SHOOT1 to fire a gun or other weapon2 to shoot someone or something3 to be shot at by someone4 to point a gun or weapon carefully before shooting5 when someone shoots a gun6 the sound of shooting7 someone who uses a gunRELATED WORDSsee alsoKILLHURT/INJUREWEAPONARMYWARCRIMEVIOLENT1 to fire a gun or other weapon 开枪等shoot /ʃuːt/ [intransitive verb]to point a gun towards someone or something, and make bullets come out of it in order to kill or injure them 射击;开枪;发射 If you move, I'll shoot. 你动一下我就开枪。 Make sure you hold the gun steady and shoot straight. 一定要把枪端稳,瞄准打过去。shoot at Armed robbers who shot at a security guard are still being hunted by police. 一群武装劫匪开枪打中了一名保安人员,警方仍在追捕中。 We used to shoot at empty bottles for practice. 我们以前经常练习射击空瓶子。shoot to killin order to kill someone 开枪击毙 The Defence Minister had ordered troops to shoot to kill if attacked. 国防部长曾经下令军队,遭遇袭击时可以开枪杀人。fire /faɪəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to make bullets come out of a gun, or send an explosive object towards someone or something 开枪;射击,轰击 He regained his balance, took aim, and fired. 他重新稳住自己,瞄准目标,然后开枪。fire into The police fired into the air to make the crowd break up. 警察朝天鸣枪驱散人群。fire at As soon as we crossed the border, enemy troops started firing at us. 我们一越过边境,敌军就开始朝我们开枪射击。fire a shot/bullet/round Kendrick fired three shots at the President's car. 肯德里克朝总统座车开了三枪。fire a gun/weapon/pistol etc Suddenly the car stopped, and the passenger got out and fired a Kalashnikov rifle at the police car. 突然,那辆汽车停了下来,车上的人下车用一把卡拉什尼科夫步枪朝警车扫射。open fire /ˌəʊpən ˈfaɪəʳ/ [verb phrase]to start shooting 开枪,开火 The colonel gave the order for the soldiers to open fire. 上校下令士兵开火。open fire on Troops opened fire on a group of unarmed demonstrators in the city centre. 军队在市中心向手无寸铁的游行示威人群开了枪。take a shot at /ˌteɪk ə ˈʃɒt ætǁ-ˈʃɑːt-/ [verb phrase]to shoot once at someone or something, hoping to hit them 朝…开枪 Agent Cooper stood back and took a shot at the lock on the door. 库珀探员往后退,朝门上的锁开了一枪。 The police claim that someone took a shot at them, and they had to withdraw for their own safety. 警方称有人朝他们开了一枪,他们为了自身的安全不得不撤退。take a potshot at /ˌteɪk ə ˈpɒtʃɒt ætǁ-ˈpɑːtʃɑːt-/ [verb phrase]to shoot at someone or something, especially from far away, without aiming carefully 〔尤从远处〕朝…乱开枪 A bird flew out of the tree and Harry took a potshot at it. 一只鸟儿从树里飞了出来,哈里就随便地朝它开枪。 Somebody was taking potshots at us from behind the bushes. 有人在树丛后面朝我们乱开枪。shell /ʃel/ [transitive verb]to shoot at enemy soldiers, cities etc in a war, using large guns that can shoot from long distances 〔在战争中从远距离〕炮轰,轰击〔敌军、城市等〕 British warships began shelling German positions along the coast. 英军战舰开始炮轰德军沿岸阵地。 Border towns have been shelled by enemy aircraft for the past two months. 边境城镇近两个月来一直遭受敌机的轰炸。bombard /bɒmˈbɑːʳdǁbɑːm-/ [transitive verb]to shoot at a place using a lot of large guns all firing at the same time 〔许多大炮同时〕炮击,轰炸 The allied forces bombarded the enemy trenches for weeks. 盟军炮轰敌军战壕,历时数周。bombard somebody/something with something Cromwell's men had been bombarding the fort with their artillery for several days. 