SURVIVE1 to not die in spite of an accident, illness, or war2 when something continues to exist in spite of difficulties3 to continue to live your normal life in spite of problems4 to continue to live a normal life even though you have very little moneyRELATED WORDSsee alsoALIVEACCIDENTILLNESS/DISEASEWAR1 to not die in spite of an accident, illness, or war 在事故、疾病或战争中挺过来没有死survive /səʳˈvaɪv/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in passive] Only 12 of the 140 passengers on the plane survived. 机上140名乘客中只有12人幸存。 Doctors predicted that the baby would not survive with such severe disabilities. 医生预计,这个婴儿有这么严重的缺陷是活不下来的。 My grandmother wouldn't survive another operation. 我祖母不能再经受另一次的手术了。 Not many of the insects survive the winter. 能熬过冬天的昆虫不多。survival [uncountable noun] Chemical pollution is threatening the survival of many species of wildlife. 化学污染威胁着许多野生物种的生存。survivor /səʳˈvaɪvəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who has survived an accident, war, illness etc 幸存者,生还者 So far rescue workers have found no sign of any survivors. 营救人员至今仍未发现有任何幸存者的迹象。 Survivors of the accident were rushed to the nearest hospital. 事故幸存者被急速送往最近的医院。sole survivorthe only survivor 唯一的幸存者 An eight-month-old baby girl was the sole survivor of a car crash that killed both her parents. 一名八个月大的女婴在一场车祸中父母双亡,她是唯一的幸存者。stay alive /ˌsteɪ əˈlaɪv/ [verb phrase]to continue to live and not die when you are in a very dangerous situation, for example in a war or when you have very little food 〔在非常危险的情形中〕活下来 They managed to stay alive by eating roots and berries. 他们靠吃草根和浆果设法活了下来。 We had to ignore the terrible things going on around us, and just concentrate on staying alive. 我们只得不去理会周围发生的那些可怕的事情,只顾保命。pull through /ˌpʊl ˈθruː/ [intransitive phrasal verb]to survive and get better after having a very serious illness or injury 挺过来〔指生重病或受重伤时〕 I was so ill that the doctors weren't sure if I was going to pull through. 我当时病得非常厉害,医生都没有把握我能不能挺过来。 The first few days after the accident were awful, and everyone was just praying he'd pull through. 事故发生后的头几天情况非常糟糕,大家都在祈祷,希望他能挺过去。escape /ɪˈskeɪp/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to survive after being involved in a serious accident, especially because of good luck 〔在严重事故中〕逃脱〔尤因幸运〕 The driver was killed but his passenger escaped with only a few scratches. 司机死了,但他的乘客却死里逃生,只有几处擦伤。escape injury/death etc The family escaped injury when a fire gutted their two-bedroom apartment. 一场火灾烧光了这家人的有两个卧室的公寓,所幸他们逃脱了,没有受伤。narrowly escapeonly just escape 险些丧命,死里逃生 The prime minister narrowly escaped a terrorist bomb in 1999. 首相在1999年恐怖分子炸弹袭击中侥幸躲过一劫。escape [countable noun] The fireman said they'd had a very lucky escape. 消防员说他们能逃出来非常走运。live /lɪv/ [intransitive verb not in progressive]if you say that someone willlive, you mean that they will survive, even though they have a very serious illness, injury etc 活下来〔即使身患重病、身受重伤等〕 One of the victims has severe burns and is not expected to live. 其中一名受害者被严重烧伤,估计性命难保。live or die Our baby was in the intensive care unit, and we didn't know whether she would live or die. 我们的宝宝在特别护理病房,不知道她是否能活下来。live to tell the tale/live to tell about itsurvive a very dangerous experience, so that you are able to tell people about it afterwards 〔经历极度危险后〕活下来讲述经历 There were ten in the lifeboat, but only three lived to tell the tale. 救生船上有十个人,但只有三人活下来讲述了他们的经历。make it /ˈmeɪk ɪt/ [verb phrase not in progressive]informalto survive when you are in a very dangerous situation or when you have a very serious illness 【非正式】〔在非常危险的处境中或在身患重病后〕活下来 At one point I was so exhausted and weak that I didn't think I was going to make it. 有一会我精疲力竭,虚弱无力,都以为自己捱不过来了。 I was surprised she had made it through the night. 我很吃惊,她居然挺过了这一晚上。last /lɑːstǁlæst/ [intransitive/transitive verb]if someonelasts a period of time, they continue to live during that period, even though they have a very serious illness or injury 〔生重病或受重伤后〕活下去,活过〔一段时间〕 His breathing was getting worse and he was not expected to last the night. 他的呼吸越来越弱,估计熬不过这个晚上。 It's amazing that she's managed to last this long, really. 她终究坚持了这么长时间,真是想不到。2 when something continues to exist in spite of difficulties 某事物虽有困难但仍继续存在survive /səʳˈvaɪv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] Many of the small, independent businesses are struggling to survive. 许多独立的小公司在挣扎求存。 Only a few of Leonardo's earlier paintings still survive. 达·芬奇的早期画作只有少数几幅得以保存下来。 Our friendship has survived the bad times and has grown stronger. 我们的友谊经受了考验,变得更加坚固了。 The Cathedral survived repeated bombings during the Second World War. 这座教堂在第二次世界大战期间经历了多次轰炸,但是仍然保存了下来。survival [uncountable noun] The survival of the president's plans to cut taxes remains in doubt. 总统的减税计划能否推行下去仍是个疑问。surviving [adjective only before noun] The museum possesses the only surviving manuscript of Cicero's letters. 这家博物馆藏有西塞罗存留至今的唯一书信手稿。come through /ˌkʌm ˈθruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]to survive a period of great difficulty 渡过〔很大的难关〕 If we can come through this crisis, the company's future looks bright. 