

例句 PURPOSE1 what you want to achieve when you do something2 what something is intended to be used for3 to be intended for a particular purpose4 to decide to use someone or something for a particular purpose5 without any purposeRELATED WORDSon purpose 故意的 DELIBERATELYsee alsoREASONIN ORDER TO1 what you want to achieve when you do something 做某事时的目标 purpose /ˈpɜːʳpəs/ [countable noun] the reason you do or plan something, and the thing you want to achieve when you do it 目的;意图 The games have an educational purpose. 这些游戏寓教于乐。purpose of The purpose of the experiment is to find better ways of treating battlefield wounds. 该实验旨在找出更好的方法治疗战场上的伤员。the main purpose the most important purpose 主要目的 The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss who will be in the team. 这次会议的主要目的是商讨队员的遴选。somebody's purpose in doing something My purpose in writing this book was to draw attention to the problem of global warming. 我写此书的目的是引起人们对全球变暖问题的关注。for the purpose of (doing) something There is no penalty if the quarterback deliberately throws the ball out of bounds for the purpose of stopping play. 如果四分卫为了停止比赛故意将球掷出边线不会受罚。for this/that purpose Read up on starting a small business. Loans can be obtained for this purpose. 好好研究一下如何开办小企业,为此可以获得贷款。 aim /eɪm/ [countable noun] something you hope to achieve 目标,目的 Increasing student awareness of the issue is one of our aims. 提升学生对这个问题的认识是我们的目标之一。political/business/economic etc aim Membership of NATO is one of the country's long-term political aims. 成为北大西洋公约组织的一员是该国长期的政治目标之一。the aim is to do something The organization's aims are to provide food for homeless people and help them find somewhere to live. 该组织的目标是为无家可归者提供食物并帮助他们找到住所。 The aim was to enroll all children in schools close to their homes. 目标是让所有的孩子就近入学。aim of The aim of the bombers was to destroy public property and get maximum publicity. 放置炸弹者的目的是破坏公共财产并引起人们最大的注意。 point /pɔɪnt/ [singular noun] the purpose of something that you are doing or planning - use this especially when someone does not understand what the purpose is 目的;意图〔尤用于某人不理解意图时〕 point of The point of the experiment is to show how this chemical reacts with water. 实验的目的是要显示这种化学物质如何与水发生反应。the whole point exactly the purpose of doing something 全部目的 The whole point of this TV show is to get you to buy Simmons’ exercise videos. 这个电视节目的全部目的是让人购买西蒙斯的健身录影带。see the point of something understand why someone does something 理解做某事的原因 I can't see the point of travelling all that way and then only staying for one day. 我不明白为什么那么远跑来只住一天。miss the/somebody's point not understand why someone does something 不理解某人做某事的原因 You're missing my point completely - I'm not talking about restructuring the department 你完全没明白我的意思—我不是在谈部门改组的事。what's the point? use this when you think there is no good reason for something 有什么意思? Too many of these kids think, ‘What's the point of going to college?’ 这些孩子中太多人在想“上大学有什么意思呢?”。 idea /aɪˈdɪə/ [singular noun] the effect or result that you hope to achieve by doing something - use this especially when you are doubtful whether that effect or result can be achieved 目的;用意〔尤用于怀疑是否有效〕 We make toys that are both fun and educational - at least that's the idea. 我们制造娱乐、教育两相宜的玩具—至少,那是我们的本意。the idea is to do something The idea of the centre was to provide a place where old people could go during the day. 本中心的目的是为老人提供一个场所,让他们白天有地方可去。the idea behind something The idea behind the commercials is that reading is as cool and entertaining as their favorite bands. 这些广告本意是说阅读与听喜欢的乐队一样酷,一样有意思。 objective /əbˈdʒektɪv/ [countable noun] formal the thing that someone is trying to achieve, especially in business or politics 【正式】目的,目标〔尤用于商业或政治〕 The report focused on three of the business's objectives. 该报告重点放在企业目标中的三项。business/military/political objective State your business objectives clearly. 请明确说明你的企业目标。the objective is to do something The objective of this computer game is to design a city. 这个电脑游戏的目标是设计一座城市。achieve an objective The President believes that all military objectives have been achieved. 总统相信,所有的军事目标都已实现。main/primary objective The company's main objective is to keep recyclable material out of landfills. 该公司的主要目标是尽量利用可回收利用的材料,以免它被当作垃圾填埋。 object /ˈɒbdʒɪktǁˈɑːb-/ [singular noun] the intended result of a plan, action, or activity, especially when this may be difficult to achieve 〔计划、行动或活动的〕目标;目的〔尤指难以实现时〕 the object is to do something In this game the object is to score as many points as you can in the time given. 