MEAL1 a meal2 a meal in the morning3 a meal in the middle of the day4 a meal in the evening5 a formal meal6 a meal outside7 a meal you buy in a restaurant and eat at home8 a very large meal9 a meal in which you choose and serve your own food10 a small meal11 part of a mealRELATED WORDSsee alsoCOOKFOODEATDELICIOUSHORRIBLETASTEHUNGRY/NOT HUNGRYGREEDY1 a meal 一餐meal /miːl/ [countable noun]the food that you eat in the morning, in the middle of the day, or in the evening, either at home or in a restaurant 一餐;一顿饭 The hotel was nice, and the meals were really good. 这家旅馆很不错,饭菜非常可口。 Miriam was silent all through the meal. 用餐时米利亚姆始终一声不响。 You shouldn't exercise after a big meal. 饱餐后不要进行锻炼。have a meal We had an excellent meal in a Chinese restaurant. 我们在一家中国餐馆吃了顿美餐。cook somebody a meal Jeff cooked us a delicious meal last night. 杰夫昨晚为我们做了顿很可口的饭。go out for a mealgo to a restaurant 出去用餐,上馆子 Would you like to go out for a meal sometime, Emma? 埃玛,哪天出去吃一顿饭好吗?take somebody out for a mealtake someone to a restaurant and pay for their meal 请某人出去用餐 It was Lisa's birthday so we took her out for a meal. 那天是莉萨的生日,我们就请她出去吃一顿。main mealthe biggest meal of the day 主餐 We usually have our main meal in the middle of the day. 我们通常都在中午吃主餐。something to eat /ˌsʌmθɪŋ tʊ ˈiːt/ [noun phrase]a meal, especially a small or quick meal 吃的,〔尤指〕便餐 Can I get you something to eat? 我给你弄点吃的吧?have something to eat We'll have something to eat, and then go out. 我们弄点吃的,然后就出去。feedBritish/feedingAmerican /fiːd, ˈfiːdɪŋ/ [countable noun]a meal, consisting only of milk, that a baby has 〔婴儿的〕一次喂奶 A young baby needs small feeds at frequent intervals. 婴儿吃东西需要少量多餐。 Lois has gotten tired of the late night feedings. 洛伊丝对深夜里喂奶已感到很疲惫了。have a feedBritish Her baby has its lunchtime feed, then goes to sleep. 她的宝宝中午吃过后就睡觉了。2 a meal in the morning 早晨的一餐breakfast /ˈbrekfəst/ [countable/uncountable noun]the meal you eat when you get up in the morning 早饭,早餐 What do you want for breakfast - cereal or toast? 早餐你吃什么—谷类食物还是烤面包片? After breakfast we went for a walk on the beach. 早饭以后我们去海滩散步。eat/have (your) breakfast George was having his breakfast when the phone rang. 乔治正在吃早餐时电话铃响了。brunch /brʌntʃ/ [countable/uncountable noun]especially Americana meal eaten late in the morning, as a combination of breakfast and lunch 【尤美】早午餐 On the first day of the vacation we all slept late, then had a huge brunch. 休假的第一天我们都起得很晚,然后吃了一顿丰富的早午餐。 They served smoked salmon, cream cheese and bagels for brunch. 早午餐他们提供烟熏鲑鱼、奶油乳酪和面包圈。3 a meal in the middle of the day 中午的一餐lunch /lʌntʃ/ [countable/uncountable noun]the meal you eat in the middle of the day 午饭,午餐 At work we are allowed one hour for lunch. 工作时间内我们有一小时吃午饭。 See you after lunch. 午餐后见。eat/have lunch Shall we have lunch before we go out? 我们出去之前要不要先吃午饭?a late/an early lunch We had an early lunch and spent the afternoon shopping. 我们早早地吃了午饭,把下午的时间花在购物上。Sunday lunchBritish We always have roast beef for Sunday lunch. 星期日午餐我们总是吃烤牛肉。dinner /ˈdɪnəʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun]especially Britishthe meal eaten in the middle of the day. This word is also used for large meals eaten in the middle of the day on Sundays or holidays. 【尤英】午饭,午餐 He comes home for his dinner, then goes back to the factory. 他回家来吃午饭,然后再回工厂去。