

单词 MIX
例句 MIX1 to mix substances or liquids together2 to become mixed3 substances that have been mixed together4 mixed untidily together5 to mix ideas, feelings, styles etc6 a mixture of different people, qualities, ideas etc7 different emotions that are mixed together8 when different things do not mix wellRELATED WORDSto make a mistake and think that one thing or person is another 误以为某物或某人是另一个 CONFUSEDconsisting of people or things of different kinds 由不同的人或物所组成 VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDSsee alsoPURE1 to mix substances or liquids together 把物质或液体混合起来 mix /mɪks/ [transitive verb] to mix different liquids or substances together so that they can no longer be separated 混合 mix something and something You can make green by mixing blue and yellow paint. 把蓝色和黄色油漆混合,就配成了绿色油漆。mix something together Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl. 把所有的原料都放在一只大碗里混合起来。 If these two chemicals are mixed together, they will explode. 这两种化学品如果混合起来就会爆炸。mix something with something Concrete is made by mixing gravel with sand, cement, and water. 混凝土是通过把碎石、沙子、水泥和水搅拌在一起制成的。 combine /kəmˈbaɪn/ [transitive verb] to mix different substances or liquids together thoroughly in order to produce a new substance or liquid 混合;化合〔以产生另一物质或液体〕 combine something and something Combine the egg yolks and the cream, and cook over a low heat. 把蛋黄和奶油混合,再用小火烧。combine something with something Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon. 钢是由铁和碳组合而成的。 To maintain a constant standard, some wine producers combine this year's wine with stocks from the previous year. 为保持质量稳定,有些酒商把今年的酒与去年的存酒混合在一起。 stir /stɜːʳ/ [transitive verb] to mix things by moving them around in a container with a spoon or a stick 〔用调羹或棒〕搅拌 Stir the paint to make sure that the colours are thoroughly mixed. 把颜料搅拌一下,以确保两种颜料完全混合。stir something into something I watched him as he stirred sugar into his coffee. 我看着他把糖搅拌到他的咖啡中去。stir in something/stir something in When the butter has melted, stir in the soy sauce and ginger. 黄油融化后,把酱油和生姜搅拌进去。 Add the grated cheese to the sauce and stir it in. 把磨碎的干酪加进调味汁中搅拌。 beat /biːt/ [transitive verb] to mix liquids or soft substances together when you are preparing food, with quick, strong movements of a fork, spoon, or special machine 〔用叉、调羹或特殊的机器迅速而用力地〕搅拌,搅打 Carry on beating the eggs with a fork until they're light and fluffy. 继续用叉子打鸡蛋,直到它变得又薄又松。beat something together In a separate bowl, beat together the oil and flour. 用另外一只碗,把油和面粉搅拌一下。beat something into something Beat the cream into the fruit puree, pour into bowls, and chill. 把奶油倒入果酱中搅拌,之后再倒入碗中冷却。 blend /blend/ [transitive verb] to mix liquids or soft substances when you are preparing food, in order to make one smooth substance, using something such as a fork or special machine 〔用叉或特殊的机器等〕使〔液体或柔软的食物〕充分混合,搅拌均匀 Blend the sugar, eggs, and flour. 把糖、蛋和面粉搅拌均匀。blend something together The ingredients should be blended together until they are smooth. 各种成分要搅拌到均匀为止。blend something into something Beat the egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of water and blend them into the white sauce. 给蛋黄加两大汤匙水搅打,再搅拌到白色调味汁里。 whisk /wɪsk/ [transitive verb] to mix foods that are soft or liquid very quickly so that air is mixed in, especially using a fork or special tool 搅打〔柔软的或液体的食物,尤指用叉或特殊用具〕 Whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl over a pan of hot water. 把一只碗放在一锅热水中,把鸡蛋和糖放在碗里搅打。whisk something together He whisked the butter and eggs together, wondering if this was the right way to make an omelette. 他把黄油和鸡蛋搅拌在一起,心里在想不知道这样做鸡蛋饼是否正确。 dilute /daɪˈluːt/ [transitive verb] to mix a liquid with water in order to make it weaker 稀释,冲淡 For babies, dilute the fruit juice with at least the same amount of water. 喂婴儿的话,要加入至少相同量的水稀释这种果汁。dilute something with something Concentrated bleach can be diluted with water. 浓缩的漂白剂可以加水稀释。2 to become mixed 混合在一起 mix /mɪks/ [intransitive verb] Oil and water do not mix. 油和水不相溶。 After a short time the oxygen and the nitrogen molecules will start to mix. 