

例句 REALnot false or artificial1 not false or artificial2 having the qualities that make a particular type of person or thing real3 when someone really feels something4 when someone thinks or feels something but hides itnot imagined or invented5 when things or people really exist6 when information, statements etc are based on real factswhen pictures, films etc seem real/don't seem real7 when pictures, films etc make things seem real8 when pictures, films etc do not make things seem realRELATED WORDSnot made with natural materials 不是用天然材料做成的 ARTIFICIALintended to appear real in order to deceive people 假充真品以骗人 FALSEsee alsoPRETENDHONESTDISHONESTIMAGINE1 not false or artificial 不是假的或人造的 real /rɪəl/ [adjective] not false or artificial 真的 Is that a real diamond? 那颗钻石是真品吗? Are those flowers real or artificial? 那些花是真的还是人造的? People call him Baz, but his real name is Reginald. 大家叫他巴兹,不过他的真名是雷金纳德。 genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn, ˈdʒenjuən/ [adjective] real, not just seeming to be real or pretending to be real 真的,真正的 For years people thought the picture was a genuine Van Gogh, but in fact it's a fake. 多年来人们都以为这幅画是梵高的真迹,但它实际上是赝品。 We need a much faster system for dealing with genuine refugees. 我们需要一套更快的系统来处理真正的难民。 If a student has genuine religious objections to a school activity, they do not have to participate. 如果某个学生因确实存在的宗教原因而不愿参加某项学校活动,那就不必参加。 authentic /ɔːˈθentɪk/ [adjective] authentic food, music, clothes etc are correct for the place or the period in history that they are supposed to be from 〔食物、音乐、衣服等〕正宗的,原汁原味的 a friendly restaurant offering authentic Greek food 一家供应正宗希腊食品的、服务态度和蔼可亲的餐厅! They play music on authentic medieval instruments. 他们用正宗的中世纪乐器演奏音乐。 The dancers wore authentic Native American designs. 舞蹈者身穿真正的印第安人服装。 bona fide /ˌbəʊnə ˈfaɪdiǁˈbəʊnə faɪd/ [adjective] people or things that are bona fide are really what they say they are, especially when this can be checked by looking at official records, personal papers etc 真正的,真实的〔人或物,尤指可以通过官方记录、个人文件等来核对〕 This club is only open to bona fide members. 这家俱乐部只对正式成员开放。 We have to check that he holds a bona fide qualification. 我们必须核对一下他是否持有真实的资历证明。 The company can only reimburse bona fide business-related expenses. 公司只可以报销确实与业务有关的开支。 natural /ˈnætʃərəl/ [adjective] not artificial and no made by people 天然的,自然的,非人造的 I prefer natural fibres such as wool and cotton. 我喜欢羊毛和棉之类的天然纤维。 His natural hair color is brown. 他的头发生来是褐色的。 We only use natural products. 我们只使用天然产品。 the real thing /ðə ˌrɪəl ˈθɪŋ/ [noun phrase] something that is the thing it is meant to be, and not a cheaper or lower quality thing 真货,真实的东西 Recorded music will never be as good as listening to the real thing. 录制的音乐绝对没有去听现场演奏的那么好。 I'd seen pictures of the painting, but it was very different seeing the real thing. 我见过这幅画的照片,但和看真迹简直有天壤之别。 the genuine article /ðə ˌdʒenjun ˈɑːʳtɪkəl/ [noun phrase] something such as a car, painting, or piece of furniture or clothing, that really is made, produced, or designed by a famous and admired person or company 〔名人或名公司制作或设计的〕真品 He owns a 1947 Ferrari -- the genuine article. 他有一辆1947年造的法拉利—那是真品。 With paintings it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the genuine article from a good reproduction. 绘画这东西有时很难辨别真品和高超的复制品。 the real McCoy /ðə ˌrɪəl məˈkɔɪ/ [noun phrase] informal something that is real, and not a cheaper, lower quality product 【非正式】真货 The moment I smelled the cigar, I knew it was the real McCoy. 我一闻到这雪茄味就知道它是真货。 The dress had a designer label, but I couldn't tell if it was the real McCoy or a cheap imitation. 这连衣裙上有品牌商标,但我说不清它是真货还是廉价仿制品。2 having the qualities that make a particular type of person or thing real 具有使某一类人或物变得真实的优点 real /rɪəl/ [adjective only before noun] use this to emphasize that someone or something has the qualities that a particular kind of person or thing should have 真正的〔用于强调〕 Jane's been a real friend to me over the years. 