ORGANIZE1 to arrange something in a particular way2 when something is organized so that it works well3 when something is not organized well4 a disorganized situation5 someone who always organizes their work, life etc well6 someone who organizes their work, life etc badlyto put things or people in a particular order 按某种次序排列物或人ARRANGEto do something or arrange for something to happen 做某事或安排某事发生ARRANGEsee alsoORDERPLANSYSTEMEFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENTEFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVETIDYUNTIDY1 to arrange something in a particular way 按某种方式安排某事物organizealsoorganiseBritish /ˈɔːʳgənaɪz/ [transitive verb]to arrange something so that it is clear, effective, or tidy 安排;组织;整理 I like the way you've organized the information in the report. 我喜欢你报告中内容的编排方式。 You need to organize your financial records and figure out exactly how much money you owe. 你需要整理一下财务记录,算算具体欠了多少钱。organize something into groups/piles/sections etc The paintings in the exhibition are organized into five sections. 画展上的作品分成五个展区。organizationalsoorganisationBritish /ˌɔːʳgənaɪˈzeɪʃənǁ-gənə-/ [uncountable noun]the way something is organized 安排,组织 Getting the project finished on time required careful organization and a lot of teamwork. 项目要按时完成,需要精心的安排和大家的通力合作。sort out /ˌsɔːʳt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb]to organize a group of things that is mixed up or untidy, or organize a lot of information that is confusing or unclear 整理〔混杂在一起、没有条理的东西〕sort out something After class we needed time to sort out the enormous amount of information we had been given. 课后,我们需要时间来整理老师授给的大量信息。 First let's sort out all the pieces before we try putting them together. 首先,我们要把所有的部件整理一下,再开始拼装。sort something out When are you going to sort all these files out? 你打算什么时候把这些文件整理好?structure /ˈstrʌktʃəʳ/ [transitive verb]to carefully organize a piece of writing or a system so that it is easy to understand or use 组织:安排〔文章或体系〕 I have structured the book so that the main points are revisited several times. 我这本书在结构上的安排是多次重复中心思想。 If we structure the meeting effectively, I think we should be able to cover everything. 如果我们把会议好好安排,我想所有的问题应该都能讨论到。structure [uncountable noun] The structure of the U.S. education system lacks centralization. 美国的教育体制在结构上缺乏统一管理。2 when something is organized so that it works well 有组织的organizedalsoorganisedBritish /ˈɔːʳgənaɪzd/ [adjective]arranged in a way that is effective and likely to be successful 有条理的,安排有序的,有组织的 Tonight after supper we want to have a more organized discussion. 晚上吃过晚饭后,我们想进行一次更有组织的讨论。 Bernstein was convinced that an organized effort had been made to conceal the facts of the case. 伯恩斯坦深信,他们是有计划地隐瞒实情的。 Anti-war dissent erupted into organized demonstrations several times in the Johnson administration. 约翰逊政府时期,反战呼声多次引发了有组织的示威游行。well-organizedalsowell-organisedBritish /ˌwel ˈɔːʳgənaɪzd/ [adjective]organized in a careful and thorough way, so that everything works very well 安排有序的,组织良好的 The exhibition was very well organized. 这次展览组织得非常好。 Both candidates ran effective well-organized campaigns. 两名候选人的竞选活动都很有条理,效率很高。 A well-organized network of women's groups has led the call for equal rights. 一个组织严密的妇女团体网络带头发出号召,要求男女平等。structured /ˈstrʌktʃəʳd/ [adjective]information, methods, or systems that are structured are organized so that they have a clear and carefully organized structure that is easy to use or understand 〔资料、方法或体系〕有组织的,精心安排的,有条理的 a structured learning plan 有条理的学习计划 The situation has made us aware of the need for a more structured approach to dealing with prisoners’ problems. 这情形使我们意识到我们需要用更周密的方法来处理囚犯问题。well-structured Here are some steps for creating a well-structured document. 下面是写一份条理清楚的文件的几个步骤。highly structured The social workers’ home visits are highly structured, with specific goals and learning objectives. 社会工作者的家访是很有条理的,有明确的目的和学习目标。