

例句 PRETEND1 to pretend that something is true2 to pretend to be someone else3 someone who pretends to be someone else4 to pretend something as a game5 pretending to be friendly, sincere etc6 to change your way of speaking or behaving in order to impress people7 an attempt to pretend that something is trueRELATED WORDSto pretend not to notice somebody/something 假装没有注意到某人/某物 IGNORE (2)made to look real or natural 做得像真的或天然的 ARTIFICIALpolite in an insincere way 不真心表示礼貌的 POLITE (6)see alsoFALSEDISHONESTLIECHEATTRICK/DECEIVE1 to pretend that something is true 装作某事是真实的 pretend /prɪˈtend/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to behave as though something is true when you know that it is not 假装 We thought that he was really hurt, but he was just pretending. 我们以为他真的受伤了,但他只是佯装而已。pretend (that) Bill closed his eyes, and pretended that the war was over and that he was safe at home. 比尔闭上眼,就当战争已结束,他平平安安在家。pretend to do something I pretended not to see her, and carried on walking down the street. 我假装没看见她,继续沿着街往前走。pretend to be happy/ill/angry etc She pretended to be ill and took a day off work. 她装病休息了一天。 make out /ˌmeɪk ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to pretend that a situation exists in order to deceive someone 【非正式】假装;假称 make out (that) We managed to fool the ticket collector by making out we couldn't speak English. 我们假装不会说英语,以此骗过了检票员。 Two days later Joyce phoned to ask about the check, so I had to make out I'd already mailed it. 两天后,乔伊丝打电话来询问支票的事,我只得假称已经寄走了。make something out to be They made it out to be a really interesting job, but in fact it was ridiculously boring. 他们把这工作说成很有趣,但实际上这工作乏味得离谱。 be putting it on /biː ˌpʌtɪŋ ɪt ˈɒn/ [verb phrase] spoken to pretend to be ill, upset, injured etc, because you want to avoid doing something or you want people to feel sorry for you 【口】假装〔生病、不快、受伤等〕 I don't think she's really ill - she's just putting it on because she doesn't want to go to school. 我觉得她不是真病—只不过假装罢了,因为她不想去上学。 I couldn't tell if Harvey was putting it on, or if he really was upset. 我吃不准哈维是否言过其实,还是他真的不高兴。 be faking it /biː ˈfeɪkɪŋ ɪt/ [verb phrase] informal to pretend to be interested, ill etc, when you are not 【非正式】装样子 The kid is always saying he's too sick to go to school, and his parents figure he's faking it. 那孩子总是说病得厉害上不了学,他的父母认为他在装病。 I look at all the faces around me. Are these people really that happy? Or are they just faking it like I am? 我看着周围所有人的面孔。那些人真有那么开心吗?或者只是像我一样在装样子? live a lie /ˌlɪv ə ˈlaɪ/ [verb phrase] to pretend all the time that you feel or believe something that you do not feel or believe 过虚伪的生活 I had to leave him - I couldn't go on living a lie. 我得离开他一我不能继续过着虚伪的生活。 keep up appearances /ˌkiːp ʌp əˈpɪərənsz/ [verb phrase] to pretend that everything in your life is still as happy and successful as it used to be, even though you have suffered some kind of trouble or loss 装门面,维持体面 Of course, he tries to keep up appearances, but he lives entirely off borrowed money. 当然,他竭力装门面,可他完全是在靠借来的钱过活。 She put Christmas decorations in the window just to keep up appearances. 她把圣诞饰品放在橱窗里只是为了装点门面。2 to pretend to be someone else 假装他人 pretend /prɪˈtend/ [transitive verb] to behave as if you are someone else and try to make other people believe this 假扮,装扮 pretend to be somebody We pretended to be students and got into the club for free. 我们假扮成学生,没花钱就进了那家俱乐部。pretend (that) They got into the house by pretending they worked for the electricity company. 他们装扮成电力公司职员进了那幢房子。 make yourself out to be /ˌmeɪk jɔːʳself ˈaʊt tə biː/ [verb phrase] to pretend that you are cleverer, richer, more important etc than you really are 使自己显得〔比事实上更聪明、富裕或重要等〕 Richard led us around the art gallery, making himself out to be some kind of expert on modern art. 理查德带领我们参观画廊,把自己当成是现代艺术的专家。 What I don't like about her is that she makes herself out to be something special. 我不喜欢她的一点是,她爱使自己显得与众不同。 impersonate /ɪmˈpɜːʳsəneɪt/ [transitive verb] to behave as though you are someone with official power or someone famous, either for dishonest reasons or in order to entertain people 假扮;假冒;模仿〔有官方权力的人或名人〕 I got home to find him impersonating Elvis Presley in front of the mirror. 