

例句 MYSTERIOUS1 strange and difficult to explain or understand2 happening in a mysterious way3 a mysterious situation4 people that are mysteriousRELATED WORDSsee alsoSTRANGEUNUSUALSOLVEUNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTANDMAGICGHOST1 strange and difficult to explain or understand 怪异并难以解释或理解的 mysterious /mɪˈstɪəriəs/ [adjective] events, behaviour, or situations that are mysterious are difficult to explain or understand 〔行为或情况〕神秘的;不可思议的 Police are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a young schoolteacher. 警方正在调查一位年轻教师神秘失踪的案子。 He was seen leaving the building at midnight with two men -- it was all very mysterious. 有人看见他在午夜时候和两个男子一起离开大楼—这非常神秘。 She had been suffering from mysterious fits for five years before the doctors diagnosed epilepsy. 她患有奇怪的痉挛五年后,被医生诊断为癫痫。in mysterious circumstances The ship vanished in mysterious circumstances, never to be seen again. 那艘船神秘地消失了,以后就无影无踪。 strange /streɪndʒ/ [adjective] very different from what you expect or from what usually happens, in a way that makes you feel a little frightened or surprised 奇怪的;古怪的 You say she's at home? That's strange because she told me she was going abroad for two weeks. 你说她在家?那就奇怪了,因为她曾告诉我她要出国两星期。 His strange behaviour made Teresa suspicious. 他奇怪的举止使特雷莎很疑心。it is strange that It was strange that she had had this baby with red hair when both she and her husband were very dark. 真奇怪,她的婴孩长着红头发,可她和丈夫的头发都是乌黑的。 be a mystery /biː ə ˈmɪstəri/ [verb phrase] if something is a mystery, you cannot understand how or why it happens 〔某事〕是个谜;令人费解 How had he escaped from prison without anyone's help? It was a mystery. 没有别人的帮助他是怎样越狱的?真令人费解。it's a mystery (to me) why/what etc It is a mystery to me why people decide to get married. 人们为什么要结婚,这对我来说是个难解之谜。be a complete mystery Four years after the event, the scientist's suicide remains a complete mystery. 该科学家自杀四年之后,真相仍然是一个谜团。 be shrouded/veiled in mystery /ˌʃraʊdɪd, ˌʃraʊdəd, ˌveɪld ɪn ˈmɪstəri/ [verb phrase] if an event or a situation, especially one that happened a long time ago, is shrouded in mystery, it is mysterious because no one knows exactly what happened 笼罩在神秘中〔尤指很久以前的事件或情况〕 The exact circumstances of Marilyn Monroe's death are shrouded in mystery. 玛丽莲·梦露的确切死因笼罩在神秘中。 Stone age civilization, veiled in mystery as it is, has provided the greatest challenge to historians. 石器时代的文明仍披着一层神秘的面纱,对历史学家来说是极大的挑战。2 happening in a mysterious way 以神秘的方式发生 mysteriously /mɪˈstɪəriəsli/ [adverb] The letter had mysteriously appeared on my desk that morning. 那天早晨,这封信神秘地出现在我的办公桌上。 Joseph was mysteriously absent from work that morning. 那天早上约瑟夫神秘地没来上班。 The aircraft had disappeared mysteriously from radar screens. 那架飞机神秘地从雷达屏幕上消失了。 strangely /ˈstreɪndʒli/ [adjective] in a way that is very different from what you expect or from what usually happens, so that you feel a little frightened or surprised 奇怪地;古怪地 He looked at me strangely and said that he would come back later. 他奇怪地看着我,说他晚些时候会回来。 When we returned to the hotel we found the place strangely silent. 我们回到旅馆时发现那地方寂静得有些异常。 as if by magic /əz ˌɪf baɪ ˈmædʒɪk/ [adverb] if something happens as if by magic, it happens in a sudden and surprising way that seems impossible to explain 难以解释;就像变戏法似的 The mysterious circles appeared in the fields overnight, as if by magic. 一夜之间,田地里出现了神秘的圆圈,令人难以解释。 I was just wondering how I could get home, when suddenly, as if by magic, a taxi pulled up. 我正在想怎样才能回家,突然就像变魔术,一辆出租车停了下来。3 a mysterious situation 神秘的情况 mystery /ˈmɪstəri/ [countable noun] an event or situation that no one can understand or explain 神秘的事物;谜 mystery of No one has ever been able to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. 