

例句 SUBJECT1 something you talk about, write about etc2 a part of a subject that is being discussed or written about3 a subject that you study at school or university4 all of the subjects that you study as part of your work at school or university5 to start talking about a subject6 to talk about the subject you are supposed to be talking about7 to stop talking about the subject you are supposed to be talking aboutRELATED WORDSan area of knowledge 知识领域 AREAsee alsoDISCUSSSTUDYTEACHLEARNSCHOOL/UNIVERSITYABOUTTESTGRADE1 something you talk about, write about etc 说话、写作等的主题 subject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ [countable noun] something that is talked about or written about, for example at a meeting, in an article, or in a conversation 〔会议、文章和谈话的〕主题,题目;话题 I read a lot of books about astronomy. It's a very interesting subject. 我看了许多天文学方面的书,这是一个很有趣的学科。 We talked about all sorts of subjects. 我们什么话题都谈。 Bottle-collecting even has a website devoted to the subject. 集瓶甚至有一个专题网站。the subject of crime/politics/animal rights etc crime etc as a subject 犯罪/政治/动物权利等话题 Until about 20 years ago, the subject of the environment was hardly discussed. 直到大约20年前,环境这个问题还几乎无人谈及。on the subject (of something) about a particular subject 关于某个话题 The first book on the subject was published in 1900. 第一本关于这个话题的书出版于1900年。 He has very little to say on the subject of the accusations made against him. 关于别人对他提出指控这个话题,他没什么可说。change the subject start talking about something different 转换话题 I could see John was embarrassed, so I changed the subject. 我看出约翰很窘迫,所以我就换了话题。drop the subject to stop talking about something 不再谈某个话题 This is getting us nowhere. Let's just drop the subject, okay? 这样又谈不出什么结果来,我们不谈这个话题了好吗? subject matter /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt ˌmætəʳ/ [uncountable noun] what is being talked about, or what a film, book, play etc is about 〔谈话、电影、书、戏剧等的〕主题,题材,主要内容 There has been no attempt to arrange the books according to subject matter. 这些书没有按主题排列。 Sagan published a book relating to the subject matter in his TV show. 萨根出版了一本和他的电视节目内容有关的书。 ‘The People versus Larry Flynt’ was given an ‘18’ certificate because it contains adult subject matter. 《性书大亨》被评为“18级”,因为里面涉及成人题材。 topic /ˈtɒpɪkǁˈtɑː-/ [countable noun] a subject that people often discuss or write about, in books, newspapers, at school etc 〔书上、报纸上、学校里等经常讨论的〕话题,主题 The rise of Islam is a popular topic these days. 伊斯兰教的兴起是当今的流行话题。 Type the topic into the search field, and let the browser search all relevant sites. 在搜索栏内键入主题,让浏览器搜索所有相关网站。 Dole's absence was the topic of radio talk shows. 多尔的缺席是电台谈话节目的主题。 thing /θɪŋ/ [countable noun] especially spoken something that people talk about or think about 【尤口】谈论的事情,话题 The first thing we have to discuss is the price. 我们首先要谈的是价格。 The only thing she ever talks about is her boyfriend. 她的男朋友从来都是她唯一的话题。 We talked about the old days and other things. 我们谈到了过去,还谈了其他的事情。 issue /ˈɪʃuː, ˈɪsjuːǁˈɪʃuː/ [countable noun] an important subject that people discuss and argue about 重要议题;争论的话题 We'll be looking at a broad range of important issues in this chapter. 本章将讨论各个方面的重要问题。 Genetic manipulation is a fairly topical issue these days. 遗传操控是当今一个相当热门的话题。 a book dealing with environmental issues 一本探讨环境问题的书issue of the issue of drugs in sports 体育比赛中使用违禁药品的问题major/big/key/main issue a very important issue 重要/重大/关键/主要问题 Global warming and youth crime are the key issues in the election campaign. 全球变暖和青少年犯罪是这次选举运动的主要讨论话题。 question /ˈkwestʃən/ [countable noun] a difficult subject or problem that has often been discussed but still needs to be solved 〔经常讨论但仍亟待解决的〕问题 The real question here is how can we integrate asylum seekers into communities. 现在,真正的问题是,我们如何让难民融入社区。 How can we best help less developed countries? That's the really important question. 我们如何才能对欠发达国家给予最大的帮助?