

单词 TRY
例句 TRYtry to do something1 to try to do something2 to try very hard to do something3 to try as hard as you can4 to try to do something even though you might not succeed5 to try to get a job, position, prize etc6 to try very hard to help someone7 when you try to do somethingto try something to see if it is good8 to try something to see if it is goodRELATED WORDSsee alsoWORKDO/NOT DO1 to try to do something 试图做某事 try /traɪ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] Sorry I didn't phone you. I did try, but your line was busy. 对不起我没给你打电话。我的确试过了,但老是占线。 I tried all the keys, but none of them would open the door. 我试过了所有的钥匙,但没有一把能打开这扇门。try to do something I tried to get another job but I had no luck. 我尝试去找另一份工作,但运气很糟。 Try to relax and empty your mind. 试试放松一下,摒除心中的杂念。 He tried to walk past me down the stairs, but I stopped him. 他想经过我身边下楼,但我拦住了他。try hard try using a lot of effort 努力 I was trying hard to concentrate, but my mind kept wandering. 我努力集中精神,但老是走神。try doing something You could try parking by the library - there's usually room in the car park there. 你可以试试把车停在图书馆旁边,那里的停车场通常有空位。try and do something I'll tell some jokes to try and cheer him up. 我会讲几个笑话试着让他高兴起来。 try [countable noun] Don't give up yet - have another try. 还不能放弃,再试一次。 attempt /əˈtempt/ [transitive verb] to try to do something, especially something that is difficult, dangerous, or new 企图,试图〔尤指做困难的、危险的或从未做过的事 No one has attempted this experiment before. 以前从未有人做过这个实验。 A rescue was attempted by Coast Guards, but it was not successful. 海岸警卫队曾尝试拯救,但未能成功。attempt to do something Any prisoner who attempts to escape will be shot. 任何企图越狱的囚犯都会遭到枪击。 Someone had attempted to open the car door. 有人试图打开车门。 They are attempting to become the first to climb Everest without oxygen tanks. 他们试图成为第一批不携带氧气瓶登上珠穆朗玛峰的人。 have a try also have a go especially British /ˌhæv ə ˈtraɪ, ˌhæv ə ˈgəʊ/ [verb phrase] spoken to try to do something, especially when you think you may not succeed 【口】试试看,尝试一下〔尤认为可能不成功时〕 I can't get the lid off this jar. Do you want to have a try? 这广口瓶的盖我打不开,你要来试一下吗? Have a go - you might be able to get the answer. 试试看,你也许能找到答案。have a try/go at doing something We had a go at trying to coax the cat indoors using scraps of food. 我们试了试用一点食物把猫引进屋内。 see if you can do something /ˌsiː ɪf juː kən ˈduː something/ [] spoken to try to do something - use this either to offer to do something for someone, or to ask someone to do something for you 【口】试试看是否能够做成某事〔用于提出为某人做某事,或请某人为你做某事〕 If you want to come to the show, I'll see if I can get you a ticket. 如果你想来看演出,我来想想办法,看是否能够给你弄到票子。 See if you can get him to change his mind. 看看你能否让他改变主意。 make an attempt /ˌmeɪk ən əˈtempt/ [verb phrase] to try on one occasion to do something, especially something difficult, dangerous, or new 作一次尝试〔尤指尝试做困难、危险或未做过的事〕 make an attempt to do something I made an attempt to apologize, but Brian wouldn't even talk to me. 我曾尝试道歉,可布赖恩连话都不愿和我说。 Several attempts were made to negotiate with the gunmen. 已经几次尝试要和持枪歹徒进行谈判。make no attempt to do something The protesters made no attempt to resist arrest. 抗议者没有试图拒捕。 endeavour to do something British /endeavor to do something American /ɪnˌdevəʳ tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] formal to try to do something 【正式】力图做到某事 We always endeavour to provide our customers with the highest standards of service. 我们一直竭尽全力为我们的顾客提供最高标准的服务。 I remained for some time endeavouring to engage Mr Campbell in conversation. 我有好一段时间仍然力图使坎贝尔先生也参与进谈话中来。 seek to do something /ˌsiːk tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] formal to try to achieve something, especially something that may take a long time but which you think is important 【正式】试图做到某事〔尤指可能费时很长的重要事情〕 The Smiths are now seeking to take their case to the European Court. 史密斯夫妇现正打算将此案提交欧洲法庭。 