

例句 REASON1 why something happens or why someone does something2 why something is right or should be done3 a reason explaining why you did something wrong4 to be the reason why something happened or why someone does something5 to be a good reason why something should be done6 to tell someone the reason for something7 when you have a particular reason for doing something8 when there is no reason for someone's behaviourRELATED WORDSsee alsoCAUSEBECAUSEPURPOSEEXPLAINSENSIBLELOGICALSO/THEREFOREIN ORDER TO1 why something happens or why someone does something 某事发生或某人做某事的原因 reason /ˈriːzən/ [countable noun] what makes something happen, or what makes someone do something 原因,理由 Why did he poison his wife? There must be a reason. 他为何对妻子下毒?肯定有原因。reason for Dad went off to find out the reason for the delay. 爸爸去打听晚点的原因。reason for doing something What was your reason for leaving your last job? 你辞去前一份工作是什么原因呢?reason to do something You don't need a reason to phone her. Just call her up and say hello. 你给她打个电话不需要理由的,只要打给她问个好就行。reason why There's no reason why Jon can't come with us. 乔恩没有理由不能和我们一起来。reason (that) One of the main reasons that she looks so good is that she has her own personal stylist. 她看上去那么漂亮的一个主要原因是她有自己的形象设计师。for personal/health/business etc reasons For security reasons, there were video cameras at the school entrance. 为了安全起见,学校大门口装有摄像头。for some reason especially spoken for a reason that you do not know or understand 【尤口】由于某种原因 No, he isn't here - he had to go back to Poland for some reason. 不,他不在这儿。他有事回波兰去了。for reasons best known to himself/herself etc for secret reasons that other people do not know or understand 由于只有他/她自己等才知道的原因 For reasons best known to themselves, my parents were vehemently opposed to the idea. 我父母拼命反对这一想法,原因只有他们自己知道。 explanation /ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/ [countable noun] a fact, statement, or idea that helps you to understand why something has happened 解释,说明 I don't know why he tested positive for drugs. The only explanation I can think of is that the samples got mixed up. 我不知道他的药检为什么呈阳性,我能想到的唯一解释就是样本搞错了。explanation for Scientists have offered various explanations for these changes in climate. 科学家对这些气候变化提出了各种各样的解释。possible explanation There are several possible explanations for girls’ superior high school performance. 女孩子在高中成绩优秀有好几个可能的原因。 motive /ˈməʊtɪv/ [countable noun] the reason that makes someone decide to do something, especially something bad or dishonest 〔尤指做坏事或不诚实的事的动机,原因 It's hard to understand her motives. 她的动机让人很难理解。motive for/behind Police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy 警方认为这起凶杀事件的动机是出于嫉妒。 The motive behind the killing of Agnes Law was robbery. 杀死阿格尼丝·劳背后的动机是抢劫。motive for doing something Whatever your motives for coming over, I'm glad you did. 无论你来的目的是什么,我很高兴你来了。an ulterior motive a hidden reason for doing something 别有用心的动机 She was suspicious. Was there an ulterior motive behind his request? 她心存疑虑:他的请求是否别有用心? motivation /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃən, ˌməʊtəˈveɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the strong feeling that is your reason for wanting to do something or achieve something, especially something that may take a long time to achieve 〔想做某事或达到某事的〕动力,原因〔尤可能要花很长时间〕 She enjoyed the excitement of her work. Money was not her only motivation. 她喜欢这份工作带来的刺激感,挣钱不是她的唯一动力。motivation for Fame was the main motivation for their efforts. 他们努力的主要动力是为了名声。motivation for doing something His motivation for wanting to stay on as manager is to see England as the top team in the world. 他想继续留任当教练的动力在于他想看到英格兰队成为世界顶尖球队。 pretext /ˈpriːtekst/ [countable noun] the reason that someone gives to explain why they do or do not do something but which is only partly true 〔只有部分真实的〕借口;托辞 His sore leg was a pretext. He just wanted a day off work. 腿酸痛是个借口,他只是想休假一天。pretext for Minor offences were sometimes used as a pretext for an arrest. 