再过片刻,氧分子和氮分子将开始结合在一起。mix with A heater introduces warm air to mix with incoming cold air. 一个加热器引入了暖空气,使之与新进来的冷空气相混合。 combine /kəmˈbaɪn/ [intransitive verb] if two or more substances or liquids combine, they mix to produce a new substance 〔两种或两种以上的物质或液体〕混合;化合〔以产生新的物质〕 When the two chemicals combine, they form an explosive compound. 这两种化学品能化合成一种会爆炸的化合物。combine with Greenhouse gases combine with hydrocarbons to form smog. 温室气体与碳氢化合物相混合就形成了烟雾。 mingle /ˈmɪŋgəl/ [intransitive verb] if two or more liquids, smells, sounds etc mingle, they mix but can still be recognized separately 〔两种或两种以上的液体、味道、声音等〕混杂在一起 The noise was tremendous; bombs, guns, and engines mingled in discordant sound. 噪声震耳欲聋——炸弹声、枪声和引擎声交织成刺耳的声音。mingle with The smell of the sea mingled with the faint scent of the grass. 海水的气味与淡淡的草味混杂在一起。 Water spread across the floor in a greasy stream, mingling with the pile of filthy rubbish. 一股油腻腻的水流过地板,与一堆肮脏的垃圾混杂在一起。3 substances that have been mixed together 混合在一起的物质 mixture /ˈmɪkstʃəʳ/ [countable noun] several different liquids or substances that have been mixed together 混合物 Place all the ingredients in a bowl and beat them until the mixture is smooth. 把所有材料都放进一个碗内,然后搅拌至均匀为止。 The car runs on a special ether-alcohol mixture that won't work in an ordinary engine. 这部车的燃料是一种特制的乙醚和酒精的混合物,这种燃料在普通的引擎里不能使用。mixture of A special mixture of peat and soil is used for growing bonsai trees. 使用了一种泥炭和泥土的特殊混合物来种植盆景树。 combination /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən, ˌkɒmbəˈneɪʃənǁˌkɑːm-/ [countable noun] a mixture of different substances, colours etc that are used together 混合物;结合体;组合 Banana, orange juice, and cream may seem an odd combination, but together they make a delicious drink. 香蕉、橙汁和奶油看上去或许是奇怪的搭配,但用它们做出的饮料很好喝。combination of The sweater is made of a combination of natural and synthetic fibres. 这件毛衣是由天然和合成纤维混合织成的。 compound /ˈkɒmpaʊndǁˈkɑːm-/ [countable noun] a mixture of two or more chemical substances that combine to produce a single substance with qualities that are different from the original substances - use this in scientific or technical contexts 化合物〔科技用词〕 The soil was tested to make sure that it was free from ammonia or any other nitrogen compound. 土壤经过了测定,以保证当中不含有氨或其他氮的化合物。chemical compound Sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide are two common chemical compounds. 二氧化硫和二氧化碳是两种常见的化合物。 solution /səˈluːʃən/ [countable noun] a liquid that has something mixed in with it - use this in scientific contexts 溶液〔科学用词〕 Make a salt solution by dissolving 9 tablespoonfuls of cooking salt in a pint of water. 把九大汤匙食盐溶于一品脱水中,制出一种盐溶液来。 We are now going to measure the boiling points of the different solutions. 我们现在准备测定这几种不同溶液的沸点。4 mixed untidily together 杂乱混合的 mixed up /ˌmɪkst ˈʌp◂/ [adjective] things such as papers, clothes, or objects that are mixed up are put together untidily when they do not belong together, or are in the wrong order 混杂的;混乱的 The drawer was full of mixed up bits of paper, old letters, and photographs. 抽屉中满是杂乱的纸片、旧信和照片。 The tapes are a bit mixed up, but it shouldn't take too long to sort them out. 磁带放得有些乱,不过应该用不了多久就能整理好。 jumbled/jumbled up/jumbled together /ˈdʒʌmbəld, ˌdʒʌmbəld ˈʌp, ˌdʒʌmbəld təˈgeðəʳ/ [adjective] things such as papers, books, clothes etc that are jumbled are mixed together very untidily, especially in a pile, so that it is difficult to find anything 混乱的;乱七八糟的〔尤指乱成一堆的〕 A jumbled collection of clothes lay on the floor. 地板上放着一堆杂乱的衣服。 The rucksack contains several pockets to prevent odds and ends getting jumbled up. 这个背包有几个口袋,以免零零碎碎的东西混起来。 a drawer full of letters all jumbled together 乱糟糟塞满了信件的抽屉 tangled /ˈtæŋgəld/ [adjective] hair, grass, string etc that is tangled is mixed up and difficult to separate 〔头发、草、绳子等〕混乱的;纠结在一起的 He ran a hand through his tangled hair. 他用一只手把自己的乱发拢了拢。 The concrete highway was edged with tangled dry grass. 水泥公路两旁是杂乱的干草。