For over two decades the USA sought to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. 在二十多年间,政府试图阻止该疾病在此地区扩散。 Our economic policies seek to increase productivity, expand markets and create jobs. 我们的经济政策力图提高生产力、扩大市场和创造就业机会。 struggle to do something /ˌstrʌgəl tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to try to do something that is difficult 挣扎着尽力做某事〔指困难的事〕 There are too many families struggling to survive on low incomes. 有太多的家庭正靠着低微的收入艰难地生活。 I found my father struggling to lift one end of an enormous chest of drawers. 我看见父亲正费劲想提起一个大五斗橱的一头。 She struggled to express her feelings. 她努力想要表达自己的感情。 struggle [countable noun] struggle to do something Animals face a real struggle to survive in these harsh conditions. 在如此艰苦的环境下求生存,动物面临着一场艰难的斗争。2 to try very hard to do something 非常努力地尝试做某事 try hard /ˌtraɪ ˈhɑːʳd/ [verb phrase] to make a lot of effort, because you want very much to do something 努力〔做〕 No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the window to open. 无论我怎么用力都无法打开这扇窗户。try hard to do something I was trying hard not to laugh. 我在强忍住不笑出来。 You must try harder to get your homework done on time. 你必须更加努力,按时完成家庭作业。 make an effort /ˌmeɪk ən ˈefəʳt/ [verb phrase] to try hard to do something, especially something you do not want to do but you think you should do 努力,勉力,尽力〔尤指做不愿意做但认为应该做的事〕 Can't you make more of an effort? 你就不能更加努力些吗?make an effort to do something I made an effort to sound interested in what he was saying. 我努力装作对他的话很感兴趣。 I wish you'd make an effort to get on with my friends. 我希望你能尽量和我的朋友们合得来。make no effort to do something She makes absolutely no effort to see the other person's point of view. 她一点都没有努力去弄懂别人的观点。 strive /straɪv/ [intransitive verb] formal to try hard to achieve something, especially when this is difficult 【正式】努力,力争,力求 strive to do something Toni has been striving to achieve musical recognition for the past ten years. 托尼在过去十年里力争在音乐方面得到认同。strive for The company must constantly strive for greater efficiency. 公司必须不断力争更高的效率。 be at pains to do something /biː ət ˌpeɪnz tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to make a lot of effort to do something, especially to explain something people do not understand correctly 费尽苦心〔尽心竭力〕做某事〔尤指向人解释他们难以理解的事〕 Mrs Henessy was at pains to say that she was fighting for a principle, not just for financial compensation. 赫尼斯太太费力地解释说她是在为原则而争取,而不单是为了经济补偿。 go to great lengths to do something /gəʊ tə ˌgreɪt ˌleŋθs tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to be willing to use any method that is necessary in order to achieve something, even if this involves being dishonest, breaking the law etc 竭尽全力做某事;不择手段地做某事 Health professionals have gone to great lengths to reassure patients that the treatment is safe. 医护人员竭尽全力向病人保证说这种疗法是安全的。 Some firms will go to great lengths, including spying, to obtain information about their competitors. 有些公司会用各种手段,包括派出间谍,来获取竞争对手的消息。3 to try as hard as you can 尽力尝试 try as hard as you can /traɪ əz ˌhɑːʳd əz juː ˈkæn/ [verb phrase] Come on, try as hard as you can! 加把劲,尽你最大的努力! I tried as hard as I could, but I still couldn't get everything into one suitcase. 我尽了最大的努力,但还是不能把所有东西都装进一个手提箱内。try as hard as you can to do something She tried as hard as she could to look interested. 她努力装出感兴趣的样子。 do/try your best /ˌduː, ˌtraɪ jɔːʳ ˈbest/ [verb phrase] to try as hard as you can, even when the situation is difficult and you are not sure if you will succeed 尽最大的努力,尽力而为 I don't know if I'll manage to get everything finished by Friday, but I'll certainly do my best. 我不知道能否在星期五之前把一切都完成,但我一定会尽力去做。do/try your best to do something Harry did his best to sound calm, but it was obvious that he was really annoyed. 哈里尽力让自己说的话听上去很平静,但很明显他是非常气愤的。 She tried her best not to laugh. 她尽力不让自己笑出来。 