

例句 POLITICS1 activities and ideas relating to the government of a country or area2 someone who works in politics3 different types of political opinions and partiesRELATED WORDShaving extreme political opinions 具有极端政治见解的 EXTREMEhaving moderate political opinions 具有温和政治见解的 MODERATEsee alsoGOVERNMENTLEADERVOTEREPRESENTOPINIONAGAINST/OPPOSEPROTESTREBELLION/REVOLUTIONPUBLIC SERVICES1 activities and ideas relating to the government of a country or area 与一国或一地区政府相关的活动和思想 politics /ˈpɒlɪtɪks, ˈpɒlətɪksǁˈpɑː-/ [uncountable noun] Maria is very interested in politics and current affairs. 玛丽亚对政治和时事很感兴趣。be in politics/be involved in politics She's been in politics for over twenty years. 她已从政二十多年了。go into politics/enter politics begin to work or be active in politics 从政 He made the decision to go into politics last year. 去年他决定从政。British/French/American etc politics The University runs a course in American politics and government. 大学开设了一门有关美国政治和政府的课程。party politics politics involving official political organizations that compete against each other in order to gain power 政党政治 Most of the people questioned thought that unions should not get involved in party politics. 大部分被调查的人认为工会不应介入党派政治。local politics politics in one part of a country 地方政治 Thomson has always been deeply involved in local politics. 汤姆森一直深深介入地方政治。the world of politics an important figure in the world of politics 一位政界要人 political /pəˈlɪtɪkəl/ [adjective usually before noun] connected with the government of a country or local area 政治的;政治性的 The people are demanding political change. 民众在要求政治改革。 She began her political career as a city councillor. 她以市政委员的身份开始了自己的政治生涯。 He asked me to explain the British political system. 他要我解释英国的政治体系。political party an organization with particular opinions that tries to gain power in a country 政党 There are two main political parties in the US. 美国有两大政党。political animal someone who enjoys being involved in politics 政治动物 McEnroe loves the atmosphere at Westminster - he's a real political animal. 麦肯罗喜欢英国议会的氛围一他真是个政治动物。2 someone who works in politics 从事政治的人 politician /ˌpɒlɪˈtɪʃən, ˌpɒləˈtɪʃənǁˌpɑː-/ [countable noun] someone who works in politics, especially a member of parliament 政治家〔尤指议会议员〕 Hargreaves is a clever and ambitious politician. 哈格里夫斯是个聪明、有抱负的政治家。 the wife of a leading British politician 一位英国杰出政治家的妻子left-wing/right-wing politician Many right-wing politicians opposed the treaty. 许多右翼政治家反对该条约。 statesman/stateswoman /ˈsteɪtsmən, ˈsteɪtsˌwʊmən/ [countable noun] an important and very experienced politician who is admired and respected both in their own country and in other countries 男政治家/女政治家 European statesmen are meeting in Paris today to discuss the crisis in the Middle East. 今天,欧洲的政治家在巴黎举行会议,讨论中东危机。 She is now one of America's leading stateswomen. 她现在是美国最杰出的女政治家之一。 MP/member of parliament /ˌem ˈpiː, ˌmembər əv ˈpɑːʳləmənt/ [countable noun] someone who has been elected to a parliament, especially in Britain or in a country that has a similar system of government, such as India, Australia, or South Africa 〔尤指英国或类似政府体系国家的〕国会议员;下议院议员 There are still very few women members of parliament. 女性下议院议员的人数依然很少。 The conference will open with a speech by Barbara Morland, MP. 会议将以下议院议员芭芭拉·莫兰的演讲揭开序幕。Labour/Conservative/Liberal MP (for) the Labour MP for Birmingham South 来自南伯明翰的工党议员 congressman/congresswoman /ˈkɒŋgrɪsmən, ˈkɒŋgrəsmənǁˈkɑːŋ-, ˈkɒŋgrsˌwʊmənǁˈkɑːŋ-/ [countable noun] someone who is a member of the US Congress, especially of the House of Representatives 〔尤指美国的〕男众议员/女众议员 Many congressmen are keen to promote research into renewable energy sources. 许多众议员热衷于发起对可再生能源的研究。 The proposals were first put forward by Congresswoman Eleanor Baines. 这些议案最早是由女众议员埃莉诺·贝恩斯提出的。congressman/congresswoman from The Congressman from Iowa spoke for three hours. 来自艾奥瓦州的那位众议员讲了三小时。 senator /ˈsenətəʳ/ [countable noun] a member of the US Senate or a similar institution 〔美国〕参议员 The President met with a group of senators and congressmen to discuss energy policy. 总统与一群参众两院议员会晤,商讨能源政策。 The debate was opened by Senator Robinson. 辩论由参议员罗宾逊开场。senator from The Democratic Senator from New York held a press conference yesterday. 昨天,来自纽约的民主党参议员举行记者招待会。 spin doctor /ˈspɪn ˌdɒktəʳǁ-ˌdɑːk-/ [countable noun] someone who is used by a political party to influence people's opinions by cleverly controlling what is reported in the news 舆论导向专家 The party spin doctors would like us to believe that the government is committed to improving the environment. 该党的舆论导向专家希望我们相信政府决心改善环境。3 different types of political opinions and parties 各种政治见解和党派 right-wing /ˌraɪt ˈwɪŋ◂/ [adjective] supporting the political aims of groups that strongly support conservative ideas and the capitalist economic system 右翼的,右派的 He is known for his extreme right-wing views. 他以极右翼观点著称。 a right-wing conservative MP 一位右翼保守党下议院议员 right-winger [countable noun] The policy is supported by right-wingers within the party. 这项政策得到党内右翼成员的支持。 left-wing /ˌleft ˈwɪŋ◂/ [adjective] supporting the political aims of groups such as Socialists and Communists 左翼的,左派的 A lot of colleagues were put off by her left-wing opinions. 许多同事讨厌她的左翼观点。 a left-wing politician 一位左翼政治家 left-winger [countable noun] He is popular with left-wingers in the party. 他受党内左翼成员的喜爱。 the left also the Left /ðə ˈleft/ [singular noun] political parties such as the Socialists and Communists 左派政党 The new law has been severely criticized by politicians on the left. 新的法律受到左派政党政治家的严厉抨击。 the right also the Right /ðə ˈraɪt/ [singular noun] political parties which strongly support conservative ideas and the capitalist economic system 右派政党 Politicians on the right have welcomed these new proposals. 右派政党的政治家欢迎这些新提案。 the centre British /the center American /ðə ˈsentəʳ/ [singular noun] a middle position in politics which does not support extreme ideas 中间立场;温和派 The party seems to be becoming less radical, and drifting more towards the centre. 该政党似乎在变得不太激进,逐渐偏向中间立场。




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