

例句 RESULT1 the result of a game, competition, election etc2 something that happens or exists because of something else3 a result that happens in addition to the intended result4 when one thing happens because of another5 to think that something happens because of something else6 a series of events and resultsRELATED WORDSresult of a test/exam 测试结果/考试成绩 GRADEsee alsoSO/THEREFOREBECAUSECAUSEREASONSPORT/GAMETESTVOTE1 the result of a game, competition, election etc 游戏、比赛、选举等的结果 result /rɪˈzʌlt/ [countable noun] the final number of points, votes etc at the end of a competition, election etc. In British English, result can also be used to talk about the end of a game or sports match 〔比赛〕成绩,比分;〔选举的〕结果〔在英国英语中,result也可用于指游戏或体育比赛的结果〕 It was a really exciting game, and the result was 2-1 to West Germany. 那场比赛真是刺激,西德队以2-1的结果赢了。 These are excellent results for the Christian Democratic Party. 对基督教民主党而言,这是非常好的结果。 score /skɔːʳ/ [countable noun] the number of points that each team has at the end of a game or competition 〔游戏或比赛结束时的〕得分,比分 At the end of the game, the score was 32-15. 比赛结束时比分为32-15。what's the score What was the score? 比分是多少?final score The final score was 2-1 to Juventus. 最后比分是尤文图斯队以2-1获胜。2 something that happens or exists because of something else 因为其他事而发生或存在的事 result /rɪˈzʌlt/ [countable noun] something that happens because of someone's actions or because of something else that happened before 结果,后果 result of Her constant cough is the result of many years of smoking. 她不停的咳嗽是吸烟多年造成的后果。 The results of the attack included two helicopters burnt out, and three groundcrew wounded. 这次袭击的结果是两架直升机焚毁,三名地勤人员受伤。with the result that More and more people are using cars, with the result that towns are much more polluted. 越来越多的人在使用汽车,结果使城镇的污染严重多了。as a result Jobs are hard to get and, as a result, more young people are continuing their education. 工作难找,结果更多的年轻人在继续读书。a direct result of something caused by only one thing even if people think there may be other causes 某事的直接结果 Her parents believe that her death was a direct result of medical error. 她父母认为她的死是医疗失误造成的直接后果。 effect /ɪˈfekt/ [countable noun] when a person or situation is changed by something that happens or something that someone does 影响;后果;效果 effect of The effects of the oil spill were devastating for wildlife. 石油溢漏会对野生生物造成毁灭性后果。 the harmful effects of radiation 辐射的害处have an effect/have no effect All my efforts to persuade them were beginning to have an effect. 我对他们进行劝说的种种努力开始有了效果。 I've been taking these pills for three days, but so far they've had no effect. 这种药片我服用了三天,但到目前为止尚未见效。effect on The death of a parent can have very serious and long-lasting effects on a child. 父亲或母亲的去世会对小孩造成严重而长久的影响。have a bad/good effect (on something/somebody) Any increase in fuel costs could have a bad effect on business. 任何燃料的涨价都会对业务造成不良影响。 consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns, ˈkɒnsəkwənsǁˈkɑːnskwens/ [countable noun usually plural] the consequences of an action, decision etc are the things that happen as a result of it, which are usually bad 〔通常指不好的〕后果,结果 consequence of Pain and illness are sometimes thought to be the unavoidable consequences of growing old. 疼痛和疾病有时被认为是年老的不可避免的结果。consequence for If river levels continue to rise, it will have very serious consequences for many people's homes. 如果河水水位继续上涨,将会给许多人的家园带来严重后果。take/face the consequences accept the bad results of something you do 承担/面对后果 People who run up big debts eventually have to face the consequences. 欠下大笔债务的人终将要面对恶果。damaging/dire/disastrous etc consequences Safety procedures had been ignored, with disastrous consequences. 