school dinnera dinner which is provided for children at school 学校供应的午餐 She used to hate school dinners. 她以前很讨厌学校的午餐。Sunday/Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner We had some friends round for Sunday dinner. 我们请了些朋友来吃星期日午餐。 In one of my less lucid moments, I had volunteered to host Thanksgiving dinner. 我脑子一时糊涂,就主动提出感恩节午餐由我操办。midday mealBritish/noon mealAmerican /ˌmɪd-deɪ ˈmiːl, ˌnuːn ˈmiːl/ [countable noun]the meal eaten in the middle of the day - use this especially when describing what happens in other countries 午饭,午餐〔尤用于描述其他国家的午饭〕 In Spain, the midday meal almost always starts with tomato salad. 在西班牙,午饭几乎总是以番茄沙拉开始的。 The noon meal was carried out to the fields where the harvesters were working. 午饭被送到了田地里,人们正在那里收割庄稼。4 a meal in the evening 晚上的一餐dinner /ˈdɪnəʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun]the meal you eat in the evening 晚饭,晚餐 What shall we have for dinner? 我们晚饭吃什么呢? Sarah cooked us a really nice dinner. 萨拉给我们做了一顿很好吃的晚餐。 At dinner, he announced that he was leaving home. 晚餐时他宣布要离家搬出去住。 Shall we discuss this over dinner? 我们晚餐时讨论这件事好吗?go out for dinnergo to a restaurant or to someone else's house 出去吃晚饭 We went out for dinner at the Ritz. 我们出去到里兹饭店吃了晚餐。eat/have dinner Why don't you come and have dinner with us? 你何不过来和我们一起吃晚饭?supper /ˈsʌpəʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun]especially Britishthe meal you eat in the evening 【尤英】晚饭,晚餐 After supper we watched a video. 晚餐后我们看了一盒录像。eat/have (your) supper I had my supper and went to bed. 我吃过晚饭就上床睡觉了。tea /tiː/ [countable/uncountable noun]Britisha meal you eat at home early in the evening 【英】傍晚茶 What's for tea? 傍晚茶吃什么?have (your) tea The children came home from school, had tea and did their homework. 孩子们放学回家,吃了傍晚茶,然后做了功课。evening meal /ˌiːvnɪŋ ˈmiːl/ [countable noun]the meal eaten in the evening 晚饭,晚餐 After the evening meal they sat around the cooking-fire and talked. 晚饭之后,他们围坐在火炉旁谈话。 Preparing the evening meal can take up to three hours. 做晚饭可以花上多达三小时。5 a formal meal 正式宴会dinner party /ˈdɪnəʳ ˌpɑːʳti/ [countable noun]a formal meal in your home when you invite friends or guests 宴会〔指在家中举行,款待朋友或客人〕 He is a charming man, the kind of person you would want to sit next to at a dinner party. 他风度翩翩,是宴会上你想坐在他身边的那种人。have a dinner party We're having a dinner party on Tuesday. Would you like to come? 我们星期二有个宴会。你想来吗?dinner /ˈdɪnəʳ/ [countable noun]a formal evening meal for a large number of people, especially in a public place such as a hotel 晚宴〔尤指在酒店等公共场所举行,有许多人参加〕 She had a ticket for a dinner and fashion show at the Castle Hotel. 她有一张在城堡酒店举行的晚宴和时装表演的门票。 Ann and I attended a dinner at the City Chamber of Commerce. 我和安出席了在市商会举行的晚宴。banquet /ˈbæŋkwɪt, ˈbæŋkwət/ [countable noun]a special formal meal with a lot of very good food and a large number of people, especially important people, which usually takes place on a special public occasion 宴会〔尤指有重要人物参加,通常在特殊的公共场合举行的宴会〕 A huge banquet was planned to celebrate the city's millennium. 为纪念该城建立一千周年,计划举办一场盛大的宴会。 a state banquet hosted by the French Prime Minister 由法国总理举行的一次国宴luncheon /ˈlʌntʃən/ [countable noun]a formal meal in the middle of the day for a large number of people, especially in a public place such as a hotel 午餐会,午宴〔尤在酒店等公共场所举行〕 Over 200 attended the Women in Journalism luncheon last Tuesday. 二百多人参加了上周二的女性新闻工作者午餐会。