玩这种游戏时,目标是在规定的时间里尽可能多得分。object of The object of the search was to find a small plane that has been missing for two days. 此次搜寻的目的是找一架已失踪两天的小型飞机。the object of the exercise the object of whatever you are doing 这样做的目的 The object of the exercise is to keep kids in school, rather than let them leave without graduating. 这样做的目的是把小孩子留在学校里,不让他们辍学。 goal /gəʊl/ [countable noun] what a person, organization, or country hopes to achieve in the future, even though this might take quite a long time 〔个人、组织或国家的〕目的;目标 School children have definite goals towards which they can work. 学童有明确的奋斗目标。the goal is to do something Her goal is to find a company willing to donate money for research. 她的目标是找一家愿意为研究捐款的公司。goal of The goal of the partnership is to improve his company's profit margin. 合伙的目的是提高他公司的赢利空间。reach/meet a goal The Red Cross has reached its goal of raising $1.6 million for relief. 红十字会实现了募捐160万美元赈灾款的目标。 target /ˈtɑːʳgɪt, ˈtɑːʳgət/ [countable noun] the exact result that a person or organization intends to achieve by doing something, often the amount of money they want to get 〔个人或组织的〕目标;指标〔常指钱〕 The target for the appeal is £20,000, all of which will go to children's charities. 募捐的目标是20,000英镑,这笔钱将全部捐给儿童慈善机构。 Our target is the release of all political prisoners. 我们的目标是释放全部政治犯。meet/reach/achieve a target The government is struggling to reach its original target of $23 billion in spending cuts. 政府正在努力实现减少230亿美元开支的既定目标。 target [adjective only before noun] The magazine has a target readership of half a million people its target is half a million readers. 这本杂志争取吸引50万读者。 end /end/ [countable noun] the result that a person or group is trying to achieve, especially when this is bad or dishonest 〔个人或群体的〕目的;目标〔尤指不好或不老实的〕 political/personal etc ends Racial tensions in Fiji were exaggerated for political ends by leaders of the opposition. 反对派领导人出于政治目的夸大了斐济岛上的种族紧张局势。the end does not justify the means the way that someone tries to achieve something is wrong, even if what they want to achieve is good 目的高尚但手段卑劣 The demonstrators’ ends do not justify their means. 示威者的目的并不能证明他们的手段是正当的。2 what something is intended to be used for 某物的用途 be for /biː ˈfɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to be intended to be used for a particular purpose 是为了…目的 This machine is for cleaning the carpet. 这台机器是清洁地毯用的。 What's this little button for? 这个小按钮有什么用? These shoes are for running, and these are for sports such as basketball. 这双鞋适合跑步,而这双适合打篮球等运动。 function /ˈfʌŋkʃən/ [countable noun] the purpose that a machine, tool, or piece of equipment is made for 作用 Each basket is designed to perform a specific function, from carrying corn to holding babies. 每个篮子都为特别用途设计,从装谷物到放婴孩都有。function of Several instructors could not answer questions about the function of a particular switch. 几名教员都无法回答有关一个特别开关的作用的问题。 The function of this gene is to block the uncontrolled division of cells; it therefore prevents the development of cancer. 这种基因的作用是阻止细胞失控地分裂,从而防止癌症。 use /juːs/ [countable noun] a purpose that a machine, tool, plant etc can have 用处;用途 It's main use is as a cleaning agent for metals. 它主要用作金属的清洁剂。 Technology developed for the space program has civilian uses as well. 为航天计划开发的技术也可作民用。3 to be intended for a particular purpose 用于特殊目的 to be meant/supposed to do something /biː ˌment, səˌpəʊzd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to be done or made for a particular purpose, especially when the purpose is not achieved 意在做某事;想要做某事 His artworks are meant to cause debate. 他的艺术作品意在引起讨论。 The police opened the package and found not a bomb, but a wallet meant to be someone's gift. 警方打开包裹,看到的不是炸弹而是一个皮夹子,该是某人的礼物。 Thirty percent of the lottery ticket sales was supposed to go to education. 彩票销售额的30%应该用于教育。 be intended to do something /biː ɪnˌtendd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to be done or made for a particular purpose 为了做某事 The concert is intended to raise money for charity. 这场音乐会是为了替慈善事业募集钱款。 I didn't think the movie was as dramatic as it was intended to be. 我认为这部电影不像摄制人员原先设想的那样激动人心。 be designed to do something /biː dɪˌzaɪnd tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to be made in a specific way in order to achieve a particular result 〔由特定方式做成〕意在做某事 The menu was designed to appeal to both children and adults. 