多年来简一直是我真正的朋友。 She's a real tomboy! 她是个名副其实的野丫头! What the country needs now is a real leader. 这国家现在需要的是一个真正的领袖。 true /truː/ [adjective only before noun] someone who is a true friend, believer etc is not just pretending to be one and has all of the qualities that a friend, believer etc is supposed to have 真正的,名副其实的〔朋友、信徒等〕 He was a good partner and a true friend to me. 对我而言,他是个良好的合作伙伴和真正的朋友。 Being a true Red Sox fan, he never missed a game. 他是个名副其实的红袜队球迷,从不错过一场比赛。 She makes the dance look easy - the mark of a true professional. 她让舞蹈看起来很容易,这是真正的专业舞蹈家的特点。 True Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 真正的基督教徒相信耶稣是上帝的儿子。 proper /ˈprɒpəʳǁˈprɑː-/ [adjective only before noun] British real and not something similar which is not as good 【英】真正的;像样的 When are you going to get a proper job? 你什么时候去找一份像样的工作? We don't have a proper guest room, but you can have the sofa in the study. 我们没有真正的客房,不过你可以用书房里的沙发。3 when someone really feels something 某人确实感受到某物 really /ˈrɪəli/ [adverb] when you really feel something, really want something etc, and you are not just pretending to feel it 真实地,真正地 Do you think she's really sorry? 你觉得她真的感到懊悔吗? Do you really want to come with us? It'll be very boring for you. 你真想和我们一起去吗?你会感到很无聊的。 I don't think she really believes she can win. 我不认为她真相信自己能赢。 real /rɪəl/ [adjective] use this to describe feelings, attitudes and beliefs that someone really feels and is not just pretending to feel 真的,发自真心的〔用于形容感情、态度和信念〕 She was clearly in real pain. 显然她真的很疼。 He didn't show any real regret for the suffering he had caused. 他对自己给别人所造成的痛苦并未表现出任何发自真心的内疚。 Real commitment is needed from everyone on the team if we're going to make this project work. 我们想要使这个项目成功的话,就需要小组内每一个成员真正的奉献精神。 sincere /sɪnˈsɪəʳ/ [adjective] if you are sincere, or have sincere feelings, you really feel or believe something and are not just pretending 真诚的,真心实意的 It is my sincere belief that if we work together we can achieve peace in this country. 我真诚地相信,如果我们携手合作就能在这个国家实现和平。sincere in They seemed to be sincere in their concern for the children's welfare. 他们对儿童福利的关切看来是真心诚意的。sincere thanks/apologies formal I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who helped us. 我谨向所有帮助过我们的人表达我诚挚的谢意。 sincerely [adverb] I believe they sincerely want to find a peaceful solution to the dispute. 我相信他们是真心想要寻找一个和平解决争端的办法。 genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn, ˈdʒenjuən/ [adjective] genuine feelings are real and not pretended - use this especially when you are surprised that someone has these feelings 〔感情〕真诚的,真实的〔尤用于对某人有这些感情表示惊讶〕 I'm not sure if her sympathy was really genuine. 我不肯定她的同情是否出于真心。 For the first time on the trip, I saw genuine fear in his eyes. 旅途中我第一次看到他眼里流露出真实的恐惧感。 This is the first genuine attempt to reach a peaceful settlement to the dispute. 这是为争取和平解决争端而作的首次诚心诚意的尝试。 genuinely [adverb] Fred seemed genuinely interested in our work. 弗雷德似乎对我们的工作确实很感兴趣。 heartfelt /ˈhɑːʳtfelt/ [adjective usually before noun] very real and strongly felt 衷心的,由衷的 Christine breathed a heartfelt sigh of relief. 克里斯蒂娜由衷地舒了一口气。 She expressed her heartfelt thanks to all those who had helped and supported her. 她对所有帮助和支持她的人表示了衷心的感谢。 Please accept our heartfelt sympathy on your sad loss. 对你亲人的不幸逝世,请接受我们由衷的慰问。 The family made a heartfelt plea to the kidnappers to release their son. 那家人真诚地恳求绑匪释放他们的儿子。 from the heart /frəm ðə ˈhɑːʳt/ [adverb] if you say or mean something from the heart, you really mean it and feel it very strongly 发自内心地,诚心地 He stood up and spoke simply but from the heart. 他站起身来,话说得很简单,但都是肺腑之言。from the bottom of somebody's heart I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. 我想向你表示我衷心的感谢。straight from the heart I'm speaking straight from the heart when I say that I believe Marguerite deserves to be chairman. 我真心地说我相信玛格丽特应该当董事长。 