

例句 PUBLIC1 for everyone to use2 owned or paid for by the government3 when a lot of people can see you or know about what is happeningRELATED WORDSoppositePRIVATEpeople in general 泛指的人 PERSON/PEOPLEsee alsoGOVERNMENTPOLITICSPUBLIC SERVICES1 for everyone to use 给所有人使用的 public /ˈpʌblɪk/ [adjective only before noun] a public place or public service is one that anyone can use, not one that is only for a particular person or group 公共的,公用的,为大众服务的 Could you tell me where the public telephones are? 你能告诉我公用电话在哪里吗? Is this a public beach? 这是公共沙滩吗? proposals to ban smoking in public places 在公共场所禁烟的提议 They're always telling people to use public transport because there are too many cars on the roads. 他们一直倡导民众使用公共交通,因为马路上汽车太多了。 You now have to pay to use the public toilets at the station. 现在在车站用公共厕所必须付费。2 owned or paid for by the government 由政府拥有或出资的 public /ˈpʌblɪk/ [adjective only before noun] public libraries, hospitals etc are provided and paid for by the government, not by private companies 公共的;公营的,国营的 You can get the information from your local public library 你可以在当地公共图书馆查询该信息。 We need to raise taxes to pay for better public healthcare. 我们得提高税收来为更好的公共医疗体系提供资金。public services garbage collection and other public services 收垃圾等公共服务public spending/expenditure money spent by the government to provide public services 公共开支 There's been a big increase in public spending over the past three years. 过去三年里公共开支猛增。!the public sector all the industries and services that are owned or paid for by the government 公营部门 I've worked in the public sector all my life, mainly in local government. 我在公共部门工作了一辈子,主要是在地方政府。 public sector employees 公共部门雇员 publicly owned [adjective] Thatcher privatized publicly owned industries like electricity and telecommunications. 撒切尔将电力、通信等国有工业私有化。 state /steɪt/ [adjective only before noun] owned, controlled, or paid for by the government. In the US state usually refers to the government of a particular state, not the national government 公立的,国有的〔在美国,该词一般指某个州〕 The government has promised increased spending on the the state education system. 政府应允向公立教育制度投入更多的资金。 China's state radio station 中国的国有广播电台 Britain's state aid for industry generally falls far short of the sums seen in other countries. 与其他国家比较,英国对工业的国家援助通常都远远不够。 government /ˈgʌvəmənt, ˈgʌvənməntǁˈgʌvərn-/ [adjective only before noun] provided, paid for, or run by the government 政府的 How much government money is to be poured into this program? 政府打算向该计划投入多少资金? The camps have been attacked several times by government forces. 该营地已遭到政府军队数次袭击。 The industry secretary has just announced a government initiative to address the problem. 工业部长刚刚宣布了政府解决这个问题的计划。 federal /ˈfedərəl/ [adjective only before noun] owned or paid for by the national government of the US or a country organized in a similar way 联邦政府的;联邦的 Federal funding for the project was cut last year 去年该项目的联邦资金投入削减了。 federal agencies 联邦政府部门 the Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局 federally [adverb] federally funded programs 联邦专款计划 nationalize also nationalise British /ˈnæʃənəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] if a government nationalizes an industry or service, it buys it or takes control of it 使国有化,把…收归国有 The mines were nationalized by the Labour Party. 这些煤矿被工党收归国有。 Castro speeded up his land reforms and began to nationalize foreign holdings in Cuba. 卡斯特罗加速他的土地改革,并着手将古巴的外国拥有的财产收归国有。 nationalized/nationalised [adjective only before noun] The government is trying to sell off as many nationalized industries as it can. 该政府在竭力出售国有工业。3 when a lot of people can see you or know about what is happening 许多人可以看见你或知道发生的事 in public /ɪn ˈpʌblɪk/ [adverb] if you do something in public, you do it in a place where a lot of people can see or hear you 在公开场合;公开地 Most people feel nervous about speaking in public. 大多数人在公开场合发言时都感到紧张。 Her husband was always nice to her in public, but treated her badly at home. 她的丈夫在公开场合总对她殷殷勤勤,但在家却是恶声恶气的。appear in public use this to say that a famous person is seen in public by ordinary people 在公开场合出现 The Prince has not appeared in public since the announcement of his divorce. 王子宣布离婚后,就一直没在公开场合出现。 publicly /ˈpʌblɪkli/ [adverb] if you do or say something publicly, you do or say it so that everyone knows about it, and you do not try to keep it secret 公开地 He was put in prison after publicly criticizing the military government. 他公开批评军政府,之后便被投入大牢。 They plan to announce their engagement publicly in the New Year. 他们打算在新年里公开宣布订婚。 public /ˈpʌblɪk/ [adjective] public actions or events happen in a place where everyone can see or hear them 公开的 It is one of the few countries where they still hold public executions. 这是少数几个仍旧公开处决犯人的国家之一。 In a public statement, Jackson and his wife announced their intention to get divorced. 在一份公开声明中,杰克逊与妻子宣布他们打算离婚。a public place a place where people can see or hear what you are doing 公共场所 Jeff was obviously calling from a public place. 显然杰夫是从公共场所打电话来的。 Can we go somewhere quieter? This place is a bit public. 我们去安静点的地方好吗?这地方有点人多眼杂。 openly /ˈəʊpənli/ [adverb] if you do something openly, you do it in a public place and without being embarrassed or trying to hide what you are doing 公开地;当众 He was the first person to talk openly on TV about having AIDS. 他是第一个上电视公开说自己患了艾滋病的人。 Drugs are sold openly on the city streets. 毒品公然在城市的大街上售卖。 officially /əˈfɪʃəli/ [adverb] if something is done officially, it is done by someone in authority, and made known to the public 正式地;官方地 The changes to borders were officially announced in the European Parliament. 边界变化在欧洲议会上正式宣布。 The details of the reforms are to be released officially next month. 改革的详细情况将在下个月正式公布。 thirty square miles of woodland that has been officially designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 被正式划定为自然美景区的30平方英里林地




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