

例句 REVENGE1 to punish someone because they have harmed or offended you2 action that is taken in order to punish someone who has harmed or offended youRELATED WORDSsee alsoATTACKPUNISH1 to punish someone because they have harmed or offended you 惩罚伤害或冒犯过你的人 take/get revenge /ˌteɪk, ˌget rɪˈvendʒ/ [verb phrase] to do something to punish someone who has harmed you, your family, or your friends 报复,报仇 take/get revenge on Gayle took revenge on her husband by cutting up all his best clothes. 盖尔把她丈夫的所有好衣服都剪碎作为报复。take/get revenge for He was determined to get revenge for the murder of his sister. 他决定要为妹妹的被害报仇。take/get your revenge During the riot inmates took their revenge on prison guards. 暴乱期间,囚犯对狱警进行报复。 in retaliation /ɪn rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃən/ [adverb] if you do something in retaliation for something that someone has done to you, you do it to make them suffer even more than you did 作为报复〔而使某人遭受比你更大的痛苦〕 Ross said he feared that he might be fired in retaliation. 罗斯说他担心自己可能遭到报复而被开除。in retaliation for The President ordered the bombings in retaliation for the attack. 总统下令进行轰炸作为对袭击的报复。 in revenge /ɪn rɪˈvendʒ/ [adverb] if you do something in revenge for something that someone has done to you, you do it to get revenge 作为报复 When she learned of her husband's affairs, she turned to another man in revenge. 当她知道丈夫在外私通后,就投向另一个男人作为报复。in revenge for They murdered Gillespi in revenge for the death of their brother. 他们为了给哥哥的死报仇而杀了吉莱斯皮。 get back at also get your own back (on) British /get ˈbæk æt , ˌget jɔːr ˈəʊn bæk (ɒn)/ [verb phrase] informal to do something which causes problems for someone, because they have done something that causes problems for you 【非正式】报复 Dad won't let me go to the concert, but I'll get back at him. 爸爸不让我去听音乐会,但我要报复他。 Even if it took me ten years, I was determined to get my own back. 即使花上我十年时间,我也决心要报此仇。 He kept looking for a chance to get his own back on Freddie. 他一直在找机会报复弗雷迪。get back at for He wanted to get back at his supervisor for criticizing him in front of the other workers. 他被主管当着其他工人的面批评了一顿,所以要报复他。 get/pay somebody back /ˌget, ˌpeɪ somebody ˈbæk/ [transitive phrasal verb] if you do something unpleasant or unkind to someone in order to get or pay them back, you do it in order to punish them because they have done something unkind or unpleasant to you 报复某人 So then I told everyone one of her secrets to pay her back. 因此,我就把她的一个秘密告诉每一个人作为报复。get/pay sb back for Someday I'll get you back for this! 总有一天我会和你算这笔账! John's being difficult about the divorce just to pay me back for leaving him. 约翰为了报复我要离开他,就故意在离婚一事上刁难我。 get even /ˌget ˈiːvən/ [verb phrase] informal if you get even with someone, you get revenge by doing something equally bad to them, in order to make yourself feel satisfied 【非正式】对…进行〔同等〕报复,以牙还牙 He decided to get even by letting the air out of her tires. 他决定把她的轮胎放气作为报复。get even with What can I do to get even with him? 我怎样才能报复他? Hamilton's supporters later tried to get even with Jefferson by calling him an adulterer. 汉密尔顿的支持者后来称杰斐逊为通奸者以图报复。 avenge /əˈvendʒ/ [transitive verb] if you avenge an action that someone has done to you, you do something unpleasant or unkind in order to get revenge - used especially in literature 向〔某行为〕报复,报仇〔尤用于文学作品〕 It was an insult which only Cassio's death could avenge. 那种耻辱只有把卡西奥杀死才可以报仇雪恨。 The soldiers wanted to avenge their humiliating defeat the previous year. 士兵们要为上一年令人耻辱的失败报仇。 I'll get somebody for this /aɪl ˈget somebody fəʳ ˌðɪs/ spoken say this when someone has done something unpleasant to you and you are saying that you will get revenge 【口】我不会放过某人 I'll get you for this, you little brat. 我不会放过你这小捣蛋。 Did you hear what he just said to me? I'll get him for this! 你听到他刚才对我说的话了吗?我不会放过他的!2 action that is taken in order to punish someone who has harmed or offended you 对伤害或冒犯你的人采取的报复行动 revenge /rɪˈvendʒ/ [uncountable noun] The motive for the murder was clearly revenge. 谋杀的动机显然是报复。seek revenge Members of the party are seeking revenge for the assassination of their leader. 该党党员因为领袖被刺杀而企图报复。revenge attack/killing/bombing Fearing revenge attacks, the government has sealed off the borders. 政府因担心报复性袭击而封锁了边境。 reprisal /rɪˈpraɪzəl/ [countable noun usually plural] an action, especially a military or political one, that is a reaction to something that has been done by a country, government, organization etc 〔尤指军事上的或政治上的〕报复行动 Some people will not report attacks to the police for fear of reprisals. 有些人因为害怕遭报复而不敢向警方报告自己被人袭击。 Demonstrators surged through the capital city yesterday, ignoring threats of reprisals from the government. 示威人群昨日涌向首都—他们对政府要秋后算账的威胁置之不理。reprisal for His murder was a reprisal for an injury to a rival gang member. 他被谋杀是作为对伤害敌对帮派成员的报复。 vengeance /ˈvendʒəns/ [uncountable noun] revenge, especially in the form of violent actions or behaviour, for something very harmful or violent that someone has done 〔尤以暴力的行动或行为进行的〕报复,复仇 Her desire for vengeance led her to shoot her daughter's murderer. 她强烈的复仇愿望导致她枪杀了杀害她女儿的人。 Nothing can justify the gunmens’ senseless acts of vengeance. 没有理由可以合理解释枪手的这种丧失理智的报复行为。 vendetta /venˈdetə/ [countable noun] a quarrel between two people or groups of people that has continued for a long time and during which the two sides keep trying to get revenge on each other 〔两个人或团体之间的〕长期争执;世仇,宿怨 The killing was the result of a long-standing vendetta over gambling profits. 这次杀人事件是由于在赌场利润问题上长期积怨而导致的。vendetta between The recent bombings may be a sign of a renewed vendetta between rival separatists. 最近的轰炸事件也许是敌对的分裂主义分子间的宿怨之火重新燃起的征兆。vendetta against One of the gang members began a vendetta against her after she testified. 她作证后有一名帮派分子对她开始怀有深仇大恨。family/tribal/private/personal vendetta Ellis claims he is the victim of a conspiracy with a personal vendetta against him. 埃利斯称自己是一桩对他报私仇阴谋的受害者。 tit for tat /ˌtɪt fəʳ ˈtæt/ [noun phrase] something unpleasant done because someone has done something unpleasant to you 以牙还牙,一报还一报 I didn't invite her to my party because she didn't invite me to hers. It was just tit for tat. 我没有请她参加聚会,因为她也没有邀请我参加她的聚会,我这样做只是以牙还牙。tit-for-tat killings/bombings/raids etc Eight people have died in this latest round of tit-for-tat killings. 在最近这一轮报复式的杀戮中有八个人丧生。




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