do the best you can /duː ðə ˌbest juː ˈkæn/ [verb phrase] to try as hard as you can to do something, even though it is difficult or you do not have enough time, money etc to do it really well 尽最大努力 It's a very tough exam but just do the best you can. 这次考试很难,但尽最大努力做就行了。 More medical supplies will be arriving next week -- until then, doctors and nurses must do the best they can. 下星期将会运来更多的医疗用品—在这之前医护人员必须尽力地工作。do the best you can to do something I did the best I could to make him change his mind, but he refused. 我尽了最大的努力让他改变主意,但他拒绝了。 pull out all the stops /ˌpʊl aʊt ˌɔːl ðə ˈstɒpsǁ-ˈstɑːps/ [verb phrase] informal to do everything possible to make an event, celebration, competition etc successful 【非正式】竭尽全力,想尽一切办法〔以使活动、庆典、比赛等成功〕 They gave me a great leaving party - they really pulled out all the stops. 他们为我办了个很棒的离职聚会—他们真是动足了脑筋。 If we pull out all the stops we should still be able to meet our deadline. 如果我们竭尽全力,应该仍有可能按时完成的。 give something your best shot /ˌgɪv something jɔːʳ ˌbest ˈʃɒtǁ-ˈʃɑːt/ [verb phrase] informal to try to do something as well as you can, even though you do not have all the necessary skills or equipment 【非正式】努力尝试〔尽管不具备所有必要的技术或设备〕 I'm not promising I'll succeed, but I'll give it my best shot. 我不敢保证一定会成功,但我会尽力尝试。 do your utmost /ˌduː jɔːr ˈʌtməʊst/ [verb phrase] to try as much as you possibly can, and for as long as possible, to achieve something very difficult 竭尽全力〔做成非常困难的事〕 We have done our utmost. There is no more we could possibly do. 我们已经尽了全力,不可能再有什么办法了。do your utmost to do something The Secretary of State assured reporters that the Administration was doing its utmost to avoid war. 国务卿向记者保证政府在尽最大的努力避免战争。 do everything/all you can /duː ˌevriθɪŋ, ˌɔːl juː ˈkæn/ [verb phrase] to use every possible method to try to do something 尽可能地尝试各种办法 I'm trying to help -- I'm doing everything I possibly can. 我想帮上忙,我在尽自己最大的努力。 I did everything I could to raise money, including selling my house. 我在尽我所能来筹集资金,包括卖掉自己的房子。 Her mother did all she could to encourage Tracy to study medicine. 特蕾西的母亲用了各种可能的办法来鼓励她学医。 give your all /ˌgɪv jɔːr ˈɔːl/ [verb phrase] to use all your energy and determination to achieve something that is personally very important to you 全力以赴 She gave her all in the last race, but it wasn't quite good enough to win. 她在最后一场比赛中尽了最大的努力,但仍未能获胜。 as best you can /əz ˌbest juː ˈkæn/ [adverb] if you do something as best you can, especially something difficult or unpleasant, you try as hard as you can to do it because you cannot change the situation 尽力做好,竭力〔尤指困难的或令人不愉快的事〕 I cleaned the car up as best I could, but it still looked a mess. 我尽力把汽车弄干净,但它看上去仍是一塌糊涂。 We'll have to manage as best we can without you. 没有你在,我们就只得勉力为之了。 to the best of your ability /tə ðə ˌbest əv jɔːr əˈbɪlti/ [adverb] if you do something to the best of your ability, you do it as well as you can, even if you are not sure that you are doing it very well 尽最大的能力 I have always done my work to the best of my ability. 我做事从来都是尽自己最大努力的。 All the children competed and performed to the best of their ability. 所有的儿童都在比赛和表演中竭尽所能。4 to try to do something even though you might not succeed 尽管可能不成功还是尝试做某事 have a go /ˌhæv ə ˈgəʊ/ [verb phrase] I'm not sure I'll be able to persuade him, but I'll certainly have a go. 我不能肯定我能够劝服他,但我当然会试一下。have a go at I'll have a go at repairing the roof myself. 我要试一下自己来修屋顶。 give it a go/a try/a whirl /ˌgɪv ɪt ə ˈgəʊ, ə ˈtraɪ, ə ˈwɜːʳl/ [verb phrase] spoken informal to try to do something you have not tried before and do not know if you will be successful at 【口,非正式】试一下,试试看 I've never done any acting before, but I'll give it a try. 我以前没有演过戏,但我可以试一试。 It sounds like a great idea - let's give it a whirl. 这主意听起来不错,我们来试一下吧。 You ought to give it a go at least. 你至少也应该尝试一下。5 to try to get a job, position, prize etc 试图得到工作、权位、奖项等 try for /ˈtraɪ fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to try to get something you want very much, for example a job, a prize, or a chance to study somewhere 试图获得;争取,谋求〔工作、奖项或在某地学习的机会等〕 Why don't you try for this job as an Assistant Scientific Officer? 