

例句 PARTLYnot completelyRELATED WORDSoppositeCOMPLETELYsee alsoPARTSOME/SEVERALSOME/SEVERALALMOST1 not completely 不完全的 partly /ˈpɑːʳtli/ [adverb] The road was partly blocked by a fallen tree. 一棵倒下的树堵住了部分路面。 What he told us was only partly true. 他告诉我们的事只有一部分是真的。 He was educated partly in Glasgow and partly in London. 他在格拉斯哥和伦敦接受过教育。partly because The accident happened partly because we were having an argument in the car. 事故的部分原因是我们在车内吵架。 partially /ˈpɑːʳʃəli/ [adverb] if something partially happens, it does not happen completely or does not include all of something 部分地;不完全地 The house was partially destroyed by the explosion. 房子的一部分被炸毁了。 The ice had partially melted and there was a pool of water on the table. 冰融化了一部分,桌子上有一摊水。 The advertising campaign was only partially successful. 广告活动只获得部分成功。 partial [adjective] They have asked for a partial lifting of the ban on fur trading. 他们要求局部取消对毛皮交易的禁令。 half /hɑːfǁhæf/ [adverb] half-eaten/half-finished etc if something is half-eaten, half-finished etc, half of it has been eaten, finished etc 吃了一半/完成一半等 There was a half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray. 烟灰缸里有根抽了一半的香烟。 ‘That's good,’ he said dully, putting down his half-eaten sandwich. “好的。”他没精打采地说道,放下手中吃了一半的三明治。 I found him sitting on his bed, half-dressed. 我发现他半裸着坐在床上。 The houses were half-submerged by the flood water. 房屋被洪水淹了一半。 not completely/entirely /ˌnɒt kəmˈpliːtli, ɪnˈtaɪəʳli/ [adverb] use this especially to say that you are only partly sure about something or that you only partly agree with or believe something 不完全地〔肯定、同意或相信某事〕 ‘Who was he hiding from?’ ‘I'm not completely sure.’ “他在躲谁?”“我不完全肯定。” I'm not entirely convinced that we have enough control over schools as it is. 我不完全相信我们现在对学校有足够的控制权。 ‘So, is everything clear?’ ‘Not entirely.’ “那么,都弄清了吗?”“不全清楚。” to some extent/to a certain extent/up to a point /tə ˈsʌm ɪkˌstent, tʊ ə ˈsɜːʳtn ɪkˌstent, ˌʌp tʊ ə ˈpɔɪnt/ [adverb] use this to say that something is partly true but not completely true 在某种程度上 Doing well in exams is to some extent a matter of luck. 从某种程度上说,考得好是运气。 To a certain extent it was our own fault that we lost the contract. 从某种程度上来说,失去合同是我们自己的错。 His figures were correct - up to a point. 从某种程度上说,他提供的数字是正确的。 to a degree/to some degree /tʊ ə dɪˈgriː, tə ˈsʌm dɪˌgriː/ [adverb] formal partly or in a limited way - used especially in discussions and arguments 【正式】在一定程度上〔尤用于讨论和争论〕 The situation has been improved to a degree in recent months. 近几个月来,形势在一定程度上有所好转。 Golding's novel is to some degree experimental in style. 戈尔丁的小说风格在一定程度上是试验性的。 in part /ɪn ˈpɑːʳt/ [adverb] formal if something happens in part because of something, it is partly caused by it 【正式】部分地 They developed their ideas in part from important work by Paykel. 他们的想法一部分是从派克尔的重要成果中发展而来的。 Although bad management was the major factor, the firm's problems were due in part to a fall-off in demand. 尽管经营不善是主要原因,但公司的问题部分在于需求量减少。




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