

例句 MEASURE1 to measure something2 the number or amount that you get when you measure something3 an amount or quantity used for measuring something4 to be a particular size, length etc5 able to be measuredRELATED WORDSsee alsoCOUNT/CALCULATEWEIGHDISTANCEAMOUNTLONGSHORTHEAVYLIGHT1 to measure something 测量某物 measure /ˈmeʒəʳ/ [transitive verb] to find out the size or amount of something, by using a special tool, machine, or system 测量;计量 Can you measure the desk to see if it'll fit into that corner? 你把书桌量一量,看看是否能放进那边屋角,行吗? The GNP figures measure the rate of growth in the economy. 国民生产总值测量出经济增长的速度。 Electrodes were attached to his chest in order to measure his heart rate. 他的胸部接上了电极以测量他的心率。measure something at something Seismologists in Japan measured the earthquake at 7.7 on the Richter scale. 日本的地震学家测出这次地震为里氏7.7级。 Some species of python have been measured at over 28 feet long. 经测量有些品种的大蟒长度有28英尺以上。 weigh /weɪ/ [transitive verb] to find out how heavy something is by measuring its weight with special equipment 称…重量 Weigh all the ingredients carefully before mixing them together. 所有成分在搅和之前都要仔细称一下。weigh yourself Every time I weigh myself I seem to have got heavier! 我每次称体重好像体重都增加了! time /taɪm/ [transitive verb] to measure how long it takes for someone to do something or for something to happen 计时 We timed how long it took us to get there. 我们计算了到那里花了多少时间。 The swimming teacher always times us over 100 metres. 游泳指导教师总是测我们游100米的时间。be timed at 20 miles per hour/3 minutes etc The fastest big cat, the cheetah, has been timed at over 60 mph. 大型猫科动物中速度最快的是猎豹,曾经被测得奔跑速度超过每小时60英里。 take /teɪk/ [transitive verb] to measure how hot someone is, how fast their heart is beating etc, as part of a medical examination 测量〔体温、心率等〕 take somebody's pulse/temperature/blood pressure My mother took my temperature and sent me back to bed. 母亲给我量了体温,让我重新躺到床上。 The doctor will take your blood pressure and check your weight. 医生要给你量血压,称体重。 read /riːd/ [transitive verb] to look at the number or result that a piece of equipment is showing when you are using it to measure something 读,看〔测量仪器上显示的数据〕 Someone came to read the electricity meter this morning. 今天早上有人来抄过电表了。 The nurse read the thermometer and told me that my temperature was normal. 护士看了体温计后告诉我说我的体温正常。 take a reading /ˌteɪk ə ˈriːdɪŋ/ [verb phrase] use this when a number or result often changes 〔数据或结果经常发生变化时〕读取数据 Scientists took readings over several weeks and found that there was no unusual volcanic activity. 科学家读了几个星期的数据后发现没有不正常的火山活动。 meter /ˈmiːtəʳ/ [transitive verb] to measure how much of something such as gas, water, or electricity is used, so that the companies supplying the gas etc know how much their customers should pay 用计量器计算〔以便计算用户的付费金额〕 The gas is metered and they send you a bill every three months. 所用的煤气量经计量后,他们每三个月给你寄一张账单。 They've introduced a system of metering the amount of water used in a household. 他们采用了一套计量家用自来水使用量的方法。 gauge /geɪdʒ/ [transitive verb] to guess or judge in advance how much something will measure, use, cost etc, according to all the things that affect it 〔事前〕估算 Recent polls have gauged the president's support at 85% or more. 最近的民意调查预测出对总统的支持率达到85%或更高。gauge how many/how much etc When all the figures are available, it should be possible to gauge how much we'll need to spend. 取得所有数据后应该就能够估算出我们需要花费多少了。 record /rɪˈkɔːʳd/ [transitive verb] to measure the size, speed etc of something and keep the information so that it can be used later 测量并记录 Police recorded his speed at 99.04 miles per hour. 警方测出他的车速为每小时99.04英里。 Last year the company recorded a profit of £1.4 million. 该公司去年取得140万英镑的利润。 quantify /ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ, ˈkwɒntəfaɪǁˈkwɑːn-/ [transitive verb] formal to measure something and express it as a number or amount, so that it can be counted and compared to other amounts 【正式】测量;用数量表示 Just quantifying your financial goals will make you feel more in control of your future. 用数字来表示你的财政目标可使你对未来感到更有把握。 In the UK, the operation will not be performed until the risks are better understood and quantified. 在英国,除非对动这类手术的危险性有足够的认识并经过测定,否则是不能做这类手术的。