PREJUDICED1 prejudiced2 prejudiced attitudes or behaviour3 someone who is prejudicedRELATED WORDSsee alsoUNFAIRCLASSRACESEXGAY1 prejudiced 有成见的,有偏见的prejudiced /ˈpredʒɑdɪst, ˈpredʒɑdəst/ [adjective]someone who isprejudiced dislikes people of a different race, sex, social class etc. Laws, systems etc that areprejudiced have the effect of treating people of a particular race, sex, class etc unfairly 有成见的,有偏见的 Even today Southern states are seen as being more racially prejudiced than other states. 即使现在,人们认为南方各州比其他州种族歧视更严重。 an outdated and prejudiced set of laws 一套偏颇的过时的法律prejudiced against People around here are sometimes prejudiced against Catholics. 此地的人有时对天主教徒有偏见。 He denies that he is prejudiced against women. 他否认歧视女性。racist /ˈreɪsɪst, ˈreɪsəst/ [adjective]believing that people of your race are naturally better, more intelligent etc than people of other races and therefore treating people of other races unfairly 种族主义的;种族主义者的 Asian kids in mostly white schools are well aware of the racist attitudes they face. 多数白人学校里的亚裔儿童清楚地意识到他们所面临的种族主义态度。 Community leaders have protested at the police's refusal to believe the attacks are racist in nature. 社区领导人抗议警方拒绝承认袭击的种族主义本质。 racist propaganda 种族主义宣传sexist /ˈseksɪst, ˈseksəst/ [adjective]behaving in a way that is unfair to people who belong to a particular sex.Sexist is usually used about people being unfair to women, and treating them unequally 性别歧视的;对女性有偏见的 He has been accused of being sexist and insensitive. 他被人指责歧视女性,麻木不仁。 Several women officers have complained about sexist attitudes in the police force. 一些女警投诉警察中性别歧视的态度。 He denies sending sexist and offensive material over the Internet to female colleagues. 他否认通过互联网向女同事发送具有性别歧视和令人反感的材料。 a sexist remark 性别歧视的话homophobic /ˌhəʊməˈfəʊbɪk◂, ˌhɒ-ǁˌhəʊ-/ [adjective]someone who ishomophobic hates gay people 憎恨同性恋者的 The band's lyrics have been criticized for being homophobic and racist. 该乐队的歌词被人指责具有憎恨同性恋和种族主义态度。 Homophobic attitudes are still very common among teenagers. 憎恨同性恋的态度在青少年中仍十分普遍。 homophobic legislation 憎恨同性恋的法律xenophobic /ˌzenəˈfəʊbɪk◂/ [adjective]someone who isxenophobic dislikes people from other countries and will not accept them in their own country or willingly work with them 仇外的,排外的 The party is right-wing and xenophobic. 该党属右翼,而且排外。 There are warnings that the xenophobic practices of UK companies are costing business and jobs. 有人警告说,英国公司排外的做法正在招致生意损失和职位流失。bigoted /ˈbɪgətɪd, ˈbɪgətəd/ [adjective]having a completely unreasonable hatred for people of a different race, religion etc, based on strong and fixed opinions 偏执的 Bigoted attitudes don't change very quickly. 偏执的态度是不会很快转变的。 Her speech included a bigoted attack on Hispanics 她的讲话里包含对西班牙裔偏执的攻击。 He believes the political right in America is becoming dangerously bigoted. 他认为美国的政治右翼越来越偏,到了危险的地步。intolerant /ɪnˈtɒlərəntǁ-ˈtɑː-/ [adjective]refusing to accept that other people have the right to have different beliefs, customs, or opinions from your own 偏狭的;偏执的;不容忍的 The police chief has been accused of being intolerant and ignorant. 警察局长被人指责偏执、无知。 Intolerant societies are often also among the most technologically backward. 排斥异己的社会常常也是科技最落后的。intolerant of The argument led to charges that the national organization is intolerant of dissent. 争论导致对该全国性组织不能容忍异议的指责。2 prejudiced attitudes or behaviour 有偏见的态度或行为prejudice /ˈpredʒɑdɪs, ˈpredʒɑdəs/ [countable/uncountable noun]when people do not like or trust someone who is different from them, for example because they belong to a different race, country, or religion 歧视,偏见 Almost all immigrant groups have faced prejudice in their new countries. 几乎所有的移民群体来到新国家后都受到了歧视。 Able young men and women are still held back from success by prejudice. 能干的青年男女仍因偏见而不能成就事业。 You should learn to identify your own prejudices and deal with them. 你得学会发现自己的偏见并设法抵制它。prejudice against There is still a lot of prejudice against gay men. 对于男同性恋者仍存在许多歧视。racial prejudice measures to tackle the problem of racial prejudice in the police force 警察中处理种族歧视问题的措施class prejudicebecause of someone's social class 【英】阶级偏见British Criticizing people's accents in this way is nothing less than class prejudice. 这样子批评人们的口音是不折不扣的阶级歧视。racism/racial prejudice /ˈreɪsɪzəm, ˌreɪʃəl ˈpredʒɑds/ [uncountable noun]the belief that people of your race are naturally better, more intelligent etc than people of other races, especially when this leads to unfair treatment, hatred, and violence 种族歧视,种族偏见 The ANC never dropped its commitment to the fight against racism. 非洲人国民大会决不放弃与种族主义斗争的承诺。 A French company has been accused of racism after sacking three Algerian workers. 一家法国公司因解雇三名阿尔及利亚工人而被指责为种族歧视。 