这份菜单意在吸引小孩和大人。 Democrats say the law is designed to help only wealthy taxpayers. 民主党人称该法律旨在仅帮助富有的纳税人。 with the aim of doing something /wɪð ði ˌeɪm əv ˈduːɪŋ something/ [preposition] if something is done with the aim of achieving something, it is done in order to try and achieve it 目的在于〔以便〕做某事 The center does research with the aim of improving the lives of poor Americans. 该中心从事研究,以改善美国穷人的生活。 The committee will reform the tests, with the aim of better evaluating student performance. 该委员会将对考试进行改革,以便更好地评估学生的学业。with the express/deliberate etc aim of doing something We ask students to write essays under examination conditions, with the deliberate aim of familiarizing them with these conditions. 我们让学生在考试的环境下写文章,目的是为了使他们熟悉这种环境。4 to decide to use someone or something for a particular purpose 为某一目的决定任用某人或利用某物 designate /ˈdezɪgneɪt/ [transitive verb] to officially choose someone or something for a particular purpose, often with the result that they cannot be used for anything else 选派;指定;任命 Designate a driver who won't be drinking before going to a party or club. 去晚会或夜总会前选定一个不饮酒的司机。designate somebody/something as something Mattos Elementary has been designated as this area's ‘home’ school. 马托斯小学被指定为这一地区的“中心”学校。designate somebody/something for somebody/something One of the queues was designated for people with an EC passport. 其中一条队指定给持欧盟护照的人。designate somebody/something to do something $6 million has been designated to make road safety improvements on Pacheco Pass. 600万美元被指定用于改善帕切科山口的道路安全。 earmark /ˈɪəʳmɑːʳk/ [transitive verb usually in passive] to choose someone or something from among a larger group so that they can be used for a particular purpose in the future 指定…作特定用途 earmark somebody/something for something 20% of the budget has already been earmarked for a new computer system. 预算的20%已被指定用于购买新的计算机系统。earmark somebody/something to do something The funds are earmarked to help pay for the cathedral's renovation. 这笔资金被指定用于该教堂的修缮。earmark somebody/something as something Dawson was earmarked as Reiner's successor as District Attorney. 道森被指定为地区检察官赖纳的接班人。5 without any purpose 无目的的 pointless /ˈpɔɪntləs/ [adjective] something that is pointless has no purpose and makes you angry or sad 无意义的 a film full of pointless violence 一部充斥无谓暴力的影片 Never give your students pointless exercises to do -- always provide interesting, meaningful tasks. 决不要让你的学生做毫无意义的练习一必定要布置有趣而有意义的任务。be pointless to do something It is pointless to argue about who is more to blame. 争论谁更应承担责任没有意义。 aimless /ˈeɪmləs/ [adjective] not having any purpose or plan and therefore boring or sad 无目的的 The novel seems aimless, and the characters are stereotypes. 这部小说不知所云,人物呆板。 She changed from an aimless, pregnant teenager into a purposeful young woman. 她从一个毫无目标而且怀孕的青少年成长为有抱负的年轻女子。 aimlessly [adverb] John wandered aimlessly all day and returned to his gloomy room in the evening. 约翰整天漫无目的地逛来逛去,晚上则回到他那阴暗的小屋去。 senseless /ˈsensləs/ [adjective] a crime or something bad that is senseless seems to have no meaning or purpose and you cannot understand why someone would do it 毫无意义的 It was a senseless and cruel murder. 这是一桩无谓而残酷的凶杀案。 Smashing up trains is such a senseless form of vandalism. 砸毁火车是毫无意义的破坏行为。 The suicide was described as a senseless waste of a young woman's life. 这起自杀案被人形容为一个年轻女子对生命毫无意义的浪费。 senselessly [adverb] How could you jeopardize your career so senselessly? 你怎能如此无谓地危害自己的事业? senselessness [uncountable noun] The public was shocked by the senselessness of the crime. 公众对这起无谓的罪案感到震惊。 meaningless /ˈmiːnɪŋləs/ [adjective] without any meaning or purpose and therefore boring, sad, or having no effect 毫无意义的 a meaningless campaign pledge 毫无意义的竞选允诺! So many of us spend our lives doing meaningless work in huge faceless companies. 我们中有那么多人把生命花在缺乏个性的大公司里干着毫无意义的工作。 Several companies dismissed the ruling as ‘meaningless,’ saying it would have no effect on their operations. 几家公司认为这个裁定无足轻重、“毫无意义”,称这对他们的运作没有影响。 lack direction [verb phrase] also lack of direction [noun phrase] /ˌlæk dˈrekʃən, ˌlæk əv dˈrekʃən/ if something lacks direction or has a lack of direction, it does not have a clear purpose and is not well organized 毫无目标 It could have been a good film, but I felt it lacked direction. 这本来可以是一部好电影,可是我觉得它内容枝蔓。 He quit over the company's lack of direction. 由于该公司缺乏目标,所以他辞职了。




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