well-run /ˌwel ˈrʌn/ [adjective]a business or organization that is well-run is efficient because of good management and organization 经营良好的,管理有方的 The Klausner is a comfortable well-run hotel. 克劳斯纳是一家环境舒适、经营良好的酒店。 The city's transportation system is clean, safe, and well run. 该市的公共交通系统清洁安全,管理很好。well-ordered /ˌwel ˈɔːʳdəʳd◂/ [adjective]awell-ordered place, organization, way of life etc has been carefully organized so that nothing goes wrong, nothing unexpected happens, and everything is where it should be 〔地方、机构、生活方式等〕井井有条的,有条不紊的 Mary has such a well-ordered household - it makes ours look like total chaos. 玛丽把家里打理得井井有条—我们家相比之下真是杂乱无章。 The town was a neat, well-ordered, red brick town dotted with trees. 小镇整洁有序,红砖房、绿树星罗棋布。order /ˈɔːʳdəʳ/ [uncountable noun]a situation in which everything is controlled, well organized, and correctly arranged 秩序 Can we have a bit of order here? Someone straighten those desks out to start with! 我们有点秩序好不好?找人来先把这些桌子排整齐!impose ordergive something order 使有条理 He developed a filing system to try to impose order on the mass of information. 他开发了一套存档系统,试图有序地管理大量的信息。3 when something is not organized well 组织不善的disorganizedalsodisorganisedBritish /dɪsˈɔːʳgənaɪzd/ [adjective]not arranged according to any kind of order or plan 杂乱无章的,混乱的,计划不周的 She gave a long disorganized speech that left everyone confused. 她发表了一个毫无条理的长篇演说,弄得大家糊里糊涂。totally/completely disorganized Her files were completely disorganized - she could never find anything she wanted. 她的文件乱七八糟—她从来都找不到自己要的东西。 a totally disorganized rescue effort 毫无组织的救援工作badly organizedalsobadly organisedBritish /ˌbædli ˈɔːʳgənaɪzd/ [adjective]not well organized - use this about events or activities that are not successful, because they have not been planned well 〔活动〕组织得不好的,计划不周的 The festival was very badly organized - nobody seemed to know what they were doing. 这个活动节组织得非常混乱一似乎没有人知道他们在干些什么。 There was widespread criticism that the relief operation was slow and badly organized. 很多人批评这次赈灾行动缓慢,安排混乱。badly run /ˌbædli ˈrʌn/ [adjective]a business or organization that isbadly run produces bad results because it is badly managed or organized 管理不善的 The company is not badly run, but it still has not made a profit. 公司管理得不差,可还是没有获利。 Critics say that the mayor's office is badly run and corrupt. 批评人士称,市长办公室管理混乱,腐败成风。chaotic /keɪˈɒtɪkǁ-ˈɑːtɪk/ [adjective]extremely disorganized 混乱的 The city is a sprawling chaotic metropolis of some eight million residents. 这是一个杂乱无章地扩展的大都市,有八百万左右的人口。 Newscasts continued to broadcast images of the chaotic minutes after the shooting. 新闻节目里继续播放着枪击事件发生后现场一片混乱的画面。 We flew on the day after Christmas and the situation at the airport was completely chaotic. 我们是在圣诞节翌日乘飞机的,那天机场里混乱不堪。be a mess/be a shambles /biː ə ˈmes, biː ə ˈʃæmbəlz/ [verb phrase]informalif a situation or eventis a mess ora shambles, it is very badly organized or badly controlled, and nothing good or useful is being achieved 【非正式】一片混乱 The social security system in this country is a mess. 这个国家的社会保障制度非常混乱。a complete/hopeless etc mess The whole conference was a complete mess from start to finish. 会议从头到尾都混乱不堪。in a mess/shambles The prolonged war has left the nation's economy in a shambles. 长期的战乱使该国的经济陷于混乱。in disarray /ɪn ˌdɪsəˈreɪ/ [adverb]if a group such as a political party isin disarray, it is disorganized and no longer effective, especially because the people who belong to it cannot agree with each other and cannot work together 混乱地 The defeated army retreated in disarray. 溃军仓皇撤退。in complete/total etc disarray The Democrats were in complete disarray after last year's disastrous elections. 民主党在去年竞选遭遇惨败之后,党内一片混乱。throw something into disarraymake it become disorganized 使…陷入一片混乱 The chairman's resignation threw the organization into disarray. 主席辞职使这个组织陷入了混乱。