犯轻罪有时被用作逮捕人的借口。pretext to do something She couldn't find a pretext to visit Derek at home. 她找不到去德里克家走访的借口。on the pretext of/that giving the reason that 以…为借口 He used to spend hours at her house on the pretext of giving her Japanese lessons. 他过去经常以给她上日语课为借口,在她家逗留好几个小时。2 why something is right or should be done 某事为何是对的或该做的 reason /ˈriːzən/ [countable/uncountable noun] reason (why/that) The reason why we need these laws is to protect children from violent adults. 我们需要这些法律的原因是要保护儿童免受粗暴成人的伤害。reason to do something I can think of lots of reasons to get married. 我可以想到许多结婚的理由。 You may be dissatisfied, but is that sufficient reason to resign? 也许你感到不满意,但要辞职的话这个理由够充足吗?have every reason to do something to have very good reasons for doing something 有充足的理由做某事 We have every reason to believe he is guilty. 我们有充足的理由相信他有罪。with good reason when it is right or fair that someone does something 完全合乎情理的 The school is proud of its record, and with good reason. 该校为其成绩而自豪,这是理所当然的事。 argument /ˈɑːʳgjɑmənt/ [countable noun] one of the reasons that someone uses to try to persuade someone to agree with them 〔用于说服某人同意的〕论据,论点 argument that Do you agree with the argument that violence on TV makes people behave violently? 电视上的暴力场面使人们行为变得狂暴,这一论点你同意吗?argument for/against a reason why something should or should not be done 支持/反对…的论据 What are the arguments for the legalization of cannabis? 支持大麻合法化的论据是什么? The main argument against smoking is that it's bad for your health. 反对吸烟的主要论点是吸烟有害健康。 justification /ˌdʒʌstɪfəˈkeɪʃən, ˌdʒʌstəfəˈkeɪʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] a good reason for doing something that seems wrong 正当的理由 She had her residence permit taken away, without any justification 她的居留证在没有正当理由的情况下被没收了。justification for There's no justification for cruelty. 残暴行为是无法找到恰当的理由开脱的。justification for doing something What justification can there be for paying women lower wages? 给妇女付较低的工资,这有什么理由? grounds /graʊndz/ [plural noun] the reason that makes it right or fair for someone to do something - use this especially in legal or official contexts 理由,根据〔尤用于法律或官方文件〕 grounds for Is mental cruelty sufficient grounds for divorce? 精神虐待可以成为离婚的充足理由吗?on the grounds of something for this reason 由于某理由 He had been fired from his job on the grounds of incompetence. 他因不称职被解雇了。 On what grounds are you claiming compensation? 你索取赔偿的理由是什么?on the grounds that She was prohibited from speaking to the students on the grounds that it would stir up trouble. 她被禁止向学生发表演讲,理由是那样会惹出麻烦。 cause /kɔːz/ [uncountable noun] a strong reason that makes you think you are right to feel or behave in a particular way 理由,根据 cause to do something I've never had any cause to complain about my doctor. 我从没有任何理由投诉我的医生。with good/just cause formal He no longer loved her, and with just cause, because she had betrayed him. 他不再爱她了,而且有恰当的理由,因为她对他不忠。without good/just cause formal We have little sympathy for people who leave their jobs without just cause. 我们不大同情那些无缘无故就离职的人。cause for complaint/alarm/concern etc The child's behaviour is giving us cause for concern. 那孩子的行为令我们关注。 There is no cause for alarm about the safety of drinking water. 没有理由对饮用水的安全问题大惊小怪。 rationale /ˌræʃəˈnɑːlǁ-ˈnæl/ [singular noun] formal the reason or series of reasons that someone has used to support a plan, suggestion, change etc 【正式】〔用于支持一个计划、建议、变革等的〕理由,依据 rationale for/behind In the document he explains the rationale for his plan to build a car for the African market. 他在文件里就自己为非洲市场设计一种汽车的计划阐述了原因。 If you do not understand the rationale behind any action you are asked to take, be sure to find out. 如果你不理解叫你采取的行动背后的理由,那就一定要想办法弄清楚。3 a reason explaining why you did something wrong 解释自己为何做错某事的原因 excuse /ɪkˈskjuːs/ [countable noun] something that you say to try to explain why you did something bad, so that people will forgive you 借口;理由 Oh shut up Bill, I'm tired of listening to your excuses. 