这才是真正重要的问题。question of In the 1980s the question of whether photography was an art went to court. 20世纪80年代,摄影算不算是一种艺术这个问题被带到了法庭上。raise a question make people consider a problem 提出问题 These operations can save lives, but they raise difficult questions about animal rights. 这些手术可以挽救人的生命,但是对于动物的权利,却提出了一些难题。 matter /ˈmætəʳ/ [countable noun] a subject that people disagree about or are concerned about, and that needs to be considered and discussed in order to deal with it 〔需要解决的〕问题,事情 The matter is being argued and discussed in families up and down the country. 全国上下每家每户都在争论、讨论这个话题。 Foreign affairs were not the only matters we discussed. 我们谈论的不仅仅是外交事务问题。 This meeting is being held to deal with the serious matter of possible racism in our hiring practices. 举行这次会议是要讨论一个严肃的问题,就是我们的用人制度可能存在种族歧视。matter of The first item on the agenda today is the matter of public transportation. 今天议程上的第一项是公共交通问题。 theme /θiːm/ [countable noun] an important idea that appears several times in a book, film etc, and slowly influences the way it develops 〔书、电影等中的〕主题,主题思想 One of the themes of the book is the relationship between people and nature. 这本书的其中一个主题是人与自然的关系。 George Eliot shows real concern for religious and moral themes. 乔治·艾略特对宗教和道德这两个主题表示极大的关注。 The play's central theme is greed and its corrupting effects. 这个剧本的中心主题是人性的贪婪和它的腐蚀作用。 business /ˈbɪznɪs, ˈbɪznəs/ [uncountable noun] something that needs to be discussed at a business or political meeting 〔业务会议或政治会议上的〕讨论事项,议题 Right, could we get started please? We've a lot of business to get through this morning. 好吧,我们开始好吗?今天早上我们有许多事情要讨论。 any other business /ˌeni ʌðəʳ ˈbɪzns/ British in a meeting, subjects that are not on the list of things to discuss, but that people may want to talk about 【英】〔会议上主要议题之外的〕其他事宜 Is there any other business before we close the meeting? 我们结束会议之前还有其他事情吗?2 a part of a subject that is being discussed or written about 正在讨论或写到的某一主题的一部分 point /pɔɪnt/ [countable noun] a fact, suggestion, detail etc that is part of a subject being considered, discussed, or written about 要点〔话题的一个事实、建议、详情等〕 There are a number of other points to be discussed before we finish. 我们结束之前还有一些其他要点要讨论。 The final point in the President's speech was the most controversial. 总统演说中的最后一点是最有争议性的。 Make a list of the main points in the article. 列出这篇文章的要点。make a point get someone to understand your suggestion, argument etc 说清楚〔建议、论点等〕 Exactly what point are you trying to make, Nick? 你到底想说什么,尼克? aspect /ˈæspekt/ [countable noun] one part of a subject, problem, etc or one particular way of considering the subject 〔话题、问题或所考虑的一个〕方面 Women are interested in the car's technological aspects just as much as men are. 对于汽车技术方面的问题,女人和男人一样感兴趣。aspect of We're focused on the financial, rather than social, aspects of the problem. 对于这个问题,我们主要关心的是资金方面,而不是它的社会问题。 This book deals with the economic, social, and religious aspects of Egyptian society. 这本书讨论了埃及在经济、社会和宗教方面的问题。3 a subject that you study at school or university 在学校学习的一门学科 subject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ [countable noun] one of the things that you study at school or university, for example English, history, or mathematics 学科,科目;课程 English was my favourite subject at school. 我上学时最喜欢的学科是英语。 What subjects are you studying? 你们在学哪些课程? major /ˈmeɪdʒəʳ/ [countable noun] American the main subject that you study at university 【美】〔大学里的〕主修科目,专业课 ‘What was your major?’ ‘Political Science’. “你以前的主修科目是什么?”“政治学。” major in math/humanities etc /ˌmeɪdʒər ɪn ˈmæθ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to study mathematics etc as your main subject: 主修数学/人文学科等 I don't think he majored in maths, I think it was applied physics. 我想他不是主修数学的,是主修应用物理学的。 