5 to mix ideas, feelings, styles etc 不同的观念、感受、风格等混合在一起 combine /kəmˈbaɪn/ [transitive verb] to have different qualities or feelings at the same time, or to do very different activities at the same time 兼具,兼备〔不同的特质或感觉〕 combine something with something This is a computer system that combines maximum flexibility with absolute accuracy. 这是一种把最大程度的灵活性和绝对的可靠性结合在一起的电脑系统。combine something and something He designed the first great suspension bridge, an idea that combines beauty and function perfectly. 他设计了第一座大型吊桥,这种设计理念把美观和实用性结合得十分好。 be a mixture of something and something /biː ə ˈmɪkstʃər əv something ən something/ [verb phrase] to contain different features or ideas, mixed together 是…的混合物 Her work is a mixture of classical and modern styles. 她的作品是古典与现代风格的混合物。 Billy's voice was a mixture of apprehension and indignation. 比利的嗓音中焦虑和气愤兼而有之。 bring together /ˌbrɪŋ təˈgeðəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] if you bring together two or more elements, ideas, or characteristics, you mix them so that they can be seen at the same time 把〔两种或两种以上的成分、想法或特质〕放在一起;使结合 It is a marvellous book, which brings together all the necessary elements of romance and adventure. 这是部出色的小说,浪漫和冒险的成分应有尽有。 These opposing views should be brought together in a single paragraph, to form the conclusion to your essay. 这些相反的观点应放在同一段落中作为你文章的结论。 blend /blend/ [transitive verb] if a piece of work, a film, a book etc blends two or more features or characteristics, it mixes them successfully 〔作品、电影、书等〕把〔两种或更多特征或特点成功地〕结合在一起;使交融 blend something and something The ballet company's repertoire blends tradition and creative innovation. 这个芭蕾舞团的节目把传统和创新融合在一起。blend something with something Her first novel successfully blends a sense of innocence with overwhelming bitterness. 她的第一部小说把纯真感和强烈的愤恨成功地交融在一起。 mingle /ˈmɪŋgəl/ [transitive verb] to show two very different characteristics or feelings at the same time, mixing them together 结合〔两种差异很大的特质或感情〕 Heraklion mingles traditional charm with a bustling centre of pavement cafes and shops. 伊拉克利翁市把传统的魅力与街边咖啡馆和商店组成的繁华闹市区融合为一体。mingle something with something Mingling genuine news with gossip, she made a lively companion. 她的言谈结合了真实新闻与流言蜚语,是个充满活力的同伴。 merge /mɜːʳdʒ/ [transitive verb] to combine or join two things together to form one thing 混合,合并 merge something with something The library profession is merging new techniques with old to produce an unbeatable combination of management skills. 图书馆专业把新式的与传统的技术相结合,形成了一种无与伦比的管理技巧。6 a mixture of different people, qualities, ideas etc 不同的人、特点、观点等的混合物 mixture /ˈmɪkstʃəʳ/ [singular noun] The house behind us was a strange architectural mixture. 我们后面的那座房子是个奇怪的建筑组合。mixture of He looked at her with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. 他用羡慕而又好奇的目光看着她。 A long French liner slipped majestically by with a mixture of European and Asian faces staring curiously from the decks. 一艘长长的法国客船姿态庄严地迅速开过,甲板上一张张欧洲人的、亚洲人的脸好奇地向外张望着。 combination /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən, ˌkɒmbəˈneɪʃənǁˌkɑːm-/ [countable noun] a mixture of different ideas, problems etc happening together, or different people working together, which has a particular effect 〔有一定效应的〕混合体;搭档 combination of Our problems were due to a combination of bad management and lack of experience. 我们的问题是由于管理不善和缺乏经验造成的。 Their music is an odd combination of jazz and opera. 他们的音乐是爵士乐与歌剧的奇怪混合体。a good/bad/successful/disastrous etc combination They were a perfect combination - Anton as chef and Guy as restaurant manager. 安东做厨师,盖伊做餐馆经理,他俩是对完美的搭档。a winning combination a very successful combination 非常成功的组合 If all the team are playing well, then don't change a winning combination. 如果全队都打得很好,那就不要改变这个赢球的组合。 mix /mɪks/ [singular noun] a mixture of different qualities or of different types of people 〔不同性质的〕混合物;各色人等混杂的一群 mix of The market square is a fascinating mix of ancient and modern. 集市广场引人入胜,古今共冶一炉。 She went to New York, where she began to meet a different mix of people -- artists, designers, and art collectors. 她去了纽约,在那儿她开始遇到各种各样的人——艺术家、设计师和艺术品收藏家。 