我回到家,发现他在镜子前扮埃尔维斯·普雷斯利。 It's illegal to impersonate a police officer. 假冒警察是违法行为。 do an impersonation/do an impression /duː ən ɪmˌpɜːʳsəˈneɪʃən, duː ən ɪmˈpreʃən/ [verb phrase] to speak, walk, or behave like someone else, in order to make people laugh 模仿〔以使人发笑〕 do an impersonation/do an impression of Stuart did a brilliant impersonation of the boss. 斯图尔特模仿老板维妙维肖。 a comedian with his own TV show, who does impressions of famous politicians 一位拥有自己的电视节目的喜剧演员,他能模仿政治名流 role play /ˈrəʊl pleɪ/ [countable/uncountable noun] when you pretend to be someone else and behave as they would behave, especially as a way of learning about a situation or developing a skill 角色扮演〔尤作为学习某情况或培养某技能的方法〕 The course uses role play to teach you how to deal with difficult or aggressive customers. 这门课程采用角色扮演来教人应付挑剔的或好争吵的顾客。 pose as /ˈpəʊz æz/ [verb phrase not in passive] to pretend to be someone else, especially someone in an official position, in order to make it easier for you to do something bad or illegal 假装;冒充〔尤指为方便做坏事或违法的事扮成公务人员〕 He posed as a doctor to gain access to the hospital. 他冒充医生,混入了医院。 There have been cases of thieves posing as telephone engineers to trick people into letting them into their homes. 有这样几宗案子,窃贼们冒充电话技工,以此来蒙骗人们让他们进入家里。 masquerade as /mæskəˈreɪd æz/ [transitive verb not in passive] to pretend that you are someone else, especially by dressing or behaving in the way that they do - used especially in literature and stories 假扮;装扮〔尤用于文学作品或故事中〕 He got into the stadium masquerading as a security guard. 他装扮成保安人员进了体育场。 A journalist masquerading as a businessman approached the politicians, and offered them bribes. 一个假扮成商人的记者接近那些政客,向他们行贿。 disguise as /dɪsˈgaɪz æz/ [transitive verb] to change your appearance, especially your clothes, so that you look like someone else and people cannot recognize you 〔尤指换装来〕假扮,装扮 He escaped across the border disguised as a priest. 他装扮成牧师逃越国境。disguise yourself as Maybe you could disguise yourself as a waiter and sneak in there. 也许你可以扮成服务生溜进那里。3 someone who pretends to be someone else 假扮他人的人 impostor /ɪmˈpɒstəʳǁɪmˈpɑːs-/ [countable noun] someone who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive people and gain something such as money or power 冒名顶替者;冒牌货 It was not the real Dr Frazer but an impostor. 那不是真正的弗雷泽博士,只是一个冒牌货。 The man registered at a Las Vegas hotel as Dustin Hoffman, and it wasn't until he left without paying his bill that people realized he was an impostor. 那个男人在拉斯韦加斯一家酒店以达斯汀·霍夫曼的名字登记入住,直到他没付账溜走时人们才意识到他是个冒牌货。 charlatan /ˈʃɑːʳlətən/ [countable noun] someone who pretends to have special skills or knowledge, for example as a doctor or teacher, when in fact they do not 冒充内行的人;江湖骗子 No. She isn't a miracle worker. She isn't even a doctor. She's a complete charlatan. 不,她不是个妙手回春的神医,甚至连医生也不是。她是个彻头彻尾的江湖骗子。 Some people said that he was one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived; others claimed he was a charlatan. 一些人说他是有史以来最伟大的哲学家之一;另一些人则声称他是个江湖骗子。 bogus /ˈbəʊgəs/ [adjective only before noun] pretending to have a particular job or position that you do not have, in order to do something dishonest or illegal 假冒的 The government has announced tough new measures to deal with bogus asylum-seekers. 政府宣布了严厉的新措施来处置假避难者。bogus official/social worker/policeman etc The child was taken away from her parents by a bogus social worker. 孩子被一个假冒的社会工作者从父母身边骗走了。 There has been a spate of incidents where bogus officials have called on the homes of elderly people. 接连发生了多起冒牌官员造访老年人居所的事件。4 to pretend something as a game 假作某事物作为游戏 pretend /prɪˈtend/ [transitive verb] to pretend something as a game, or because you enjoy it 假装,装作 pretend (that) I like to drive around in my brother's BMW and pretend I'm a rich businessman. 我喜欢开着哥哥的宝马汽车四处转悠,装作是个富有的商人。pretend to be He burst into the room with a toy gun in his hand, pretending to be a gangster. 他扮成匪徒,拿着玩具枪冲进房间。 