6 a meal outside 野外用餐picnic /ˈpɪknɪk/ [countable noun]a cold meal that you take to a park or the countryside to eat outside 野餐 We took a picnic down to the beach. 我们在海滩吃野餐。have a picnic It was a beautiful day - we had a picnic by the river. 那天天气很好,我们在河边野餐。go on/for a picnic In summer, we sometimes go on picnics together. 夏天时我们有时一起去野餐。a picnic area/table/basket Some campgrounds provide a picnic table right outside your door. 有些野营地会提供一张就在你门外的野餐桌。a picnic lunch Pack a picnic lunch and head for the country. 装好野餐到郊外去。barbecue /ˈbɑːʳbɪkjuː/ [countable noun]a party when you cook and eat food outside 烧烤野餐,野外烧烤 I'll get some burgers and ribs for the barbecue. 我去为烧烤野餐准备些汉堡牛肉饼和肋条肉。have a barbecue If the weather's nice we'll have a barbecue. 假如天气好,我们就吃烧烤野餐。al fresco /æl ˈfreskəʊ/ [adverb]if you eatal fresco, you have a meal outdoors 在户外 Guests can dine al fresco on a terrace with stunning views of the valley below. 客人们可以在户外的阳台上用餐,俯瞰山谷的美景。 I'd enjoy al fresco eating much more if it wasn't for all the wasps! 如果没有这些黄蜂的话,我就能够更好地享受在户外用餐了!7 a meal you buy in a restaurant and eat at home 在餐厅购买但在家中吃的一餐takeawayBritish [countable noun]/takeoutAmerican [uncountable noun] /ˈteɪkəweɪ, ˈteɪkaʊt/a meal that you buy from a restaurant and then eat at home 外卖食物 Dave just lives on beer and takeaways. 戴夫就靠喝啤酒吃外卖过日子。 I don't feel like cooking tonight -- can we get some takeout? 我今晚不想做饭—我们去买外卖好吗? a takeout pizza 外卖比萨饼to take awayBritish/to goAmerican /tə ˌteɪk əˈweɪ, tə ˈgəʊ/ [adverb]food or drinkto take away orto go is intended to be taken away from the restaurant where you have bought it so that you can eat it somewhere else 买回去吃 Joe ordered a slice of pizza and a Coke to go. 乔要了一块比萨饼和一杯可口可乐带回去吃。 Do you want that hamburger to eat here or to take away? 那只汉堡包你是在这里吃还是要带走?8 a very large meal 非常丰盛的一餐three-course meal /ˌθriː kɔːʳs ˈmiːl/ [countable noun]a large meal with three separate parts, of the type that is usually served in restaurants 〔餐馆通常提供的〕有三道菜的一顿饭 I can't eat a three-course meal at lunch time -- it's just too much. 午饭时间我吃不下三道菜—实在太多了。 You can get a three-course meal for $25 in the barbecue grill. 在烧烤餐馆你花上25美元可以吃一顿有三道菜的饭。feast /fiːst/ [countable noun]a very large meal for a large number of people, to celebrate a special occasion 〔大型〕宴会 There were over sixty guests at the wedding feast. 婚宴上有六十多位客人。 The Christmas celebrations in Fiji are rounded off by a huge feast on Christmas Day. 斐济的圣诞庆典以圣诞节那天举行的盛大宴会结束。heavy /ˈhevi/ [adjective usually before noun]aheavy meal, lunch, dinner etc is one in which you eat a lot of food, and that makes you feel tired and your stomach feel full 吃得很饱的〔一顿饭、午餐、晚餐等〕 You shouldn't eat a heavy meal before going swimming. 游泳之前你不该吃得太饱。 After a heavy lunch my father fell asleep almost immediately. 午餐饱餐一顿后,我父亲几乎立刻就睡着了。slap-up meal /ˌslæp ʌp ˈmiːl/ [countable noun]British informala large meal with a lot of good food 【英,非正式】佳肴美餐;筵席 If they give me the job I'll take you out for a slap-up meal. 如果他们把那份工作给我,那我就请你到外面好好地吃顿美餐。spread /spred/ [countable noun]informala large meal for several people 【非正式】〔为几个人准备的〕丰盛的饭菜;筵席 They were looking forward to the spread that Judith had prepared. 他们都盼望着吃朱迪丝准备的那顿筵席。9 a meal in which you choose and serve your own food 自选自助的用餐buffet /;bʊfeɪǁbəˈfeɪ/ [countable noun]a meal in which food is put on a table and you serve yourself from the things that are there 自助餐 We're not having a big formal meal at the wedding - just a buffet. 