

例句 BASIC1 more important or necessary than anything else2 the feature or part of something that everything else depends on3 basic ideas or principles4 what you say to explain the most basic facts, reasons etcRELATED WORDSsee alsoNEED/NECESSARYMAINNEED/NECESSARY1 more important or necessary than anything else 比任何其他东西都更为重要或必需的 basic /ˈbeɪsɪk/ [adjective] more important or necessary than anything else 基本的;基础的 The government regards housing as a basic need. 政府将住房视为基本需求。 The basic ingredients of this cake are eggs, flour, and butter. 这种蛋糕的主要原料是鸡蛋、面粉和黄油。 I can't really speak Spanish, I just know a few basic words. 我实际上不会说西班牙语,只知道一些基本单词。 basic human rights 基本人权 In addition to teaching basic academic skills, we offer a large variety of activities for students. 除了教授基本学术技能之外,我们还为学生安排了各种各样的活动。basic to Water -- indeed, everything basic to life here -- must be brought in by truck. 水,还有一切基本的生活必需品,都得用卡车运来。 fundamental /ˌfʌndəˈmentl◂/ [adjective] more important or necessary than anything else -- use this especially about things such as principles, duties, or beliefs 最基本的,根本的〔尤指原则、义务或信念等〕 the fundamental beliefs of Christianity 基督教中最基本的信条 Raising your child to tell the difference between right and wrong is one of the fundamental tasks of parenthood. 培养孩子懂得分辨是非是父母的基本任务之一。fundamental to Water is fundamental to survival. 水对于生存是必不可少的。 essential /ɪˈsenʃəl/ [adjective] essential difference/feature/point etc the most important difference, feature etc people should pay most attention to 最重要的区别/特征/一点等 The essential difference between this class and other French classes is that this is intended for business people. 这个班与其他法语班最重要的区别在于它是为商业人士办的。 The essential point is that you both need to treat each other with much more respect. 最重要的一点是你俩都需要多多尊重对方。 central /ˈsentrəl/ [adjective] a subject, idea etc that is central gets more attention, time etc than others because it is more important than them 〔问题、想法等〕中心的;核心的 The central theme of this novel is the desire for money. 这部小说的中心主题是对金钱的追求。 Political rights have always been the central concern of feminism. 政治权利一直是女权运动者最为关心的问题。 The use of weapons became the central issue dividing the tribes. 是否要使用武器成了使各部族分化的关键问题。central to The right to vote is central to our democratic system of government. 选举权是民主政府制度的核心。 underlying /ˌʌndəʳˈlaɪ-ɪŋ◂/ [adjective only before noun] underlying reason/cause/aim etc the most important reason, aim etc but one that is not easy to see 根本的理由/原因/目标等 When treating any health problem, it's always important to consider the underlying causes. 在治疗疾病时,找出根本病因总是重要的。 The underlying factor in almost all suicides is the feeling of hopelessness. 几乎所有自杀案的根本原因都是绝望感。2 the feature or part of something that everything else depends on 某事物为其他事物所依据的特点或部分 basis /ˈbeɪsɪs, ˈbeɪsəs/ [singular noun] the basis of something The basis of his argument was that people who sell drugs should be jailed for life. 他的论点的基础就是贩卖毒品者应被判处终身监禁。 Sugar has always been the basis of the Cuban economy. 糖一直是古巴经济的支柱。the basis for something Expert advice and support are the basis for the rehabilitation programme. 专家的意见与支持是这个康复计划的基础。form the basis of something Roman law still forms the basis of our own legal system. 罗马法仍是我们法律体系的基础。 foundation /faʊnˈdeɪʃən/ [countable noun] the foundation for something is the thing on which it is based - use this to talk about something important that continues a long time, for example a relationship, career, or system 基础,根据,根基〔指持续较长一段时间的重要事物,如关系、事业或制度〕 foundation for Good eating habits and regular exercise are the foundation for a healthy life. 良好的饮食习惯和有规律的锻炼是健康生活的基础。 Teaching experience is a good foundation for a career in just about anything. 具有教学经验几乎能为任何职业打下良好的根基。lay the foundations for something Copernicus's findings laid the foundations for the later work of Galileo. 哥白尼的发现为伽利略后来的研究工作奠定了基础。 