

例句 STUDY1 to study something at school, university etc2 to study to prepare for an examination3 to study something in order to discover new facts4 the work that you do when you study something5 a studentRELATED WORDSsee alsoLEARNSUBJECTSCHOOL/UNIVERSITYTEACHTESTREAD1 to study something at school, university etc 在中小学、大学等学习 study /ˈstʌdi/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to learn about a subject by reading books, going to classes etc 学习 It's difficult to study when the weather's so hot. 天气这么热,学习很困难。 I've been studying English for six years now. 我学英语到现在已有六年了。 His parents sent him to Moscow to study physics, chemistry, and mathematics. 他父母送他到莫斯科学习物理、化学和数学。 If you study hard, you'll be able to get into a good university. 你如果努力学习,就能进好的大学。study to be something She's at business school, studying to be an accountant. 她在商学院攻读会计。study under receive lessons from a famous teacher 师从 Nicoll was himself a noted psychologist and studied under Jung in Zurich. 尼古尔本身是一位著名的心理学家,曾在苏黎世学习,师从荣格。 take /teɪk/ [transitive verb] to study a subject - use this to talk about subjects that you choose to study at school, college, university etc 学习,修读〔学校或大学里的学科〕 What classes are you taking next semester? 你下个学期要修哪些课? In my final year, I decided to take English, French, and economics. 在最后一年,我决定修英语、法语和经济学。 All freshmen have to take at least one composition course. 所有新生都必须至少修一门写作课。 do /duː/ [transitive verb] British informal to study a particular subject at school or university 【英,非正式】〔在校〕攻读,学习〔某一学科〕 I can't decide whether to do German or Spanish next year. 我决定不了明年学德语还是西班牙语。 Did you do computing at school? 你在学校里学过电脑吗?do a course Why not do a language course at your local college? 为什么不在你本区的学院里修一门语言课程呢? major in /ˈmeɪdʒər ɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] American to study something as your main subject at a college or university 【美】〔在大学里〕主修 What are you majoring in? 你主修什么学科? Diane majored in psychology at the University of Washington. 黛安娜在华盛顿大学主修心理学。 minor in /ˈmaɪnər ɪn/ [] American if you minor in a subject, it is the second most important subject you study at a college or university 【美】〔在大学里〕辅修,副修 I'm planning to study computer science, but I still might minor in English. 我打算学计算机科学,不过还可能会辅修英语。 take lessons also have lessons British /ˌteɪk ˈlesənz, ˌhæv ˈlesənz/ [verb phrase] to pay for lessons from a teacher in order to study a subject or skill in your free time 上课〔学习〕〔指在业余时间学一门学科或一种技术〕 My mother wants me to take violin lessons. 我母亲希望我学小提琴。 I'm having Spanish lessons after work. 我业余时间在学西班牙语。take lessons in Students at the school can even take lessons in golf. 学校里的学生甚至可以上高尔夫球的课。 read /riːd/ [transitive verb not in passive] British formal to study a subject at university 【英,正式】〔在大学里〕攻读,学习 Oliver is reading philosophy at Oxford. 奥利弗在牛津大学攻读哲学。 She went on to read medicine at Edinburgh. 她接着又去了爱丁堡大学学医。 place /pleɪs/ [countable noun] British an offer or opportunity to study as a student at a particular school, college, or university 【英】求学机会,入学名额 Studies show that students from wealthier backgrounds are more likely to be offered places at high-achieving schools. 研究显示,富裕家庭出身的学生被名校录取的机会更大。have/get a place (at) Jenny has a place to study law at Exeter this year. 珍妮今年获埃克塞特大学录取读法律。 If I get a place at Manchester, I'll take it. 如果我被曼彻斯特大学录取,我会去的。2 to study to prepare for an examination 为准备考试而学习 study /ˈstʌdi/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to learn the information you need to prepare yourself for a test or examination 〔为准备考试而〕学习,复习 I'm going to spend the afternoon studying my notes. 我打算花一个下午温习笔记。 The test is supposed to be hard - aren't you going to study at all? 考试据说很难—你就一点也不复习?study for He studied for the bar exam all year, and he still didn't pass. 他为律师资格考试准备了一整年,可还是没有通过。 I can't go to the movie tonight - I have a big test to study for. 今天晚上我不能去看电影一我要准备一个很重要的考试。 revise /rɪˈvaɪz/ [intransitive/transitive verb] British to read books, notes etc in order to prepare for an examination that you are going to take 【英】复习 Ahmed's upstairs, revising. 艾哈迈德在楼上复习功课。 What are you revising tonight? 你今天晚上复习什么?revise for The library was full of students revising for the final exams. 图书馆里全是在为准备期末考试而复习的学生。 cram /kræm/ [intransitive verb] informal to study very hard just before an examination, especially because you do not know enough 【非正式】拼命复习,临时抱佛脚,死记硬背〔尤因为懂得不够多〕 You'll really have to cram if you want to pass the test. 如果你想通过这次考试,就一定要好好复习功课。cram for Everyone's cramming for their final exams. 大家都在拼命地准备期末考试。 