

例句 REBELLION/REVOLUTION1 an attempt to change the government or other authority, often using violence2 an attempt by the army to take control of the government3 to take part in a rebellion4 someone who takes part in a rebellion5 someone who encourages rebellion6 actions, speeches etc that encourage rebellionRELATED WORDSwhen there is a complete change in the way people do something 人们做某事的方式发生了彻底变化 CHANGE/NOT CHANGEto stop a rebellion 镇压叛乱 STOPsee alsoGOVERNMENTDISOBEYFIGHTWAR1 an attempt to change the government or other authority, often using violence 企图用暴力改变政府或其他当局 rebellion /rɪˈbeljən/ [countable/uncountable noun] an organized attempt to change the government or other authority, often by using violence 造反;叛乱;反抗 In 1968, a student rebellion in Paris sparked off a nationwide general strike. 1968年,巴黎学潮引发了一次全国性的总罢工。 The rebellion started in Kilalla and spread quickly through the Western provinces. 叛乱从基拉拉开始,迅速蔓延到西部各省。rebellion against The citizens of Kwangju rose in rebellion against the oppressive regime. 光州的市民起来暴动,反抗暴虐的政权。 The Duke of Ormond led a military rebellion against the new king. 奥蒙德公爵领导了反对新国王的军事叛乱。crush/put down a rebellion use force to stop it 镇压叛乱 Troops were used to put down a rebellion and arrest hundreds of protestors. 军队出动镇压叛乱,并逮捕了几百名抗议者。 The rebellion was crushed by an army assault in which over 200 people died. 在军队的进攻下叛乱被镇压了下去,死了二百多人。mount/stage a rebellion begin a rebellion 发起叛乱 an unsuccessful attempt to mount a rebellion against British rule 一次发动反抗英国统治的不成功的尝试 A rebel army of political dissidents had staged a rebellion in December 1989. 1989年12月,一支持不同政见的军队发起了暴动。 revolution /ˌrevəˈluːʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] a successful attempt by the people of a country to change or destroy the government, often by using violence 〔常用暴力的〕革命 The 1789 revolution marked the end of the French monarchy. 1789年的革命标志着法国君主制度的结束。 Trotsky was one of the leading figures in the Russian Revolution of 1917. 托洛茨基是1917年俄国革命的领袖之一。 Just 12 days after the emperor's death, the country erupted into revolution. 皇帝死后仅仅12天,这个国家就爆发了革命。 an era of rural unrest and peasant revolution 农村动乱和农民革命的时代 revolutionary [adjective] In Africa, Asia, and Latin America, there were revolutionary movements eager for change. 非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲都有急于变革的革命运动。 We fervently embraced the new revolutionary ideals. 我们热切拥护这些新的革命理想。 revolt /rɪˈvəʊlt/ [countable/uncountable noun] an attempt, especially one that only continues for a short time, to change the government by using violence 〔尤指只持续短时间的〕反叛,叛乱;起义 In 1880, a peasant revolt swept the country in protest at the tax on salt. 1880年一场抗议盐税的农民起义席卷了全国。 Louverture headed the revolt of the slaves in the French colony of San Domingo. 卢维杜尔领导了法国殖民地圣多明各的奴隶起义。revolt against At a word from Gandhi, India would have risen in revolt. 只要甘地说句话,印度就会起来反抗。 Mayhew's remarks represented the first American call for revolt against England. 梅休的话代表了美国人民对英国进行反抗的第一个呼声。crush/suppress/put down a revolt Army forces crushed the revolt, forcing many to flee the country. 军队镇压了叛乱,迫使许多人逃离了该国。 The Confederate government provided troops to suppress slave revolts. 邦联政府派军队镇压奴隶暴动。 Herrera knew that if his government failed to put down the revolt, it would spread to outlying areas. 赫雷拉知道一旦他领导的政府不能镇压叛乱,叛乱就会扩散到边远地区。 insurrection /ˌɪnsəˈrekʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] formal an organized attempt to change the government, through violence, especially an attempt that involves a large number of people 【正式】起义;叛乱 It was widely believed that the outlaws had been plotting an insurrection. 很多人都认为不法分子在策划叛乱。 the ruthless suppression of slave insurrections 对奴隶起义的无情镇压 an outbreak of insurrection 起义的爆发armed insurrection an insurrection in which weapons are used 武装起义 The reign of civil disorder and terrorism culminated in armed insurrection. 社会动乱和恐怖主义的盛行终于引发了一场武装起义。 uprising /ˈʌpˌraɪzɪŋ/ [countable/uncountable noun] a sudden unplanned, and often unsuccessful attempt to change the government or other authority, using violence 起义,暴动〔通常指未经事先计划的、失败的起义〕 Peasant uprisings were the first signs of discontent among the people. 农民起义是人民中有不满情绪的第一征象。 The new law prompted a pro-democracy uprising in the south. 这一新法律引发了南部亲民主政体人士的起义。 The short-lived uprising fizzled out in the face of strong opposition from government forces. 这场持续时间很短的暴动面对强大的政府军的镇压,终于失败了。uprising against a failed uprising against French colonial rule 反对法国殖民统治的一场失败的起义quell/put down an uprising stop it 镇压起义 The President took immediate steps to quell the uprising. 总统立即采取行动镇压起义。 The new leader put down the uprising by dispatching government troops to the area. 新领袖向该地区派遣政府军镇压暴动。 mutiny /ˈmjuːtɪni, -təni/ [countable/uncountable noun] an organized attempt by a group of people in the army or navy to take power from their officers by refusing to obey their orders and using violence 〔陆军或海军里下级对上级的〕叛变,反叛,哗变 The film tells the story of a mutiny aboard a slave ship. 影片讲述的是发生在一艘贩奴船上的哗变。 Thirteen soldiers were sentenced to life imprisonment for mutiny. 13名士兵因叛变被判处终生监禁。2 an attempt by the army to take control of the government 军队企图控制政府的行动 coup/coup d'état /kuː, ˌkuː deɪˈtɑːǁ-deˈtɑː/ [countable noun] an attempt by the army to take control of the government 〔军事〕政变 Tomorrow is the anniversary of the coup that brought a military dictatorship to power here nine years ago. 明天是九年前促使军事独裁在这里上台的那次政变的纪念日。coup/coup d'état against He led a successful coup against the government of Iraq. 他成功地领导了一次反对该国政府的政变。military coup In April 1974, a military coup took place in Lisbon. 1974年4月,里斯本发生了一次军事政变。coup attempt/attempted coup The coup attempt was followed by police brutality, executions, and torture. 政变后,随之就发生了警察的野蛮行为、处决和严刑拷打。 They smashed an attempted coup by the communists, leaving hundreds dead. 他们粉碎了一次政变企图,有几百人死亡。abortive/failed coup one that does not succeed 流产/失败的政变 Peru offered refuge to officers who had taken part in the abortive coup. 秘鲁为参与流产政变的官员提供避难。 The government imposed a state of emergency after the failed coup d'état. 政府在发生流产政变后宣布进入紧急状态。stage a coup attempt a coup 发动政变 The chief of the armed forces intended to take power by staging a coup d'état. 这位武装部队的首脑意欲发动政变夺取政权。 military takeover /ˌmɪlɪtəri ˈteɪkəʊvəʳǁ-teri-/ [countable noun] a successful attempt by the army to take control of their own country by removing the legal government 军事接管 The election was the first since the military takeover in 1980. 自从1980年军事接管以后,这是第一次选举。 The economic crisis and the threat from separatist guerrillas led to a military takeover. 经济危机和分离主义游击队的威胁导致了军事接管。3 to take part in a rebellion 参加叛乱 rebel /rɪˈbel/ [intransitive verb] The eastern provinces are likely to rebel if they are not given more freedom. 东部各省如果得不到更多的自由,就有可能造反。rebel against The slaves were punished for rebelling against their owners. 