

例句 REALIZEto notice or understand something that you did not notice or understand beforeRELATED WORDSsee alsoUNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTANDNOTICE/NOT NOTICEKNOW/NOT KNOWRECOGNIZE1 to notice or understand something that you did not notice or understand before 注意或明白以前未注意或不明白的事 realize also realise British /ˈrɪəlaɪz/ [intransitive/transitive verb] Tim only realized his mistake the next day. 蒂姆直至第二天才知道自己错了。 Without realising it, we had gone the wrong way. 我们不知道走错了路。 Oh, is that your chair? Sorry, I didn't realize. 噢,那是你的座位吗?抱歉,我刚才没注意。realize (that) She woke up and realised that there was someone moving around downstairs. 她醒了,意识到楼下有人在到处走动。 occur to /əˈkɜːʳ tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] if something occurs to you, you suddenly realize that it might be true, especially when you had been thinking something completely different before 突然想到〔某事可能是真的,尤指在这之前想法完全不同〕 it occurs to somebody (that) It suddenly occurred to me that maybe she was lying. 我突然想到也许她是在撒谎。 Didn't it ever occur to you that they would probably like to be alone together? 你从没想过他们可能喜欢单独在一起吗? become aware /bɪˌkʌm əˈweəʳ/ [verb phrase] to slowly realize something, especially over a fairly long period of time 渐渐意识到〔明白〕〔尤指在较长一段时间之后〕 become aware of I was slowly becoming aware of how much Melissa was suffering. 我渐渐明白了梅利莎的痛苦有多深。become aware that He became aware that the man sitting opposite was staring at him intently. 他开始意识到坐在对面的人在紧盯着他看。 sink in /ˌsɪŋk ˈɪn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a fact or someone's words sink in, you gradually realize their full meaning 〔某一事实或某人的话〕逐渐被充分理解 The news of the President's assassination had only just begun to sink in. 人们对总统被刺的消息刚刚才开始会意过来。 Winning this tournament means so much to me. It hasn't really sunk in yet. 赢得这次锦标赛对我来说意义重大,这还未被人真正理解。 dawn on /ˈdɔːn ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] if a fact dawns on you, you slowly start to realize it, especially when you should have realized it before 开始逐渐明白,意识到〔某事实,尤指早就应该想到时〕 The awful truth only dawned on me later. 后来我才明白到那可怕的事实。it dawns on somebody that It slowly dawned on her that they were all making fun of her. 她渐渐明白他们都在取笑她。it dawns on somebody how/why etc It didn't dawn on me how seriously injured I was until I got to the hospital. 我直到进了医院才知道自己受的伤有多严重。 strike /straɪk/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if an idea or thought strikes you, you suddenly realize something 使突然想起 it strikes somebody (that) It struck her one day, when she was walking home from school, that she hadn't thought about her weight for over a month. 一天她正从学校走路回家,突然想起自己有一个多月没有去想自己的体重了。 It just struck me - you must have been in the same class as my brother. 我忽然想到,你肯定和我弟弟在同一个班上。 hit /hɪt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if a fact hits you, you suddenly realize its importance or its full meaning and you feel shocked 使突然意识到〔某事的重要性或全部意义,并感到震惊〕 The full impact of what he'd said hit me a few hours later. 几个小时以后我才完全意识到他的话的整体影响。it hits somebody Suddenly it hit me. He was trying to ask me to marry him. 我突然意识到,他是在向我求婚。 wake up to the fact that /ˌweɪk ʌp tə ðə ˈfækt ðət/ [verb phrase] to begin to fully realize and understand something, especially after you have avoided thinking about it because it is unpleasant or it makes you feel uncomfortable 开始完全意识到〔尤指以前你一直避免想到的令你不快的事〕 How long will it be before people wake up to the fact that anyone can catch AIDS. 人们到什么时候才能完全意识到任何人都有可能得艾滋病。 The speaker warned that we must ‘wake up to the fact that we are in a tough competitive market’. 发言人警告我们必须“充分意识到我们正面临着严峻的市场竞争”。 it clicked /ɪt ˈklɪkt/ spoken say this when you suddenly realize something that makes a subject or situation easy to understand 【口】突然明白了 Then it clicked. The man at the station must have been her brother! 后来突然明白了:车站的那人一定是她哥哥!it clicked what/how/where etc Finally it clicked what all the fuss had been about. 最后才明白这些大惊小怪都是怎么回事。 bring something home to /ˌbrɪŋ something ˈhəʊm tuː/ [verb phrase] to make someone realize how serious, difficult, or dangerous something is 让人明白某事,使人意识到某事〔严重、困难、危险的程度〕 This is the last place you would expect there to be a murder. It just brings it home to you that this kind of thing can happen anywhere. 这地方没人想到会发生谋杀。这恰恰可以使人明白到,这类事情在哪里都可能发生。 It often takes something like a heart attack to bring home to people the danger of smoking. 通常要发生心脏病这种事才会让人意识到吸烟的危险性。




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