swot /swɒtǁswɑːt/ [intransitive verb] British informal to study for an examination 【英,非正式】〔为了考试〕努力学习 He's sure to pass - he's been swotting away for months. 他肯定能通过—他用功复习了好几个月了。swot for I was too busy swotting for my exams to be much interested in girls. 我那时正忙着准备考试,对女孩子没多大兴趣。 bone up on /ˌbəʊn ˈʌp ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to study a particular subject to prepare for a test or examination 【非正式】〔为了考试〕认真复习〔某一学科〕 I've been boning up on my Latin for the entrance exam. 我一直在为准备入学考试用功学习拉丁文。3 to study something in order to discover new facts 为了发现新的事实而研究某事物 study /ˈstʌdi/ [transitive verb] to examine something carefully, do tests on it etc, in order to find out more about it and discover new facts 研究 She spent several years studying the behaviour of gorillas in Africa. 她在非洲待了几年研究大猩猩的行为。 The discovery will be of great interest to scientists studying the origins of the universe. 研究宇宙起源的科学家对此发现将会很感兴趣。study how/why/when etc NASA has used the space shuttle to study how materials perform in a weightless environment. 美国国家航空航天局利用航天飞机研究物质在失重环境中的表现。 analyse British /analyze American /ˈænəl-aɪz/ [transitive verb] to carefully examine information, reports, the results of tests etc, in order to understand something better 分析 We use a special computer program to analyse all the sales figures. 我们利用一个专门的电脑程序分析所有的销售数据。 We will have to analyze the results of the survey before making any decisions. 我们在分析调查结果后才能作出决定。 analysis /əˈnælɪsəs, əˈnæləsəs/ [countable/uncountable noun] He's written a careful analysis of the drug problem in America. 他写了一份报告,仔细分析了美国的毒品问题。 do/conduct research also carry out research /duː, kənˌdʌkt rɪˈsɜːʳtʃ, ˌkæri aʊt rɪˈsɜːʳtʃ/ [verb phrase] to study a subject in a careful, detailed way, in order to discover new information or produce new ideas about it 进行研究 Dr. Cooper is a surgeon who does research at Harvard University. 库珀医生是一名外科医生,他在哈佛大学从事研究工作。 The organization's laboratories conduct advanced research in areas such as electronics, biotechnology, and engineering. 这个机构的实验室从事电子、生物技术和工程学等领域的高级研究。do/conduct research into/on Baskin has made several trips to Nicaragua to carry out research on land distribution. 巴斯金数次赴尼加拉瓜考查当地的土地分配情况。 research /rɪˈsɜːʳtʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to study a subject in a careful, detailed way, in order to discover new information or produce new ideas about it 研究,调查 Vargas began researching his family's history 12 years ago. 瓦尔加斯12年前开始研究他的家族历史。 It is important to research the market fully before offering a new product for sale. 一种新的产品上市之前,对市场进行充分的调查很重要。research into British Doctors researching into the causes of the disease believe they may have found a cure. 研究这种病的成因的医生相信,他们可能已经找到了治疗方法。4 the work that you do when you study something 学业;研究工作 somebody's studies / somebodyˈs ˈstʌdiz/ [plural noun] all the work that someone does when they are a student at school or university 某人的功课;某人的学业 My uncle asked me how I was enjoying my studies. 我叔叔问我学习情况如何。 James interrupted his studies to travel around Europe for a year. 詹姆斯暂时停止了学业,在欧洲游历一年。 She plans to continue her studies at Colgate in the fall. 她打算秋天到科尔盖特大学继续她的学业。 homework /ˈhəʊmwɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] work that a school student is given to do during free time, not during lessons 功课,家庭作业 Don't you kids have any homework? 你们这些小家伙难道没有功课吗? Mrs Burgess gives more homework than the other teachers. 伯吉斯夫人布置的家庭作业比其他老师的多。do your homework Go to your room and do your math homework before you start watching TV. 回到你的房间去,做完数学作业才开始看电视。 coursework /ˈkɔːʳswɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] all the work that a student has to do as part of a course of study, but not the examinations 课程作业 The diploma requires 30 hours of coursework. 这个证书要求有30个小时的课程作业。 Half of the marks are for the exam, and half are for coursework. 成绩一半来自考试,一半来自平时的作业。 revision /rɪˈvɪʒən/ [uncountable noun] British when you read books, notes etc in order to prepare for an examination that you are going to do 【英】复习,温习 How is your history revision going? 你历史复习得怎么样了?do revision I can't come out tonight - I've got a lot of revision to do. 我今天晚上不能出来—我有很多功课要复习。 study /ˈstʌdi/ [countable noun] a piece of work, especially one that includes a written report, that involves studying a particular subject in order to find out more about it 研究;研究报告 Recent studies have shown that women find it harder than men to give up smoking. 最近的研究显示女性戒烟比男性难。study on Berne has published a review of studies on sex education programs in public schools. 伯恩发表了一篇关于公立学校性教育计划研究的报告。study of Our comparative study of political culture includes five democracies. 