the cornerstone /ðə ˈkɔːʳnəʳstəʊn/ [singular noun] the thing that something else depends on in order to be successful - use this especially to talk about things that are very important in business and politics 〔尤指商业或政治上的〕基石,基础 the cornerstone of The treaty of 1946 has been the cornerstone of European harmony. 1946年签订的条约是欧洲各国和平共处的基础。 Increased sales to the under-25s will be the cornerstone of our marketing strategy in the coming year. 我们来年的基本营销策略,是提高对25岁以下消费群体的销售额。 the key /ðə ˈkiː/ [singular noun] the most important thing that makes it possible to do or understand something 关键;重点 the key to Nixon saw the improvement of relations with China as the key to his foreign policy. 尼克松把改善同中国的关系视作其外交政策的重点。 The theory of natural selection remains the key to our understanding of the natural world. 自然选择的理论仍然是我们理解自然界的关键。3 basic ideas or principles 基本原理或原则 basics /ˈbeɪsɪks/ [plural noun] the basic ideas, principles, rules etc, on which something is based 基础;基本原则 the basics (of something) I still haven't mastered the basics of English grammar. 我还未掌握英语语法的基础。 You need to learn the basics before you can start writing your own music. 你得学会基本技法才能开始自己作曲。get back to basics Unless we get back to basics in teaching, the standard of literacy will fall. 如果我们不回到教学的基本原则上去,那么文化水准就会下降。 the fundamentals /ðə ˌfʌndəˈmentlz/ [plural noun] formal the most basic ideas, principles etc on which a subject is based 【正式】基本原理;基本规律 the fundamentals of This course provides an opportunity to learn more about the fundamentals of film-making. 这门课程为学习更多有关电影制作的基础知识提供了机会。 Police have launched a campaign to educate children about the fundamentals of traffic safety. 警方发起了一个宣传活动来教育儿童有关交通安全的基本常识。 first principles /ˌfɜːʳst ˈprɪnspəlz/ [plural noun] the most basic ideas, principles etc on which a subject is based, and which you need to understand first or consider first before you can learn any more 基本原理;基本法则 No one can become a scientist without a knowledge of the first principles of mathematics. 不懂数学的基本原理,谁也当不了科学家。return/go back to first principles To understand Keynesian theory we have to return to first principles. 要理解凯恩斯的理论,我们必须先回到基本原理。4 what you say to explain the most basic facts, reasons etc 解释基本事实、原因等的用语 basically /ˈbeɪsɪkli/ [adverb] spoken say this when you want to talk about the most basic facts, reasons etc about something 【口】基本上 Basically we're looking for someone who can work three afternoons a week. 基本上我们在找一个每周能工作三个下午的人选。 We only took a few shirts and a pair of jeans. That's basically it, really. 我们只拿了几件衬衫和一条牛仔裤。基本上就这样,真的。 The film appears to be quite complicated but it's basically a love story. 这部影片似乎很复杂,但基本上讲述的是一个爱情故事。 at the end of the day /ət ði ˌend əv ðə ˈdeɪ/ [adverb] British spoken say this when you are saying what you think is basically true about a situation after considering all the facts 【英口】总而言之,归根结底 At the end of the day, the best team won. 总之是最佳的球队获胜了。 You may be working for yourself but at the end of the day you still have to pay tax on what you earn. 你可能是在为自己工作,但最终你还是要缴所得税。 essentially also in essence /ɪˈsenʃəli, ɪn ˈesəns/ [adverb] formal use this when you are explaining what the basic truth about something is 【正式】在本质上,实际上 She's added a few characters and changed some names but essentially this is a true story. 她加了几个人物,改动了一些人名,但这基本上还是一个真实的故事。 The theory of relativity is, in essence, very simple. 相对论从本质上来说非常简单。 in the final/last analysis /ɪn ðə ˌfaɪnl, ˌlɑːst əˈnæləssǁ-ˌlæst-/ use this to say what you think is the basic truth about a situation after considering all the facts carefully 最终,归根结底 In the final analysis Stalin was just as much a dictator as Hitler. 归根结底,他和希特勒一样是个独裁者。 The responsibility for the accident must, in the last analysis, rest with the captain. 归根结底,这起事故肯定是船长的责任。




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