

例句 NEVERNEVERRELATED WORDSoppositeALWAYSalmost never 几乎从不 RARE/RARELYsee alsoNOTFORBIDIMPOSSIBLE1 NEVER never /ˈnevəʳ/ [adverb] not once, or not at any time 从不,永不 ‘Have you ever been to Paris?’ ‘No, never.’ “你去过巴黎吗?”“没有,从来没有去过。” Ali had never seen snow before. 阿里以前从来没见过雪。 The view was spectacular - I'll never forget it. 那风景美丽极了—我永生难忘。 He walks right past me and never even says ‘hello’. 他就从我身边走过,从来都不打招呼。never do/say etc something used to tell someone not to do something Never go there alone at night.never have I/did he etc used for emphasis 【正式】我从没有/他从不等〔用于强调〕 formal Never in my whole life have I felt so angry. 我这辈子都没有这么生气过。 not ever /nɒt ˈevəʳ/ [adverb] not at any time 从未,永不 I haven't ever had champagne before. 我以前从未喝过香槟。 Don't ever do that again. 再也不要干那种事了。 ‘I won't leave you,’ she said, ‘not ever.’ “我不会离开你的,”她说,“永远不会。 never ever/never, never /ˌnevər ˈevəʳ, ˌnevəʳ ˈnevəʳ/ [adverb] spoken say this when you want to emphasize strongly that something has never happened or will never happen 【口】永远不〔用于强调〕 You must never ever tell anyone what you heard tonight. 你今天晚上所听到的,千万千万不能告诉任何人。 I'll never, never stop loving you. 我将永远永远爱你。 never/not in a million years /ˌnevəʳ, nɒt ɪn ə ˌmɪljən ˈjɪəʳz/ [adverb] spoken informal say this when you think it is completely impossible that something could ever happen 【口,非正式】永远也不会 You won't get Kieran to agree - not in a million years! 你不可能说服基兰同意的一—永远也不可能! not once /nɒt ˈwʌns/ [adverb] say this when you are surprised or annoyed because someone never did something, although they often had the opportunity to do it 一次都没有〔表示吃惊或不高兴〕 After all the help I've given her, she's never said thank you - not once! 我帮了她那么多,她却从没说声谢谢—一次都没有! My father hasn't once come here to see us, even though he lives quite nearby. 我父亲一次都没来看过我们,虽然他住得很近。not once have I/did they etc used for emphasis 【正式】我一次也没有/他们一次都不等〔用于强调〕 formal Not once did she think of giving up, despite all the problems involved. 尽管困难重重,她从未想过要放弃。 never for a moment/not for a moment /ˌnevəʳ fər ə ˈməʊmənt, ˌnɒt fər ə ˈməʊmənt/ [adverb] if you say you never for a moment thought something, you are emphasizing that this idea never came into your mind 一刻都没有,从来没有〔想过某事〕 I always knew that I would be famous one day. I never for a moment doubted it at all. 我一直认为我会有成名的一天。我从来没有怀疑过。 ‘Did you ever suspect that he was cheating on you?’ ‘No, not for one moment.’ “你怀疑过他欺骗你吗?”“没有,从没怀疑过。”never for a moment have I/did they etc used for emphasis 【正式】我一刻也没有/他们一刻也不等〔用于强调〕 formal Never for a moment did it enter my mind that something was wrong. 我从来没想过会出问题。 at no time /ət ˌnəʊ ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] formal never in the past 【正式】从来没有 at no time have I/did they etc At no time did anyone suggest that the drug was dangerous. 从没有人说过这药不安全。! Despite what I'd been told about the local people's attitude to strangers, at no time did I encounter any rudeness. 尽管我听说过那里的人对待陌生人态度不好,但是我从未碰到过有人对我无礼。 have never been known to do something /həv ˌnevəʳ biːn nəʊn tə ˈduː something ǁ-bɪn-/ [verb phrase] you say that someone or something has never been known to do something when you mean that this has never happened before, so it is strange if it happens now 从未做过某事 We were very worried -- Peter had never been known to disappear from home before. 我们非常担心—彼得以前从来没有离家出走过。 Killer whales have never been known to attack humans without the provocation of a bullet or harpoon. 虎鲸如果没有子弹或捕鲸叉惹它,是不会袭击人类的。




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