height /ˌgeɪn ˈhaɪt/ [verb phrase] if an aircraft gains height, it gradually moves higher up into the sky 〔飞机〕爬升,爬高 Investigators are uncertain why the plane failed to gain height after takeoff. 调查人员不明白飞机起飞后为什么无法爬高。 Gliders use thermal up-currents to gain height. 滑翔机利用上升的热气流逐渐升高。 shoot up /ˌʃuːt ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to suddenly go up into the air very quickly 〔突然〕迅速上升 Flames shot up into the air and clouds of smoke poured out of the windows. 火焰窜向空中,窗户冒出团团浓烟。 I saw a spray of white water shoot up into the sky and knew that there were whales nearby. 我看见白色的水花喷向空中,于是知道附近有鲸鱼。 soar /sɔːʳ/ [intransitive verb] to go quickly upwards to a great height in the air 迅速地升高 soar upwards/up/above/into etc The ball soared high into the air. 球高高地飞向空中。 The snow goose flew down low over the field and then soared back up gracefully. 那只雪雁俯冲下来在田野上低飞,然后又优雅地飞回空中。4 when something moves upwards into the air 某物飞向空中 leave the ground /ˌliːv ðə ˈgraʊnd/ [verb phrase] Gunmen started firing at the helicopter as it left the ground. 直升机离开地面时,持枪歹徒就开始朝它射击。 The plane had barely left the ground when it began to experience engine trouble. 飞机才离开地面就出现了引擎故障。 take off /ˌteɪk ˈɒf/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a plane or a bird takes off, it leaves the ground and start flying 〔飞机或鸟〕起飞 Some ducks took off and flew along the river. 一些鸭子腾空而起,沿河飞翔。 We had to wait on the runway for a half an hour before we finally took off. 我们不得不在跑道上等了半小时之后才终于起飞。take off from The president's plane took off from Andrews Air Force Base at 9:45 am. 总统专机在上午9点45分从安德鲁斯空军基地起飞。 takeoff/take-off /ˈteɪkɒfǁ-ɔːf/ [countable/uncountable noun] The takeoff and landing were a little rough, but the rest of the flight was very smooth. 起降的时候有点不稳,但是飞行过程中其他时间都很平稳。 lift off /ˌlɪft ˈɒf/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a space ship lifts off, it leaves the ground and starts its journey into space 〔宇宙飞船〕发射,升空 There was a burst of flame as the rocket lifted off into the sky. 火箭升空时喷发出一柱火焰。 Thousands of people had gathered at Cape Canaveral to watch the rocket lift off. 数以千计的人聚集在卡纳维拉尔角观看火箭发射。 lift-off /ˈlɪft ɒf/ [countable/uncountable noun] This is Houston. We have lift-off the rocket is now lifting off. 这里是休斯顿,火箭正在升空。 blast off /ˌblɑːst ˈɒfǁˌblæst-/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a space ship blasts off, it leaves the ground with an explosion of fire and starts its journey into space 〔宇宙飞船〕发射 The space shuttle is set to blast off on a nine-day mission tomorrow at 4:18 a.m. 航天飞机定于明天凌晨4点18分发射,执行为期九天的任务。 blast-off /ˈblɑːst ɒfǁˈblæst-/ [countable/uncountable noun] Minutes after blast-off the rocket exploded. 火箭发射升空后几分钟就爆炸了。 launch /lɔːntʃ/ [transitive verb] to send a rocket up into the air or into space 发射〔火箭〕 launch a rocket/missile/satellite etc China is planning to launch a space rocket later this month. 中国计划于本月稍后时间发射一枚太空火箭。 On the first day of the war over 400 missiles were launched. 开战第一天发射了400多枚导弹。 launch [countable/uncountable noun] During the launch, two rockets boost the shuttle before separating and falling back into the sea. 发射过程中,由两枚火箭推进航天飞机,然后分离,落进大海。5 to move up a slope or upstairs 上斜坡或楼梯 go up /ˌgəʊ ˈʌp/ [transitive verb not in passive] You have to go up two flights of stairs, and then it's the second door on your right. 你得爬两段楼梯,右边第二扇门就是了。 Hundreds of people lined the street, cheering the runners as they went up the hill. 数百人在街上夹道排列,为跑上山的选手喝彩。 climb/climb up /klaɪm, ˌklaɪm ˈʌp/ [transitive verb] to go up a steep slope, especially with a lot of effort 〔尤指费力地〕攀登〔陡峭的斜面〕 The old man slowly climbed up the stairs to his room. 老人慢慢地爬上楼到自己的房间去。 We had to climb a pretty big hill to get to the temple. 我们得爬一座相当大的山才到寺庙。 climb [singular noun] The tour begins with a steep climb up one of the city's many hills. 旅行一开始是攀爬该市众多小山中一座陡峭的山。 ascend /əˈsend/ [transitive verb] formal to go up a slope, a ladder, or stairs 【正式】攀登,爬 He was turning to ascend the ladder to the engine room when the ship's fire alarm sounded. 他正转身爬梯子到发动机舱去,这时船上的火警响了。 Bianca walked regally across the hall and ascended the marble staircase. 比安卡神态雍容地穿过大厅,登上大理石楼梯。6 when a road or path goes upwards 路或小径通往高处 go up /ˌgəʊ ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] The road goes up from the beach into the forest. 