difficult/hard/impossible etc to quantify It's difficult to quantify how long it will take to finish the project. 很难测算出完成这一项目需要多长时间。2 the number or amount that you get when you measure something 测量某物得到的数或量 measurement /ˈmeʒəʳmənt/ [countable noun] a number or amount that you get when you measure something 〔量得的〕尺寸,大小;长〔宽、深〕度;面积;容积 What are the measurements of the bedroom? 这间卧室的长度和宽度是多少?take a measurement I'll just take a few measurements, then I can tell you how much paint you will need. 我要测量一下面积,然后就能告诉你需要多少油漆。waist/chest/hip etc measurement how much you measure around your waist, chest etc 腰围/胸围/臀围等 I think his chest measurement is 40, or maybe 42. 我估计他的胸围是40,也许是42。somebody's measurements someone's height, waist size etc 某人的尺寸〔高度、腰围等〕 I can easily alter the dress for you, but I'll need your exact measurements. 为你改一下这件衣服很方便的,但我要先准确地量一量你的尺寸。 reading /ˈriːdɪŋ/ [countable noun] a number or result that a piece of equipment shows when you are measuring something 〔测量仪器所表示的〕读数;度数;指示数 The electricity meter reading was much higher than I'd expected. 电表上的读数比我估计的要高出许多。 We use atmospheric pressure readings from barometers to forecast the weather. 我们利用气压计上的气压读数来预报天气。3 an amount or quantity used for measuring something 用于测量某物的数或量 unit /ˈjuːnɪt, ˈjuːnət/ [countable noun] a fixed quantity, length, or weight that is used for measuring something, for example a metre or a pint are units 单位 What's the unit of currency in India? 印度的货币单位是什么? It takes your body about an hour to burn up one unit of alcohol, such as half a pint of beer. 人体需要大约一小时分解一个单位的酒精量,比如半品脱啤酒之类。 The asteroids all lie between 2.2 and 3.3 astronomical units from the sun. 所有的小行星与太阳的距离都在2.2和3.3天文单位之间。unit of measurement A fathom is the unit of measurement used in calculating sea depth. 英寻是用于计算海底深度的单位。 measure /ˈmeʒəʳ/ [singular noun] measure of a certain amount of liquid, especially alcohol, that you measure in any small container 〔液体的测量单位;标准量〔尤指酒〕 To make the drink, you will need one measure of red wine to two measures of lemonade. 这种饮料要用红葡萄酒和柠檬汁按一比二的配比来调制。 a measure of brandy 一杯量的白兰地4 to be a particular size, length etc 为某一大小、长短等 be /bi, strong biː/ [verb] to be a particular size, length, height, weight etc 是,有〔某尺寸、长度、高度、重量等〕 He's going on a diet. He's over two hundred pounds. 他打算节食,因为他的体重有二百多磅。 Our present altitude is 30,000 feet, and our speed is 500 miles per hour. 我们现在的飞行高度是30,000英尺,速度是每小时500英里。be 10 cms long/wide/deep/high/tall The room's about six metres long and four metres wide. 这房间长约六米,宽约四米。be 10 cms in length/ in depth/in width etc At the shallow end, the pool's less than one metre in depth. 这水池浅的那一头不到一米深。 measure /ˈmeʒəʳ/ [verb] to have a particular length, height, width, or depth, especially when it is known exactly 有…长〔高、宽或深〕 The yacht measures eighty-four feet and is fitted out to the highest standards. 这艘游艇有84英尺长,按最高标准进行了装备。 Surgeons use a laser with a beam measuring less than the width of a human hair. 外科医生使用一种激光器,其光束的宽度还不及人的头发。 weigh /weɪ/ [verb] to have a particular weight 重量为 The blue whale is a vast creature, weighing up to 30 tons. 蓝鲸是一种庞然大物,重达30吨。 Our portable computer weighs 7 pounds and costs about $4000. 我们的手提电脑重7磅,价格约4,000美元。 Allen is a fast runner, despite weighing 325 pounds and having a chest like a barrel. 艾伦跑得很快,虽然他体重达325磅,胸围宽得像个圆木桶。 How much do you weigh? 你体重多少?5 able to be measured 可以测量的 measurable /ˈmeʒərəbəl/ [adjective] if something is measurable, it is possible to measure it 可测量的 Pain and suffering are not measurable. 痛苦和磨难是无法测量的。measurable benefits/improvements/results etc While the technique had little impact on infants, it produced measurable benefits with 7 to 9 year olds. 虽然这一技术对婴儿作用极小,却为7至9岁的儿童带来了可观的益处。 quantifiable /ˈkwɒntɪfaɪəbəl, ˈkwɒntəfaɪəbəlǁˈkwɑːn-/ [adjective] formal if something is quantifiable, it is possible to measure it and show it as a number or amount, so that it can be compared to other numbers or amounts 【正式】可测量的;可定量的 More complete and quantifiable data has come from the laboratory recently. 新近从实验室里得到了更多完整而且可定量的数据。 Managers should have clear goals and their performance should be quantifiable. 经理应该有明确的目标,其工作表现也应该是可测定的。




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