你为什么不试试助理科技主任这个职位呢? I've decided to try for Harvard University. 我已决定报考哈佛大学。 go for /ˈgəʊ fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to try to get something you want very much, especially something that is difficult to achieve, such as a prize or a high position 试图得到,争取〔尤指奖项或高职位之类难以得到的事物〕 Why don't you go for a music scholarship? 你为什么不去争取音乐奖学金呢? Are you going to go for the senior manager's job? 你打算争取高级经理的职位吗? try out for /ˌtraɪ ˈaʊt fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] American to try to get chosen for a sports team or for a part in a play 【美】参加〔运动队员或演员的〕选拔 Joan tried out for the school basketball team. 琼参加了学校篮球队员的选拔。 I'm not going to bother trying out for the play - I know I'm not good enough! 我不打算费心参加这出戏剧的选拔,我知道自己还不够好! angle for /ˈæŋgəl fɔːʳ/ [] to try to make someone give you something or say something good about you without asking them directly 转弯抹角地谋取〔博取〕 He was talking to Helen, angling for an invitation to her next party. 他正在与海伦谈话,转弯抹角地想得到参加她下一次聚会的邀请。 She asked us how she looked, obviously angling for a compliment. 她问我们她看起来怎么样,显然是在转弯抹角地想听赞美的说话。 make a bid for /ˌmeɪk ə ˈbɪd fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to try to get an important job or a position of power - used mainly in newspapers 力争,争取〔重要职务或权位,主要用于报纸上〕 The party now feels the time is right to make a bid for power. 该党现在感到争取权力的时机到了。make a successful/unsuccessful bid for something Mr Meaney made an unsuccessful bid for the presidency two years ago. 米尼先生两年前曾竞逐过主席的职位,但未能成功。 shoot for /ˈʃuːt fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] American informal to try to get an important job or achieve something very difficult 【美,非正式】争取得到,试图得到〔重要的职位或难以得到的事物〕 There are five Democrat candidates shooting for president this year. 今年有五位民主党候选人竞选总统。 Management is shooting for a 40% increase in productivity over six months. 管理层正力争在六个月内把生产力提高40%。 I think you should go for it - shoot for the top! 我认为你应该争取一下一去力争攀顶峰! struggle for /ˈstrʌgəl fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to make a lot of effort over a long period to get something that is very important to you, but that is very difficult to get 〔长时间地〕奋斗,拼搏,争取 The people are still struggling for liberation from a brutal, oppressive regime. 这些人还在为脱离这个残暴专制的政府的统治而斗争。 Many small businesses are struggling for survival in this difficult economic climate. 在这困难的经济气候下,许多小企业在挣扎求存。 He struggled for the right words to say. 他搜索枯肠想找到恰当的词语来表达。 struggle [countable noun] struggle for for They are making some progress in their struggle for equal rights. 他们为争取平等权利而作的努力取得了一些进展。 go all out /gəʊ ˌɔːl ˈaʊt/ [verb phrase] to put all your energy and determination into trying to get or win something 全力以赴〔以得到或赢得某事物〕 go all out for The German team will be going all out for a win in next Saturday's game. 德国队在下星期六的比赛中会全力以赴争取胜利。go all out to do something We're going all out to make our sales target this year. 今年我们会全力以赴达到我们的销售目标。 audition /ɔːˈdɪʃən/ [intransitive verb] to try to get a part in a play, concert, film etc by performing to a group of people who will judge whether or not you are suitable for it 试演;试唱 audition for She met her husband when she auditioned for the part of Ophelia in an all-black production of ‘Hamlet’. 她在试演全黑人剧《哈姆雷特》中奥菲莉娅的角色时遇上了她的丈夫。6 to try very hard to help someone 尽力帮助某人 bend over backwards to do something /ˌbend əʊvəʳ ˌbækwəʳdz tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to make every possible effort to be helpful or to please someone, even when this causes you difficulty or inconvenience 竭尽全力做某事〔指帮助某人或让某人高兴〕 I bend over backwards to help him, but I never get any thanks for it. 我竭尽全力帮助他,但从来没有听到过一声谢谢。 The school have bent over backwards to accommodate Jan's mobility difficulties. 