这条路从沙滩一直通到森林。 I could see a tiny track going up ahead of us. 我看到我们前面有一条上坡的小径。 climb /klaɪm/ [intransitive verb] to go up steeply 〔陡峭地〕上升 The road climbs steadily, reaching 6,000 feet after 18 miles. 这条路逐渐变陡,18英里后上升到6,000英尺。 The path climbs high into the hills above the village of Glenridding. 这条小径通往格伦里丁村上面的山上。7 when the level of water goes up 水位上升 rise /raɪz/ [intransitive verb] if the level of water rises, it goes up, especially in a way that causes danger, problems etc 〔水位〕升高〔尤指会引起危险、问题等〕 The level of the water in the lake was rising fast. 湖的水位上升得很快。 In 1956 the river rose to a height of more than 6 metres. 1956年,河水上涨到六米多的高度。 The waves rose higher and higher till the rocks behind them were hidden. 海浪越升越高,直到礁石都被淹没了。 Floodwaters continue to rise as the rain continues to fall. 雨不停地下,洪水继续上涨。8 when the sun or moon comes up into the sky 太阳或月亮升到空中 rise /raɪz/ [intransitive verb] if the sun or the moon rises, it goes above the level of the horizon or it goes further up into the sky 升起;升到空中 A full moon rose over the valley. 一轮圆月在山谷的上空升起。 What time does the sun rise tomorrow morning? 明天早晨太阳什么时候升起? The moon rises nearly an hour later each night. 月亮每天晚上都将近晚一小时升起。 By midday the sun had risen high in the sky and was burning down on us. 到了中午,太阳高高挂在空中,火辣辣地照在我们头上。 come up /ˌkʌm ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if the sun or the moon comes up, it moves above the level of the horizon 升起 The moon came up slowly over the pine trees. 月亮慢慢地升到松树林上面。 The sun was coming up and you could just see the tops of the mountains. 太阳冉冉升起,正好可以看到山顶。9 to move a part of your body upwards 身体的某部分向上移动 raise /reɪz/ [transitive verb] She raised her head and looked at him. 她抬头看着他。 If you want to ask a question, please raise your hand first. 想提问的话请先举手。 ‘Oh really?’ Zack said, raising an eyebrow. “噢,真的吗?”扎克扬起一道眉毛说。 lift/lift up /lɪft, ˌlɪft ˈʌp/ [transitive verb] to raise part of your body such as your arm or your leg, especially carefully or with effort 抬起〔手臂或腿等,尤指小心地或费力地〕 Her shoulder muscles had become so weak that she could not lift her arms. 她肩部的肌肉软弱无力,连胳膊都无法举起来。lift up something It took him a great deal of effort just to lift up his arm a few inches. 他费了很大力气才把手臂举起了一点点。lift something up OK, now lift your right leg up as far as it will go. 好了,现在尽量抬高右腿。 put up /ˌpʊt ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to raise your hand or arm 抬起,举起〔手、臂〕 put up something I gasped and put up a hand to cover my mouth. 我倒抽了一口气,然后用手捂住嘴巴。 He swore at us and put up his fists as if he was going to punch one of us. 他对我们骂骂咧咧,举起拳头作势要打人。put something up Rachel put both her hands up to shield her eyes from the sun. 雷切尔举起双手挡住眼睛以避开阳光。10 to move up in a list 在名单中往前移 move up /ˌmuːv ˈʌp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] With this win Williams moves up to third place in the world rankings. 威廉斯这次获胜使他的世界排名上升至第三位。move up something FC Roma are slowly moving up the league table. 罗马足球俱乐部在联赛排名表上的位置在慢慢上升。 rise /raɪz/ [intransitive verb] to gradually move up in a list or group of people, teams, records etc 〔名次〕逐步上升 Hobson's novel has risen steadily up the bestseller list since it's release last August. 自去年8月发行以来,霍布森的小说在畅销书排行榜上稳步攀升。rise to Borland rose to the top of the computer software industry by a mixture of innovation and good marketing. 宝兰公司大胆创新而且营销有方,成了电脑软件行业的巨头。 climb /klaɪm/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to move up in a list of teams, records etc, especially a long way up the list 排名升高〔尤指经过长时间〕 climb to Jennifer Lopez's new single has climbed to number two in the US charts. 珍妮弗·洛佩兹的新单曲已升至全美排行榜第二位。climb the table/charts etc Towards the end of the season Benfica suddenly climbed the league table and finished third. 赛季临近尾声时,本菲卡队在联赛排名表上的名次突然上升,最后排名第三。 shoot up /ˌʃuːt ˈʌp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to move up very quickly in a list of people, teams, records etc 迅速上升 shoot up in Since the debate Robertson has shot up in the polls. 自辩论会后,罗伯逊在民意调查中位置迅速上升了。shoot up something The new detective series quickly shot up the TV ratings. 这部新的侦探连续剧使电视的收视率飙升。




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