至今没有人能够解释“百慕大三角”之谜。be a mystery to somebody It's a mystery to me how Gayle managed to get here before us. 盖尔是怎么比我们先到这里的,我实在想不通。mystery illness/crash/phonecall etc Ten firemen were in hospital with a mystery illness last night. 昨晚十名消防员患了神秘的病住院了。unravel/solve a mystery find an explanation for a mystery 解开一个谜 Police are still trying to unravel the mystery of how the prisoner managed to escape. 警方仍在努力解开罪犯越狱之谜。the mystery deepens something becomes more difficult to explain 谜越来越难解开 The mystery deepens as more witnesses come forward to tell different stories. 由于又有一些证人站出来提供了各不相同的证词,这件事愈发显得扑朔迷离了。 enigma /ɪˈnɪgmə/ [countable noun] a situation that is difficult to understand or explain, and that is interesting because of this 费解的事;谜 As I studied more about their past, I became more puzzled, and the enigma expanded. 随着我对他们的过去研究更多,我更加感到迷惑不解,谜团扩大了。be something of an enigma It is something of an enigma how a man who could not bear to hurt a living thing could serve as defence secretary. 一个不愿伤害生命的人怎么能够担任国防部长,这是有点令人费解的事。 riddle /ˈrɪdl/ [countable noun] something such as a question or a problem that people do not understand and cannot explain 谜;费解的事 riddle of Doctors have found a new clue to the riddle of cot death. 医生已找到婴儿猝死之谜的新线索。solve a riddle Other interviewers who have met Geri have tried to solve the riddle of her success. 见过格里的其他采访者试图解开她的成功之谜。be a riddle to somebody Why would Ian want to claim his inheritance and then give all his money away? It was a riddle to me. 伊恩为什么会认领他的遗产,而后又送光了所有的钱财?对我来说这是个谜。 puzzle /ˈpʌzəl/ [countable noun] something that is very difficult to understand or explain but which can sometimes be explained by putting pieces of information together 难题;令人费解的事 The police have almost solved the case but one important piece of the puzzle is still missing: the murder weapon. 警方差不多已经解开整桩案件的谜底了,但还有一条重要线索未找到,那就是凶器。solve a puzzle In 1953 the intricate puzzle of DNA's structure was solved in a Cambridge laboratory. 1953年,复杂的脱氧核糖核酸结构之谜在剑桥大学的一个实验室里被揭开了。4 people that are mysterious 神秘的人物 mysterious /mɪˈstɪəriəs/ [adjective] if someone is mysterious, other people do not know much about them and do not understand their reasons for doing things 神秘的 You are a mysterious girl -- why won't you tell me your name? 你是个神秘的女孩,为什么不把你的名字告诉我? There was something mysterious about him, and she wanted to ask him a lot of questions. 他有某些神秘之处,她有许多问题要问他。 He was an impostor -- dark, frightening and mysterious. 他是个骗子——阴险、可怕又令人捉摸不透。 enigmatic /ˌenɪgˈmætɪk◂/ [adjective] if someone is enigmatic it is difficult to understand their character or behaviour, especially because they keep information about themselves secret 〔性格或行为〕谜一般的 He was fascinated by the enigmatic actress. 那个谜一般的女演员深深地吸引着他。 Freud remains today an enigmatic figure. 弗洛伊德至今仍是个谜一般的人物。 Ever since the start of the journey Ahamado had remained enigmatic, silent and unforthcoming. 自从踏上旅途以来,阿哈马多就一直是个谜一般的人物,他沉默寡言、守口如瓶。 enigmatically [adverb] Angela smiled enigmatically, as if she knew something that we didn't. 安杰拉的微笑神秘莫测,她似乎知道某些我们不知道的事情。 be a mystery /biː ə ˈmɪstəri/ [verb phrase] if someone is a mystery, you cannot explain or understand their behaviour 是神秘的人 be a mystery to Women are a complete mystery to me. 对我而言女人完全是个谜。 enigma /ɪˈnɪgmə/ [countable noun] someone who is difficult to understand, and is therefore interesting 神秘的人;谜 Madeleine was still very much an enigma to him. 对他来说马德琳仍然是个令人费解的人。




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