4 a disorganized situation 混乱的局面chaos /ˈkeɪ-ɒsǁ-ɑːs/ [uncountable noun]a situation in which everything or everyone seems to be extremely disorganized or completely out of control 混乱,无秩序状态 The earthquake caused widespread chaos throughout the region. 地震使整个地区都陷入了混乱。in chaos When McNamara got the job, the department was in chaos. 麦克纳马拉得到那个职位时,部门里一片混乱。complete/utter/total etc chaos Passengers spoke of complete chaos as the fire spread through the ship. 乘客说,随着火势蔓延,船上一片混乱。political/social/economic etc chaos Zbitski said the reform coalition must find a way to steer the country out of its political and economic chaos. 兹比茨基说,改革联盟必须寻求办法,让国家从政局动荡、经济混乱的局面中走出来。disorder /dɪsˈɔːʳdəʳ/ [uncountable noun]formala situation in which things are disorganized or untidy, or people are disorganized and out of control 【正式】混乱,凌乱,无秩序in disorder After several hours of fierce fighting, the rebel troops retreated in disorder. 经过几个小时的激战,叛军狼狈溃退。 The entire apartment was in disorder, but nothing seemed to have been stolen. 整个公寓里凌乱不堪,但似乎没有东西失窃。civil/social/public disorder The country's civil war came at the end of a long period of social disorder. 国家长期动荡不安,最终爆发了内战。confusion /kənˈfjuːʒən/ [uncountable noun]a situation in which no one is sure what is happening and there is a lot of noise and activity 混乱 The bombers escaped in the confusion following the explosion. 爆炸发生后现场一片混乱,投放炸弹的人趁机逃跑了。 We made our way through the noise and confusion of the marketplace to our hotel. 我们穿过闹哄哄的市场来到下榻的旅馆。5 someone who always organizes their work, life etc well 总能把工作、生活等安排妥当的人organizedalsoorganisedBritish /ˈɔːʳgənaɪzd/ [adjective] In order to do this job well, you have to be very organized. 要做好这份工作,你得非常有条理。well-organized Well-organized troops have succeeded in recapturing the town. 组织严密的军队成功地收复了小镇。businesslike /ˈbɪznɪs-laɪk, ˈbɪznəs-laɪk/ [adjective]someone who isbusinesslike deals with people effectively and does not waste time on things that are not important 有效率的;处事务实的,讲究实际的 Ted was friendly but businesslike and very much in charge. 特德为人和善,但是办事利落,管理有方。 Gates gave a brief, businesslike explanation of his plans for the company. 盖茨简单利落地介绍了他为公司制定的计划。 The representatives were serious businesslike diplomats who disliked small talk. 代表们都是严肃务实的外交人员,他们不喜欢寒暄。together /təˈgeðəʳ/ [adjective]informaluse this about someone who always thinks clearly and does things in a sensible, organized way that you admire 【非正式】思路清晰的;处事明智的;条理井然的 You'll have to be a bit more together when you have kids. 有了孩子之后,你做事就得更沉着了。 Rosie's a really together person - she'll be great as the coordinator. 罗茜是个办事稳当的人—她很适合做协调工作。6 someone who organizes their work, life etc badly 工作、生活等安排得不好的人disorganized /dɪsˈɔːʳgənaɪzd/ [adjective] Graham's far too disorganized to be a good teacher. 格雷厄姆太缺乏条理了,当不好老师。 I'm sorry I'm so disorganized - I just haven't had time to get everything ready. 不好意思,我太没有计划了—我根本没有时间作好一切准备。completely/hopelessly disorganized It's no use asking her to do anything - she's completely disorganized. 叫她做事有什么用—一她这人一点条理都没有。not very (well) organized /ˌnɒt veri (wel) ˈɔːʳgənaɪzd/ [verb phrase]especially spokenuse this to say that someone does not organize their work, life etc very well.Not very organized is not as strong asdisorganized. 【尤口】不是很有条理〔not very organized 语气不如disorganized强烈〕 He's a nice guy, but he's not very organized and he forgets a lot of things. 他人不错,但不是很有条理,总是丢三落四的。 I'm not a very organized person - maybe you should ask somebody else to make the arrangements. 我不是个很有条理的人—也许你该叫别人来安排。somebody hasn't got it together/somebody doesn't have it together /somebody ˌhæzənt gɒt ɪt təˈgeðəʳǁ-gɑːt-, somebody ˌdʌzənt hæv ɪt təˈgeðəʳ/informaluse this about someone who has not organized their work, life etc in a sensible way and therefore has been unable to be successful 【非正式】某人干不了什么事 He hasn't got it together enough to go out and get a job. 他出去找个工作都不会。 Kim has to do all the wedding planning, because her fiancé just doesn't have it together. 婚礼的所有安排金都得自己来做,因为她未婚夫根本办不了事。