连日来,克伦威尔的部下一直用大炮轰击堡垒。2 to shoot someone or something 开枪射击某人或某物shoot /ʃuːt/ [transitive verb]to kill or injure someone by firing bullets from a gun 射死;射伤;射击 I was afraid they were going to shoot us. 我担心他们会开枪打我们。 Rico had been shot by a member of a rival gang. 里科被敌对黑帮的一名成员开枪打中了。shoot somebody in the back/chest/leg etc He had been shot in the chest but managed to crawl to safety. 他胸部中弹,但还是设法爬到了安全的地方。shoot somebody dead A tourist was shot dead by muggers in New Orleans last night. 昨晚在新奥尔良,一名游客被行凶抢劫者开枪打死。shoot down /ˌʃuːt ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb]to shoot an aircraft so that it falls from the sky 击落〔飞机〕shoot something down Local militiamen shot down a federal army helicopter as it flew over the capital. 一架联邦军用直升机飞过州府上空的时候,当地民兵将它击落。shoot down something They said the plane had been on a spy mission and they were justified in shooting it down. 他们说这架飞机是在执行间谍任务,被击落是罪有应得。be hit /biː ˈhɪt/ [verb phrase]to be injured or damaged by bullets 被击中 I didn't realize he'd been hit until he fell to the ground. 等到他倒在地上,我才知道他被击中了。 One of our planes has been hit. 我们的一架飞机被击中了。be hit in the chest/face etc He was hit in the arm by a sniper's bullet but carried on fighting. 他的手臂被狙击手的子弹击中,但他还是继续战斗。gun down /ˌgʌn ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb]to shoot someone, especially someone who cannot defend themselves, so that they are killed or badly injured 开枪击倒;击毙〔尤指无自卫能力的人〕gun down somebody The bank robbers gunned down two employees who tried to stop them getting away. 抢劫银行的歹徒开枪击倒了两名试图阻止他们逃跑的职员。gun somebody down Two men dragged him out of his home, and gunned him down in the street. 两名男子把他从家中拖出来,开枪把他击倒在街上。pick off /ˌpɪk ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb]to shoot people or animals one by one from a distance 〔从远处〕逐个地瞄准打死〔人或动物〕pick off somebody Jesse hid behind a rock and picked off the sheriff's men one by one as they rode past. 杰西躲在岩石背后,等警长部下骑马经过时就开枪逐个把他们打死。pick somebody off Our rifles were much more powerful and we were able to pick the enemy off before they could even fire at us. 我们的来复枪火力大多了,敌人还没来得及朝我们开枪,我们就把他们逐个击毙了。3 to be shot at by someone 遭到某人射击be shot at /biː ˈʃɒt ætǁ-ˈʃɑːt-/ [verb phrase] I heard a bullet whistle past my ear, and I realized we were being shot at. 我听到一颗子弹在我耳边呼啸而过,就意识到有人在朝我们开枪。 The UN troops shouldn't be there just to be shot at -- they should be allowed to defend themselves. 联合国部队不该就在那里任人射击一应该允许他们自卫。under fire /ʌndəʳ ˈfaɪəʳ/ [adverb]if someone isunder fire, they are being shot at, especially by several people during a battle 遭到射击;遭到炮火轰击 The men's faces were white with fear -- none of them had ever been under fire before. 那些人吓得面如土色——他们以前从没遭到过射击。under heavy firebeing shot at repeatedly 遭到猛烈射击 Although they were under heavy fire from all sides, they managed to get the wounded off the battlefield. 虽然四面八方都有炮火猛烈的射击,他们还是设法把伤员运出了战场。come under firestart being shot at 遭到射击 Troops sent to quell the fighting came under fire themselves. 被派去平息战乱的军队自己也遭到了射击。