婚礼上我们不是吃盛大正式的宴会餐,只是自助餐。 Try out all-you-can-eat buffet - only £5 per person 请尝尝我们的自助餐,随你吃饱,每位只需五英镑。buffet lunch We'll have a buffet lunch at about one o'clock and a sit-down meal in the evening. 下午约1点钟我们用自助午餐,晚上用桌餐。10 a small meal 小吃light /laɪt/ [adjective usually before noun]alight meal, lunch, etc is one in which you do not eat much food, especially food that contains a lot of fat, so that it does not make your stomach feel too full 小量的〔一顿饭、午餐等〕 She prepared a light lunch of salad and cheese. 她用沙拉和乳酪准备了一顿小量的午餐。 You can have a light meal four hours before the game but only have drinks after that. 赛前四小时你可以稍稍吃点东西,不过此后就只能喝饮料。snack /snæk/ [countable noun]something such as an apple, some bread, or a bar of chocolate which you eat between meals 点心;小吃 Just before bedtime he had a snack of bread and cheese. 就在上床之前,他吃了点面包和乳酪作点心。 The children have mid-morning snacks at about 11 o'clock -- usually fruit and a drink. 孩子们在大约11点时吃上午的点心—一般是水果和一杯饮料。bite /baɪt/ [singular noun]informala very small meal that you eat quickly 【非正式】量小而吃得匆忙的一餐 We'll have a bite then go into town. 我们随便吃些东西然后进城去。a bite to eat There's just time for a quick bite to eat before the film begins. 电影开映前刚好还有点时间可以抓紧吃些东西。refreshments /rɪˈfreʃmənts/ [plural noun]small amounts of food and drink that are provided for people at a party, meeting etc 〔聚会、会议等提供的〕茶点,点心 The children walked around at the party offering refreshments. 孩子们在晚会上走来走去给大家送茶点。 Meetings are open to the public, and refreshments are provided. 会议向公众开放,并提供茶点。light refreshments Catering tents provide coffee, snacks, and other light refreshments. 饮食供应棚提供咖啡、小吃和其他小点心。11 part of a meal 一餐的一部分course /kɔːʳs/ [countable noun]one of the parts of a meal that are served one after the other 一道菜 The waiter brought the first course, a simple leek and potato soup. 侍者送上了第一道菜,是普通的韭葱马铃薯汤。 a five-course banquet 五道菜的宴会main coursethe biggest course in a meal 主菜 For the main course we had roast turkey with vegetables. 我们吃的主菜是配有蔬菜的烤火鸡。dish /dɪʃ/ [countable noun]a particular kind of food cooked in a particular way and served at a meal 菜肴 My favourite Italian dish is lasagne. 我最喜欢的意大利菜是卤汁宽面条。 In addition to the extensive Tandoori menu, there is a wide selection of vegetarian dishes. 除了品种丰富的唐杜里菜单外,还有各种各样的素食菜肴。starterBritish/appetizerAmerican /ˈstɑːʳtəʳ, ˈæptaɪzəʳ/ [countable noun]the first part of a meal in a restaurant 〔餐厅用餐的〕第一道菜,开胃小吃 What would you like for a starter - soup or garlic mushrooms? 第一道菜你想要什么—汤还是蒜头蘑菇? a delightful appetizer of small clams 一道可口的小蛤蜊开胃菜dessertalsopuddingBritish /dɪˈzɜːʳt, ˈpʊdɪŋ/ [countable/uncountable noun]the sweet part of a meal that you have at the end 〔一顿餐最后上的〕甜食,甜点 ‘Would you like a dessert, Madam?’ ‘Yes please, I'll have the cheesecake.’ “夫人,您要什么甜点吗?”“好的,我要乳酪蛋糕。”have something for dessert/pudding I had fruit salad for dessert. 甜食我要了水果沙拉。 At children's parties, it's traditional to have jelly and ice-cream for pudding. 在孩子们的聚会上,传统的甜点是果冻和冰淇淋。for afters /fər ˈɑːftəʳzǁ-ˈæf-/ [preposition]British spokenif you have somethingfor afters, you have it as your dessert 【英口】作为甜食 We're having roast beef, with apple pie for afters. 我们吃烤牛肉,甜食是苹果馅饼。 For afters, it's rice pudding. 甜点是大米布丁。