安全步骤被忽视,造成了灾难性的后果。 implications /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃənz/ [plural noun] formal all the possible results that a plan, action, or discovery could have, especially when they affect what you think or do or what happens in the future 【正式】〔计划、行动或发现的〕可能的影响 implications of The legal implications of the case are extremely significant. 此案的法律问题影响极其深远。implications for Any change in interest rates has important implications for most people's financial situation. 利率的任何变化都会对大部分人的经济状况带来重大影响。important/significant/profound etc implications The discovery of planets orbiting other suns has profound implications. 行星环绕其他恒星的轨道运行的发现具有深远的影响。 outcome /ˈaʊtkʌm/ [singular noun] the situation that exists at the end of a meeting, activity, or series of events, especially when no one knows what this will be until it actually happens 〔会议、活动或一连串事件等的〕最后结果,结局〔尤指未发生前无人知晓的结果〕 Whatever the outcome, I hope we remain friends. 无论结果怎样,我希望我们还是朋友。 The talks had a better outcome than we had originally hoped. 谈判结果比我们本来预料的要好。outcome of It's impossible to say for sure what the outcome of the election will be. 选举结果如何无法肯定。affect/influence the outcome The patient's general health and fitness can also affect the outcome of the disease. 病人的总体健康状况也能影响这种疾病的结果。predict the outcome At this point, I wouldn't even try to predict the outcome, but we're hoping for the best. 此刻我是不会试图去预测结果的,我们只能抱乐观的态度。 upshot /ˈʌpʃɒtǁ-ʃɑːt/ [singular noun] the result of something, especially when it is a little unusual or unexpected 〔尤指有点不同寻常或出乎意料的〕结果,结局 upshot of What was the upshot of the trial? 审判结果怎样?the upshot is that The upshot of that experience was that I decided I didn't want to study medicine after all. 那次经历造成的结果,就是我决定还是不去学医了。 end result /ˌend rɪˈzʌlt/ [singular noun] the final situation that exists after a long time, process, or series of events 最终结果;成果 It was impossible for many small businesses to survive, and the end result was the loss of many jobs. 许多小企业都无法生存下去,结果造成了大量职位丢失。the end result is that If students constantly fail, the end result is that they switch off any interest in learning. 如果学生不断地失败,结果会令他们丧失一切学习兴趣。 net result/effect /ˌnet rɪˈzʌlt, ɪˈfekt/ [singular noun] the final situation that exists when you consider all the details and facts - use this when this situation is not good 最终结果〔用于指不好的结果〕 The net result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels. 全球变暖的最终结果是造成海平面上升。the net result/effect is that The new system is designed to spread payments over several months but the net effect is that people pay more in total. 这个新制度是为了把款项分摊在几个月里支付,但是最后的结果是合起来人们付得更多。 aftereffect /ˈɑːftərɪˌfektǁˈæf-/ [countable noun usually plural] a bad effect that exists for a long time after the activity or event that caused it 〔不良的〕事后影响,余波,后遗症 The earthquake struck a week ago but the city is still feeling the aftereffects. 地震发生于一周前,但该城市仍能感觉到其造成的影响。aftereffect of A large number of working days are lost through the aftereffects of alcohol abuse. 酗酒造成的后果是损失了大量工作日。psychological aftereffects The psychological aftereffects of a tragedy like the Zeebrugge disaster can stay with the survivors for years. 像泽布吕赫市的灾难事件给幸存者带来的心理影响将会持续许多年。3 a result that happens in addition to the intended result 原先预料的结果之外发生的结果 side effect /ˈsaɪd ɪˌfekt/ [countable noun] a result that happens in addition to the result that you intended - use this especially about the unintended bad effects of medical treatment or drugs 意外后果;〔尤指医疗或药物不良的〕副作用 The drug can have side effects such as headaches and sickness. 这种药物有头痛和恶心之类的副作用。 