

例句 PATTERNPATTERNRELATED WORDSsee alsoDESIGNART/CULTUREPAINTDRAWCOLOURDECORATEMATERIALCLOTHES1 PATTERN pattern /ˈpætənǁˈpætərn/ [countable noun] a regular arrangement of shapes, colours, or lines, especially one that is used to decorate paper, cloth, plates etc 图案;花样;式样 I'm looking for a wallpaper with a nice bold pattern. 我在找一种图案漂亮、醒目的墙纸。 a navy blue silk blouse with a white flowery pattern 一件深蓝色带白色花样图案的丝绸女衬衫pattern of patterns of sunlight and shadow on the ground 地上日光与阴影交织的图案 design /dɪˈzaɪn/ [countable noun] a pattern or shape which is used to decorate something such as cloth or paper 装饰图案;花样 This design is very common on Turkish carpets. 这种图案在土耳其地毯上很常见。 brightly coloured curtains with an attractive floral design 带有漂亮花卉图案的色彩鲜艳的窗帘 markings /ˈmɑːʳkɪŋz/ [plural noun] the natural patterns on the skin, fur, or feathers of animals or birds 〔兽皮、鸟羽的〕斑纹;斑点 The bird can be easily recognized by its unusual red and yellow markings. 那种鸟的羽毛上有不同寻常的红黄色花纹,容易辨认。 motif /məʊˈtiːf/ [countable noun] a single shape which is repeated to form a pattern which decorates something 基本图案 a fish/flower/sun etc motif She was wearing a plain white T-shirt with a fish motif in blue and green. 她穿着一件素色白T恤,上面有个蓝绿色的鱼图案。 patterning /ˈpætənɪŋǁˈpætərnɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the pattern that covers the surface of an object, animal, plant etc 〔物体表面、动植物身上等的〕图案,图形 The zebra has very distinctive patterning. 斑马身上有很独特的图案。 Look at the beautiful delicate patterning around the base of the vase. 来看看这只花瓶的底部那圈漂亮、精细的图案。




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