

例句 TOTAL1 a total2 when several numbers produce another number as a totalRELATED WORDSaffecting or including everything 影响或包括所有东西 ALL/EVERYTHINGtotally impossible, ridiculous, refuse, ignore etc 完全不可能、非常可笑、断然拒绝、完全忽略等 COMPLETELYsee alsoCOUNT/CALCULATEAMOUNTNUMBERADD1 a total 总和 total /ˈtəʊtl/ [countable noun] the number or amount that there is, when everything has been counted or added together 总数,总额,总和 You had 29 points plus 33 points, so the total is 62. 你有29分加33分,因此总数是62分。 A company spokesperson said 28,000 jobs or 70% of the total will be cut. 一名公司发言人说要裁减28,000个职位,即员工总数的70%。total of The three defendants were jailed for a total of 30 years. 三名被告总共入狱30年。 A total of $950 million was spent on the new transportation system. 这套新的运输系统总共花了9.5亿美元。 total /ˈtəʊtl/ [adjective only before noun] the total number or amount is the number that there is when everything has been counted and added together 总的,总计的 The total cost was far higher than we had expected. 总成本比我们原来估计的要高得多。 People of Chinese origin made up about 10% of the total population. 华裔人士占了总人口的大约10%。 The Performing Arts Department's total budget for the year was $6.3 million. 表演艺术系的年度总预算为630万美元。 altogether/in all /ˌɔːltəˈgeðəʳ◂, ɪn ˈɔːl/ [adverb] use this to say or ask what a total amount is, including everything that could be included 总共,一共,合计 Altogether 680 women took part in the conference. 总共有680名妇女参加了这次大会。 On the wall are rows of stickers, 35 in all, each representing a team victory. 墙上是一排排的贴纸,总共有35张,每张代表了一次球队的获胜。 grand total /ˌgrænd ˈtəʊtl/ [singular noun] the total when everything has been included - use this especially in a humorous way when the final total is surprisingly small 总数〔尤指总数小得令人吃惊,为幽默说法〕 The grand total for both meals was $6.73. 两顿饭总计为6.73美元。grand total of A grand total of six people showed up for the lecture. 总共有六个人出席了这次讲课。 subtotal /ˈsʌbˌtəʊtl/ [countable noun] the total of a single set of figures, for example on a bill, which does not include other amounts that will be added later to make the final total 〔账单等上的〕部分累计数,部分和,小计 The subtotal for parts was $23. With labor costs, the bill came to $36. 零件小计为23美元。加上人工费,账单上是36美元。 gross /grəʊs/ [adjective only before noun] a gross amount or figure is the total amount before anything such as tax is taken away 〔扣去税或其他款项前〕总的,毛的 My gross annual income, before tax, is just over £18,000. 我一年的税前总收入是18,000英镑多一点。 The company's gross earnings were up $12 million over last year. 公司的总收入较去年增加了1,200万美元。 The gross weight of the package is 10 kilos, including the packaging. 连包装在内包裹的总重量是10公斤。 gross [adverb] She earns about $100,000 a year gross. 她一年总收入为100,000美元左右。2 when several numbers produce another number as a total 几个数字加起来得出的总数 come to /ˈkʌm tʊː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to be the total amount when everything is counted 一共是,总额为,加起来是 Including wine, the bill came to $70. 包括酒在内,账款一共是70美元。 Total profits from all sources for the year came to about $15 million. 一年来自各处的利润总额大约有1,500万美元。 reach /riːtʃ/ [transitive verb] if a total reaches 10, 50, 100 etc, it increases until it is equal to that number 达到,共达,合计达 Hurricane damage could reach billions of dollars. 飓风造成的损失可能高达几十亿美元。 China's economic output is likely to reach $13 trillion within the next few years. 在今后的几年里,中国的经济产量可能达到13万亿美元。 The city's population is expected to reach 12 million by the year 2010. 该市的人口估计到2010年将达到1,200万。 make /meɪk/ [transitive verb not in passive] if numbers added together make 10, 50, 100 etc, that is the answer or the total 等于;合计为 Two plus two makes four. 2加2等于4。 If Jane comes, that will make six of us. 如果简来的话,我们就有六个人了。 There are eight submarines as well as the ships, making a total fleet of 34. 除了这些军舰外还有8艘潜艇,使舰队船只总数达到34艘。 add up to /ˌæd ˈʌp tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] if a set of several figures adds up to 10, 50 etc, that is the total when you add them all together 合计达,加起来是 The three angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees. 三角形的三个角加起来是180度。 If you follow the diet exactly, it adds up to about 1,200 calories per day. 如果你严格遵照这个食谱,它每天加起来大约有1,200卡路里。 With the hotel, the flights, and the food, it all added up to much more than I had expected. 旅馆、飞机票和饮食加起来以后远远超出了我的预算。 amount to /əˈmaʊnt tʊː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to reach a total, especially a large total 达到,合计,总计〔尤指达到一个大数目〕 Credit card fraud amounts to about $17 million a year. 信用卡诈骗案的金额一年总计达到1,700万美元左右。 Nationally, deaths from smoking-related illnesses amount to about 30 people each day. 全国每天约有30人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 A thousand-word essay might amount to roughly 6,000 bytes on a computer disk. 一篇千字散文在电脑磁盘上总计约占6,000个字节。 total /ˈtəʊtl/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to reach a particular total - used especially in official contexts 总数为,总共达〔尤用于正式的场合〕 The company was forced to pay fines and penalties totalling $24.8. 这家公司被迫支付各项罚款,总计24.8美元。 The number of people included in the study totalled 170. 这项研究涉及的人数共计有170人。 number /ˈnʌmbəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if a group of people or things numbers a particular figure, especially a large figure, that is the total when they are all included 总计有,总共有〔尤指大的数目〕 The crowd of students numbered at least 2000. 聚集的学生至少有2,000人。 In the capital, unemployed workers now number 12% of the workforce. 首都的失业人数目前占工人总数的12%。




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