blend /blend/ [singular noun] a mixture of different qualities or characteristics that combine successfully 〔不同性质、特点的成功〕混合体 blend of The England team is a good side, with a nice blend of experience and youthful energy. 英格兰队很不错,有经验的队员和朝气勃勃的队员配合得很好。 Sometimes he seems to be an extraordinary blend of artist, poet and businessman. 有时他似乎是个集艺术家、诗人与商人于一身的怪杰。 a cross between something and something /ə ˈkrɒs bɪtwiːn something ən something ǁ-ˈkrɔːs-/ [noun phrase] something that is a cross between one thing and another is a mixture of the two different things 某物和某物的混合体 The expression on Paul's face was a cross between amusement and disbelief. 保罗脸上的表情是又好笑又怀疑。 It's difficult to describe my job. I suppose I'm a cross between a secretary and a translator. 我的工作难以形容。我想大概是秘书和翻译的混合体。 The use of chemical fertilizers has turned the farmer into a cross between an industrial chemist and a mechanic. 化学肥料的使用把农民变成了工业化学家和机械工。 fusion /ˈfjuːʒən/ [singular noun] something such as a style of art or writing that is produced by combining different ideas, styles, qualities etc 〔不同观念、风格、性质等的艺术或写作风格的〕融合;混合 fusion of The film is a fusion of history and contemporary events. 这部电影中既有历史事件又有当代事件。 His philosophy is a fusion of intellect and spiritual belief. 他的哲学融合了理智和灵性的信仰。 hybrid /ˈhaɪbrɪd, ˈhaɪbrəd/ [countable noun] something that is a mixture of two or more things, especially a plant that is produced from different types of plants 〔尤指植物等的〕杂交品种;混合体 hybrid of a foodcrop that is a hybrid of wheat and rye 由小麦和黑麦杂交成的一种粮食作物 The new constitution was a hybrid of presidential and parliamentary systems. 这一新宪法是总统制与议会制的混合体。a hybrid system/approach/method etc a hybrid approach combining the merits of both methods 把两种方法的优点相结合的一种混合处理方法7 different emotions that are mixed together 交织在一起的不同感情 mixed /mɪkst/ [adjective] Reactions to the announcement were somewhat mixed. 人们对这一声明有些反应不一。have mixed feelings/emotions The other girls had mixed feelings, some of them were happy for me but some were jealous. 其他女孩子的感情很不同,有些人为我高兴,有些人则很嫉妒。 Many new step-parents will admit to having mixed emotions about their new family. 许多刚做继父继母的人承认他们对于新的家庭有种复杂的感情。 combined /kəmˈbaɪnd/ [adjective] showing two very different feelings or emotions at the same time 〔感受或情绪〕两者兼有的,兼具的 He had an air of combined gloom and relief. 他的神情既忧郁又宽慰。combined with Their relief that war had been avoided was combined with sadness at what they had lost. 战争避免了,他们松了一口气,可同时又为所失去的东西感到难过。 mingled /ˈmɪŋgəld/ [adjective] mixed, but still felt or shown as separate emotions 混杂在一起的 The mingled emotions that haunted his mind were reflected in his eyes. 萦绕在他心头的交织情绪在他眼中流露了出来。mingled with As I spoke his expression was one of amazement mingled with fury. 我讲话时,他的神情既吃惊又愤怒。8 when different things do not mix well 不同事物之间不相协调 do not mix /ˌduː nɒt ˈmɪks/ [verb phrase] if two different kinds of behaviour or activity do not mix, you cannot successfully continue with both of them at the same time 〔两种行为或活动〕不相容;不相协调 People having affairs at work often find that business and romance don't mix. 与同事有暧昧关系的人经常会觉得工作和浪漫不相容。do not mix with Heavy drinking does not mix with a successful family life. 酗酒与美满的家庭生活互不相容。 incompatible /ˌɪnkəmˈpætɪbəl, ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbəl/ [adjective] if two things or people are incompatible, they cannot easily exist together, work together, or live together 〔两种事物或两个人〕不相容的;不能和谐相处的;不协调的 The centre gives advice to women who find the demands of marriage and work incompatible. 这个中心为那些觉得婚姻和工作互不相容的妇女提供建议。 After we got married, we realized we were completely incompatible. 我们婚后发现我俩完全格格不入。incompatible with These computers are incompatible with our present system. 这些电脑与我们现在的系统不兼容。 do not go well together /ˌduː nɒt gəʊ ˈwel təˌgeðəʳ/ [verb phrase] if two ideas, characteristics etc do not go well together, they do not mix easily or well 〔两种观点、特点等〕不能很好地相融 In the experience of many European countries, socialism and religion do not go well together. 从许多欧洲国家的经历来看,政治和宗教不能很好地共存。




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