奴隶们因反叛奴隶主而受到了惩罚。 When the federal government refused this request, the Southern States rebelled. 联邦政府拒绝了这个要求,南方诸州就起来造反了。 revolt /rɪˈvəʊlt/ [intransitive verb] to take part in an attempt, especially one that continues only for a short time, to change the government using violence 〔尤指只持续短时间的〕造反,叛乱 When Napoleon won control of the region and attached it to Bavaria, the Tiroleans revolted. 当拿破仑控制了该地区并将其归属于巴伐利亚后,蒂罗尔人就造反了。revolt against Some of the Arab tribes were persuaded to revolt against Turkish rule. 有些阿拉伯部落受到劝诱,想反抗土耳其的统治。 News reached the capital that two garrisons in the south had revolted against the government. 消息传到首都,说南方有两支卫戍部队发生反政府叛乱。 rise up /ˌraɪz ˈʌp əgenst/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if people rise up, large numbers of them begin violently to oppose their government or other authority, especially without planning to do this 〔许多人〕起来反抗〔尤指无计划地〕 First, the autoworkers rose up, followed by the steelworkers. 先是汽车工人起来反抗,接着就是钢铁工人。 He forecast that the people of Egypt would rise up and overthrow the government. 他预测说埃及人民会起来反抗并推翻政府。rise up against The people of Damascus rose up against their governors. 该国人民起来反抗他们的统治者。 a proclamation urging the people to rise up against their masters 鼓动人们起来反抗主子的宣言rise up in revolt/in arms/in rebellion The Maya farmers rose up in arms to demand greater democracy and freedom. 马雅的农民进行武装反抗,要求得到更多的民主和自由。 The troops would rise up in open rebellion if we tried to make them march any further. 如果我们要求这些部队再往前行进的话,他们就可能公开反抗起来了。 mutiny /ˈmjuːtɪni, -təni/ [intransitive verb] if a group in the army or navy mutiny, they try to take power from their officers by refusing to obey their orders and using violence 〔陆军或海军里下级对上级〕反叛,叛变,哗变 At Odessa, the sailors of the Imperial navy mutinied. 在敖德萨,帝国海军的水兵们发生哗变。mutiny against Army factions mutinied against orders from Beijing. 军队派系反抗政府的命令。4 someone who takes part in a rebellion 参加叛乱的人 rebel /ˈrebəl/ [countable noun] The rebels attacked an airfield, exchanging fire with Russian troops. 叛乱分子袭击了机场,与俄罗斯军队交了火。 A large number of rebels escaped to the east as the army closed in on Jaffra. 当军队逼近贾夫拉时,大批叛乱分子逃往东部。 rebel [adjective only before noun] Rebel forces have attacked the town of Kandahar. 叛军攻击了坎大哈。 The rebel leader has repeated his demands for the release of political prisoners. 反叛分子的首领一再要求释放政治犯。 revolutionary /ˌrevəˈluːʃənəriǁ-ʃəneri/ [countable noun] someone who takes part in or supports an attempt to change the government by using violence 革命者 Having taken control of the capital city, the revolutionaries proceeded to form a new government. 革命者控制了首都以后,就着手组建一个新的政府。 Garcia Gutierrez wrote two plays with revolutionaries as their heroes. 加西亚·古铁雷斯写了两个剧本,都以革命者为主人公。 revolutionary [adjective only before noun] When revolutionary forces marched into Havana, Castro and Che Guevara took control of the army. 革命军进入哈瓦纳,卡斯特罗和切·格瓦拉掌握了军权。 My father taught me several revolutionary songs. 父亲教了我几首革命歌曲。 guerrilla /gəˈrɪlə/ [countable noun] someone who fights in an unofficial military group, trying to remove their country's existing government, especially by making surprise military attacks 游击队员 The guerrillas began their assault on March 8th. 游击队在3月8日发动进攻。 Red Cross officials condemned the treatment that imprisoned guerrillas have received. 红十字会官员谴责了被关押的游击队员所遭受的待遇。 Four Western tourists held by armed guerrillas in Kashmir began their seventh month in captivity today. 