噢,比尔你给我闭嘴,你那些借口我已经听厌了。excuse for He said his car had broken down, but it was just an excuse for coming home late. 他说汽车坏了,但这只是晚回家的一个借口。make excuses invent excuses in order to try to escape punishment or blame 找借口 He doesn't make excuses when he gets something wrong. 他做错了事以后从来都不找借口掩饰。feeble/pathetic/weak excuse That is the most feeble excuse for failing a test that I have ever heard. 这是我听到过的对考试不及格的最差劲的借口。 explanation /ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/ [countable noun] something that you say which gives good reasons for something wrong which you have done 解释 This work should have been finished a week ago. What's your explanation? 这件工作一周前就该完成了。你如何解释?explanation for He offered no explanation for his absence at the previous day's meeting. 他对缺席前一天的会议没有给出解释。4 to be the reason why something happened or why someone does something 是某事为何发生或某人为何做某事的原因 be the reason /biː ðə ˈriːzən/ [verb phrase] to be the reason why something happened or why someone did something 是…的原因 be the reason for/behind Nick's teachers think that problems at home are the reason for his poor schoolwork. 尼克的老师觉得家庭问题是造成他功课差的原因。be the reason why He borrowed too much money, and that's the reason why his business failed. 他借债太多,那就是他生意失败的原因。be the reason (that) I knew that I had my weaknesses. Perhaps that is the reason that I was not more successful. 我知道自己有弱点,也许那就是我未能更成功的原因。 explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ [transitive verb] if a fact or situation explains something, it helps you to understand why it happened 〔某事实或情况〕解释…的原因 We were all puzzled: what could explain his sudden change of mind? 我们都迷惑不解:有什么原因可以解释他突然改变主意呢?explain why/what/how She couldn't sleep last night, which explains why she was in such a bad mood this morning. 她昨晚无法入睡,这就是为什么她今早心情不好的原因。 account for /əˈkaʊnt fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] formal to be the reason that explains why something strange or surprising happened 【正式】说明〔某奇怪或令人惊讶的事情发生的原因 If it's true that he was taking drugs, that would account for his strange behaviour. 他如果真的在吸毒,那就能说明他的古怪行为了。 motivate /ˈməʊtɪveɪt, ˈməʊtəveɪt/ [transitive verb] to be someone's personal reason for doing something 激发,激励;使…成为动机 Not all people are motivated by self-interest. 并非所有人都会以个人利益为动机行事。motivate somebody to do something It's frustration that motivates babies to learn to walk. 激励婴儿学习行走的是挫折感。 lie behind /ˌlaɪ bɪˈhaɪnd/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] to be the secret or hidden reason for someone's action or behaviour 是〔某人所作所为〕潜在的原因 I wonder what lies behind Arthur's sudden interest in golf? 阿瑟突然对高尔夫球产生了兴趣,我怀疑这背后是不是有什么原因? I think that behind Tania's aggression lay a deep insecurity about herself. 我觉得塔尼娅的霸道行为背后的原因是她对自己非常缺乏安全感。5 to be a good reason why something should be done 作为应该做某事的正当理由 justify /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ, ˈdʒʌstəfaɪ/ [transitive verb] to be the fact or situation that makes it seem right or suitable to do something that would usually be wrong or unfair 是…的正当理由,证明…是有理的〔指做某事一般是错或不公平的〕 There is not enough evidence to justify such accusations. 证据尚不足以证明这些指控是正确的。 No matter what the circumstances, street violence cannot be justified. 不管在何种情况下,街头暴力都是不正当的。 make it right /ˌmeɪk ɪt ˈraɪt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if you say that something that is wrong or bad makes it right for you to do something wrong or bad, you mean that it makes your action acceptable 使〔做错事或坏事〕有道理 It's wrong to steal and nothing you can say will make it right. 偷东西是不对的,你说什么都没有道理。make it right (for somebody) to do something Just because you know she cheats, that doesn't make it right for you to do the same. 就因为你知道她在作弊,并不能说你作弊也是正当的。 call for /ˈkɔːl fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive] if a situation calls for a particular behaviour or action, it is a good reason to behave or act in that way 〔某情形〕理应,需要〔某种行为或行动〕 I hear that you two are getting married. This calls for a celebration. 