我们这个政治文化对比研究涉及了五个民主政体。do/conduct/carry out a study We're doing a study into how much time people spend watching television each day. 我们正在对人们每天花多少时间看电视进行调查。 research /rɪˈsɜːʳtʃ, ˈriːsɜːʳtʃ/ [uncountable noun] careful, detailed work that you do in order to discover new information or produce new ideas about a particular subject 研究,调查 Recent research has shown that human language is much older than we previously thought. 最近的一个研究显示,人类语言的历史比我们原来想的要悠久得多。research into More research is needed into the ways in which this virus is spread. 这种病毒的传播方式还需要作进一步的研究。research on He hopes that his book will inspire more research on alcoholism. 他希望他的书可以启发人们对酒精中毒现象作更多的研究。scientific/historical/clinical etc research There is no scientific research to back up the company's claims. 公司的声明没有科学研究作为依据。do/conduct/carry out research She's doing research into the connection between crime and poverty. 她正在研究犯罪和贫困之间的联系。 Many of the questions can be answered without carrying out any new research. 这些问题中有许多都不需要作新的研究就可以解答。5 a student 学生 student /ˈstjuːdəntǁˈstuː-/ [countable noun] someone who is studying at school, university etc 〔中小学、大学等的〕学生 We would welcome suggestions from both teachers and students. 我们欢迎广大师生提出建议。 Student leaders had organized a sit-in to protest against the war. 学生领袖组织了一场静坐活动,抗议战争。high school/college etc student The study found that drug use among high school students is rising. 调查发现,高中学生吸毒的人数在上升。English/engineering/business etc student Seventy percent of the university's business students have job offers by graduation. 这所大学有70%的商科学生在毕业之前就得到了工作机会。student of Wiggins was a student of theology for many years before leaving the seminary. 威金斯在神学院读了好几年的神学后毕业。student days the time when you were a student 学生时代 Mira hadn't seen Brad since their student days at the University of Wisconsin. 米拉自从在威斯康星大学读书的时代以后,就再没见过布拉德了。 pupil /ˈpjuːpəl/ [countable noun] especially British a child who studies at a school 【尤英】〔小学的〕学生 The school has over 700 pupils. 这所学校有七百多名学生。 The new law reduces the number of pupils per class in the first four years of schooling. 新的法律减少了头四年学校教育每个班级的学生人数。 learner /ˈlɜːʳnəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who is learning about a particular subject - used especially by teachers and people talking about the needs of students 〔学习某一门课的〕学生,学习者 A major aim of education is to improve learners’ understanding of the world around them. 教育的主要目的是提高学生对周围世界的认识。 At the end of each chapter there is a series of exercises designed to help the learner. 每一章后面都附有一系列帮助学生学习的练习。 schoolboy/schoolgirl/schoolchild /ˈskuːlbɔɪ, ˈskuːlgɜːʳl, ˈskuːltʃaɪld/ [countable noun] especially British a child who studies at a school 【尤英】男学童/女学童/学童 He was quickly surrounded by schoolgirls asking for his autograph. 他很快就被一群女学生围住,要他签名。 Only 10% of British schoolchildren attend private schools. 英国只有10%的学童上私立学校。 schoolkid /ˈskuːlkɪd/ [countable noun] informal a child who studies at a school 【非正式】〔小学的〕学生,学童 I was just a schoolkid - I didn't know anything about poetry or literature. 那时我还只是个小学生,对诗歌和文学一无所知。 They were standing outside giggling away like a couple of naughty schoolkids. 他们像一群顽皮的学生,站在外面咯咯笑个不停。 undergraduate /ˌʌndəʳˈgrædʒuɪt, ˌʌndəʳˈgrædʒuət/ [countable noun] someone who is studying at a university in order to get their first degree 〔大学的〕本科学生 They met when they were undergraduates at Cambridge. 他们是在剑桥读本科的时候认识的。 The loans, which are based on financial need, are limited to $3000 for undergraduates. 贷款根据经济上的需要而定,本科生的限额为3,000美元。 undergraduate [adjective] This textbook is primarily intended for undergraduate students of history. 这本教科书主要是为历史系的本科生编写的。 English/history etc major /ˌɪŋglɪʃ ˈmeɪdʒəʳ/ [countable noun] American someone who is studying English, history etc as their main subject at a college or university 【美】主修英语/历史等科目的学生 Her boyfriend was a political science major at Berkeley. 她男朋友是伯克利大学政治专业的学生。 I was a biology major in college, but I've forgotten almost everything I learned. 我在大学里主修生物,不过我学的差不多都已经忘光了。 postgraduate British /graduate student American /ˌpəʊstˈgrædʒuɪt, ˌpəʊstˈgrædʒuət, ˈgrædʒut ˌstjuːdəntǁ-ˌstuː-/ [countable noun] someone who is studying for a higher degree after their first degree 研究生 About half the graduate students in the program come from overseas. 这个课程约有一半的研究生是从国外来的。 He has three postgraduates helping him with his research. 他有三名研究生帮助他做研究。 postgraduate especially British graduate American [adjective only before noun] Most of the people in the department hold postgraduate degrees. 系里大多数人都有硕士学位。




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