学校想方设法顾及简的行动不便。 go out of your way to do something /gəʊ ˌaʊt əv jɔːʳ ˌweɪ tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to make a special effort to help someone, especially someone who needs help and support 特地做某事;不怕麻烦地做某事〔尤指帮助需要帮助和支持的人〕 When Annie arrived, Harriman went out of his way to make life pleasant for her. 安妮到达后,哈里曼不怕麻烦地尽力使她过得愉快。 Jennifer knew what a difficult time I was having, and went out of her way to be friendly. 珍妮弗知道这时候对我来说是多么困难,她尽可能地以友好的态度对待我。 take the trouble to do something /ˌteɪk ðə ˌtrʌbəl tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to make a special effort to do something you think will be useful or helpful 费力地做某事,特意做某事〔指你认为有用或有益的事〕 Take the trouble to learn all of your students’ names. They will appreciate it. 努力记住所有学生的名字,他们会领情的。 My bank manager took the trouble to write a very detailed letter answering my inquiry. 银行经理特意写了一封十分详细的信回答我的询问。 The head of department has been very helpful - he even took the trouble to show me round the premises during his lunch hour. 部门主管很乐意帮忙,他甚至不嫌麻烦在午饭的时候带我到生产场地去转了转。7 when you try to do something 试图做某事 attempt /əˈtempt/ [countable noun] when you try to do something, especially something you have not tried before 尝试〔尤指以前未尝试过的事〕 After four attempts, Mike finally passed his driving test. 经过四次尝试后,迈克终于通过了驾驶考试。attempt an attempt to do something All my attempts to get the machine working failed miserably. 我费尽力气想让这台机器运转起来,可惜却失败了。 It was a deliberate attempt to mislead the voters. 这是故意在企图误导选民。make an attempt The climbers will make another attempt to reach the summit today. 今天登山者将尝试再次登顶。in an attempt to do something The government has announced that it will fund an extra 10,000 doctors in an attempt to reduce waiting times for operations. 政府宣布将拨款增聘10,000名医生以缩短轮候做手术的时间。 effort /ˈefəʳt/ [countable/uncountable noun] an attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of hard work or determination 努力 Cleaning up polluted rivers will take considerable time and effort. 清理受到污染的河流需要大量时间和努力。 Faster and faster he pulled on the rope, gasping with the effort. 他把绳子越拉越紧,费力地喘着气。effort to do something All his efforts to convince Lucy failed. 他想要说服露西的努力都失败了。effort at The workers went on strike after efforts at negotiation with management broke down. 与资方的谈判失败后,工人就进行了罢工。in an effort to do something The company has announced 500 job losses in an effort to cut costs. 为了降低成本,公司宣布裁员500人。 campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ [countable noun] a planned series of activities that are intended to persuade people to do something or to bring social or political change 运动,〔宣传〕活动〔为带来社会或政治变革而发起的一系列有计划的活动〕 campaign to do something The government's campaign to recruit more black police officers has not been a success. 政府为了招聘更多的黑人警员而进行的宣传活动没有成功。campaign for the campaign for prison reform 监狱改革运动election campaign a campaign to win an election 竞选活动 All kinds of extravagant promises were made during the election campaign. 在竞选活动中,候选人都作出了各式各样毫不实际的承诺。advertising campaign The company has spent over £50 million on its latest advertising campaign. 这家公司在最近的广告宣传活动中花费了五千多万英镑。launch/mount a campaign start a campaign 发起一场运动 The company has launched an advertising campaign in the hope of attracting new customers. 为了吸引新顾客,这家公司发起了一项广告宣传活动。 drive /draɪv/ [countable noun] a planned effort, especially by a company or a government, to achieve a particular kind of improvement within a short time 运动〔尤指公司或政府在短时期内为了达到某种改进而发起的运动〕 drive for We need a new drive for investment in Britain's inner cities. 为了吸引在英国各旧城区的投资,我们需要发起一场新的运动。drive to do something The government must continue this drive to find new, cleaner forms of energy. 政府必须继续进行这场寻找更清洁的新能源的运动。efficiency/economy/modernization etc drive As part of the bank's efficiency drive substantial cuts are being made in the workforce. 作为效率驱动的一部分,这家银行正在大量裁减员工。