我听说你们俩要结婚了,应该庆祝一下。 It was a tricky situation that called for a lot of diplomacy. 这种情况很难应付,需要许多策略。 warrant /ˈwɒrəntǁˈwɔː-, ˈwɑː-/ [transitive verb] formal if a situation warrants a particular behaviour or action, the situation is so bad that there is a good reason to behave or act in that way 【正式】〔某情形〕使〔某种行为或行动〕有充分理由 Patients will only be given morphine if their medical condition warrants it. 只有在病情需要时,病人才可以接受吗啡注射。 The offences he has committed are not serious enough to warrant a full investigation. 他犯的罪还没有严重到要进行彻底调查的地步。6 to tell someone the reason for something 把做某事的理由告诉某人 say why/tell somebody why /ˌseɪ ˈwaɪ, ˌtel somebody ˈwaɪ/ [verb phrase] to tell someone why something happened 说出原因/告诉某人为什么〔会发生某事〕 I knew she was annoyed, but she wouldn't say why. 我知道她生气了,但她不肯说出原因。 Can anyone tell us why there are no buses today? 谁能告诉我们今天为什么没有公共汽车吗? explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to tell someone the reason for something, so that they understand the situation better 解释 She just doesn't like me. How else can you explain her behaviour? 她就是不喜欢我。否则怎么解释她的行为? I don't have time to explain now - just come with me quickly! 现在我没时间解释—马上就跟我走吧!explain why/how/what etc Doctors are unable to explain why the disease spread so quickly. 医生无法解释为何这种病传播得这么快。explain that Sarah explained that she hadn't been feeling well recently. 萨拉解释说近来她感觉不舒服。explain to It was difficult explaining to the children why their father was leaving home. 很难对孩子们讲明白他们的爸爸为什么要离开家。 give a reason /ˌgɪv ə ˈriːzən/ [verb phrase] to tell someone why you are doing something, especially something surprising 说明理由〔尤指做了使人吃惊的事〕 ‘He says he's not coming.’ ‘Oh, did he give a reason?’ “他说不来了。”“噢,他说明原因了吗?”give somebody a reason The landlord told us we had to go, but we were never given any reason. 房东说我们得搬出去,但没对我们说明任何理由。 account for /əˈkaʊnt fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive] to tell someone the reason for something that has happened, especially when people are looking for a reason to explain it 作出解释,说明理由 If you walked home, how do you account for the fact that a witness said he saw you driving your van? 要是你走回家的话,那么你怎么解释有证人说他看到你开着你的小型货车? It is difficult to account for the big differences in their scores. 很难说清楚为什么他们的比分会这样悬殊。 provide an explanation/come up with an explanation /prəˌvaɪd ən ekspləˈneɪʃən, kʌm ˌʌp wɪð ən ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/ [verb phrase] to tell someone the reason why something happened when they have asked you to explain. Provide an explanation is more formal than come up with an explanation 〔应要求〕作出解释〔provide an explanation 比come up with an explanation 更为正式〕 In an attempt to provide an explanation she said she thought I had given her permission to be absent. 为了作出解释,她说她以为我同意她请假了。 After failing to come up with an adequate explanation, Jones was arrested for robbery. 琼斯对这次抢劫不能作出充分的解释,于是被拘捕了。 justify /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ, ˈdʒʌstəfaɪ/ [transitive verb] to tell someone why something that seems wrong is in fact right 为…辩护,证明…有理 How can you justify the expense? 你如何对这笔开支作出解释?justify doing something How can you possibly justify charging four pounds for a glass of beer? 你怎么解释一杯啤酒要收四英镑? explain away /ɪkˌspleɪn əˈweɪ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to tell someone the reason why you did something or why something happened, with the intention of making them think you have not done anything wrong or bad 通过解释把…搪塞过去;为…辩解 explain away something George was trying to explain away his outburst, saying that he'd been under a lot of pressure. 乔治试图为自己的突然发作辩解,说他经受的压力很大。 The government tried to explain away the police's unexpected brutality, but this only led to rioting. 政府试图为警察出人意料的野蛮行为辩解,结果却引起了暴动。explain something away But there's broken glass all over the floor - how are we going to explain that away? 