Transplanting genes from one plant to another may have unintended side effects for the environment and the food supply. 把一种植物的基因移植到另一种可能会对环境和食物供应造成意想不到的后果。side effect of One of the side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss. 化疗的副作用之一是脱发。dangerous/nasty/unpleasant etc side effects These pills don't normally have any unpleasant side-effects. 这种药片一般不会有不良的副作用。 indirect result /ˌɪndɪrekt rɪˈzʌlt, ˌɪndərekt rɪˈzʌlt/ [countable noun usually singular] a result that is indirectly caused by something you do or that happens 间接后果 indirect result of The job losses were an indirect result of lower cost imports. 失业是低成本进口货造成的间接后果。 The increase in greenhouse gases is the direct result of pollution, and the indirect result of a reduction in the atmosphere's ability to absorb them. 温室气体的增加是污染造成的直接后果,而间接后果是大气吸收温室气体的能力下降。 by-product /ˈbaɪ ˌprɒdʌktǁ-ˌprɑː-/ [countable noun] an unexpected result of an event or something you do, which happens in addition to the result you intended 〔无心的〕附带产生的结果;意外结果 by-product of One of the by-products of the peace treaty was the growth of trade between the two nations. 和平条约的一个附带结果是两国之间的贸易增加了。 Another by-product of space exploration is a growing awareness of this planet's fragile environment. 太空探险的另一个意外收获,是人们对地球的脆弱环境意识越来越强。 corollary /kəˈrɒləriǁˈkɔːrəleri, ˈkɑː-/ [countable noun] formal something that is certain to happen in addition to the result you intend, so that you expect it but do not usually want it 【正式】必然结果〔但一般不是你想要的〕 corollary of Huge increases in unemployment were the corollary of the government's economic policy. 失业的急剧增加是政府的经济政策造成的必然结果。a logical/natural/necessary etc corollary (of something) A rapid increase in population would be a natural corollary of any such changes in the birth control program. 人口的迅速增长是任何这类节育计划变动的必然结果。the corollary of this is that The government has promised tax cuts, but the corollary of this is that there will be a reduction in public services. 政府已经答应减税,但是这样做必然要削减公共事业的开支。 spin-off /ˈspɪn ɒf/ [countable noun] an unexpected but useful result of something that you do, that happens in addition to the result that was intended 〔意料之外但有用的〕派生结果,附带的结果 spin-off for One of the main spin-offs for countries that host the Olympic Games is increased business for hotels, restaurants, and theatres. 奥运会主办国的一个主要派生结果,是其旅馆、餐厅和剧院营业额增加。have a spin-off Research into lasers has had important spin-offs for eye-surgery. 对激光的研究给眼科手术带来了重要的附带成果。 ramifications /ˌræmɪfəˈkeɪʃənz, ˌræməfəˈkeɪʃənz/ [plural noun] all the results of something you do, which affect people in ways that were not intended and which you do not always expect when you first make the decision to do it 衍生结果,派生影响 ramifications of The ramifications of the decision whether to build a new airport or not are enormous. 决定是否建一座新机场的派生影响是巨大的。ramifications for The course that people choose to do at university can have ramifications for the rest of their lives. 人们在大学里所选的课程对其以后一生的影响可以很大。economic/legal/political etc ramifications Whatever the judges decide, the legal ramifications of the case will be with us for many years to come. 无论法官如何决定,此案在法律上的影响将会伴随我们许多年。wider ramifications more complicated results 更广泛的影响 The introduction of national testing in schools had wider ramifications than people realized. 在学校里推行全国性考试所带来的影响比我们预料的要大得多。 repercussions /ˌriːpəʳˈkʌʃənz/ [plural noun] the additional and usually bad results of something that happens, which continue to affect people for a long time afterwards in a way that was not intended or expected 〔通常指长久且在意料之外的不良的〕持续影响;反响 repercussions of The psychological repercussions of the accident might affect her for the rest of her life. 