

例句 TIGHT1 tight clothes2 when a rope, wire etc has been pulled or stretched tight3 fastened tight4 to make something tightRELATED WORDSoppositeLOOSEto hold something tightly 紧握住某物 HOLD (2)ways of saying that clothes do not fit 衣服不合身的说法 FIT/NOT FITsee alsoATTACHFASTEN/UNFASTEN1 tight clothes 紧身的衣服 tight /taɪt/ [adjective] tight clothes or shoes are only just big enough for you to wear, and they are often uncomfortable 〔衣服或鞋子〕紧身的;紧的〔常不舒适〕 This skirt is far too tight. 这条裙子太紧了。 Tight shoes can cause corns and other foot problems. 太紧的鞋子会引发鸡眼以及其他足病。 I never wear tight clothes - I just don't feel comfortable in them. 我从不穿紧身衣服,穿了会觉得不舒服。 skintight /ˈskɪntaɪt/ [adjective] skintight clothes are very tight and fit exactly to the shape of your body, especially in a way that looks sexually attractive 〔衣服〕紧身的,贴身的〔尤指看上去性感的〕 Suzy was wearing a sleeveless skintight dress and sandals. 苏西穿了件无袖紧身连衣裙和一双凉鞋。 a pair of skintight jeans 一条紧身牛仔裤 tight-fitting/close-fitting /ˌtaɪt ˈfɪtɪŋ◂, ˌkləʊs ˈfɪtɪŋ◂/ [adjective] tight-fitting or close-fitting clothes are deliberately made to be tight when they are worn 〔衣服〕紧身的,贴身的〔指故意如此设计〕 Standing next to him was a small, thin woman in a close-fitting black suit. 站在他身边的是一个穿紧身黑色西服的瘦小女人。 The diver's wet suit should be tight-fitting, yet allow reasonable freedom of movement. 潜水员穿的潜水服应该是紧身的,但又能让身体有一定的活动自由。2 when a rope, wire etc has been pulled or stretched tight 绳、线等被拉紧或绷紧的说法 tight /taɪt/ [adjective] rope, wire, cloth etc that is tight has been pulled or stretched as far as possible so that it is straight or it cannot move 拉紧的,绷紧的 If the straps aren't tight enough, the saddle can slip. 如果带子不够紧,马鞍会滑下来。 ‘Seat belt tight? Good, this could be a rough ride.’ “安全带系紧了吗?好的,这段路程可能很崎岖。” tightly [adverb] tightly wrapped Sylvia handed me a large parcel, tightly wrapped in brown paper. 西尔维娅递给我一个用棕色纸紧紧包住的大包裹。 taut /tɔːt/ [adjective] written stretched very tight 【书面】拉紧的,绷紧的 The skin of his face felt dry and taut. 感觉他脸上的皮肤又干又紧。 He massaged the taut muscles of her neck. 他给她绷紧的颈部肌肉做按摩。 A single strand of taut barbed wire was strung along the top of the garden wall. 一条绷紧的带刺铁丝拉在花园围墙上。3 fastened tight 固定或系得很牢的 tight /taɪt/ [adjective] a screw, lid, cover etc that is tight has been firmly fixed and is difficult to move 〔螺丝钉、盖子、覆盖物等〕紧的,牢固的 Check that the screws are tight. 检查一下螺丝钉是否拧紧了。 Cover with a tight lid and refrigerate. 用密封盖子盖好后冷藏。 firmly /ˈfɜːʳmli/ [adverb] if something is firmly closed or fixed, it has been closed or fixed so that it cannot move 紧紧地,牢固地 The posts must be fixed firmly in the ground. 柱子必须牢牢固定在地上。 When leaving the house, check that all doors and windows are firmly closed and locked. 离开屋子之前要检查一下门窗是否都关紧锁好。 securely /sɪˈkjʊəʳli/ [adverb] if something is securely fastened or fixed, it has been carefully fastened or fixed so that it will not move or open and cause an accident 牢靠地,安全地 We made sure that our bags were securely fastened to the roof of the car. 我们确保已经把旅行袋都牢靠地系在车顶上。 A large safety screen, securely fixed to the wall, will prevent a child coming into contact with a fire. 一块很大的安全隔板牢固地固定在墙上,可以防止儿童接触到火。 fast /fɑːstǁfæst/ [adverb] if something is held, stuck, or tied fast it is held, stuck, or tied so tightly that it cannot be moved at all 紧紧地,牢固地 The front of the boat was stuck fast in the mud. 船头深深地陷在泥中。 The spare tyre on the back of the Jeep was held fast by three strong bolts. 吉普车后面的备用轮胎被三个坚固的螺栓牢牢固定住。4 to make something tight 弄紧某物 tighten /ˈtaɪtn/ [transitive verb] to make something tight, either by fastening it firmly so that it cannot move, or by pulling it until it is tight 拧紧;拉紧 tighten a screw/bolt by turning it 拧紧螺丝/螺栓 Tighten the screws gradually until the wheel is firmly in place. 慢慢地拧紧螺丝直到轮子固定好。 He changed the spanner for one the correct size and tightened the nut. 他换了把尺寸合适的扳手把螺帽拧紧。tighten a rope/belt/string etc I think the fan belt needs to be tightened. 我觉得风扇皮带需要拉紧一点。 pull something tight /ˌpʊl something ˈtaɪt/ [verb phrase] to pull a string, rope etc hard, so that it becomes tight 把〔绳等〕拉紧;扯紧 Brian wrapped some string round the parcel and pulled it tight. 布赖恩把一些细绳套在包裹外,然后抽紧。 She buttoned her jacket all the way up and pulled the collar tight around her neck. 她把外套上的纽扣由下往上全扣好,并把衣领拉紧围住脖子。 stretch /stretʃ/ [transitive verb] to pull a piece of rope, cloth, rubber etc so that it becomes tight, making it slightly longer than it normally is 拉紧,拉长〔绳、布、橡胶等〕 Seth stretched the phone cord around the corner so that he could speak in private. 塞思把电话线拉到转角处,这样就可以不让人听见自己说的话。stretch something over/between etc something He stretched a large tarpaulin over the vehicle, tying it down at the corners. 他把一块很大的防水帆布拉开盖在车上,把几个角系牢。




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