可是地上到处是碎玻璃,我们怎么搪塞过去呢?7 when you have a particular reason for doing something 有做某事的特定理由 have reasons /ˌhæv ˈriːzənz/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have a reason for doing something - used especially when you do not want to say what that reason is 有理由,有原因〔尤指不想说明具体原因时〕 I know I don't always explain myself, but you must always do what I say. I have reasons. 我知道我不喜欢多解释,可你必须按我说的去做。我是有道理的。have reasons for Each of us had reasons for wanting to leave. 我们每个人都各自有理由想走。have reasons to do something I have reasons not to confide in you or anyone else. 我不能把事情告诉你或别人是有原因的。have your reasons I know it sounds silly but I have my reasons, believe me. 我知道这听起来很傻,但我是有道理的,相信我。 be somebody's reasons /biː somebodyˈs ˈriːzənz/ [verb phrase] to be the reasons why someone does something, especially when you know they have a reason but do not know what it is 为某人的理由〔尤指知道他们有理由但不知具体是什么时〕 Do you think that your decision is fair? What are your reasons? 你觉得你的决定合理吗?理由是什么?be sb's reasons for doing something What were his reasons for leaving the country so quickly? 他如此匆忙就离开了这个国家,是什么原因? have ulterior motives /hæv ʌlˌtɪəriəʳ ˈməʊtɪvz/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to do something for a secret reason when everyone thinks you are doing it for a different reason 别有用心 You're so suspicious. Whenever I buy you a present, you think I have ulterior motives. 你这么多疑。每次我给你买礼物,你都觉得我别有用心。 It was difficult to accept that she had no ulterior motives. Why would she want to see the office records? 很难说她不是别有用心。她为什么想看公司的档案? vested interest /ˌvestɪd ˈɪntrəst, ˌvestəd ˈɪntrəst/ [countable/uncountable noun] if you have a vested interest in something happening, you have a strong reason for wanting it to happen because you will get an advantage from it 既得利益 The committee should be independent of all vested interest. 该委员会应独立于一切既得利益之外。have a vested interest in something Both the newspaper and the advertising agency have a vested interest in encouraging advertising. 报纸和广告公司在鼓励广告宣传方面都有着既得利益。8 when there is no reason for someone's behaviour 某人的行为没有理由 be no reason /biː nəʊ ˈriːzən/ [verb phrase] use this to say that there is no reason for someone to think or behave in a particular way 没有理由;没必要 be no reason to do something I know I'm late, but that's no reason to lose your temper. 我知道我迟到了,但你也没理由发脾气。there is no reason for something Please remain calm everyone. There is no reason for panic. 请大家保持冷静,没有必要惊慌。 be no excuse/justification /biː nəʊ ɪkˈskjuːs, ˌdʒʌstfˈkeɪʃən/ [verb phrase] use this to say that there is no acceptable reason for someone to think or behave in a bad or unfair way. Be no justification is more formal than be no excuse 不是理由,不能成为借口〔be no justification比be no excuse更为正式〕 ‘But she started it.’ ‘That's no excuse.’ “是她先开头的。”“那不能作为借口。”be no excuse/justification to do something Ron may not be the most pleasant person to work with, but that's no justification to fire him. 罗恩也许不是个让人感到愉快的同事,但这也不能成为辞退他的理由。there's no excuse/justification for something There's no excuse for such childish behaviour from a grown man. 一个成年人做出这么孩子气的行为是毫无道理的。 groundless /ˈgraʊndləs/ [adjective] groundless fears, suspicions etc that are unnecessary because there are no facts to base them on 〔恐惧、怀疑等〕毫无根据的 Fleury dismissed our fears as groundless, though he was secretly alarmed. 弗勒里说我们的恐惧是毫无必要的,尽管他自己也暗暗担忧。 A message from Interpol confirmed that our Inspector's suspicions were far from groundless. 国际刑警组织发来消息,证实了我们巡官的怀疑不是完全没有道理的。 unfounded /ʌnˈfaʊndɪd, ʌnˈfaʊndəd/ [adjective] worries, fears, hopes etc that are unfounded are wrong because there are no reasons to have these feelings 〔担心、恐惧、希望等〕没有理由的,没有事实根据的 I am going to prove to you that your suspicions are entirely unfounded. 我要证明给你看,你的怀疑是毫无根据的。 All the signs indicate that the general's optimism is unfounded. 所有迹象都表明将军的乐观是盲目的。




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