

例句 SHAPE1 the shape of something or someone2 having a particular shape3 having a strange or wrong shape4 having no clear or exact shape5 having a regular shape6 having a shape that is not regularRELATED WORDSsee alsoCIRCLE1 the shape of something or someone 某物的形状或某人的体形 shape /ʃeɪp/ [countable/uncountable noun] the shape that something is, for example a square, a circle etc 形状 You can get pasta in lots of different shapes. 意大利面有各式各样的形状。 What shape is the swimming pool? 那游泳池是什么形状的? The fruits are similar in shape and size to plums. 那种水果的形状和大小跟李子差不多。 The desks form a U-shape, so that the teacher can interact easily with the students. 课桌排成U字型,这样可以方便老师和学生交流。 The pool was custom built, it is an unusual shape. 这游泳池是定制的,形状很独特。 If a mole changes color or shape, see a doctor. 痣如果变颜色或变形状,就要去看医生。 form /fɔːʳm/ [countable noun] the shape of something - use this especially to talk about art or when the shape is not very clear 形状;外形,轮廓〔尤用于艺术上或形状不是非常清晰时〕 Sleeping forms lay in groups and rows on the earth floor. 人们三五成群地睡在泥地上。 The painting consists of a series of interlocking forms. 这幅画是由互相扣住的图形组成的。 figure /ˈfɪgəʳǁˈfɪgjər/ [countable noun] the shape of a person 身影,人影 There were figures painted on the walls of the cave. 洞壁上画有一个个人物形状。 Dark figures emerged from the building, and disappeared into the night. 一个个黑色的人影从大楼里出来,消失在夜色中。figure of I saw the figure of a woman below the bridge. 我看到桥下有个女子的身影。 silhouette /ˌsɪluˈet/ [countable noun] the dark shape of something or someone seen against a bright background 〔明亮的背景上映衬出的〕黑色轮廓,剪影 The trees were silhouettes in the morning fog. 那些树木成了晨雾中的剪影。silhouette of I saw the silhouette of someone waiting under the streetlight. 我看到街灯下面有个黑影在等候。 profile /ˈprəʊfaɪl/ [countable noun] the shape of someone's face when seen from the side 〔某人脸部的〕侧影;侧面 an artist's sketch of McMillan's profile 一位画家给麦克米伦画的侧面素描 He sat by the window, his handsome profile outlined against the sky. 他坐在窗边,蓝天衬托着他那俊秀的侧面。in profile They showed her a photo of a young brunette, taken in profile. 他们给她看了一张从侧面拍的照片,是一个深褐色头发的年轻女子。 outline /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ [countable noun] a line around the edge of something that shows its shape 轮廓,外形 outline of The outline of a footprint was visible in the snow. 一个脚印的轮廓在雪地里清晰可见。 On the envelopes had been stamped the outlines of Santa Claus, holly, and a reindeer. 信封上盖着一个个印,有圣诞老人的形状,有冬青树的形状,还有驯鹿的形状。 contour /ˈkɒntʊəʳǁˈkɑːn-/ [countable noun] the outer shape of something, that has a lot of curves, especially an area of land or a person's body 〔尤指土地或人体的〕轮廓,外形 The seat is adjustable to fit the contours of your back. 座位可以调整,以适合背部的曲线。 A topographical map shows the contours of the earth's surface. 地形图显示地表轮廓。 lines /laɪnz/ [plural noun] the outer shape of something long or tall, especially something that looks very graceful or attractive 〔长或高的物体的〕线条,轮廓〔尤指看起来优美或吸引人的某物〕 The dress's flowing lines are attractive on most women. 这件连衣裙线条飘逸,大多数女性穿着都很漂亮。lines of He noticed the long, slim lines of her legs beneath the colorful cotton skirt. 他看到她那条色彩丰富的棉制裙子下面有一双修长的腿。2 having a particular shape 具有某种形状的 be round/square/rectangular etc /biː ˈraʊnd/ [verb phrase] use this to say what shape something is 是圆的/方的/长方形的等 The windows were round, like the windows on a ship. 那些窗户是圆的,就像船上的窗一样。 ‘What shape is the table?’ ‘It's long and rectangular.’ “桌子是什么形状的?”“长长方方的。”be round/square etc in shape There was another building, octagonal in shape, close by. 附近还有一幢房子,是八角形的。 shaped /ʃeɪpt/ [adjective] use this to say that something has the same shape as something else 有…形状的 star-shaped/heart-shaped/L-shaped etc He gave me a necklace with a heart-shaped locket. 他送了我一条项链,上面有一个心形的盒式吊坠。 Gus lived in an apartment in a U-shaped courtyard. 格斯住在一套有一个U字型庭院的公寓里。shaped like On the table were salt and pepper shakers shaped like teddy bears. 桌子上摆着玩具熊形状的盐瓶和胡椒瓶。 in the shape of something /ɪn ðə ˈʃeɪp əv something/ [preposition] use this to say that something has the same shape as something else 具有某物的形状 a beautiful blue bowl in the shape of a flower 一只漂亮的蓝色的碗,是一朵花的形状 There was a big chocolate cake in the shape of a heart on the main table. 主桌上放了一个很大的心形巧克力蛋糕。