四名西方游客被克什米尔的武装游击队劫持,今天是第七个月了。 guerrilla [adjective only before noun] Poor peasants were the first recruits to the guerrilla forces. 穷苦的农民是游击队的第一批新兵。 In Greece, guerrilla warfare war between guerrillas and an army raged on. 在希腊,游击战正打得十分激烈。 freedom fighter /ˈfriːdəm ˌfaɪtəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who is fighting to try to remove their country's existing government - use this if you think that this is the right thing to do 自由战士〔用于认为反对现政府是对的〕 Ralph Fiennes plays an idealistic freedom fighter. 拉尔夫·法因斯扮演了一名理想主义的自由战士。 Young enthusiasts drove across the border to join the freedom fighters who had appealed to the world for help. 热血青年驾车通过边境,加入向全世界吁请帮助的自由斗士队伍。5 someone who encourages rebellion 鼓励叛乱的人 agitator /ˈædʒɪteɪtəʳ, ˈædʒəteɪtəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who encourages people to oppose the government by trying to make them angry enough to use violence 煽动者 The riots were the work of political agitators. 这些骚乱是政治煽动者造成的结果。 The genuine protestors were joined by outside agitators, intent on encouraging violence. 旨在助长暴力的局外煽动者加入了真正的抗议者队伍。 activist /ˈæktɪvəst, ˈæktəvəst/ [countable noun] someone who spends a lot of time trying to encourage people to oppose the government or to accept new and different political beliefs 积极分子 The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net. 全球通讯组织通过互联网把生态及其他政治活动积极分子联系在一起。 Clinton's AIDS ‘czar’ resigned after being criticized by gay activists for being weak. 克林顿政府内负责艾滋病事务的“大人物”在受到同性恋积极分子批评其作风软弱后辞职。 subversive /səbˈvɜːʳsɪv/ [countable noun] someone who is secretly trying to make their own government weak by encouraging people to oppose the government or to take part in a rebellion 颠覆分子 Pablo Picasso was for a long time regarded as a dangerous subversive. 帕勃罗·毕加索长期被认为是个危险的颠覆分子。alleged/potential/suspected subversive someone that the authorities think is a subversive, but who may not be 涉嫌/潜在/嫌疑的颠覆分子 the kidnap and torture of a suspected subversive 绑架并拷打一名有嫌疑的颠覆分子 CIA agents infiltrated the group, looking for alleged subversives. 中央情报局特工渗透进该组织,寻找有嫌疑的颠覆分子。 subversive [adjective] The loyalty oath was intended to protect students from so-called subversive teachers. 效忠宣誓的目的是保护学生免受所谓的颠覆教师的影响。6 actions, speeches etc that encourage rebellion 煽动叛乱的行为、言论等 sedition /sɪˈdɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] actions, speeches etc that are intended to encourage people to oppose the government or to take part in a rebellion 煽动行为;煽动言论 Hu was arrested on charges of sedition. 胡被指控犯有煽动罪而遭逮捕。 The clubs were suspected of being centres of sedition. 俱乐部被怀疑是搞煽动活动的中心。 seditious [adjective] He was sentenced to three years in prison for possession of seditious literature literature that encourages sedition. 他因藏有煽动性著作而被判处三年徒刑。 subversion /səbˈvɜːʳʃənǁ-ʒən/ [uncountable noun] secret activities that are intended to encourage people to oppose the government or to take part in a rebellion 颠覆活动 Seventeen people were convicted of subversion following a coup attempt. 政变未遂后有17个人被判有颠覆罪。 Many defectors provided the McCarthy committees with evidence of political subversion. 许多变节者向麦卡锡委员会提供了政治颠覆活动的证据。 subversive /səbˈvɜːʳsɪv/ [adjective] The magazine was banned by the government for being subversive encouraging subversion. 这本杂志因具颠覆性而被政府禁止了。 subversive propaganda 颠覆性宣传




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