make believe /ˈmeɪk bˌliːv/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to pretend that pleasant things are happening, that you are someone or somewhere you want to be, etc 假装;假扮 make believe (that) The two little girls used to make believe that they were princesses. 两个小女孩过去常假扮成公主。make believe Right, kids. We don't have any proper cowboy hats so you'll have to make believe. 对了,孩子们。我们没有正式的牛仔帽,所以你们得假装一下了。 make-believe [uncountable noun] She's not really a queen -- it's only make-believe. 她不是真的女王—一只是假扮的。 play also play at British /pleɪ, ˈpleɪ æt/ [verb] if children play or play at something, they pretend to be a particular type of person or to do a particular thing, as a game 〔假装成某种人或做某事〕玩游戏 When I was young we played at pirates whenever we were on the beach. 小时候,我们只要去沙滩就要玩海盗游戏。 When my sister was little, she always wanted to play school. 我妹妹小时候总想玩上学游戏。play doctors and nurses Did you ever play doctors and nurses when you were small? 你小时候玩过扮医生和护士的游戏吗?play happy families British /play house American pretend to be a family 过家家,扮家家酒 Come on - let's go inside and play house! 来吧—我们进去玩过家家吧!5 pretending to be friendly, sincere etc 假装友好、真诚等 insincere /ˌɪnsɪnˈsɪəʳ◂/ [adjective] someone who is insincere says things that they do not really mean, for example when they praise you or say something friendly 不真诚的;虚伪的 ‘It's so good to see you again,’ she said, with an insincere smile. “再见到你真是太好了。”她说道,脸上带着虚伪的笑容。 an insincere compliment 不真诚的恭维 He always praised everyone, so it was difficult to tell if he was being insincere or not. 他总是表扬每一个人,因此很难说他是不是虚情假意。 hypocritical /ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkəl◂/ [adjective] pretending to be morally good or to have beliefs that you do not really have 伪善的;虚伪的 I think it's a little hypocritical to get married in a church when you don't believe in God. 我认为不信教的人去教堂结婚有点虚伪。 Politicians are so hypocritical - they preach about ‘family values’ while they all seem to be having affairs. 从政的人很虚伪—他们鼓吹“家庭价值”观念,同时似乎都有婚外情。 hypocrite /ˈhɪpəkrɪt/ [] someone who pretends to have strong opinions about how people should behave, but who does not behave like this themselves. 伪君子 My dad is such a hypocrite - he says I shouldn't smoke, but he smokes 20 a day. 我爸爸真是个伪君子—一他说我不该抽烟,可他每天要抽20支烟。 phoney/phony /ˈfəʊni/ [countable noun] especially American, informal someone who pretends to be good, clever, kind etc when really they are not 【尤美,非正式】虚伪的人;装腔作势的人 When I realized what a phoney he was I was devastated. 当我知道他是个表里不一的人时,我很震惊。 I can't stand her -- she's such a phoney. 我受不了她——她太虚伪了。 two-faced /ˌtuː ˈfeɪst◂/ [adjective] pretending that you like someone by behaving in a friendly way towards them when you are with them, but behaving in an unkind way when they are not there 两面派的 I've never met anyone so two-faced: she's sweet and charming to your face, and then goes and complains about you to the boss! 我从未见过如此两面派的人:当面对你甜甜蜜蜜,一转身却去老板那里告你的状! false /fɔːls/ [adjective] false emotions are not real and the person is only pretending to feel them 假装的 ‘Merry Christmas,’ she said with false heartiness. “圣诞快乐,”她假装很热情的样子说道。 Her face took on a look of false delight. 她脸上装出一副很快乐的样子。 mock /mɒkǁmɑːk/ [adjective only before noun] mock surprise/horror/indignation etc surprise etc that you pretend to feel, especially as a joke 假装的吃惊/恐惧/愤怒等〔尤作为开玩笑〕 Diana gave her cousin a look of mock horror and then disappeared through the door, smiling. 戴安娜在表兄面前扮了一下恐惧样,随后笑嘻嘻地消失在门外。in mock surprise/horror etc showing mock surprise, horror etc 假装惊讶/害怕等 The grey eyes widened in mock surprise. ‘How unusual to meet you here,’ she said sarcastically. 那双灰色的眼睛睁得大大的,假装出惊讶的表情。“能在此地见到你真是太难得了,”她讥讽地说道。 ‘It's not fair,’ he complained, pulling at his hair in mock distress. ‘I really wanted to visit your parents!’ “这不公平,”他抱怨道,假装痛苦地用手拽拉自己的头发。“我真想去见见你的父母!”6 to change your way of speaking or behaving in order to impress people 改变说话、行为的方式以给人深刻印象 put on /ˌpʊt ˈɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to speak or behave in a way that is not your usual way of speaking or behaving. 