discipline /ˈdɪsɪplən, ˈdɪsəplən/ [countable noun] one of the areas of knowledge such as history, chemistry, economics etc that is studied and taught at a university 〔大学里的〕学科,科目 The traditional academic disciplines are less popular among students, who now prefer subjects such as business studies. 传统的学术科目在学生中已越来越不受欢迎,他们现在更喜欢商学这一类的学科。 a new artificial intelligence project involving researchers from a wide range of disciplines 由各种各样学科的研究人员参与的一个新的人工智能项目 field /fiːld/ [countable noun] an area of knowledge that is studied by scientists or by people studying it at a very high level, for example in a university 〔科学家或高级研究人员的〕领域,范围 These fields boast among the highest professional wages in the nation. 这些领域有着全国行业中属于最高的薪酬。in the/his/her etc field Cole is the most noted expert in the field. 科尔是这一领域里最著名的专家。 Webster is a great success in his chosen field. 韦伯斯特在他自己所选择的领域里取得了巨大的成功。field of work/study/research etc What exactly is your field of study? 你的具体研究领域是什么?4 all of the subjects that you study as part of your work at school or university 在学校里学习的所有学科 course also class American /kɔːʳs, klɑːsǁklæs/ [countable noun] a series of lessons on a subject, often with an examination at the end 课,课程 Are you enjoying the course? 你喜欢这门课吗? a schedule of the classes for the fall semester 秋季学期课程表 The college is offering three basic computer courses this year. 今年学校里开设了三门基础计算机课程。course in/on She began a 12 week course on modern art. 她开始上一门为期12周的现代艺术课程。take a course/class also do a course British She's taking a class in art history. 她在上一门艺术史的课。 I've decided to do a course in aromatherapy. 我决定上一门芳香疗法课程。 syllabus /ˈsɪləbəs/ [countable noun] a plan that states exactly what should be taught to students who are studying a subject, especially a list of what they may be tested on in their examinations 教学大纲 The summer term was very short and the teacher didn't manage to cover the whole syllabus. 夏季学期很短,老师未能完成整个课程大纲。 the first-year syllabus 一年级的教学大纲be on the syllabus be part of the syllabus 被列入教学大纲里 We have to study algebra -- it's on the syllabus for the course. 我们得学代数—这已列入课程大纲里。 curriculum /kəˈrɪkjɑləm/ [countable noun] the range of subjects that has been officially chosen to be taught at a school or at all schools in a country 〔某所学校或全国所有学校正式选定要教的〕全部课程 Are politicians the best people to be developing the educational curriculum? 政治家是最适合制定学校课程的人吗? changes to the school curriculum 学校教学大纲的改变 We cover the curriculum by choosing things the kids will be interested in. 我们选择孩子们感兴趣的东西融入课程大纲里。5 to start talking about a subject 谈起某一话题 get onto /get ˈɒntu/ [transitive phrasal verb] get onto the subject/ topic/question of to start talking about a subject after talking about something else that is connected to it in some way 谈起…的话题/主题/问题 How on earth did we get onto the subject of dogs? 我们究竟是怎么谈起狗的问题的? Whenever Ma got onto that subject, my head would start to spin. 妈一谈到那个问题,我就开始头晕了。6 to talk about the subject you are supposed to be talking about 谈论你应该谈论的话题 get/come to the point /ˌget, ˌkʌm tə ðə ˈpɔɪnt/ [verb phrase] to start talking about the subject you are supposed to be talking about or really want to talk about, especially after you have been talking about something else 谈到要点,谈到正事〔尤指在说了其他事情之后〕 He chatted abut the weather for a while before coming to the point. 他先聊了一会天气,然后谈起了正事。 ‘We know that already,’ interrupted Steve impatiently. ‘Get to the point’. “那个我们已经知道了,史蒂夫不耐烦地把话打断,“说正事吧。”get/come straight/right to the point get immediately to the point 直入正题 She came straight to the point. ‘When do you think you'll be able to pay me back?’ 她开门见山地问道:“你说你什么时候能还我钱?” Well, gentlemen, let's get right to the point. 好吧,各位先生,我们立刻进入正题吧。 stick to the point also keep to the point British /ˌstɪk tə ðə ˈpɔɪnt, ˌkiːp tə ðə ˈpɔɪnt/ [verb phrase] to continue talking only about the subject you are supposed to be talking about, and not talk about things that are not connected with it 继续谈论正事而不离题,紧扣主题 Can we try, please, to stick to the point - we don't have much time. 