truly /ˈtruːli/ [adverb] if you truly believe, want, or feel something, you believe, want, or feel it very strongly and are not just pretending 真心地〔相信、希望或觉得〕 I truly believe he is innocent. 我真的相信他是无辜的。 She seems truly sorry for what she did. 她好像对自己所做的事真心感到歉意。 I truly am impressed with your work. 我对你的作品真的印象很深刻。 true /truː/ [adjective usually before noun] a feeling that is true is real and strongly felt, not just pretended 〔感情〕真实的,真心的 At last he had found true happiness. 他最终找到了真正的幸福。 As far as Gabby was concerned this was true love. 对加比来说,这是真爱。4 when someone thinks or feels something but hides it 某人想到或感觉到某物却把它隐藏起来 really /ˈrɪəli/ [adverb] used to say what someone's real thoughts and feelings are when they are pretending to think or feel something else 真的,其实 Neither of us really wanted to stay in Texas, but we couldn't leave his family at that time. 我们俩都不是真的想留在得克萨斯,但当时我们不能离开他的家。 She didn't complain, but I knew that really she was quite fed up with us all. 她没抱怨什么,可我知道她其实是对我们所有人都很不满。 Don't trust James -- all he's really interested in is your money. 别相信詹姆斯,他真正感兴趣的是你的钱。 deep down /ˌdiːp ˈdaʊn/ [adverb] if you think or feel something deep down, that is what you really think or feel even though you may not say or show it 实际上;在内心深处 He pretends he doesn't care, but deep down I know he's very upset. 他假装无所谓,可我知道他内心还是很不开心的。 I kept pushing the team, but deep down I think I knew we wouldn't win. 我不断地督促球队,但我心里明白我们不会赢。 underneath it all /ʌndəʳˈniːθ ɪt ˌɔːl/ [adverb] if someone is a particular kind of person underneath it all, this is what they are really like 实际上;本质上 He likes to show people his tough side, but underneath it all, he's a decent person. 他喜欢对人显示强硬的一面,但实际上他是个宽厚的人。 inside /ɪnˈsaɪd/ [adverb] if you feel something inside, that is the way you really feel, even though you do not show it 在内心里 I wish I knew what he was feeling inside. 但愿我知道他内心是怎么想的。 These kids seem so aggressive, but inside they're terrified. 这些孩子外表看起来气势汹汹,但是他们内心害怕极了。5 when things or people really exist 东西或人确实存在 real /rɪəl/ [adjective] used to describe people or things that really exist and have not been imagined 真的,确实存在的 You can dress up either as a fictional character or a real person. 你可以打扮成虚构的人物或者真实的人物。very real His problems are very real. I don't think you should laugh at him. 他的困难是实有其事的,我觉得你不该嘲笑他。 There was a very real danger of being robbed during the night. 确实存在晚上遭抢劫的危险。 reality /riˈælɪti, riˈæləti/ [uncountable noun] A lot of people use computer games as an escape from reality. 许多人借助电脑游戏来逃避现实。 actual /ˈæktʃuəl/ [adjective only before noun] real, especially as compared with what is intended, believed, or what is usually expected 真实的,实际的〔尤指与人们的意图、信念或一般期望相比〕 How does the actual cost compare with the budget? 实际费用与预算相差多少? Although buses are supposed to run every fifteen minutes, the actual waiting time can be up to an hour. 公共汽车应该每15分钟一班,但事实上有时要等上一小时。 The actual amount of water needed by the crop depends on the weather conditions. 庄稼的实际需水量取决于天气状况。 true /truː/ [adjective only before noun] the true value, nature, importance etc of something is its real value etc rather than what seems at first to be correct 真正的;实质上的〔价值、本质、重要性等〕 It is difficult to measure the true value of these amenities to the local community. 很难估量这些娱乐设施对当地社区的真正价值。 The true significance of the General's offer has yet to be established. 将军所给条件的真正意义尚未得到确立。 real live /ˈrɪəl laɪv/ [adjective phrase only before noun] informal a real live person or animal is one that is actually alive and real 【非正式】〔人或动物〕真实的,活生生的 Seeing real live animals in a zoo is much more exciting that just watching them on television. 在动物园里看到活生生的动物,比仅仅在电视中看到它们要让人兴奋得多。 I've never met a real live movie star before! 我以前从未亲眼见过一位电影明星!6 when information, statements etc are based on real facts 信息、陈述等是以事实为根据的 true /truː/ [adjective] based on facts and not imagined 真实的,有事实根据的 No, honestly, It's a true story. 不,真的,这是个真实的故事。 