Jackie Robinson overcame racial prejudice to become the first black baseball player in the Major leagues. 杰基·罗宾逊战胜了种族偏见,成为职业棒球大联盟里第一位黑人选手。 Racism will not be tolerated anywhere within this organization. 本组织决不容忍种族歧视。sexism /ˈseksɪzəm/ [uncountable noun]prejudiced attitudes and unfair behaviour towards people who belong to a particular sex.Sexism is usually used about unfair treatment of women, but can be used about treatment of and attitudes towards men 性别歧视,性别偏见 There is still a lot of subtle sexism on television and in magazines. 电视节目和杂志中仍存在大量隐晦的性别歧视。 Sexism in advertising is becoming less common thanks to the new complaints commission. 多亏新设立的投诉委员会,广告中的性别歧视正变得越来越少。 a government report into sexism in the workplace 一篇调查工作场所性别歧视的政府报告homophobia /ˌhəʊməˈfəʊbiə, ˌhɒ-ǁˌhəʊ-/ [uncountable noun]hatred of or prejudiced attitudes towards gay people 对同性恋者的憎恨 There is probably less homophobia in the movie industry than in many others. 电影界内对同性恋的偏见可能比其他许多行业少。 The lives of many young gay people are ruined by unthinking and widespread homophobia in society. 许多年轻同性恋者的一生被社会中广泛存在的对同性恋者随意的憎恨毁了。xenophobia /ˌzenəˈfəʊbiə/ [uncountable noun]hatred of or completely negative attitudes towards people from other countries 对外国人的憎恨,排外 In an atmosphere of growing xenophobia many foreigners were deported or even imprisoned. 在逐渐高涨的排外浪潮中,许多外国人被驱逐出境,甚至被监禁。intolerance /ɪnˈtɒlərənsǁ-ˈtɑː-/ [uncountable noun]unreasonable refusal to accept that other people have the right to have different beliefs, customs, or opinions from yours 偏狭;偏执;排斥异己 Religious intolerance has always been a major cause of war. 宗教偏执一向是战争的主要原因之一。 Many of our friends’ lives have been shattered by intolerance, persecution and torture. 我们许多朋友的生活被不容异说、迫害和虐待毁了。bigotry /ˈbɪgətri/ [uncountable noun]a completely unreasonable hatred for people of a different race, religion etc, based on strong and fixed opinions 偏执 Gay people face a constant struggle against bigotry. 同性恋者必须与偏见作长期斗争。 Teach your children to recognize bigotry and not be a part of it. 要教会孩子认清偏见,不涉入其中。hate crime /ˈheɪt kraɪm/ [countable/uncountable noun]a crime that is committed against someone because they belong to a particular group, for example because they are of a different race 仇视犯罪 The police are setting up a new hate crime unit in East London. 警方在伦敦东区设立仇视犯罪科。 Gay activists say hate crimes are on the increase. 同性恋活动家称仇视犯罪呈上升趋势。3 someone who is prejudiced 有偏见的人bigot /ˈbɪgət/ [countable noun]someone who has a completely unreasonable hatred for people of a different race, religion etc, based on strong and fixed opinions 偏执的人 Critics say the mayor is a bigot who is inflaming racial tensions in his city. 批评家称该市长是个偏执狂,在煽动市内的种族矛盾。 a religious bigot 宗教偏执者racist /ˈreɪsɪst, ˈreɪsəst/ [countable noun]someone who believes that people of their own race are naturally better, more intelligent etc than people of other races, and therefore treat them badly and unfairly 种族主义者 There has been a rise in attacks on asylum seekers made by skinheads and other racists. 光头党和其他种族主义者袭击避难者的事件一直在增加。 He is accused of being a racist after refusing to be interviewed by a black journalist. 他拒绝一名黑人记者的采访,被指责为种族主义者。 She denies being a racist, claiming to be merely patriotic. 她否认自己是种族主义者,声称只是爱国而已。sexist /ˈseksɪst, ˈseksəst/ [countable noun]someone who believes that their own sex is naturally better and deserves better jobs, education etc than the other, usually a man who thinks men are better than women 性别歧视者 My ex-husband was a real sexist, who didn't think our daughters should have jobs at all. 我的前夫是个十足的性别歧视者,他认为我们的女儿根本就不该工作。 She vows to continue her fight against those she calls ‘the racists and sexists who dominate the church’. 她发誓继续与她所谓的“统治教会的种族主义者和性别歧视者”斗争。chauvinist /ˈʃəʊvɪnəst, ˈʃəʊvənəst/ [countable noun]someone who believes that the group they belong to is better than other groups, especially men who believe that they are better than women, or people who believe that their country is best 大男子主义者;沙文主义者 Religious chauvinists have been the main cause of trouble in the province. 宗教沙文主义者是该省问题的主要原因。male chauvinist A self-confessed male chauvinist, he had no idea how to look after himself after his wife died. 他自己承认是个大男子主义者,妻子去世后不知道如何照顾自己。chauvinist [adjective] Women often have to work twice as hard to overcome the chauvinist attitudes of their male colleagues. 女性工作时常不得不加倍努力,以克服其男性同事的大男子主义态度。misogynist /mɪˈsɒdʒənəst, məˈsɒdʒənəstǁmˈsɑː-/ [countable noun]a man who hates women 厌恶女人者 The movie is a moral tale about a misogynist who dies and is reborn as a beautiful woman. 这部影片是个寓言,讲述一位厌恶女性的男子死后重生为漂亮女子的故事。misogynist [adjective] The rapper has been accused of being misogynist and homophobic. 那名说唱乐歌手被指责厌恶女性,憎恨同性恋。