be caught in the crossfire /biː ˌkɔːt ɪn ðə ˈkrɒsfaɪəʳǁ-ˈkrɔːs-/ [verb phrase]if someoneis caught in the crossfire, they are trapped between two groups of people who are shooting at each other, and may be shot accidentally themselves 在交叉火力中受到两面夹攻 Two civilians were killed when they were caught in the crossfire between the police and the protestors. 两个平民在警方和抗议者的交叉火力中不幸身亡。4 to point a gun or weapon carefully before shooting 射击之前把枪或武器瞄准aim /eɪm/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to choose the place, person etc that you want to hit and point your gun or weapon at it carefully 瞄准;把…瞄准 He picked up his shotgun, aimed, then fired. 他拿起猎枪,瞄准,然后开枪。 The firing squad were already aiming their rifles and waiting for the order to shoot. 行刑队已经举枪瞄准,听候命令准备射击了。aim at Which part of the target were you aiming at? 你瞄准的是目标的哪个部分?aim for somebody's head/chest etc You can tell he was a professional killer -- they always aim for the chest. 看得出他是个职业杀手—他们总是瞄准胸膛。aim something at something The rocket-launchers are aimed at Washington. 火箭发射筒瞄准了华盛顿。take aim /ˌteɪk ˈeɪm/ [verb phrase not in passive]to point a gun or weapon towards someone or something when preparing to shoot them 瞄准 For those few seconds when they are taking aim, the soldiers are exposed to enemy fire. 士兵们在瞄准目标的那几秒钟里暴露在敌人的炮火之下。5 when someone shoots a gun 某人开火时shot /ʃɒtǁʃɑːt/ [countable noun]an attempt to shoot someone or something 射击;开枪 His first shot missed. The second hit its target. 他第一枪打歪了,第二枪打中了目标。fire a shot Police fired shots into the air and used water cannon to disperse the crowd. 警察朝天鸣枪,并用高压水炮驱散人群。shooting /ˈʃuːtɪŋ/ [countable noun]when someone is shot at, and killed or injured 枪击,射击;枪杀 Oswald was seen running away from the building just after the shooting. 有人看到奥斯瓦尔德就在枪击案发生后逃离了那幢建筑物。 There has been an alarming increase in the number of shootings on our streets. 我们街头的枪击事件在以惊人的速度增加。gunfire /ˈgʌnfaɪəʳ/ [uncountable noun]the repeated shooting of a gun or guns 炮火 At least 4 people were killed by gunfire when police stormed the building. 警方突袭那幢大楼的时候,至少有四人死于炮火之中。a volley/hail of gunfire Joseph sprinted away to dodge the volley of gunfire. 约瑟夫飞奔着躲避那枪林弹雨。an exchange of gunfirewhen people shoot at each other 交火 A soldier was killed during an exchange of gunfire at the border station. 一名士兵在边防站的一次交火中丧生。fire /faɪəʳ/ [uncountable noun]the repeated shooting of a gun, guns, or other weapons 炮火 The ship was hit by fire from a German plane. 轮船被德军飞机上射来的炮火击中。 There was a sudden burst of machine gun fire. 突然,机关枪一阵猛烈扫射。enemy fire We noticed that the enemy fire was now being directed at our part of the field. 我们注意到,敌人的火力现在转向了我们这一边。volley /ˈvɒliǁˈvɑːli/ [countable noun]several shots fired together from several weapons at the same time 齐射,群射 Before it was lowered into the ground, a volley of shots was fired over the General's coffin. 将军的灵柩入土前,其上面排枪齐射。fire a volley The soldiers fired a volley into the air as a warning to the crowd. 士兵们向空中放排枪警告人群。bombardment /bɒmˈbɑːʳdməntǁbɑːm-/ [uncountable noun]the continuous firing of a lot of large guns in order to attack an enemy town, city etc in a war 连续炮轰 The Germans began their bombardment of Paris in early 1870. 