这场事故给她的心理造成的后果可能会影响她的一生。have repercussions (on something) The transport strike had all sorts of repercussions on other industries. 运输行业罢工给其他行业也带来了各种不良后果。important/profound/serious etc repercussions A scandal like this could have serious repercussions on his political career. 这样的丑闻可能给他的政治生涯带来严重的负面影响。economic/legal/political etc repercussions Even the possibility of a war in the Middle East has important political repercussions. 在中东发生战争,仅仅是其可能性都会产生重要的政治影响。4 when one thing happens because of another 因另一事而导致某事发生 because of /bɪˈkɒz ɒvǁbɪˈkɔːz-/ [preposition] if something happens because of an earlier problem, event etc, it happens as a result of it 因为,由于 Sampras seemed likely to miss the US Open because of a back injury. 桑普拉斯因背部受伤,看来可能无法参加美国公开赛了。 Because of problems with the fuel system, the launch has been put back a week. 由于燃料系统有问题,发射计划被推迟了一周。 She was chosen for the Peace Prize because of her courageous fight for democracy. 她被选为和平奖得主是因为她敢于争取民主。 be a result of/result from /biː ə rɪˈzʌlt ɒv, rɪˈzʌlt frɒm/ [verb phrase] to happen because of something else that happened or was done 是…的结果,是由…造成 Our success is the result of a great deal of hard work. 我们的成功是大量艰苦工作的成果。 The big population increase in the US was partly the result of immigration. 美国人口的大幅度增长一部分是移民的结果。 It is thought that the train crash resulted from a fault on the line. 有人认为这次火车撞车事故是铁路有问题所造成的。 be the product of /biː ðə ˈprɒdʌkt əvǁ-ˈprɑː-/ [verb phrase] to be the result of actions, experiences or good or bad conditions 是〔行动、经历或好坏情况〕的结果 The agreement was the product of 21 months of negotiations. 这项协议是21个月谈判的结果。 Saturday's goal was the product of some poor defending by the opposing team. 星期六的那个进球是对方球队防守出现错误的结果。 come of /ˈkʌm ɒv/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive or passive] if something comes of a situation or activity, it happens because of it 由…引起,由…产生 The company is interested in the merger: many positive things could come of it. 该公司对合并很感兴趣:许多有建设性的事都因合并而产生。nothing came/has come etc of something nothing happened because of something 某事没有任何结果 I've applied for that job, but so far nothing's come of it. 我已申请那份工作,但迄今未有任何结果。no good comes etc of something something does not have a good result 某事没有好结果 My mother always said that no good would come of the relationship. 我母亲总是说这段关系不会有好结果。 stem from /ˈstem frɒm/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive or passive] if something, especially a problem, stems from something else, it develops because of it and is directly connected with it 〔尤指问题等〕起因于 stem from from (doing) something Many of my patients’ anxieties stem from experiences in their childhood. 我的许多病人的焦虑心情都源于他们童年的经历。 The dog's aggression stemmed from being kept locked up all day. 这条狗攻击性强是由于它整天被锁着引起的。stem from the fact that Part of the education problem stems from the fact that class sizes have increased dramatically in the last 5 years. 教育问题有一部分是由于近五年来班级规模急剧扩大所致。 arise from /əˈraɪz frɒm/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive or passive] if something such as a problem or difficult situation arises from something, it starts to exist because of it 〔问题或困境等〕由…引起 The argument arose from a misunderstanding. 争执起于误会。 Lung cancer is just one of the many diseases that arise from smoking too many cigarettes. 肺癌只是由吸烟太多引起的许多疾病之一。arise from the fact that The difficulty arises from the fact that there has been insufficient time to train new staff. 这困难是因为没有足够的时间对新员工进行培训而产生的。 