She says her parents arrived here as refugees, but I know that's not true. 她说她父母亲是以难民身份来这里的,不过我知道事实并非如此。 solid/concrete /ˈsɒlɪd, ˈsɒlədǁˈsɑː-, ˈkɒŋkriːtǁkɑːŋˈkriːt/ [adjective only before noun] based on things that can be proved to be true or real 确凿的,具体的 The police cannot arrest him until they have some solid evidence. 警方要等到掌握了确凿的证据后才能逮捕他。 We had our suspicions, but no solid facts. 我们心存怀疑,但缺乏具体事实。 No one seems to have any concrete information about her. 好像没有人知道有关她的任何具体消息。 tangible /ˈtændʒɪbəl, ˈtændʒəbəl/ [adjective] firmly based on facts, able to be proved by being seen or experienced 〔事实等〕确凿的,实在的 tangible evidence/proof/results etc The discussions produced no tangible results. 讨论未产生实际的结果。 There is no tangible evidence of dishonesty among the company's directors. 没有公司董事不诚实行为的确凿证据。7 when pictures, films etc make things seem real 图画、电影等把事物表现得真实的 realistic /rɪəˈlɪstɪk/ [adjective] use this about books, pictures, and films that show or describe things as they really are 〔书、图画、电影〕逼真的 The book includes some very realistic descriptions of life during the war. 这本书中对战争期间生活的一些描写很写实。 A lot of people like paintings to look realistic. 许多人喜欢看起来逼真的绘画。 Planning your dream home? You can build a more realistic model with our new 3-D kit. 在构划你的理想家居吗?你可以用我们新推出的三维模型建造一个更逼真的模型。 lifelike /ˈlaɪflaɪk/ [adjective] use this about pictures and models that look very like the real person or thing 〔图画、模型〕逼真的,栩栩如生的 Outside the museum is a huge, lifelike model of a dinosaur. 博物馆外面是一个巨大的、栩栩如生的恐龙模型。 The directors wanted the computer-generated images to look as lifelike as possible. 导演要求电脑制作的画面越逼真越好。 realism /ˈrɪəlɪzəm/ [uncountable noun] the quality in a painting, film, story etc that makes it seem real and believable 〔绘画、电影、故事等的〕现实性;真实性 The battle scenes are described with extraordinary realism. 战争场面的描写表现出非凡的真实性。 His style combines plain language and gritty realism. 他的文风将平实的语言和不折不扣的现实性合二为一。 true to life /ˌtruː tə ˈlaɪf◂/ [adjective phrase] a film, play, story etc that is true to life, shows or describes things as they really are 〔电影、戏剧、故事等〕忠实于生活的,真实的 It's a great story, but not always true to life. 这则故事非常精彩,但不是完全忠实于生活的。 The film gives us a true to life picture of 1920s Chicago. 这部影片让我们看到了20世纪20年代时芝加哥的真实生活。 vivid /ˈvɪvɪd, ˈvɪvəd/ [adjective] vivid descriptions, memories, dreams etc are so clear that they seem real 〔描写、记忆、梦等〕生动的;逼真的;清晰的 The book gives a vivid account of the author's journey through northern Africa. 该书生动地描述了作者的北非之旅。 I loved listening to his vivid descriptions of life in Italy. 我喜欢听他对于在意大利生活的生动讲述。 One of my most vivid memories is of my first day at school. 我最清晰的记忆之一是我上学第一天的情形。 The drug can make people suffer hallucinations and vivid nightmares. 这种毒品能使人产生幻觉和逼真的梦魇。8 when pictures, films etc do not make things seem real 图画、电影等未能把事物表现得真实的 abstract /ˈæbstrækt/ [adjective] abstract paintings, pictures, designs etc contain shapes and images that represent real things and people but do not look like them 〔绘画、图画、设计等〕抽象的 a new exhibition of abstract paintings 新的抽象画展 A lot of people don't like abstract art. 很多人都不喜欢抽象艺术。 It's an abstract design that's supposed to represent freedom and strength. 这是一种意在象征自由和力量的抽象设计。 unrealistic /ˌʌnrɪəˈlɪstɪk/ [adjective] something that is unrealistic shows or describes things in a way that does not seem real, and is therefore not very good or cannot be believed 非现实的,不切实际的 I found the play boring and the characters unrealistic. 我觉得那部戏剧很无聊,人物也不真实。 The film is ruined by all the unrealistic plot twists. 这部影片就毁在那些不真实的情节转折上。 contrived /kənˈtraɪvd/ [adjective] a story, situation etc that is contrived has been written or arranged in a way that seems false and not natural 〔故事、情形等的写作或安排手法〕不自然的:做作的 There's something very contrived about the whole story. 整则故事令人觉得很牵强。 One critic described the movie as ‘a stale and hopelessly contrived comedy’. 一位评论家称该影片为“一部陈腐乏味、非常做作的喜剧片”。




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