

例句 SEXY1 someone who is sexually attractive2 clothes, movements, remarks etc that are sexually attractive3 not sexyRELATED WORDSto talk to someone in a way that shows you are attracted to them 以对某人有好感的样子和他说话 TALK (9)see alsoSEXBEAUTIFUL1 someone who is sexually attractive 性感的人 sexy /ˈseksi/ [adjective] sexually attractive to people, either because of your body, your good looks, or attractive personality 性感的 Peter is strong, good looking, and very sexy. 彼得强壮英俊,非常性感。 The advertisement showed a sexy young woman in a short skirt standing beside a sports car. 广告上是一位非常性感的年轻女郎,穿着很短的裙子站在一辆跑车旁边。 Her flushed cheeks, wide eyes, and slightly opened mouth made her look sexy. 她泛红的脸颊,大大的眼睛,双唇微启,看上去很性感。 sexiness [uncountable noun] I think I was first attracted to her overt sexiness. 我想,我最初是被她那种毫不掩饰的性感所吸引的。 attractive /əˈtræktɪv/ [adjective] someone who is attractive has a personality or appearance that makes other people sexually attracted to them 有魅力的,有吸引力的 It's enough for me that my husband thinks I'm sexually attractive. 我丈夫认为我性感有魅力,这就够了。attractive to I don't know what makes Jamie so attractive to women. 我不知道是什么使杰米对女人这么有吸引力。find somebody attractive think they are attractive 觉得某人很迷人 She's very nice but I don't really find her attractive. 她很不错,但我并不觉得她有吸引力。 sex appeal /ˈseks əˌpiːl/ [uncountable noun] someone's appearance, behaviour, or personality that makes them sexually attractive 性感,对异性的吸引力 Tanya uses her sex appeal to get whatever she wants. 塔妮娅利用她的性魅力想要什么就能得到什么。have sex appeal Barry's a really nice guy, but he has absolutely no sex appeal. 巴里是个很不错的家伙,但是对于异性一点吸引力也没有。 desirable /dɪˈzaɪərəbəl/ [adjective] formal someone who is desirable makes you feel sexually attracted to them 【正式】性感动人的 Ray was still in good shape and far more desirable than most men his age. 雷状态仍然很好,远比大多数他这个年龄的男人有魅力。 voluptuous /vəˈlʌptʃuəs/ [adjective] a woman who is voluptuous has large breasts and an attractive, rounded body, so that men feel sexually attracted to her 〔女人〕丰满性感的 Everyone turned to look at Gordon and his voluptuous mistress as they entered the room. 戈登和他那位体形丰满的情人走进房间,大家都回头看着他们。 alluring /əˈljʊərɪŋǁəˈlʊə-/ [adjective] written a woman who is alluring attracts men in a sexual way, because she seems to be exciting and a little mysterious 【书面】〔女子〕吸引人的,迷人的,诱人的 Helene was an alluring beauty whom few men could resist. 海伦妮是个风情万种的美女,很少有男人抵挡得住她的魅力。 She was encouraged to use her feminine charms, to be coy and alluring. 她更有信心地运用自己女性的魅力,显出娇媚诱人的姿态。2 clothes, movements, remarks etc that are sexually attractive 性感的衣服、动作、言语等 sexy /ˈseksi/ [adjective] sexually attractive 性感的 He's got a really deep sexy voice. 他的声音非常深沉性感。 I think leather pants are really sexy. 我觉得皮裤子很性感。 Gabby dived into the pool leaving her sexy black dress draped over a chair. 加比跳入泳池中,留下她那性感的黑裙子搭在椅子上。 sensual/sensuous /ˈsenʃuəl, ˈsenʃuəs/ [adjective] seeming to show strong sexual feelings and a desire for sexual pleasure 性感的;刺激感官的 Peter leaned forward and kissed the girl's sensual red lips. 彼得弯身向前吻那女孩性感的红唇。 The artist became obsessed by her strange, sensual beauty. 艺术家被她那种独特、性感的美深深地迷住了。 sensuality /ˌsenʃuˈælɪti, ˌsenʃuˈæləti/ [uncountable noun] The sensuality of the woman's face was emphasized by her off-the-shoulder dress. 那位女子的脸,在她露肩礼服的衬托之下,显得更加性感了。 provocative /prəˈvɒkətɪvǁ-ˈvɑː-/ [adjective] intended to make someone feel sexually excited 挑逗的,撩人的 The magazine is full of pictures of partially dressed women in provocative poses. 这本杂志里面全是姿态撩人的半裸女子照片。 provocatively [adverb] ‘Why don't you show me,’ said Rhonda, parting her lips provocatively. “为什么不给我看嘛。”朗达说,她撩人地张开双唇。 seductive /sɪˈdʌktɪv/ [adjective] very sexually attractive, and making you want to have sex, especially when you should not 性感的,勾引人的 From across the room, I noticed that Philip was giving me a seductive stare. 我从房间那头看到菲利普用诱人的眼光注视着我。 seductively [adverb] He sat down beside me and started whispering seductively in my ear. 他在我身边坐了下来,在我耳旁诱惑地悄声低语。 suggestive /səˈdʒestɪvǁsəg-/ [adjective] are intended to make you think about sex 挑逗性的 Several of the most sexually suggestive scenes have been cut from the film. 影片中有几个最具挑逗性的镜头被剪掉了。 Victor winked at her, and his smile was so wickedly suggestive that Francesca blushed. 维克托朝她眨眨眼,他的笑容是那样调皮而带挑逗性,使弗朗西丝卡脸都红了。 suggestively [adverb] The young women were dancing suggestively to the music. 年轻的姑娘们跟着音乐挑逗地跳着舞。 be a turn-on /biː ə ˈtɜːʳn ɒn/ [verb phrase] informal something that you think it is sexually exciting 【非正式】引起性欲,令人感到刺激 The sight of all those half-naked men may be a turn-on to some women, but I find it unappealing. 那些半裸的男人对一些女人来说可能觉得很令人兴奋,可我觉得一点都没有吸引力。3 not sexy 不性感的 be a turn-off /biː ə ˈtɜːʳn ɒf/ [verb phrase] informal to be not at all sexually attractive 【非正式】使人失去性兴趣 I wish you wouldn't wear your socks in bed - it's such a turn-off. 我希望你别穿袜子上床—那多么倒人胃口。 sexless /ˈseksləs/ [adjective] British not sexually attractive, because of not having any strong male or female qualities 【英】缺乏性感的,不性感的 I don't find him attractive at all, he's such a sexless lump. 我根本不觉得他有什么吸引力,他这大块头一点也不性感。




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