如果我们能渡过这次危机,公司将会有光明的前途。 The German team were in deep trouble at the beginning of the match but in the end they came through. 德国队在比赛开始时困难重重,但最后他们安然渡过了。stay afloat /ˌsteɪ əˈfləʊt/ [verb phrase]if a companystays afloat, it continues to survive in spite of difficult financial problems that may force it to close 〔公司在困难的经济状况下〕维持下去 Ever since we started the business two years ago, we've been struggling to stay afloat. 我们自两年前创业以来,一直艰难地维持着。3 to continue to live your normal life in spite of problems 虽然有问题,但仍继续过正常的生活survive /səʳˈvaɪv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] The program provides homeless kids with the basics they need to survive: food, shelter, and health care. 这个计划为无家可归的孩子提供吃、住和医疗保健等生存的基本需要。 Liz Taylor has survived several broken marriages, as well as periods of drug and alcohol addiction. 利兹·泰勒经历了好几次失败的婚姻,又多次吸毒、酗酒,但都挺过来了。 I don't think I could survive another year as a teacher. It's just too stressful. 再当一年老师我想我是挺不过去了,压力实在太大。survivor /səʳˈvaɪvəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who is used to dealing with great personal problems and difficulties and is able to survive them 善于解脱的人 As more is revealed, the audience begins to see Wendy as a survivor rather than a victim. 观众知道得越来越多以后,渐渐地开始认为温迪是一个善于在困境中生存的人,而不是一个可怜的受害者。a born survivorsomeone who seems to have a natural ability to survive difficulties 天生的生活强者 Although she's had an extremely hard life, Tina Turner is a born survivor. 蒂娜·特纳虽然生活不幸,但她似乎生来就是一个生活的强者。come through /ˌkʌm ˈθruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]to successfully deal with a very difficult problem or experience and be able to continue with your normal life after it 成功地应付〔困难的问题或经历〕;渡过难关 She's had problems before and she's always come through. 她以前也有过困难,但总安然渡过。 Some children come through their parents’ divorcing better than others. 面对父母离异,有的孩子能坚强承受下来,有的孩子就不行。get through /ˌget ˈθruː/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]to succeed in reaching the end of a very difficult period or experience 度过,熬过〔艰难的时期或经历〕 It was not an easy time for Tracy but her friends helped her get through. 那段时间对特蕾茜来说很不容易,但她的朋友帮助她熬过来了。 ‘Oh Jane, how will I ever get through this?’ she said, and the tears started flowing again. “噢,简,我怎么熬过这一关呢?”她说着,眼泪又开始流下来了。4 to continue to live a normal life even though you have very little money 虽然钱不多,但仍继续过正常的生活survive /səʳˈvaɪv/ [intransitive verb] When I look at how much we spend on food, I wonder how unemployed people are able to survive. 我看到我们在食物方面要花这么多钱,不知道失业的人是怎么维持生活的。survive on £100 a week/a small income etc It's really difficult to survive on £120 a week in London. 在伦敦一个星期靠120英镑是很难维持生活的。 I don't know how they expect me to survive on my salary. 我不知道他们认为靠我的工资我可以如何生活。get by /ˌget ˈbaɪ/ [intransitive phrasal verb]to have enough money to buy the things you need to live 度日,应付过去 We don't have a lot of money to spend on luxuries, but we get by. 我们没有很多的钱去买奢侈品,但生活还是过得去的。get by on $5 a day/a small income etc When I was at college I used to be able to get by on $20 a week. 我读大学时一周20美元就能过日子了。live on /ˈlɪv ɒn/ [intransitive phrasal verb]if someonelives on a particular amount of money, this is all the money that they have to buy everything that they need 靠…生活 How much do you need to live on? 你需要多少生活费? $35,000 a year sounds like a lot of money, but it's scarcely enough to live on in New York. 一年35,000美元听起来像是很多钱,但在纽约靠这点钱维持生活根本不够。make ends meet /meɪk ˌendz ˈmiːt/ [verb phrase]if it is difficult for you tomake ends meet, it is difficult for you to pay for the things that you need in order to live 使收支相抵,勉强维持生计 Old people on pensions are finding it hard to make ends meet. 靠养老金生活的老人觉得日子过得很拮据。 My mother had to work 12 hours a day in a factory just to make ends meet. 我母亲得在工厂里一天干12小时,这样才能勉强维持生计。keep your head above water /kiːp jɔːʳ ˌhed əbʌv ˈwɔːtəʳ/ [verb phrase]to have just enough money to pay your debts or to avoid closing your business 勉强维持 I'm just a pensioner, trying to keep my head above water. 我就领一点养老金勉强度日。 Schools throughout the county are struggling to keep their heads above water. 全县的学校都在挣扎求存。subsist on /səbˈsɪst ɒn/ [transitive verb]formalif someonesubsists on a very small amount of money or a very small amount of food, this is all they have to live on 【正式】靠〔极少的钱或食物〕勉强维持生活 They subsist on eggs and beans most of the time. 他们大多数时候都靠鸡蛋和豆子为生。subsist on a dollar a day/a small income etc The workers are expected to subsist on a dollar a day. 工人们只有靠一天一美元的收入勉强度日。subsistence [adjective] They live just above subsistence level the lowest amount they need to live. 他们正好在最低生活水平线以上过活。eke out a living/an existence /ˌiːk aʊt ə ˈlɪvɪŋ, ən ɪgˈzɪstəns/ [verb phrase]to get just enough food or money to live on by doing a particular kind of work 勉强维持生计 She eked out a living by selling firewood. 她靠卖柴勉强度日。 Farmers eked out a primitive existence on the dry, stony land. 农民们在多石的旱地上过着原始的生活,勉强维持生计。