8 to try something to see if it is good 尝试某物以确定其好坏 try /traɪ/ [transitive verb] to do or use something for a short time in order to find out if it is successful, if you enjoy it, or if it is suitable 试一下,尝试,试用 I tried aerobics once, but I didn't really enjoy it. 我曾尝试了一下增氧健身操,但并不十分喜欢它。 Have you tried those new barbecue-flavoured crisps? 你尝过那些新的烧烤味炸薯片吗? His mother tried threats, bribery -- everything, but Danny still refused to go to school. 丹尼的母亲尝试过威胁、利诱—什么都试过了,可他还是不肯去上学。 There was no answer at his workplace, so Mandy tried his home number. 他工作的地方没人接电话,因此曼迪试着拨打他家里的电话号码。try doing something I think you should try planning your essays in rough before you start writing. 我认为你在开始写文章前应该先试着粗略地构思一下。 try out /ˌtraɪ ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to use a new method, a new product, or that you have learned, in order to find out how good, how successful, or how suitable it is 试,试用,试验〔新方法、新产品等〕 try out something They sell paint in very small cans so you can try out the different colours at home. 他们把油漆装在很小的罐里出售,所以你可以在家里试用不同的颜色。 Dietmar enjoyed trying out his English on American troops stationed in Berlin. 迪特马尔喜欢到驻扎在柏林的美国军队里去练习自己的英语。try something out It was six months before she had a chance to try her songs out in front of a live audience. 过了六个月她才有机会在现场观众面前试唱自己的歌。 give something a try /ˌgɪv something ə ˈtraɪ/ [verb phrase] to try using or doing something, although you are not sure if it will succeed or if it is suitable or good 试用一下某物;试做一下某事 I'm not sure that writing to complain will do much good, but we can give it a try. 我不敢肯定写信去投诉是否管用,但我们可以试一下。 Why don't we give that new wine bar a try? 为什么我们不去那家新酒吧试试呢? sample /ˈsɑːmplǁˈsæm-/ [transitive verb] to try an activity to see if you enjoy it and if you would like to do it some more 试,尝试,体验〔某项活动〕 The hotel provides an excellent base from which visitors can sample the delights of scuba diving and waterskiing. 这家旅馆提供了一个很好的基地,在那里游客可以尝试戴水肺潜水和水橇滑水的乐趣。 have a go/bash /ˌhæv ə ˈgəʊ, ˈbæʃ/ [verb phrase] British informal to do something for the first time to see whether you can do it, whether you enjoy it etc 【英,非正式】〔第一次〕试做〔某事〕 She's never tried skiing before, but she's willing to have a go. 以前她从未滑过雪,但她愿意尝试一下。 The competition's open to anyone, so why not have a bash? 这个比赛人人都可以参加,干吗不去试一试?have a go/bash at doing something Most kids get the opportunity to have a bash at writing poetry when they're at school. 大多数孩子在学校时都有机会尝试写诗。have a go on something try using a machine 试用某物 Can I have a go on your computer? 我可以试用一下你的电脑吗? try your hand at /ˌtraɪ jɔːʳ ˈhænd æt/ [verb phrase] to try an activity that is new to you and that interests you, especially something that you need to learn special skills for 初试身手〔尤指某种需要掌握特别技巧的活动〕 He first tried his hand at motor racing in 1963, but without much success. 1963年他在摩托车赛中初试身手,但未能取得多大的成功。try your hand at doing something After she lost her job, she thought she'd try her hand at writing a novel. 她失业后,她想自己会尝试写部小说。 experiment with /ɪkˈsperɪment wɪð, ɪkˈsperəment wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to try something in order to see what it is like or what effect it has 试验,试用 We're experimenting with a new filing system. 我们正在试用一套新的文件归档系统。 A new wave of rock bands experimented with different rhythms and beats. 新的一批摇滚乐队试验了不同的节奏和节拍。 A lot of fourteen and fifteen year olds experiment with drugs. 许多十四五岁的少年尝试吸毒。 trial and error /ˌtraɪəl ənd ˈerəʳ/ [noun phrase] the process of trying a lot of different ways of doing something, in order to find out which one works best 反复试验〔以了解哪种方法最好〕 by trial and error using trial and error 反复试验;不断摸索 We found out by trial and error which plants could survive the dry conditions. 通过反复试验,我们知道了哪些植物能够在干旱的环境下生存。a process of trial and error We learn new skills through a process of trial and error. 我们通过不断摸索学会了新技术。




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