3 having a strange or wrong shape 形状奇怪的或不对的 deformed /dɪˈfɔːʳmd/ [adjective] something that is deformed, especially part of a living thing, has the wrong shape, usually because it has grown or developed wrongly 〔尤指有生命的东西〕畸形的〔通常因生长或发育不良〕 She had survived polio, but her right leg was weak and deformed. 她得过小儿麻痹症,虽然活了下来,但右腿软弱无力,成了畸形。 The desert plants were strange deformed bushes with bizarrely twisted branches. 这些沙漠植物是一些奇形怪状的灌木,树枝长得七歪八扭、怪模怪样。 deformity [countable/uncountable noun] The drug was shown to cause deformity in a high proportion of babies born to mothers taking it. 经证明,服用这种药物的母亲生出的孩子有很大的比率是畸形的。 distorted /dɪˈstɔːʳtɪd, dɪˈstɔːʳtəd/ [adjective] something that is distorted has been twisted out of its correct or original shape 扭曲的,变形的 As a result of the crash, the remains of the vehicles were distorted out of all recognition. 这些车辆因为撞击的缘故都变形了,以致无法辨认。 After treatment, her distorted hip had straightened, so that her legs were the same length. 经过治疗,她那变形的臀部变直了,所以两条腿也一样长了。 misshapen /ˌmɪsˈʃeɪpən, mɪˈʃeɪ-/ [adjective] having the wrong shape, usually because of growing that way over a long period of time 畸形的,变形的〔通常因为长期以来都这样生长〕 The old woman's fingers were misshapen and useless. 那老妇人的手指都变形了,没有用了。 Misshapen carrots and potatoes were fed to the pigs. 畸形的胡萝卜和马铃薯都喂给猪吃。 lopsided /ˌlɒpˈsaɪdɪd◂, ˌlɒpˈsaɪdəd◂ǁˌlɑːp-/ [adjective] something that is lopsided does not have the same shape on each side, for example because one side is higher than the other 歪斜的,不平衡的 She gave me a lopsided smile. 她歪着嘴对我笑了笑。 a note written in a child's lopsided handwriting 小孩子写的字迹歪歪斜斜的一张字条 His whole face was lopsided, one cheek badly scarred. 他的整张脸都歪了,其中一边脸颊有很难看的疤痕。 lose its shape /ˌluːz ɪts ˈʃeɪp/ [verb phrase] especially British if something such as a hat, coat, or skirt loses its shape, it becomes the wrong shape because it has been worn a lot 【尤英】〔帽子、外套、裙子等因穿了很多次而〕变形,走样 His battered old hat had completely lost its shape. 他那顶破旧的帽子已经完全不成样子了。 She was wearing an old jumper that had lost its shape. 她穿着一件已经走样的旧毛衣。4 having no clear or exact shape 没有明显或确定形状的 shapeless /ˈʃeɪpləs/ [adjective] something, especially a piece of clothing, that is shapeless has no clear or definite shape, and often looks unattractive 〔尤指衣物〕不定形的,无形状的,不成形的 He was wearing a shapeless grey coat which really did not fit him. 他穿着一件不成形的灰色外套,一点都不合身。 People trudged on, carrying shapeless bundles full of clothes or bedding. 人们抱着一捆捆包得乱七八糟的衣服和被单艰难地行走。 amorphous /əˈmɔːʳfəs/ [adjective] formal having no definite shape that can be described or recognized because everything you can see is unclear or is mixed together 【正式】无固定形状的 The molten rock hardens into amorphous forms. 熔岩凝固成一块块不规则的形状。 In her later works, large, amorphous shapes seem to float on the canvas. 她后期的作品中,一个个大大的、说不清楚是什么形状的图案就好像漂浮在画布上似的。5 having a regular shape 形状规则的 regular /ˈregjɑləʳ/ [adjective] evenly shaped with parts or sides of equal size 〔形状〕规则的;匀称的 Draw a regular hexagon with 90 mm sides. 画一个规则的、边长为90毫米的六边形。 She was attractive rather than beautiful, with regular features and dark hair. 她五官端正,留着一头黑发,应该说是可爱,而不是漂亮。 symmetrical /sɪˈmetrɪkəl/ [adjective] if something is symmetrical, its two halves, on either side of a central line, are exactly alike 对称的 The leaves of most trees are symmetrical in shape. 多数树木的叶子形状都是对称的。 Palladio built the Villa Rotunda following a symmetrical plan. 帕拉迪奥的圆形别墅是照着一个对称的平面图建造的。 symmetry /ˈsɪmɪtri, ˈsɪmətri/ [uncountable noun] the delicate symmetry of a snowflake 雪花那种精细的对称6 having a shape that is not regular 形状不规则的 irregular /ɪˈregjɑləʳ/ [adjective] unevenly shaped with parts or sides of unequal size 〔形状〕不规则的;不匀称的 Lake Powell's irregular coastline has many unspoiled beaches and secluded inlets. 在鲍威尔湖曲折的湖岸线上,有许多原始的沙滩和僻静的小港。 I recognized the doctor's messy, irregular handwriting. 我认出这是医生的字,潦草而不工整。 irregularly [adjective] a large, irregularly shaped room 一个形状不规则的大房间 asymmetrical /ˌeɪsɪˈmetrɪkəl, ˌeɪsəˈmetrɪkəl/ [adjective] if something is asymmetrical, one half of it is not the same as the other - used in formal and technical contexts 不对称的,不匀称的〔用于正式场合或技术方面〕 The design of the house is consciously asymmetrical with a large tower at one end. 这房子的设计是有意不对称的,其中一端有一个很大的塔楼。




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