假装 be putting it on He wasn't really drunk. He was just putting it on. 其实他并没醉。他只是在装。put on something Whenever the boss is around she puts on this sick little smile. 老板一来,她就装出这种恶心的微笑。put on an accent Valerie put on a posh accent and asked to see the manager immediately. 瓦莱丽装出上流社会口音,要求立即见经理。 affected /əˈfektɪd, əˈfektəd/ [adjective] someone who is affected is not natural or sincere because they are trying to make people think they are better than they really are 做作的;不自然的 I can't bear him -- he's so loud and affected. 我受不了他—那么爱招摇而且装腔作势。 That stupid affected laugh of hers really annoys me. 她愚蠢而虚伪的笑声着实惹恼了我。 She treated her guests with an affected politeness. 她以虚假的客套接待来宾。 assume /əˈsjuːmǁəˈsuːm/ [transitive verb] formal to behave or speak in a way in which you do not usually behave or speak, especially so that you look more confident or feel better 【正式】假装;装出〔尤使看上去更为自信或感觉更佳〕 When socializing with his co-workers he would assume a hearty, over-bearing manner. 和同事们打交道时,他会装出一副热诚而又居高临下的样子。 Assuming a carefree air, Luke picked up his jacket and walked to the door. 卢克装出轻松的样子,拿起外套向门口走去。 artificial /ˌɑːʳtɪˈfɪʃəl◂, ˌɑːʳtəˈfɪʃəl◂/ [adjective] a person or their behaviour that is artificial is not natural or sincere, because they are pretending to be something that they are not 〔人或人的举止〕不自然的;装出来的 Carter was saying all the right things, but his smile was artificial, and I knew I couldn't trust him. 卡特把该讲的话都讲了,但他的笑容不自然,我知道不能信他。 On the surface she seems quite a pleasant woman, but there's something very artificial about her. 表面上她像是个很开朗随和的女人,但她有些很不自然的成分。7 an attempt to pretend that something is true 假装某事物是真实的 pretence British /pretense American /prɪˈtensǁˈpriːtens/ [countable noun usually singular] an attempt to pretend that something is true, especially in order to deceive people 虚假;假装 pretence of After my mother left, my father gave up even the pretense of caring for anyone besides himself. 母亲走后,父亲连假装关心一下其他人也没有。pretence that The worst thing about liberal academics is the pretence that they are somehow more open-minded than their opponents. 自由派学者最糟糕的地方是他们假装比对手思想更开放。on the pretence that/of pretending that it is the reason for what you are doing 假借…的名义 Wilson asked Carly out to dinner, on the pretence that he wanted to talk to her about business. 威尔逊假借谈生意的名义,邀请卡莉出去吃晚饭。 The first time she had called was on the pretense of finding out how Letia was. 她第一次打电话来是假装要了解莱希娅是个什么样的人。make a pretence of doing something pretend to do it 假装做某事 Mr Tellwright made no pretence of concealing his satisfaction. 特尔赖特先生毫不掩饰自己的满足感。keep up the pretence continue pretending 继续假装 After two weeks he could keep up the pretence no longer and decided to tell her the truth. 两星期后,他无法再掩饰下去,决定把真相告诉她。 charade /ʃəˈrɑːdǁʃəˈreɪd/ [countable noun] a situation in which people pretend that something is true and behave as if it were true, especially when everyone really knows that it is not true 伪装;假象〔尤指大家都知道这不是真实的〕 The trial was just a charade -- the verdict had already been decided. 审判只是一种骗人的把戏而已—判决早已定了。 Simon told Susan that his marriage was a charade, continued only for the sake of the children. 西蒙告诉苏珊他的婚姻是一种假象,只是看在孩子们的份上才维持着。 sham /ʃæm/ [singular noun] an attempt to deceive people by pretending that something is true, especially if it is easy for people to see that it is not true 伪装;欺骗;假象〔尤指容易为人们识破的〕 She believed Rodney's sudden change in attitude was only a sham. 她确信罗德尼的态度突然转变只是一种骗人的把戏而已。 The election was a sham. Officials intimidated peasants into voting for the government candidates, or simply stuffed the ballot boxes. 选举是骗人的,当官的威胁农民投政府候选人的票或者只是把选票塞满投票箱而已。 front /frʌnt/ [singular noun] an organization or activity that seems to be legal and ordinary but which is secretly being used for an illegal purpose 非法活动的掩护组织〔活动〕 The club was just a front - Luchese's real business was drug smuggling and gun running. 那家俱乐部只是个幌子—卢凯塞真正的生意是贩毒和偷运武器。front for The charity has been accused of being a front for anti-government activity. 该慈善机构被指责为反政府活动打掩护。




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