1870年初,德军开始炮轰巴黎。 The devastating air bombardment of the last four weeks is only the latest of a series of assaults by foreign armies. 过去四个星期里的毁灭性空中轰炸只是外国军队最新的一次行动,他们已经发动了一系列的袭击。barrage /ˈbærɑːʒǁbəˈrɑːʒ/ [countable noun usually singular]the continuous firing of a lot of guns, especially in a war 〔尤在战争中的〕火力网,密集的火力 US warplanes continued their barrage again this morning. 今天早晨美国战机又继续密集轰炸。 a barrage of machine-gun fire 密集的机关枪火力shelling /ˈʃelɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]the shooting at enemy soldiers, cities etc in a war, using large guns that can shoot from long distances 炮击 Soon after dawn there was another round of heavy shelling in the eastern part of the city. 天亮不久,城东遭遇另一轮密集的炮火攻击。hail of bullets /ˌheɪl əv ˈbʊlts/ [noun phrase]a lot of bullets that have been fired - used especially in written descriptions 枪林弹雨〔尤用于书面描述〕 Wallace died in a hail of bullets in Los Angeles, the victim of a drive-by killing. 华莱士在洛杉矶遇上了飞车枪击事件,在枪林弹雨中遇害身亡。6 the sound of shooting 射击的声音shot/gunshot /ʃɒtǁʃɑːt, ˈgʌnʃɒtǁ-ʃɑːt/ [countable noun]the noise made by a gun when it is fired 枪声,枪响 One witness claimed she had heard eight shots. 一位目击者称她听到了八声枪响。 An occasional gunshot can still be heard, but no-one knows who fires them. 仍能听到零星的枪声,但是没有人知道是谁开枪。a shot rings outwritten Shots rang out from across the street as someone tried to break up the fight. 有人试图劝架,这时街对面传来了几声枪响。gunfire /ˈgʌnfaɪəʳ/ [uncountable noun]the sound made by several guns being fired, especially in a war 〔尤指战争中的〕枪炮声 Enemy gunfire could be heard from several kilometres away. 敌军的炮火几公里以外都听得到。 The earth shook with the sound of heavy gunfire. 大地也被猛烈的炮火声震动了。7 someone who uses a gun 用枪的人gunman /ˈgʌnmən/ [countable noun]someone who uses a gun to kill someone - use this especially about a criminal or someone who is using a gun illegally 持枪歹徒 Two gunmen opened fire on a bus taking children to school. 两名持枪歹徒朝一辆接孩子上学的公共汽车开了枪。 Was President Kennedy killed by a lone gunman, or was there a conspiracy? 刺杀肯尼迪总统是独行枪手所为,还是一项阴谋? Hooded gunmen burst into a home in Lima on Sunday and shot to death at least 15 people. 星期天一群戴着风帽的持枪歹徒闯入利马的一所住宅,开枪打死了至少15人。sniper /ˈsnaɪpəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who hides, especially in a high place, and shoots at enemy soldiers 狙击手〔尤指匿藏高处射杀敌军〕 Weapons were found at three locations believed to be used by snipers. 在三处地方找到相信是狙击手使用的武器。 A sniper's bullet pierced his windshield and hit him in the eye. 一名狙击手的子弹穿过挡风玻璃,击中了他的眼睛。marksman /ˈmɑːʳksmən/ [countable noun]someone who is very well trained and very skilful at using a gun, either for sport or for their job with the army or the police 射击能手,神射手,神枪手 Police marksmen surrounded the building. 警方的神枪手包围了大楼。 A marksman was called in to try and hit the enemy's machine gun post. 一名神枪手奉召到场,试图打掉敌人的机枪点。be a good/bad etc shot /biː ə ˌgʊd ˈʃɒtǁ-ˈʃɑːt/ [verb phrase]someone whois a good orbad shot is good or bad at shooting 枪法好/枪法不好 You'd have to be a really good shot to get that bird from here. 你得有非常好的枪法才能从这儿把那只鸟打下来。 I used to be the best shot in the whole school. 我以前是全校枪法最好的人。