我们继续谈论正题好吗—我们时间不多了。 Mike seems to be quite incapable of keeping to the point. 迈克讲话好像非要离题不可。 to the point /tə ðə ˈpɔɪnt/ [adjective phrase] something that someone says or writes that is to the point is only about the subject they are supposed to be talking about, and not about anything else 切题的,扼要的 The chairman's speech was short and to the point. 主席的发言简短扼要。 Korean newspapers only have four pages, so stories have to be very much to the point. 韩国的报纸只有四版,所以新闻报道必须非常扼要。7 to stop talking about the subject you are supposed to be talking about 不再谈论你应该谈论的话题 get off the subject also go off the subject British /get ˌɒf ðə ˈsʌbdʒɪkt, gəʊ ˌɒf ðə ˈsʌbʒɪkt/ [verb phrase] I think we're getting off the subject. Could we get back to the main point, please? 我觉得我们离题了,再回到正题上来好吗? Well, going off the subject a minute, what about that Uri Geller chap? 我扯开一会,尤里·盖勒那个家伙怎么样了? digress /daɪˈgres/ [intransitive verb] formal to move away from the main subject that you have been talking or writing about, especially for a short time during a speech or story 【正式】〔尤指在演说或讲故事时暂时地〕离题 Before we do that, I'd like to digress for a minute and say a word or two about the new books. 在我们那样做之前,我想说一两句题外话,谈谈这些新书。 digression /daɪˈgreʃən/ [countable noun] This is a slight digression, but can I make a point here? 这是一点点题外话,但我在这里说明一下好吗? be/get sidetracked /biː, get ˈsaɪdtrækt/ [verb phrase] if you are talking about something and are sidetracked or get sidetracked, you allow yourself to start talking or thinking about something else, especially something less important 离题〔尤指谈论或考虑不大重要的事〕 I was going to ask him, but he got sidetracked by this guy and I never got a chance. 我正要问他,可是他被这个家伙扯到别的事情上去了,我便再也没有机会了。 Don't be sidetracked by the way the interviewer asks the questions - just keep making the relevant points. 不要因为采访人的提问而扯到别的事情上去一就一直说有关的话。 stray from /ˈstreɪ frɒm/ [transitive phrasal verb] if you stray from the subject you are talking about, you start talking about other things instead, for example, because you cannot keep your attention on the main subject 偏离〔正题〕 Promise yourself that you'll try not to stray from the issue at hand. 你要对自己保证尽量不偏离当前的这个话题。 Well, we've strayed quite a way from space exploration. 哎呀,我们的话题离太空探险太远了。 ramble /ˈræmbəl/ [intransitive verb] to talk, especially for a long time, moving from one subject to another without any clear order, so that your listener becomes bored or confused 〔尤指长时间地〕东拉西扯,漫谈 In his diary, the Unabomber rambled at length about the evils of technology. “大学炸弹客”在他的日记里连篇累牍地写科技的邪恶。ramble on ramble continuously and in an annoying way 喋喋不休地说,瞎扯 I sat down and let him ramble on for a few minutes. 我坐下来让他瞎扯了一会儿。 rambling [adjective] Without a teleprompter, his speeches are long and rambling. 他演说的时候没有用电子提词机,又长又啰唆。 a rambling, 20-minute monologue 一段20分钟的长篇独白 lose your train of thought also lose the thread /ˌluːz jɔːʳ ˌtreɪn əv ˈθɔːt, ˌluːz ðə ˈθred/ [verb phrase] to become confused about or forget the connection between the things you are saying, especially so that you have to stop talking and think about what you want to say next 〔讲话时〕失去头绪,中断思路 The audience's reaction surprised him, and he lost his train of thought for a moment. 观众的反应让他吃了一惊,他一时之间乱了头绪。 I'm sorry, I seem to have lost my thread. 对不起,我好像失去头绪了。lose the thread of something Arthur paused, feeling he was beginning to lose the thread of his argument. 阿瑟停下来,他感觉自己的论述在变得没有逻辑。 where was I? /weəʳ ˈwɒz aɪǁ-ˈwɑːz-/ spoken say this when you want to continue what you were saying before you were interrupted, but you cannot remember what you were saying 【口】我刚才讲到哪里了 Thanks for that, Gillian. Now, where was I? 谢谢你,吉利恩。好了,我刚才讲到哪里了? So, where was I? Oh yes, the accession of Henry the Fifth. 好,我刚才讲到哪里了?噢对,亨利五世的登基。




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