come out of /ˌkʌm ˈaʊt ɒv/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive or passive] to happen or exist as a helpful or useful result of someone's actions, decisions or discussions 是〔某人行为、决定或讨论产生的有用〕结果 We're waiting to see what comes out of the inquiry before we make a decision. 我们在等着看这次调查会产生什么样的结果,然后再作决定。 Much of what came out of the Rio Summit did not have an immediate effect. 里约热内卢峰会的许多决定没有产生即时效果。 as a result of /əz ə rɪˈzʌlt ɒv/ [preposition] happening because of something else 是…的结果,由于 He died as a result of cold and exhaustion. 他因受冻和精疲力尽而死亡。 Over 60 drugs have been removed from sale as a result of recent tests. 近日的测试导致有六十多种药被停售。 resulting/consequent /rɪˈzʌltɪŋ, ˈkɒnskwəntǁˈkɑːn-/ [adjective only before noun] happening or existing because of something else that happened before 作为结果的,从而发生的 Burrows took the resulting penalty kick. 由伯罗斯来主罚这一随之被判罚的点球。 Without government support the factory would be forced to close, with the consequent loss of thousands of jobs. 没有政府的支持,这家工厂可能会被迫关闭,从而导致数千人失业。 Britain's resulting debt burden was greater than that of the French. 英国人因此而来的债务负担超过了法国人。5 to think that something happens because of something else 认为某事因另一事而发生 put something down to /ˌpʊt something ˈdaʊn tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to say or believe that one thing happens because of something else, when you are not completely sure that this is true 把某事归因于,认为某事是由于 When Charlie became ill, I was inclined to put it down to the pressures of his job. 查利生病时,我把病因归咎于他的工作压力。 No one was injured, and US officials put the incident down to ‘high spirits’. 没有人受伤,而美国官员将这事归因于“情绪太高涨”。 attribute something to /əˈtrɪbjuːt something tuːǁ-bjət-/ [transitive phrasal verb] formal to say that someone or something is responsible for a situation or event - use this in official contexts 【正式】把某事归因于〔用于正式场合〕 The management attributed the success of the company to the new Marketing Director. 资方认为公司的成功是那位新上任的市场部经理的功劳。 1150 deaths a year can be attributed to drunk driving. 一年有1,150起死亡事件可以归咎于酒后驾车。6 a series of events and results 一连串事件和结果 chain reaction /ˌtʃeɪn riˈækʃən/ [countable noun] a series of events, each of which is the result of the one before, and which cannot be stopped 连锁反应 When oil prices rise, prices of other goods all over the world rise in a chain reaction. 石油价格上涨引起了连锁反应,令世界各地其他商品的价格都上涨了。chain reaction of A chain reaction of events eventually led to the Prime Minister's resignation. 事件的连锁反应最终导致首相辞职。start/set off a chain reaction The revolution set off a chain reaction of revolts in neighbouring states. 这场革命引发了邻近州邦一连串的起义。 knock-on effect /ˈnɒk ɒn ɪˌfektǁˈnɑːk-/ [countable noun] British something that happens as a result of something that has happened before, and that you do not want to happen 【英】连锁反应 knock-on effect of The knock-on effect of the rise in electricity prices is likely to be higher prices generally. 电费上涨的连锁反应可能就是总体的物价上涨。knock-on effect on Any reduction in community care for the elderly will have a knock-on effect on hospitals. 削减社区老人服务会对医院服务带来连锁反应。 domino effect /ˈdɒmɪnəʊ ɪˌfekt, ˈdɒmənəʊ ɪˌfektǁˈdɑː-/ [singular noun] a series of events or actions, each one of which is caused by the effects of the previous one - use this especially about a series of bad things that happen 多米诺〔骨牌〕效应,连锁反应〔尤用于指发生一连串不好的事〕 If schools were allowed to become more selective, there would be a domino effect. 假如允许学校具有择优取录的权力,就会产生连锁反应。have a domino effect (on something) Opponents of the scheme claimed that if the museum moved from Golden Gate Park it would have a domino effect on the other facilities. 该计划的反对者称,如果把博物馆从金门公园搬走,就会对其他设施造成连锁反应。




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